"Manage Feeds","Manage Feeds" "Add Item","Add Item" "Save","Save" "Delete","Delete" "Generate File","Generate File" "Upload File","Upload File" "Save And Continue Edit","Save And Continue Edit" "Edit %s","Edit %s" "Content Settings","Content Settings" "Content","Content" "equal","equal" "not equal","not equal" "greater than","greater than" "less than","less than" "greater than or equal to","greater than or equal to" "less than or equal to","less than or equal to" "like","like" "not like","not like" "FTP Settings","FTP Settings" "Enabled","Enabled" "Disabled","Disabled" "Host Name","Host Name" "User Name","User Name" "Password","Password" "Path","Path" "Passive mode","Passive mode" "Item information","Item information" "Name","Name" "Access Url","Access Url" "Filename","Filename" "Store","Store" "Continue","Continue" "Setings","Setings" "Feed Type","Feed Type" "Feed Information","Feed Information" "Item information","Item information" "Filter Configuration","Filter Configuration" "ID","ID" "Last Generated","Last Generated" "FTP Status","FTP Status" "Action","Action" "Edit","Edit" "Generate File(s)","Generate File(s)" "Upload File(s)","Upload File(s)" "Delete Feed(s)","Delete Feed(s)" "Are you sure?","Are you sure?" "Import Data","Import Data" "Import","Import" "Settings File","Settings File" "Import Mapping","Import Mapping" "Feed Manager","Feed Manager" "Empty or Invalid data file","Empty or Invalid data file" "Data successfully imported","Data successfully imported" "Unknown error","Unknown error" "Filename ""%s"" exists","Filename ""%s"" exists" "Data successfully saved","Data successfully saved" "Can’t save data","Can’t save data" "File ""%s"" is created","File ""%s"" is created" "Can’t generate feed file ""%s""","Can’t generate feed file ""%s""" "%s - File ""%s"" was uploaded!","%s - File ""%s"" was uploaded!" "%s - FTP disabled","%s - FTP disabled" "%s - Can’t upload. Please, check your FTP Settings or Hosting Settings","%s - Can’t upload. Please, check your FTP Settings or Hosting Settings" "File ""%s"" was uploaded!","File ""%s"" was uploaded!" "%s - Can’t upload. Please, check your FTP Settings or Hosting Settings","%s - Can’t upload. Please, check your FTP Settings or Hosting Settings" "File was generated!","File was generated!" "Can’t generate feed file","Can’t generate feed file" "Fields Mapping","Fields Mapping" "Show Header","Show Header" "Delimiter","Delimiter" "Enclosure","Enclosure" "Remove line break symbols","Remove line break symbols" "This is the specific option that allows to remove line break symbols from a data feed.","This option allows to remove line break symbols from a data feed." "Import Fields Settings","Import Fields Settings" "Export Fields Settings","Export Fields Settings" "After you save a new feed for the first time the ""Import Fields Settings"" button will be available","After you save a new feed for the first time the ""Import Fields Settings"" button will be available" "After you save a new feed for the first time the ""Export Fields Settings"" button will be available","After you save a new feed for the first time the ""Export Fields Settings"" button will be available" "Order","Order" "Field Name","Field Name" "Prefix","Prefix" "Type","Type" "Value","Value" "Suffix","Suffix" "Output Type","Output Type" "Remove","Remove" "Default","Default" "Integer","Integer" "Float","Float" "Striptags","Striptags" "Encode special chars","Encode special chars" "Decode special chars","Decode special chars" "Delete Space,"Delete Space" "Add New Row","Add New Row" "Products Filter Configuration","Products Filter Configuration" "Attribute","Attribute" "Condition","Condition" "Value","Value" "No active filters","No active filters" "Add Filter Row","Add Filter Row" "Import Mapping","Import Mapping" "Mapping File","Mapping File" "Import","Import" "e.g. ""Google Base"", ""Yahoo! Store""...","e.g. ""Google Base"", ""Yahoo! Store""..." "e.g. ""productfeed.csv"", ""productfeed.xml""...","e.g. ""productfeed.csv"", ""productfeed.xml""..." "e.g. ""ftp.domain.com""
FTP Server uses port #21 by default.
Use ""domain.com:portnumber"" to change the port.","e.g. ""ftp.domain.com""
FTP Server uses port #21 by default.
Use ""domain.com:portnumber"" to change the port." "e.g. ""/yourfolder""","e.g. ""/yourfolder""" "Comma","Comma" "Tab","Tab" "Colon","Colon" "Space","Space" "Vertical pipe","Vertical pipe" "Semi-colon","Semi-colon" "Attribute Configuration","Attribute Configuration" "Add Condition","Add Condition" "Static","Static" "Percent from value","Percent from value" "Add Condition","Add Condition" "Remove","Remove" "OR","OR" "Condition","Condition" "Output Value","Output Value" "Output Type","Output Type" "Action","Action" "Use Default Attribute","Use Default Attribute" "Add New Value","Add New Value" "Manage Dynamic Attributes","Manage Dynamic Attributes" "Add Dynamic Attribute","Add Dynamic Attribute" "Dynamic Attribute Code","Dynamic Attribute Code" "Attribute Information","Attribute Information" "Conditions and Values","Conditions and Values" "For internal use. Must be unique with no spaces","For internal use. Must be unique with no spaces" "e.g. ""Custom Price"", ""Google Category""...","e.g. ""Custom Price"", ""Google Category""..." "Not Set"," Not Set" "Dynamic attribute was successfully saved","Dynamic attribute was successfully saved" "Cannot upload file.","Cannot upload file." "Cannot change dir.","Cannot change dir." "Authenticate failure.","Authenticate failure." "Can’t connect to host.","Can’t connect to host." "Cant open temp file","Cant open temp file" "Please Select"," Please Select" "Feeds","Feeds" "Last Uploaded","Last Uploaded" "Advanced Settings","Advanced Settings" "Number of Products","Number of Products" "Export Disabled and Out of stock Products","Export Disabled and Out of stock Products" "Upload Settings","Upload Settings" "Available Upload Days","Available Upload Days" "Sunday","Sunday" "Monday","Monday" "Tuesday","Tuesday" "Wednesday","Wednesday" "Thursday","Thursday" "Friday","Friday" "Saturday","Saturday" "Set Upload Time from, hour","Set Upload Time from, hour" "Set Interval for Upload, hours","Set Interval for Upload, hours" "every 1 hour","every 1 hour" "every 3 hours","every 3 hours" "every 6 hours","every 6 hours" "every 12 hours","every 12 hours" "every 24 hours","every 24 hours" "Yes","Yes" "No","No" "Enable","Enable" "Disable","Disable"