"A joint field with this alias (%s) is already declared.","A joint field with this alias (%s) is already declared." "Add Option","Add Option" "An error occurred while loading a record, aborting. Error: %s","An error occurred while loading a record, aborting. Error: %s" "An error occurred while loading the collection, aborting. Error: %s","An error occurred while loading the collection, aborting. Error: %s" "An error occurred while saving a record, aborting. Error: ","An error occurred while saving a record, aborting. Error: " "Attempt to add an invalid object.","Attempt to add an invalid object." "Attribute '%s' used in configurable products.","Attribute '%s' used in configurable products." "Attribute Code","Attribute Code" "Attribute Label","Attribute Label" "Attribute Properties","Attribute Properties" "Attribute set with the ""%s"" name already exists.","Attribute set with the ""%s"" name already exists." "Attribute with the same code","Attribute with the same code" "Catalog Input Type for Store Owner","Catalog Input Type for Store Owner" "Data integrity: No header row found for attribute.","Data integrity: No header row found for attribute." "Date","Date" "Decimal Number","Decimal Number" "Default Product Listing Sort by not exists on Available Product Listing Sort By","Default Product Listing Sort by not exists on Available Product Listing Sort By" "Default Value","Default Value" "Default option value is not defined.","Default option value is not defined." "Delete","Delete" "Dropdown","Dropdown" "Email","Email" "Entity collection expected.","Entity collection expected." "Entity collections expected.","Entity collections expected." "Entity is not initialized.","Entity is not initialized." "Failed to load node %s from config.","Failed to load node %s from config." "For internal use. Must be unique with no spaces","For internal use. Must be unique with no spaces" "Form Element with the same attribute","Form Element with the same attribute" "Form Fieldset with the same code","Form Fieldset with the same code" "Form Type with the same code","Form Type with the same code" "Frontend label is not defined.","Frontend label is not defined." "Input Validation for Store Owner","Input Validation for Store Owner" "Integer Number","Integer Number" "Invalid EAV attribute.","Invalid EAV attribute." "Invalid alias, already exists in joint attributes.","Invalid alias, already exists in joint attributes." "Invalid attribute name: %s.","Invalid attribute name: %s." "Invalid attribute requested: %s","Invalid attribute requested: %s" "Invalid attribute type.","Invalid attribute type." "Invalid character encountered in increment ID: %s","Invalid character encountered in increment ID: %s" "Invalid entity specified","Invalid entity specified" "Invalid entity supplied.","Invalid entity supplied." "Invalid entity supplied: %s.","Invalid entity supplied: %s." "Invalid entity type.","Invalid entity type." "Invalid entity_id, skipping the record.","Invalid entity_id, skipping the record." "Invalid entity_type specified: %s","Invalid entity_type specified: %s" "Invalid foreign key.","Invalid foreign key." "Invalid form type.","Invalid form type." "Invalid joint fields.","Invalid joint fields." "Invalid store specified","Invalid store specified" "Joined field with this alias is already declared.","Joined field with this alias is already declared." "Joint field or attribute expression with this alias is already declared.","Joint field or attribute expression with this alias is already declared." "Letters","Letters" "Letters (a-z, A-Z) or Numbers (0-9)","Letters (a-z, A-Z) or Numbers (0-9)" "Loaded %d records","Loaded %d records" "Multiple Select","Multiple Select" "No","No" "No options found in config node %s","No options found in config node %s" "None","None" "Not shared with other products","Not shared with other products" "Problem loading the collection, aborting. Error: %s","Problem loading the collection, aborting. Error: %s" "Problem saving the collection, aborting. Error: %s","Problem saving the collection, aborting. Error: %s" "Required","Required" "Saved %d record(s).","Saved %d record(s)." "Scope must not be changed, because the attribute is used in configurable products.","Scope must not be changed, because the attribute is used in configurable products." "System","System" "Text Area","Text Area" "Text Field","Text Field" "The attribute code \'%s\' is reserved by system. Please try another attribute code.","The attribute code \'%s\' is reserved by system. Please try another attribute code." "The value of attribute ""%s"" must be unique.","The value of attribute ""%s"" must be unique." "This attribute is used in configurable products.","This attribute is used in configurable products." "URL","URL" "Unique Value","Unique Value" "Unique Value (not shared with other products)","Unique Value (not shared with other products)" "Unknown parameter.","Unknown parameter." "Valid store_id is expected.","Valid store_id is expected." "Values Required","Values Required" "Wrong attribute ID.","Wrong attribute ID." "Wrong attribute group ID.","Wrong attribute group ID." "Wrong attribute set ID.","Wrong attribute set ID." "Wrong entity ID.","Wrong entity ID." "Yes","Yes" "Yes/No","Yes/No"