* @copyright 2011 Colin Mollenhour * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License * @package Credis_Client */ if( ! defined('CRLF')) define('CRLF', sprintf('%s%s', chr(13), chr(10))); /** * Credis-specific errors, wraps native Redis errors */ class CredisException extends Exception { } /** * Credis_Client, a lightweight Redis PHP standalone client and phpredis wrapper * * Server/Connection: * @method Credis_Client pipeline() * @method Credis_Client multi() * @method array exec() * @method string flushAll() * @method string flushDb() * @method array info() * @method bool|array config(string $setGet, string $key, string $value = null) * * Keys: * @method int del(string $key) * @method int exists(string $key) * @method int expire(string $key, int $seconds) * @method int expireAt(string $key, int $timestamp) * @method array keys(string $key) * @method int persist(string $key) * @method bool rename(string $key, string $newKey) * @method bool renameNx(string $key, string $newKey) * @method array sort(string $key, string $arg1, string $valueN = null) * @method int ttl(string $key) * @method string type(string $key) * * Scalars: * @method int append(string $key, string $value) * @method int decr(string $key) * @method int decrBy(string $key, int $decrement) * @method bool|string get(string $key) * @method int getBit(string $key, int $offset) * @method string getRange(string $key, int $start, int $end) * @method string getSet(string $key, string $value) * @method int incr(string $key) * @method int incrBy(string $key, int $decrement) * @method array mGet(array $keys) * @method bool mSet(array $keysValues) * @method int mSetNx(array $keysValues) * @method bool set(string $key, string $value) * @method int setBit(string $key, int $offset, int $value) * @method bool setEx(string $key, int $seconds, string $value) * @method int setNx(string $key, string $value) * @method int setRange(string $key, int $offset, int $value) * @method int strLen(string $key) * * Sets: * @method int sAdd(string $key, mixed $value, string $valueN = null) * @method int sRem(string $key, mixed $value, string $valueN = null) * @method array sMembers(string $key) * @method array sUnion(mixed $keyOrArray, string $valueN = null) * @method array sInter(mixed $keyOrArray, string $valueN = null) * @method array sDiff(mixed $keyOrArray, string $valueN = null) * @method string sPop(string $key) * @method int sCard(string $key) * @method int sIsMember(string $key, string $member) * @method int sMove(string $source, string $dest, string $member) * @method string|array sRandMember(string $key, int $count = null) * @method int sUnionStore(string $dest, string $key1, string $key2 = null) * @method int sInterStore(string $dest, string $key1, string $key2 = null) * @method int sDiffStore(string $dest, string $key1, string $key2 = null) * * Hashes: * @method bool|int hSet(string $key, string $field, string $value) * @method bool hSetNx(string $key, string $field, string $value) * @method bool|string hGet(string $key, string $field) * @method bool|int hLen(string $key) * @method bool hDel(string $key, string $field) * @method array hKeys(string $key, string $field) * @method array hVals(string $key, string $field) * @method array hGetAll(string $key) * @method bool hExists(string $key, string $field) * @method int hIncrBy(string $key, string $field, int $value) * @method bool hMSet(string $key, array $keysValues) * @method array hMGet(string $key, array $fields) * * Lists: * @method array|null blPop(string $keyN, int $timeout) * @method array|null brPop(string $keyN, int $timeout) * @method array|null brPoplPush(string $source, string $destination, int $timeout) * @method string|null lIndex(string $key, int $index) * @method int lInsert(string $key, string $beforeAfter, string $pivot, string $value) * @method int lLen(string $key) * @method string|null lPop(string $key) * @method int lPush(string $key, mixed $value, mixed $valueN = null) * @method int lPushX(string $key, mixed $value) * @method array lRange(string $key, int $start, int $stop) * @method int lRem(string $key, int $count, mixed $value) * @method bool lSet(string $key, int $index, mixed $value) * @method bool lTrim(string $key, int $start, int $stop) * @method string|null rPop(string $key) * @method string|null rPoplPush(string $source, string $destination) * @method int rPush(string $key, mixed $value, mixed $valueN = null) * @method int rPushX(string $key, mixed $value) * * Sorted Sets: * TODO * * Pub/Sub * TODO * * Scripting: * @method string|int script(string $command, string $arg1 = null) * @method string|int|array|bool eval(string $script, int $numkeys, string $key = null, string $arg = null) * @method string|int|array|bool evalSha(string $sha1, int $numkeys, string $key = null, string $arg = null) */ class Credis_Client { const TYPE_STRING = 'string'; const TYPE_LIST = 'list'; const TYPE_SET = 'set'; const TYPE_ZSET = 'zset'; const TYPE_HASH = 