/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@magentocommerce.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magentocommerce.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Adminhtml * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Magento Inc. (http://www.magentocommerce.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) */ var giftMessagesController = { toogleRequired: function(source, objects) { if(!$(source).value.blank()) { objects.each(function(item) { $(item).addClassName('required-entry'); var label = findFieldLabel($(item)); if (label) { var span = label.down('span'); if (!span) { Element.insert(label, {bottom: ' *'}); } } }); } else { objects.each(function(item) { if($(source).formObj && $(source).formObj.validator) { $(source).formObj.validator.reset(item); } $(item).removeClassName('required-entry'); var label = findFieldLabel($(item)); if (label) { var span = label.down('span'); if (span) { Element.remove(span); } } // Hide validation advices if exist if ($(item) && $(item).advices) { $(item).advices.each(function (pair) { if (pair.value != null) pair.value.hide(); }); } }); } }, toogleGiftMessage: function(container) { if(!$(container).toogleGiftMessage) { $(container).toogleGiftMessage = true; $(this.getFieldId(container, 'edit')).show(); $(container).down('.action-link').addClassName('open'); $(container).down('.default-text').hide(); $(container).down('.close-text').show(); } else { $(container).toogleGiftMessage = false; $(this.getFieldId(container, 'message')).formObj = $(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')); if(!$(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).validator) { $(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).validator = new Validation(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')); } if(!$(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).validator.validate()) { return false; } new Ajax.Request($(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).action, { parameters: Form.serialize($(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')), true), loaderArea: container, onComplete: function(transport) { $(container).down('.action-link').removeClassName('open'); $(container).down('.default-text').show(); $(container).down('.close-text').hide(); $(this.getFieldId(container, 'edit')).hide(); if (transport.responseText.match(/YES/g)) { $(container).down('.default-text').down('.edit').show(); $(container).down('.default-text').down('.add').hide(); } else { $(container).down('.default-text').down('.add').show(); $(container).down('.default-text').down('.edit').hide(); } }.bind(this) }); } return false; }, saveGiftMessage: function(container) { $(this.getFieldId(container, 'message')).formObj = $(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')); if(!$(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).validator) { $(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).validator = new Validation(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')); } if(!$(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).validator.validate()) { return; } new Ajax.Request($(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')).action, { parameters: Form.serialize($(this.getFieldId(container, 'form')), true), loaderArea: container }); }, getFieldId: function(container, name) { return container + '_' + name; } }; function findFieldLabel(field) { var tdField = $(field).up('td'); if (tdField) { var tdLabel = tdField.previous('td'); if (tdLabel) { var label = tdLabel.down('label'); if (label) { return label; } } } return false; } /********************* GIFT OPTIONS POPUP ***********************/ var GiftOptionsPopup = Class.create(); GiftOptionsPopup.prototype = { giftOptionsWindowMask: null, giftOptionsWindow: null, initialize: function() { $$('.action-link').each(function (el) { Event.observe(el, 'click', this.showItemGiftOptions.bind(this)); }, this); // Move giftcard popup to start of body, because soon it will contain FORM tag that can break DOM layout if within other FORM var oldPopupContainer = $('gift_options_configure'); if (oldPopupContainer) { oldPopupContainer.remove(); } var newPopupContainer = $('gift_options_configure_new'); $(document.body).insert({top: newPopupContainer}); newPopupContainer.id = 'gift_options_configure'; // Put controls container inside a FORM tag so we can use Validator var form = new Element('form', {action: '#', id: 'gift_options_configuration_form', method: 'post'}); var formContents = $('gift_options_form_contents'); if (formContents) { formContents.parentNode.appendChild(form); form.appendChild(formContents); } }, showItemGiftOptions : function(event) { var element = Event.element(event).id; var itemId = element.sub('gift_options_link_',''); toggleSelectsUnderBlock(this.giftOptionsWindowMask, false); this.giftOptionsWindowMask = $('gift_options_window_mask'); this.giftOptionsWindow = $('gift_options_configure'); this.giftOptionsWindow.select('select').each(function(el){ el.style.visibility = 'visible'; }); this.giftOptionsWindowMask.setStyle({'height': $('html-body').getHeight() + 'px'}).show(); this.giftOptionsWindow.setStyle({'marginTop': -this.giftOptionsWindow.getHeight()/2 + 'px', 'display': 'block'}); this.setTitle(itemId); Event.observe($('gift_options_cancel_button'), 'click', this.onCloseButton.bind(this)); Event.observe($('gift_options_ok_button'), 'click', this.onOkButton.bind(this)); Event.stop(event); }, setTitle : function (itemId) { var productTitleElement = $('order_item_' + itemId + '_title'); var productTitle = ''; if (productTitleElement) { productTitle = productTitleElement.innerHTML; } $('gift_options_configure_title').update(productTitle); }, onOkButton : function() { var giftOptionsForm = new varienForm('gift_options_configuration_form'); giftOptionsForm.canShowError = true; if (!giftOptionsForm.validate()) { return false; } giftOptionsForm.validator.reset(); this.closeWindow(); return true; }, onCloseButton : function() { this.closeWindow(); }, closeWindow : function() { toggleSelectsUnderBlock(this.giftOptionsWindowMask, true); this.giftOptionsWindowMask.style.display = 'none'; this.giftOptionsWindow.style.display = 'none'; } } /********************* GIFT OPTIONS SET ***********************/ GiftMessageSet = Class.create(); GiftMessageSet.prototype = { destPrefix: 'current_item_giftmessage_', sourcePrefix: 'giftmessage_', fields: ['sender', 'recipient', 'message'], isObserved: false, initialize: function() { $$('.action-link').each(function (el) { Event.observe(el, 'click', this.setData.bind(this)); }, this); }, setData: function(event) { var element = Event.element(event).id; this.id = element.sub('gift_options_link_',''); if ($('gift-message-form-data-' + this.id)) { this.fields.each(function(el) { if ($(this.sourcePrefix + this.id + '_' + el) && $(this.destPrefix + el)) { $(this.destPrefix + el).value = $(this.sourcePrefix + this.id + '_' + el).value } }, this); $('gift_options_giftmessage').show(); } else { $('gift_options_giftmessage').hide(); } if (!this.isObserved) { Event.observe('gift_options_ok_button', 'click', this.saveData.bind(this)); this.isObserved = true; } }, saveData: function(event){ this.fields.each(function(el) { if ($(this.sourcePrefix + this.id + '_' + el) && $(this.destPrefix + el)) { $(this.sourcePrefix + this.id + '_' + el).value = $(this.destPrefix + el).value; } }, this); if ($(this.sourcePrefix + this.id + '_form')) { $(this.sourcePrefix + this.id + '_form').request(); } else if (typeof(order) != 'undefined') { var data = order.serializeData('gift_options_data_' + this.id); order.loadArea(['items'], true, data.toObject()); } } }