'', 'adapter_callback' => '', 'data_table' => '', 'tags_table' => '', 'store_data' => true, ); protected $_adapter = null; /** * Constructor * * @param array $options associative array of options */ public function __construct($options = array()) { parent::__construct($options); if (empty($this->_options['adapter_callback'])) { if (!($this->_options['adapter'] instanceof Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract)) { Zend_Cache::throwException('Option "adapter" should be declared and extend Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract!'); } } if (empty($this->_options['data_table']) || empty ($this->_options['tags_table'])) { Zend_Cache::throwException('Options "data_table" and "tags_table" should be declared!'); } } /** * Get DB adapter * * @return Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract */ protected function _getAdapter() { if (!$this->_adapter) { if (!empty($this->_options['adapter_callback'])) { $adapter = call_user_func($this->_options['adapter_callback']); } else { $adapter = $this->_options['adapter']; } if (!($adapter instanceof Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract)) { Zend_Cache::throwException('DB Adapter should be declared and extend Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract'); } else { $this->_adapter = $adapter; } } return $this->_adapter; } /** * Get table name where data is stored * * @return string */ protected function _getDataTable() { return $this->_options['data_table']; } /** * Get table name where tags are stored * * @return string */ protected function _getTagsTable() { return $this->_options['tags_table']; } /** * Test if a cache is available for the given id and (if yes) return it (false else) * * Note : return value is always "string" (unserialization is done by the core not by the backend) * * @param string $id Cache id * @param boolean $doNotTestCacheValidity If set to true, the cache validity won't be tested * @return string|false cached datas */ public function load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity = false) { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getDataTable(), 'data') ->where('id=:cache_id'); if (!$doNotTestCacheValidity) { $select->where('expire_time=0 OR expire_time>?', time()); } return $this->_getAdapter()->fetchOne($select, array('cache_id'=>$id)); } else { return false; } } /** * Test if a cache is available or not (for the given id) * * @param string $id cache id * @return mixed|false (a cache is not available) or "last modified" timestamp (int) of the available cache record */ public function test($id) { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getDataTable(), 'update_time') ->where('id=:cache_id') ->where('expire_time=0 OR expire_time>?', time()); return $this->_getAdapter()->fetchOne($select, array('cache_id'=>$id)); } else { return false; } } /** * Save some string datas into a cache record * * Note : $data is always "string" (serialization is done by the * core not by the backend) * * @param string $data Datas to cache * @param string $id Cache id * @param array $tags Array of strings, the cache record will be tagged by each string entry * @param int $specificLifetime If != false, set a specific lifetime for this cache record (null => infinite lifetime) * @return boolean true if no problem */ public function save($data, $id, $tags = array(), $specificLifetime = false) { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $adapter = $this->_getAdapter(); $dataTable = $this->_getDataTable(); $lifetime = $this->getLifetime($specificLifetime); $time = time(); $expire = ($lifetime === 0 || $lifetime === null) ? 0 : $time+$lifetime; $dataCol = $adapter->quoteIdentifier('data'); $expireCol = $adapter->quoteIdentifier('expire_time'); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dataTable} ( {$adapter->quoteIdentifier('id')}, {$dataCol}, {$adapter->quoteIdentifier('create_time')}, {$adapter->quoteIdentifier('update_time')}, {$expireCol}) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$dataCol}=VALUES({$dataCol}), {$expireCol}=VALUES({$expireCol})"; $result = $adapter->query($query, array($id, $data, $time, $time, $expire))->rowCount(); if (!$result) { return false; } } $tagRes = $this->_saveTags($id, $tags); return $tagRes; } /** * Remove a cache record * * @param string $id Cache id * @return boolean True if no problem */ public function remove($id) { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $adapter = $this->_getAdapter(); $result = $adapter->delete($this->_getDataTable(), array('id=?'=>$id)); return $result; } else { return false; } } /** * Clean some cache records * * Available modes are : * Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL (default) => remove all cache entries ($tags is not used) * Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_OLD => remove too old cache entries ($tags is not used) * Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG => remove cache entries matching all given tags * ($tags can be an array of strings or a single string) * Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_NOT_MATCHING_TAG => remove cache entries not {matching one of the given tags} * ($tags can be an array of strings or a single string) * Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_ANY_TAG => remove cache entries matching any given tags * ($tags can be an array of strings or a single string) * * @param string $mode Clean mode * @param array $tags Array of tags * @return boolean true if no problem */ public function clean($mode = Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL, $tags = array()) { $adapter = $this->_getAdapter(); switch($mode) { case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL: if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $result = $adapter->query('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$this->_getDataTable()); } else { $result = true; } $result = $result && $adapter->query('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$this->_getTagsTable()); break; case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_OLD: if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $result = $adapter->delete($this->_getDataTable(), array( 'expire_time>' => 0, 'expire_time<=' => time() )); } else { $result = true; } break; case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG: case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_NOT_MATCHING_TAG: case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_ANY_TAG: $result = $this->_cleanByTags($mode, $tags); break; default: Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid mode for clean() method'); break; } return $result; } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids * * @return array array of stored cache ids (string) */ public function getIds() { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getDataTable(), 'id'); return $this->_getAdapter()->fetchCol($select); } else { return array(); } } /** * Return an array of stored tags * * @return array array of stored tags (string) */ public function getTags() { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getTagsTable(), 'tag') ->distinct(true); return $this->_getAdapter()->fetchCol($select); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids which match given tags * * In case of multiple tags, a logical AND is made between tags * * @param array $tags array of tags * @return array array of matching cache ids (string) */ public function getIdsMatchingTags($tags = array()) { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getTagsTable(), 'cache_id') ->distinct(true) ->where('tag IN(?)', $tags) ->group('cache_id') ->having('COUNT(cache_id)='.count($tags)); return $this->_getAdapter()->fetchCol($select); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids which don't match given tags * * In case of multiple tags, a logical OR is made between tags * * @param array $tags array of tags * @return array array of not matching cache ids (string) */ public function getIdsNotMatchingTags($tags = array()) { return array_diff($this->getIds(), $this->getIdsMatchingAnyTags($tags)); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids which match any given tags * * In case of multiple tags, a logical AND is made between tags * * @param array $tags array of tags * @return array array of any matching cache ids (string) */ public function getIdsMatchingAnyTags($tags = array()) { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getTagsTable(), 'cache_id') ->distinct(true) ->where('tag IN(?)', $tags); return $this->_getAdapter()->fetchCol($select); } /** * Return the filling percentage of the backend storage * * @return int integer between 0 and 100 */ public function getFillingPercentage() { return 1; } /** * Return an array of metadatas for the given cache id * * The array must include these keys : * - expire : the expire timestamp * - tags : a string array of tags * - mtime : timestamp of last modification time * * @param string $id cache id * @return array array of metadatas (false if the cache id is not found) */ public function getMetadatas($id) { $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getTagsTable(), 'tag') ->where('cache_id=?', $id); $tags = $this->_getAdapter()->fetchCol($select); $select = $this->_getAdapter()->select() ->from($this->_getDataTable()) ->where('id=?', $id); $data = $this->_getAdapter()->fetchRow($select); $res = false; if ($data) { $res = array ( 'expire'=> $data['expire_time'], 'mtime' => $data['update_time'], 'tags' => $tags ); } return $res; } /** * Give (if possible) an extra lifetime to the given cache id * * @param string $id cache id * @param int $extraLifetime * @return boolean true if ok */ public function touch($id, $extraLifetime) { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { return $this->_getAdapter()->update( $this->_getDataTable(), array('expire_time'=>new Zend_Db_Expr('expire_time+'.$extraLifetime)), array('id=?'=>$id, 'expire_time = 0 OR expire_time>'=>time()) ); } else { return true; } } /** * Return an associative array of capabilities (booleans) of the backend * * The array must include these keys : * - automatic_cleaning (is automating cleaning necessary) * - tags (are tags supported) * - expired_read (is it possible to read expired cache records * (for doNotTestCacheValidity option for example)) * - priority does the backend deal with priority when saving * - infinite_lifetime (is infinite lifetime can work with this backend) * - get_list (is it possible to get the list of cache ids and the complete list of tags) * * @return array associative of with capabilities */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( 'automatic_cleaning' => true, 'tags' => true, 'expired_read' => true, 'priority' => false, 'infinite_lifetime' => true, 'get_list' => true ); } /** * Save tags related to specific id * * @param string $id * @param array $tags * @return bool */ protected function _saveTags($id, $tags) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } if (empty($tags)) { return true; } $adapter = $this->_getAdapter(); $tagsTable = $this->_getTagsTable(); $select = $adapter->select() ->from($tagsTable, 'tag') ->where('cache_id=?', $id) ->where('tag IN(?)', $tags); $existingTags = $adapter->fetchCol($select); $insertTags = array_diff($tags, $existingTags); if (!empty($insertTags)) { $query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . $tagsTable . ' (tag, cache_id) VALUES '; $bind = array(); $lines = array(); foreach ($insertTags as $tag) { $lines[] = '(?, ?)'; $bind[] = $tag; $bind[] = $id; } $query.= implode(',', $lines); $adapter->query($query, $bind); } $result = true; return $result; } /** * Remove cache data by tags with specified mode * * @param string $mode * @param array $tags * @return bool */ protected function _cleanByTags($mode, $tags) { if ($this->_options['store_data']) { $adapter = $this->_getAdapter(); $select = $adapter->select() ->from($this->_getTagsTable(), 'cache_id'); switch ($mode) { case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG: $select->where('tag IN (?)', $tags) ->group('cache_id') ->having('COUNT(cache_id)='.count($tags)); break; case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_NOT_MATCHING_TAG: $select->where('tag NOT IN (?)', $tags); break; case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_ANY_TAG: $select->where('tag IN (?)', $tags); break; default: Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid mode for _cleanByTags() method'); break; } $result = true; $ids = array(); $counter = 0; $stmt = $adapter->query($select); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $ids[] = $row['cache_id']; $counter++; if ($counter>100) { $result = $result && $adapter->delete($this->_getDataTable(), array('id IN (?)' => $ids)); $ids = array(); $counter = 0; } } if (!empty($ids)) { $result = $result && $adapter->delete($this->_getDataTable(), array('id IN (?)' => $ids)); } return $result; } else { return true; } } }