*/ class Varien_Data_Form_Element_Editor extends Varien_Data_Form_Element_Textarea { public function __construct($attributes=array()) { parent::__construct($attributes); if($this->isEnabled()) { $this->setType('wysiwyg'); $this->setExtType('wysiwyg'); } else { $this->setType('textarea'); $this->setExtType('textarea'); } } public function getElementHtml() { $js = ' '; if($this->isEnabled()) { // add Firebug notice translations $warn = 'Firebug is known to make the WYSIWYG editor slow unless it is turned off or configured properly.'; $this->getConfig()->addData(array( 'firebug_warning_title' => $this->translate('Warning'), 'firebug_warning_text' => $this->translate($warn), 'firebug_warning_anchor' => $this->translate('Hide'), )); $translatedString = array( 'Insert Image...' => $this->translate('Insert Image...'), 'Insert Media...' => $this->translate('Insert Media...'), 'Insert File...' => $this->translate('Insert File...') ); $jsSetupObject = 'wysiwyg' . $this->getHtmlId(); $forceLoad = ''; if (!$this->isHidden()) { if ($this->getForceLoad()) { $forceLoad = $jsSetupObject . '.setup("exact");'; } else { $forceLoad = 'Event.observe(window, "load", ' . $jsSetupObject . '.setup.bind(' . $jsSetupObject . ', "exact"));'; } } $html = $this->_getButtonsHtml() . '' . $js . ' '; $html = $this->_wrapIntoContainer($html); $html .= $this->getAfterElementHtml(); return $html; } else { // Display only buttons to additional features if ($this->getConfig('widget_window_url')) { $html = $this->_getButtonsHtml() . $js . parent::getElementHtml(); $html = $this->_wrapIntoContainer($html); return $html; } return parent::getElementHtml(); } } public function getTheme() { if(!$this->hasData('theme')) { return 'simple'; } return $this->_getData('theme'); } /** * Return Editor top Buttons HTML * * @return string */ protected function _getButtonsHtml() { $buttonsHtml = '
'; return $buttonsHtml; } /** * Return HTML button to toggling WYSIWYG * * @return string */ protected function _getToggleButtonHtml($visible = true) { $html = $this->_getButtonHtml(array( 'title' => $this->translate('Show / Hide Editor'), 'class' => 'show-hide', 'style' => $visible ? '' : 'display:none', 'id' => 'toggle'.$this->getHtmlId(), )); return $html; } /** * Prepare Html buttons for additional WYSIWYG features * * @param bool $visible Display button or not * @return void */ protected function _getPluginButtonsHtml($visible = true) { $buttonsHtml = ''; // Button to widget insertion window if ($this->getConfig('add_widgets')) { $buttonsHtml .= $this->_getButtonHtml(array( 'title' => $this->translate('Insert Widget...'), 'onclick' => "widgetTools.openDialog('" . $this->getConfig('widget_window_url') . "widget_target_id/" . $this->getHtmlId() . "')", 'class' => 'add-widget plugin', 'style' => $visible ? '' : 'display:none', )); } // Button to media images insertion window if ($this->getConfig('add_images')) { $buttonsHtml .= $this->_getButtonHtml(array( 'title' => $this->translate('Insert Image...'), 'onclick' => "MediabrowserUtility.openDialog('" . $this->getConfig('files_browser_window_url') . "target_element_id/" . $this->getHtmlId() . "/" . ((null !== $this->getConfig('store_id')) ? ('store/' . $this->getConfig('store_id') . '/') : '') . "')", 'class' => 'add-image plugin', 'style' => $visible ? '' : 'display:none', )); } foreach ($this->getConfig('plugins') as $plugin) { if (isset($plugin['options']) && $this->_checkPluginButtonOptions($plugin['options'])) { $buttonOptions = $this->_prepareButtonOptions($plugin['options']); if (!$visible) { $configStyle = ''; if (isset($buttonOptions['style'])) { $configStyle = $buttonOptions['style']; } $buttonOptions = array_merge($buttonOptions, array('style' => 'display:none;' . $configStyle)); } $buttonsHtml .= $this->_getButtonHtml($buttonOptions); } } return $buttonsHtml; } /** * Prepare button options array to create button html * * @param array $options * @return array */ protected function _prepareButtonOptions($options) { $buttonOptions = array(); $buttonOptions['class'] = 'plugin'; foreach ($options as $name => $value) { $buttonOptions[$name] = $value; } $buttonOptions = $this->_prepareOptions($buttonOptions); return $buttonOptions; } /** * Check if plugin button options have required values * * @param array $pluginOptions * @return boolean */ protected function _checkPluginButtonOptions($pluginOptions) { if (!isset($pluginOptions['title'])) { return false; } return true; } /** * Convert options by replacing template constructions ( like {{var_name}} ) * with data from this element object * * @param array $options * @return array */ protected function _prepareOptions($options) { $preparedOptions = array(); foreach ($options as $name => $value) { if (is_array($value) && isset($value['search']) && isset($value['subject'])) { $subject = $value['subject']; foreach ($value['search'] as $part) { $subject = str_replace('{{'.$part.'}}', $this->getDataUsingMethod($part), $subject); } $preparedOptions[$name] = $subject; } else { $preparedOptions[$name] = $value; } } return $preparedOptions; } /** * Return custom button HTML * * @param array $data Button params * @return string */ protected function _getButtonHtml($data) { $html = ''; return $html; } /** * Wraps Editor HTML into div if 'use_container' config option is set to true * If 'no_display' config option is set to true, the div will be invisible * * @param string $html HTML code to wrap * @return string */ protected function _wrapIntoContainer($html) { if (!$this->getConfig('use_container')) { return $html; } $html = '