/** * WARNING: do not edit this file. It was generated automatically, your changes will be overwritten and lost. * To override or extend default CSS styles use custom.css file (refer to the user guide for details). * 2014-09-17 18:20:25 */ /* Desktop, laptop - design for a width of 1280px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 1280px <= width */ @media only screen and (min-width: 1280px) { /* Header -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .header .logo { max-width:350px; } /* Cart -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .cart-table .product-image { max-width:110px; } /* Product page -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .product-view .sticker { width:80px; height:80px; } /* Misc -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Mini cart */ .after-mini-cart { clear:none; } /* Item grid -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Item grid: 2 columns */ .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-2col .item { width:31.3333%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-2col .item:nth-child(3n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Item grid: 3 columns */ .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-3col .item { width:23%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-3col .item:nth-child(4n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Item grid: 4 columns */ .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-4col .item { width:18%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-4col .item:nth-child(5n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Item grid: 5 columns */ .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-5col .item { width:14.6666%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-5col .item:nth-child(6n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Item grid: 6 columns */ .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-6col .item { width:12.2857%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-6col .item:nth-child(7n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Item grid: 7 columns */ .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-7col .item { width:10.5%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid-adaptive.itemgrid-7col .item:nth-child(8n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi { max-width:316px; } /*4*/ /* Direction navigation */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4 .direction-nav { display:none; } /* Slideshow caption -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .caption .heading { font-size:3.3em; } .caption p { font-size:1.6666em; } } /* Design for a width of 960-1280 px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 960px <= width < 1280px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279px) { /* Cart -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .cart-table .product-image { max-width:80px; } /* Product page -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .product-view .sticker { width:80px; height:80px; } } /* Mobile, small old desktop - design for a width of less than 960px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* width < 960px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 959px) { /* Products grid: override size of elements (values like size-s) -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Product labels */ .products-grid .sticker { width:45px; height:45px; font-size:1em; } .products-grid .item:hover .sticker { width:50px; height:50px; } /* Misc -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Scroll to top button */ #scroll-to-top { display:none !important; } /* Hide Sign Up link in Top Links */ #link-sign-up { display:none; } /* Hide amount. Note: has to be defined after aligning ".amount" center */ .toolbar .sorter .amount { display:none !important; } } /* Tablet (Portrait) - design for a width of 768px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 768px <= width < 960px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) { /* Default Magento classes -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .nobr { white-space:normal !important; } /* Cart -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .cart-table .product-name { font-size:1em; font-family: inherit; } .cart-table .product-image { max-width:80px; } /* Product page -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Related - simple */ .block-related-thumbnails .product-details { margin-left:0; margin-bottom:10px; clear:left; } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Shrink the slider if to many thumbnails */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi { max-width:158px !important; } /*2*/ /* Direction navigation */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi .direction-nav { display:block; } /* Thumbnails */ .img-box .thumbnails.show-all.auto-adjust-width .item { max-width: 32%; } /* Slideshow caption -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .caption .heading { font-size:2.0833em; } .caption p { font-size:1.1666em; } .caption button.button span span { height: 35px; line-height: 35px; padding: 0 15px; } } /* All desktop - design for a width of 768px and wider %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 768px <= width */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { /* Mobile accordion -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mobile-collapsible .block-title { border-bottom:none; } /* Hide line when not on mobile */ .mobile-collapsible .opener { display:none !important; } /* Always hide when not on mobile */ .mobile-collapsible .block-content { display:block !important; } /* Always show when not on mobile */ /* See also: always make the container "relative" when ON mobile */ } /* All mobile - design for a width of less than 768px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* width < 768px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { /* Grid