(function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "Calendarium", defaults = { locations: [54.690669, 25.268196], // Lat-Lng position to center the map on zoom : 12, // Maps zoom ( 1 <= zoom <= 16 ) sliderFx: 'fade', // Slider effect. Can be 'slide' or 'fade' sliderInterval: 8000, // Interval between image change. Set 0 to disable auto slideshow sliderSpeed: 500, // Speed of the slider effect in milliseconds panoramaDirection: 'left', // Can be 'left' or 'right' panoramaSpeed: 60, // The higher the value, the slower the animation countdownTo: '2014/12/01', // Change this in the format: 'YYYY/MM/DD' speedAnimation: 600, // Default speed of the all animation infoBoxName: 'Aisconverse', // Write the actual name in InfoBox infoBoxDescription: 'J. Savickio str. 4
' + 'Vilnius, LT-01108
' + 'Lithuania ', // write the actual address in Infobox infoBoxUrl: 'http://aisconverse.com/', // write the actual url in InfoBox infoBoxUrlText: 'Aisconverse.com', // write the url text successText: 'Thanks. You have successfully subscribed. Please check email to confirm.', // text after successful subscribing errorText: 'Please, enter a valid email', // text, if email is invalid loop: true, // True or false loops the movie once ended. startAt: 0, // Set the seconds the video should start at. autoPlay: true, // True or false play the video once ready. showControls: false, // Show or hide the controls bar at the bottom of the page. addRaster: true, // Show or hide the background pattern image videoURL: 'http://youtu.be/fB78x9P58kM',// background video URL mute: true // video sound }, WIN = $(window); // The plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { var that = this; that.element = $(element); that.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); that.init(); that.ytVideo(); WIN.load(function(){ // onLoad function that.body.removeClass('loading'); that.activate(); that.mainHeight(); }).resize(function(){ // onResize function that.mainHeight(); that.countTeam(); that.contactmap.height(WIN.height()); }); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.body = $(document.body); this.wrapper = $('#wrap'); this.header = $('#header'); this.slider = $('#slides'); this.timer = $('#countdown'); this.content = $('#content'); this.footer = $('#footer'); this.newsletter = $('#feedback-form form'); this.menu = $('#menu'); this.calendar = $('.calendar'); this.classContent = $('.content'); this.contact = $('#contact'); this.contactmap = this.contact.find('#contact-map'); this.team = $('#team'); this.teamlist = this.team.find('.team-list'); this.panorama = $('#panorama'); this.innerLink = $('.inner-link'); this.ytvid = $('#ytvideo'); this.body.addClass('loading'); }, activate: function () { var instance = this; // menu if (instance.menu.length === 1){ instance.menu.find('> a').on('click', function(e){ var self = $(this); self.toggleClass('open'); self.next('ul').stop(true,true) .slideToggle(instance.options.speedAnimation/2); e.preventDefault(); }); instance.menu.find('ul li a').on('click', function(e){ var self = $(this), content = self.attr('href'); if (self.attr('title') == 'Help') { return true; } else if ( content.replace('#','') !== instance.classContent.filter(':visible').attr('id')){ $('.content:visible').fadeOut(instance.options.speedAnimation/2); if (content == '#team'){ $(content).delay(instance.options.speedAnimation/2).fadeIn(instance.options.speedAnimation/100, function(){ instance.countTeam(); $('#team').animate({opacity: 1}, instance.options.speedAnimation/2); }); } else { $(content).delay(instance.options.speedAnimation/2).fadeIn(instance.options.speedAnimation, function(){ if (content == '#contact' && instance.contactmap.children().length === 0) instance.mapFunction(); }); } instance.menu.find('ul').slideUp(instance.options.speedAnimation/2); instance.menu.find('> a').removeClass('open'); } return false; }); } if (instance.innerLink.length > 0){ instance.innerLink.on('click', function(e){ var self = $(this), content = self.attr('href'); if ( content.replace('#','') !== instance.classContent.filter(':visible').attr('id')){ $('.content:visible').fadeOut(instance.options.speedAnimation/2); $(content).delay(instance.options.speedAnimation/2).fadeIn(instance.options.speedAnimation, function(){ if (content == '#contact' && instance.contactmap.children().length === 0) instance.mapFunction(); if (content == '#team') instance.countTeam(); }); } e.preventDefault(); }); } // Activate the slider if (instance.slider.length === 1) { instance.slider.superslides({ animation: instance.options.sliderFx, play: instance.options.sliderInterval, animation_speed: instance.options.sliderSpeed }); } // Run the countdown if (instance.calendar.length >= 1){ instance.calendar.append(''); var cDown = instance.options.countdownTo.split('/'), monthArray = ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april',' may', 'june' , 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december'], cDay= instance.calendar.find('ins').text(cDown[2]), cMonth = instance.calendar.find('span').text(monthArray[Number(cDown[1]) - 1]), cYear = instance.calendar.find('em').text(cDown[0]); } if (instance.timer.length >= 1) { instance.timer.countdown(instance.options.countdownTo, function (event) { $(this).html(event.strftime( '
%D day%!D
' + '
' + '
' + '
')); }); } // Activate the subscribe form if(this.newsletter.length === 1) { this.newsletter.find('input[type=email]').on('keyup', function(){ var sucBlock = $('.success-block p'); if (sucBlock.is(':visible')) sucBlock.css('display','none'); }); this.newsletter.validatr({ showall: true, location: 'top', template: '
', valid: function(){ var form = instance.newsletter, loader = form.find('.form-loader'), msgwrap = form.prev(), url = form.attr('action'), email = form.find('input[type=email]'), data = form.serialize(); url = url.replace('/post?', '/post-json?').concat('&c=?'); var data = {}; var dataArray = form.serializeArray(); $.each(dataArray, function (index, item) { data[item.name] = item.value; }); $.ajax({ url: url, data: data, success: function(resp){ var successText = instance.options.successText; function notHide(){ form.attr('style',' '); } if(resp.result === 'success') { msgwrap.html('