and basic layout -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Margin for basic Magento columns */ .col-main, .col-left, .col-right { margin-bottom:30px; } /* Product view: margin for all grid units */ .product-view .grid12-1, .product-view .grid12-2, .product-view .grid12-3, .product-view .grid12-4, .product-view .grid12-5, .product-view .grid12-6, .product-view .grid12-7, .product-view .grid12-8, .product-view .grid12-9, .product-view .grid12-10, .product-view .grid12-11, /* deprecated */ .product-view .grid4-1, .product-view .grid4-2, .product-view .grid4-3, .product-view .grid2-1 /* end:deprecated */ { margin-bottom:30px; } /* Remove additional margin for main sidebars */ .col-left > * { margin-right: 0; } .col-right > * { margin-left: 0; } /* Magento utility classes -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .nobr { white-space:normal !important; } /* Forms -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .form-list .field, .form-list input.input-text, .form-list textarea, .form-list select, .form-list li.wide .input-box, .form-list li.wide input.input-text, .form-list li.wide textarea, .form-list li.wide select { max-width:100%; } /* Tables -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .data-table thead .nobr { white-space:normal !important; } .data-table th, .data-table td { padding:5px; } /* Data tables formatting -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Basic formatting */ .cart .data-table thead, .my-wishlist .data-table thead, .my-account .data-table thead, .order-review .data-table thead { display:none; } .cart .data-table tbody, .my-wishlist .data-table tbody, .my-account .data-table tbody, .order-review .data-table tbody { background:transparent !important; } .cart .data-table tr, .cart .data-table td, .my-wishlist .data-table tr, .my-wishlist .data-table td, .my-account .data-table tr, .my-account .data-table td, .order-review .data-table tr, .order-review .data-table td { border:none !important; background:transparent !important; display:block; width:100%; text-align:left !important; } .cart .data-table tr, .my-wishlist .data-table tr, .my-account .data-table tr, .order-review .data-table tr { border-bottom:1px solid #e5e5e5 !important; margin-bottom:20px; } /* Highlight first cell in table footer */ .my-account .data-table tfoot tr td:first-child, .order-review .data-table tfoot tr td:first-child { font-weight:bold; } /* Show cell label */ .data-table .cell-label { display:inline-block; width:30%; min-width:100px; max-width:140px; margin-right:10px; font-weight:bold; } /* Header -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Global notices */ .global-site-notice .notice-inner { background:none; padding:10px 0; text-align:center; } .global-site-notice .notice-inner p { width:100%; padding:0 0 10px; } .global-site-notice .notice-inner .actions { padding-bottom:5px; } /* Logo -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .header .logo-wrapper { text-align:center; } .header .logo { width:70%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } /* Quick search -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Search: mobile (search bar layout for narrow screens) -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .search-wrapper-mobile { display: block; /* To override possible inline styles */ clear: both; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0; /*float: none;*/ } .search-wrapper-mobile .form-search { width: 100%; max-width: 440px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .search-wrapper-mobile .form-search .input-text { width: 100%; min-width: 100%; /* Cancel minimum width */ } /* Search: header inline -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Note: added .header class to override other selectors */ .header .search-wrapper-inline { display: block; clear: both; width: 100%; margin: 10px auto; } /* If wrapper is an .item, then remove side margins */ .header .item.search-wrapper-inline { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .search-wrapper-inline #search_mini_form { display: block; } .search-wrapper-inline .form-search .input-text { width:100%; } /* Other -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* User menu (Top Links) */ .user-menu { width:100%; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } /* Top links */ .top-links { float:left; } /* Mini cart */ .after-mini-cart { clear:none; } /* Deprecated */ /* Line breaker - disable on narrow screens */ .user-menu .line-break-after { clear:none; } /* Footer -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Footer elements - align center */ .footer .mobile-inline-container { text-align:center; } .footer .mobile-inline-container > * { float:none; display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; } .footer-primary-top-spacing, .footer-primary-bottom-spacing, .footer-top .links, .footer-bottom { text-align:center; } .footer-primary-top-spacing .item, .footer-primary-bottom-spacing .item, #subscribe-form, .footer-bottom .item, .footer-top .links li { float:none; display:inline-block; } .footer-top .item { float:none; } /* Simplify links */ .footer .links-wrapper-separators .links li a, .footer .links-wrapper-separators-left .links li a { background-image:none; } /* Footer elements */ .footer-primary-bottom-spacing .item { width:100%; margin:0; } .footer-bottom .item { margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; } /* Copyright - remove space */ .footer-copyright { margin-left:0; } /* Primary and secondary section: additional inner padding */ .footer-primary > .grid-full > .section, .footer-secondary > .grid-full > .section { padding:15px 10px; } /* Layered navigation -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .block-layered-nav dd li, .block-layered-nav .currently ol li { line-height:2.3333em; background-position:3px 10px; } .block-layered-nav dd li:hover, .block-layered-nav .currently ol