'); setTimeout(notHide, 0); } else { setTimeout(notHide, 0); var index = -1; var msg; try { var parts = resp.msg.split(' - ', 2); if (parts[1] === undefined) { msg = resp.msg; } else { var i = parseInt(parts[0], 10); if (i.toString() === parts[0]) { index = parts[0]; msg = parts[1]; } else { index = -1; msg = resp.msg; } } } catch (e) { index = -1; msg = resp.msg; } msgwrap.html('

' + msg + '

'); } loader.fadeOut(); form.slideUp(function () { msgwrap.slideDown(); }); }, dataType: 'jsonp', error: function (resp, text) { alert('Oops! AJAX error: ' + text); } }); return false; } }); } // Run the panorama if (instance.panorama.length === 1){ instance.panorama.css({ 'width': WIN.width(), 'height': WIN.height }).panoScroll({ direction: instance.options.panoramaDirection, scrollSpeed: instance.options.panoramaSpeed }); } }, countTeam: function(){ var instance = this; if (instance.teamlist.length > 0){ var teamLength = instance.teamlist.children().filter(':visible').length, teamChildWidth = instance.teamlist.children().width(), winWidth = WIN.width(); if ( teamLength === 3 && winWidth >= 690 ) instance.teamlist.width(teamChildWidth*teamLength); if ( teamLength === 3 && winWidth < 690 ) instance.teamlist.width(teamChildWidth); if ( teamLength === 2 || teamLength === 1 ) instance.teamlist.width(teamChildWidth); if ( winWidth > 1300){ $(instance.teamlist).removeAttr('style'); $(instance.teamlist).children().removeAttr('style'); if (instance.teamlist.find('.calendar').length === 1 && instance.teamlist.find('.calendar').is(':visible')){ $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3n+2)').css('marginLeft', '230px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(2)').css('marginLeft', 0); } else { $(instance.teamlist).children().css('marginLeft', 0); } } else if ( winWidth <= 1300 && winWidth >= 690 && teamLength > 3 ){ $(instance.teamlist).removeAttr('style'); $(instance.teamlist).children().removeAttr('style'); if (instance.teamlist.find('.calendar').length === 1 && instance.teamlist.find('.calendar').is(':visible')){ $(instance.teamlist).width(690); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3n+2)').css('marginLeft', '230px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3n+3)').css('marginLeft', '-460px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(1)').css('marginLeft', '230px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(2)').css({'marginLeft': '0', 'clear': 'left'}); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3)').css({'marginLeft': '0'}); } else { $(instance.teamlist).width(690); $(instance.teamlist).children().removeAttr('style'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3n+3)').css('marginLeft', '230px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3n+4)').css('marginLeft', '-460px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(2)').css('marginLeft', '230px'); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(3)').css({'marginLeft': '0', 'clear': 'left'}); $(instance.teamlist).children().filter(':nth-child(4)').css({'marginLeft': '0'}); } } else { $(instance.teamlist).removeAttr('style'); $(instance.teamlist).children().removeAttr('style'); } } }, ytVideo: function(){ var instance = this, onMobile = false, full = instance.ytvid.find(".fullscreen-video"); if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) onMobile = true; if( !onMobile && !instance.ytvid.hasClass('none') ) { full.mb_YTPlayer({ containment: instance.body, loop: instance.options.loop, startAt: instance.options.startAt, autoPlay: instance.options.autoPlay, showControls: instance.options.showControls, addRaster: instance.options.addRaster, videoURL: instance.options.videoURL, mute: instance.options.mute }); full.on("YTPStart",function(){ instance.slider.hide(); instance.panorama.hide(); }); } else { instance.ytvid.hide(); } }, mapFunction: function(){ var instance = this; var map; var x = instance.options.locations[0]; var y = instance.options.locations[1]; var winWidth = WIN.width(); if (instance.contactmap.length === 1) { var myOptions = { zoom: instance.options.zoom, scrollwheel: true, navigationControl: false, mapTypeControl: false, scaleControl: true, draggable: true, disableDefaultUI: true, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, center: new google.maps.LatLng(x, y) }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('contact-map'), myOptions); instance.contactmap.height(WIN.height()); instance.body.append('
'); instance.body.append('
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" + "
" + "" + "
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