li:hover { background-position:6px 10px; } /* Toolbar -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* All elements - align center and increase vertical spacing */ .pager, .sorter { text-align:center; } .pager .amount, .pager .limiter, .pager .pages, .sorter .amount, .sorter .limiter, .sorter .view-mode, .sorter .sort-by { display:inline-block; float:none; padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0; } .toolbar .sort-by, .toolbar .sorter .amount { border-right:none; } .sorter .per-page, .pager .per-page { display:none; } /* Category view -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .note-msg.empty-catalog { background-position:center 10px !important; color:inherit; padding:150px 10px 10px !important; text-align:center; } /* Page heading with RSS link */ .page-title { position:relative; } .page-title .link-rss { float:none; display:block; position:static; margin:10px 0 0; } /* Products list -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .products-list .product-shop-inner { padding-right:0; border-right:none; } /* Products grid: override size of elements (values like size-s) -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Product name */ .products-grid .product-name { font-size:1.1666em; /*14px*/ line-height:1.2307em; /*16px*/ } /* Buttons */ .products-grid .item button.btn-cart span span { padding:7px 15px; height:auto; line-height:2em; } /* Product page -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Wrapper for collaterals - remove top margin (grid units already have bottom margin) */ .product-view .box-additional { margin-top:0; } /* Related: remove bottom margin */ .block-related-slider { margin-bottom:0; } /* Sidebar */ .product-view .custom-sidebar-right .inner { padding-left:0; border-left:none; } .product-view .custom-sidebar-left .inner { padding-right:0; border-right:none; } /* Add-to links */ .product-view .add-to-links { text-align: center; } .product-view .add-to-links li { float: none; display: inline-block; } /* Cart -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Buttons below table: align center */ .cart-table tfoot tr.first td { text-align:center !important; padding:0; margin-bottom:20px; } .cart-table tfoot button { display:inline-block; float:none !important; margin:0 0 3px; padding:0; } /* One Page Checkout -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Step title - link "edit" */ .opc .allow .step-title a { display:none; } /* Form */ /*.opc form fieldset { display:table-column-group; }*/ /* Account -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .my-wishlist .product-image { max-width:none; } /* Items slider -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .control-nav.control-paging { display:none; } /* Deprecated */ /* If only one item exists */ .itemslider.single-item .slides > li { margin: 0 auto; } /* Deprecated */ /* Slideshow -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Slideshow navigation: move buttons to the top right corner */ .the-slideshow-wrapper .slider-arrows2 .owl-controls .owl-buttons .owl-prev { top:10px; right:60px; left:auto; } .the-slideshow-wrapper .slider-arrows2 .owl-controls .owl-buttons .owl-next { top:10px; right:10px; left:auto; } /* Deprecated */ .the-slideshow .direction-nav .prev { top:4%; right:63px; left:auto; } .the-slideshow .direction-nav .next { top:4%; right:2%; } /* Pagination */ .the-slideshow-wrapper .owl-pagination { display: none; } /* Slideshow caption */ /* Shrink font, hide all elements except heading */ .caption > * { display:none !important; } .caption .heading { display:inline-block !important; font-size:2.0833em; margin-bottom:1px; } .caption p { font-size:1.1666em; margin-bottom:1px; } .caption button.button span span { height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding: 0 10px; } /* Cloud Zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Hide zoom */ .cloud-zoom-big, .cloud-zoom-lens { display:none !important; } .cloud-zoom-lens { cursor:default !important; } /* Thumbnails */ .img-box .thumbnails.show-all.auto-adjust-width .item { max-width: 16%; } /* Lightbox -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #cboxTitle, #cboxCurrent { display:none !important; } /* Accordion -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .accordion-style1 li a { padding:15px 10px; font-size: 1.1666em; /*14px*/ line-height: 1.2857em; /*18px*/ } /* Space for openner if item has children. It has to be a few pixels wider than openner */ .accordion-style1 li.parent > a { padding-right:53px; } .accordion-style1 .opener { width:48px; height:48px; } /* Mobile accordion -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .mobile-collapsible .block-content { display:none; } /* Hide on mobile */ .mobile-collapsible { position:relative; } /* Always make "relative" when not on mobile (to avoid flickering on CSS transitions) */ } /* end: width < 768px */ /* Mobile (Landscape) - design for a width of 480px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 480px <= width < 768px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) { /* Category view -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .products-list .product-shop, .products-list .right-column, .products-list .product-image-wrapper { width:48%; margin-left:1%; margin-right:1%; } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Broaden the slider if at least 4 thumbnails */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi { max-width:316px; } /*4*/ /* Direction navigation */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4 .direction-nav { display:none; } /* Shrink and align center the main image */ .img-box .product-image { width:60.4651%; /*364px*/ } } /* end: 480px <= width < 768px */ /* Design for a width of 640px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 640px <= width < 768px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 640px) and (max-width: 767px) { /* Item grid -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item { width:31.3333%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item:nth-child(3n+1) { clear:left !important; } } /* end: 640px <= width < 768px */ /* Design for a width of less than 640px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* width < 640px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 639px) { h1 { font-size:2em; line-height:1.25em; /*24px, 30px*/ } h2 { font-size:1.6666em; line-height:1.2em; /*20px, 24px*/ } h3 { font-size:1.3333em; line-height:1.25em; /*16px, 20px*/ } h4 { font-size:1.1666em; line-height:1.1428em; /*14px, 16px*/ } h5 { font-size:1em; line-height:1em; /*12px, 12px*/ } h6 { font-size:1em; line-height:1em; /*12px, 12px*/ } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Thumbnails */ .img-box .thumbnails.show-all.auto-adjust-width .item { max-width: 19%; } } /* end: width < 640px */ /* Design for a width of 480px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 480 <= width < 640px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 639px) { /* Item grid -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item { width:48%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item:nth-child(2n+1) { clear:left !important; } } /* end: 480 <= width < 640px */ /* Design for a width of less than 480px (small mobile) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* width < 480px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) { /* Products grid -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .products-grid.category-products-grid.hover-effect .item .add-to-links, /* To override "display-onhover" */ .products-grid .item .add-to-links { display: none !important; } /* Buttons -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Button checkout + button "Add to cart" on product page */ button.btn-checkout span span, .product-view .btn-cart span span { padding:5px 10px; } /* Grid elements -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .col2-set .col-1, .col2-set .col-2 { width:100%; } /* Header -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Mini cart */ #mini-cart .dropdown-toggle { -moz-box-shadow:none !important; -webkit-box-shadow:none !important; box-shadow:none !important; } #mini-cart .dropdown-toggle.cover > div { background-color: transparent; color: inherit; } #mini-cart .dropdown-toggle span.icon { transition:none; } #mini-cart .dropdown-toggle .name { display:none; } #mini-cart .dropdown-toggle .caret { display:none !important; } #mini-cart .dropdown-menu { display:none !important; } #mini-cart.hide-empty-cart { display:none !important; } /* Quick compare dropdown */ #quick-compare .dropdown-toggle { -moz-box-shadow:none !important; -webkit-box-shadow:none !important; box-shadow:none !important; } #quick-compare .dropdown-toggle.cover > div { background-color: transparent; color: inherit; } #quick-compare .dropdown-toggle span.icon { transition:none; } #quick-compare .dropdown-toggle .name { display:none; } #quick-compare .dropdown-toggle .caret { display:none !important; } #quick-compare .dropdown-menu { display:none !important; } #quick-compare.is-empty { display:none !important; } /* Header elements - align center -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .header .mobile-inline-container { text-align:center; } .header .mobile-inline-container > * { float:none; display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; } /* Links */ .header .links { text-align:center; } .header .links li { float:none; display:inline-block; } /* Header top */ .header-top { text-align:center; } .header-top .item { float:none; display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; } /* Inside user menu */ .user-menu { text-align:center; } .user-menu > *, .user-menu .links, /*Some blocks of links may be deeper than one level*/ .dropdown { float:none !important; display:inline-block !important; } /* previous: .user-menu { text-align:center; } .user-menu .top-links { float:none; } #mini-cart, .user-menu .links, .user-menu .links li { float:none; display:inline-block; } */ /* Simplify horizontal links */ .header .links-wrapper-separators .links li a, .header .links-wrapper-separators-left .links li a { background-image:none; } /* Products list -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .products-list .item { margin-bottom:20px; } .products-list .item:first-child { margin-top:1px; /* Move item down to uncover the border of the toolbar */ } .products-list .product-image { margin-bottom:20px; } /* Products list: disable hover effect -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cancel "hover effect" styles: apply the same styles which item has without "hover effect" */ .products-list.hover-effect .item { border-top: none; } .products-list.hover-effect .item:hover { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; padding-left:0; padding-right:0; box-shadow: none !important; } /* Products grid: override size of elements (values like size-xs) -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Product labels */ .products-grid .sticker { width:40px; height:40px; font-size:0.9166em; } .products-grid .item:hover .sticker { width:45px; height:45px; } /* Product page -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Reviews */ .product-view .box-reviews .form-add .data-table th, .product-view .box-reviews .form-add .data-table td { padding:6px 1px; } .product-view .box-reviews .form-add .form-list input.input-text, .product-view .box-reviews .form-add .form-list textarea { width:90%; } /* Add-to links */ .product-view .add-to-links { text-align: inherit; } /* Toolbar -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .toolbar .limiter { display:none; } .sorter .view-mode { display:none; } .sorter .sort-by { background:none; margin-right:0; margin-left:0; padding-right:0; padding-left:0; } /* Remove right divider */ /* Pages */ .pager .pages li { display:none; } .pager .pages li.previous, .pager .pages li.current, .pager .pages li.next { display:block; } /* Account -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Account info + Order info */ /* .box-account.box-info .col-1, .order-info-box .col-1 { border-right:none; } .box-account.box-info .col-1 .box, .order-info-box .col-1 .box { padding-right:0; } */ .my-account .col2-set .col-1 { border-right:none; margin-bottom:20px; } .my-account .col2-set .col-1 .box { padding-right:0; } /* Order details */ .order-items .sub-title .separator { display:none; } /* Checkout -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .opc .step-title h2 { font-size:1em; line-height:2.8333em; } /* Advanced search results -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .advanced-search-summary ul { width: 100%; margin-right: 0; } /* Footer -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #subscribe-form label { display: inline-block; float: none; line-height: 1em; margin: 15px 0 2px; } #subscribe-form .input-box { display: inline-block; float: none; margin: 5px 0; position: relative; width: 100%; } #subscribe-form .input-text { width:100%; max-width:100%; } #subscribe-form .button { display: inline-block; float: none; } /* Slideshow -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .the-slideshow .control-nav { display:none; } /* Deprecated */ /* Slideshow caption */ /* Shrink font. Hide all elements, even with class "permanent" (except heading with "permanent") */ .caption > *, .caption .heading, .caption .permanent { display:none !important; } .caption .heading.permanent { display:inline-block !important; } .caption .heading { font-size:1.3333em; } .caption p { font-size:1em; } /* Itemslider -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Pagination */ .itemslider .owl-pagination { display: none; } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #zoom-btn { display:none; } /* Thumbnails */ .img-box .thumbnails.show-all.auto-adjust-width .item { max-width: 24%; } } /* end: width < 480px */ /* Design for a width of 320px (mobile - portrait) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 320px <= width < 480px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 479px) { /* Item grid -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item { width:48%; clear:none !important; } .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item:nth-child(2n+1) { clear:left !important; } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Shrink the slider if to many thumbnails */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi { max-width:237px; } /*3*/ /*{ max-width:158px; }*/ /*2*/ /* Direction navigation */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi .direction-nav { display:block; } } /* end: 320px <= width < 480px */ /* Design for a width of less than 320px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* width < 320px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 319px) { /* Disable hover effect -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cancel "hover effect" styles: apply the same styles which item has without "hover effect" */ .category-products-grid.hover-effect .item { border-top: none; } .category-products-grid.hover-effect .item:hover { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; padding-left:1%; padding-right:1%; box-shadow: none !important; } /* Show elements normally displayed only on hover */ .category-products-grid.hover-effect .item .display-onhover { display:block !important; } /* Show full name even if enabled: display name in single line */ .products-grid.single-line-name .item .product-name { overflow: visible; white-space: normal; } /* Spaces between items */ .category-products-grid.hover-effect .item { margin-bottom: 20px; } /* Product page -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Related - thumbnails */ .block-related-thumbnails .product-details { margin-left:0; margin-bottom:10px; clear:left; } .block-related-thumbnails .product-details .price-box { display: inline-block; margin-right:5px; } .block-related-thumbnails .product-details .related-add-to-wishlist { display: inline-block; } /* Item grid -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Always show 1 column */ /* Important: added ".itemgrid" class to override other styles */ .itemgrid.itemgrid-adaptive .item { width:98%; clear:none !important; } /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Thumbnails */ .img-box .thumbnails.show-all.auto-adjust-width .item { max-width: 32%; } /* Slideshow -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .the-slideshow-wrapper .owl-buttons { display: none; } .the-slideshow .direction-nav { display:none; } /* Deprecated */ } /* end: width < 320px */ /* Design for a width of 240px (small mobile) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 240px <= width < 320px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 240px) and (max-width: 319px) { /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Shrink the slider if to many thumbnails */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi { max-width:158px; } /*2*/ } /* end: 240px <= width < 320px */ /* Design for a width of lass than 240px %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* width < 240px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 239px) { /* Cloud zoom -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Shrink the slider if to many thumbnails */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-2, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi { max-width:79px !important; } /*1*/ /* Direction navigation */ .itemslider-thumbnails.count-2 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-3 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-4 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-5 .direction-nav, .itemslider-thumbnails.count-multi .direction-nav { display:block; } } /* end: width < 240px */