'hash'; const TYPE_NONE = 'none'; const FREAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192; /** * Socket connection to the Redis server or Redis library instance * @var resource|Redis */ protected $redis; protected $redisMulti; /** * Host of the Redis server * @var string */ protected $host; /** * Port on which the Redis server is running * @var integer */ protected $port; /** * Timeout for connecting to Redis server * @var float */ protected $timeout; /** * Timeout for reading response from Redis server * @var float */ protected $readTimeout; /** * Unique identifier for persistent connections * @var string */ protected $persistent; /** * @var bool */ protected $closeOnDestruct = TRUE; /** * @var bool */ protected $connected = FALSE; /** * @var bool */ protected $standalone; /** * @var int */ protected $maxConnectRetries = 0; /** * @var int */ protected $connectFailures = 0; /** * @var bool */ protected $usePipeline = FALSE; /** * @var array */ protected $commandNames; /** * @var string */ protected $commands; /** * @var bool */ protected $isMulti = FALSE; /** * @var bool */ protected $isWatching = FALSE; /** * @var string */ protected $authPassword; /** * @var int */ protected $selectedDb = 0; /** * Aliases for backwards compatibility with phpredis * @var array */ protected $aliasedMethods = array('delete' => 'del', 'getkeys' => 'keys', 'sremove' => 'srem'); /** * Creates a Redisent connection to the Redis server on host {@link $host} and port {@link $port}. * $host may also be a path to a unix socket or a string in the form of tcp://[hostname]:[port] or unix://[path] * * @param string $host The hostname of the Redis server * @param integer $port The port number of the Redis server * @param float $timeout Timeout period in seconds * @param string $persistent Flag to establish persistent connection */ public function __construct($host = '', $port = 6379, $timeout = null, $persistent = '') { $this->host = (string) $host; $this->port = (int) $port; $this->timeout = $timeout; $this->persistent = (string) $persistent; $this->standalone = ! extension_loaded('redis'); } public function __destruct() { if ($this->closeOnDestruct) { $this->close(); } } /** * @throws CredisException * @return Credis_Client */ public function forceStandalone() { if($this->connected) { throw new CredisException('Cannot force Credis_Client to use standalone PHP driver after a connection has already been established.'); } $this->standalone = TRUE; return $this; } /** * @param int $retries * @return Credis_Client */ public function setMaxConnectRetries($retries) { $this->maxConnectRetries = $retries; return $this; } /** * @param bool $flag * @return Credis_Client */ public function setCloseOnDestruct($flag) { $this->closeOnDestruct = $flag; return $this; } /** * @throws CredisException * @return Credis_Client */ public function connect() { if ($this->connected) { return $this; } if (preg_match('#^(tcp|unix)://(.*)$#', $this->host, $matches)) { if($matches[1] == 'tcp') { if ( ! preg_match('#^(.*)(?::(\d+))?(?:/(.*))?$#', $matches[2], $matches)) { throw new CredisException('Invalid host format; expected tcp://host[:port][/persistent]'); } $this->host = $matches[1]; $this->port = (int) (isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : 6379); $this->persistent = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : ''; } else { $this->host = $matches[2]; $this->port = NULL; if (substr($this->host,0,1) != '/') { throw new CredisException('Invalid unix socket format; expected unix:///path/to/redis.sock'); } } } if ($this->port !== NULL && substr($this->host,0,1) == '/') { $this->port = NULL; } if ($this->standalone) { $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; $remote_socket = $this->port === NULL ? 'unix://'.$this->host : 'tcp://'.$this->host.':'.$this->port; if ($this->persistent) { if ($this->port === NULL) { // Unix socket throw new CredisException('Persistent connections to UNIX sockets are not supported in standalone mode.'); } $remote_socket .= '/'.$this->persistent; $flags = $flags | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT; } $result = $this->redis = @stream_socket_client($remote_socket, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout !== null ? $this->timeout : 2.5, $flags); } else { if ( ! $this->redis) { $this->redis = new Redis; } $result = $this->persistent ? $this->redis->pconnect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout, $this->persistent) : $this->redis->connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout); } // Use recursion for connection retries if ( ! $result) { $this->connectFailures++; if ($this->connectFailures <= $this->maxConnectRetries) { return $this->connect(); } $failures = $this->connectFailures; $this->connectFailures = 0; throw new CredisException("Connection to Redis failed after $failures failures."); } $this->connectFailures = 0; $this->connected = TRUE; // Set read timeout if ($this->readTimeout) { $this->setReadTimeout($this->readTimeout); } return $this; } /** * Set the read timeout for the connection. If falsey, a timeout will not be set. Negative values not supported. * * @param $timeout * @throws CredisException * @return Credis_Client */ public function setReadTimeout($timeout) { if ($timeout < 0) { throw new CredisException('Negative read timeout values are not supported.'); } $this->readTimeout = $timeout; if ($this->connected) { if ($this->standalone) { stream_set_timeout($this->redis, (int) floor($timeout), ($timeout - floor($timeout)) * 1000000); } else if (defined('Redis::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT')) { // Not supported at time of writing, but hopefully this pull request will someday be merged: // https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis/pull/260 $this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, $timeout); } } return $this; } /** * @return bool */ public function close() { $result = TRUE; if ($this->connected && ! $this->persistent) { try { $result = $this->standalone ? fclose($this->redis) : $this->redis->close(); $this->connected = FALSE; } catch (Exception $e) { ; // Ignore exceptions on close } } return $result; } /** * @param string $password * @return bool */ public function auth($password) { $this->authPassword = $password; $response = $this->__call('auth', array($this->authPassword)); return $response; } /** * @param int $index * @return bool */ public function select($index) { $this->selectedDb = (int) $index; $response = $this->__call('select', array($this->selectedDb)); return $response; } public function __call($name, $args) { // Lazy connection $this->connect(); $name = strtolower($name); // Send request via native PHP if($this->standalone) { // Flatten arguments $argsFlat = NULL; foreach($args as $index => $arg) { if(is_array($arg)) { if($argsFlat === NULL) { $argsFlat = array_slice($args, 0, $index); } if($name == 'mset' || $name == 'msetnx' || $name == 'hmset') { foreach($arg as $key => $value) { $argsFlat[] = $key; $argsFlat[] = $value; } } else { $argsFlat = array_merge($argsFlat, $arg); } } else if($argsFlat !== NULL) { $argsFlat[] = $arg; } } if($argsFlat !== NULL) { $args = $argsFlat; $argsFlat = NULL; } // In pipeline mode if($this->usePipeline) { if($name == 'pipeline') { throw new CredisException('A pipeline is already in use and only one pipeline is supported.'); } else if($name == 'exec') { if($this->isMulti) { $this->commandNames[] = $name; $this->commands .= self::_prepare_command(array($name)); } // Write request if($this->commands) { $this->write_command($this->commands); } $this->commands = NULL; // Read response $response = array(); foreach($this->commandNames as $command) { $response[] = $this->read_reply($command); } $this->commandNames = NULL; if($this->isMulti) { $response = array_pop($response); } $this->usePipeline = $this->isMulti = FALSE; return $response; } else { if($name == 'multi') { $this->isMulti = TRUE; } array_unshift($args, $name); $this->commandNames[] = $name; $this->commands .= self::_prepare_command($args); return $this; } } // Start pipeline mode if($name == 'pipeline') { $this->usePipeline = TRUE; $this->commandNames = array(); $this->commands = ''; return $this; } // If unwatching, allow reconnect with no error thrown if($name == 'unwatch') { $this->isWatching = FALSE; } // Non-pipeline mode array_unshift($args, $name); $command = self::_prepare_command($args); $this->write_command($command); $response = $this->read_reply($name); // Watch mode disables reconnect so error is thrown if($name == 'watch') { $this->isWatching = TRUE; } // Transaction mode else if($this->isMulti && ($name == 'exec' || $name == 'discard')) { $this->isMulti = FALSE; } // Started transaction else if($this->isMulti || $name == 'multi') { $this->isMulti = TRUE; $response = $this; } } // Send request via phpredis client else { // Tweak arguments switch($name) { case 'get': // optimize common cases case 'set': case 'hget': case 'hset': case 'setex': case 'mset': case 'msetnx': case 'hmset': case 'hmget': case 'del': break; case 'mget': if(isset($args[0]) && ! is_array($args[0])) { $args = array($args); } break; case 'lrem': $args = array($args[0], $args[2], $args[1]); break; default: // Flatten arguments $argsFlat = NULL; foreach($args as $index => $arg) { if(is_array($arg)) { if($argsFlat === NULL) { $argsFlat = array_slice($args, 0, $index); } $argsFlat = array_merge($argsFlat, $arg); } else if($argsFlat !== NULL) { $argsFlat[] = $arg; } } if($argsFlat !== NULL) { $args = $argsFlat; $argsFlat = NULL; } } try { // Proxy pipeline mode to the phpredis library if($name == 'pipeline' || $name == 'multi') { if($this->isMulti) { return $this; } else { $this->isMulti = TRUE; $this->redisMulti = call_user_func_array(array($this->redis, $name), $args); } } else if($name == 'exec' || $name == 'discard') { $this->isMulti = FALSE; $response = $this->redisMulti->$name(); $this->redisMulti = NULL; #echo "> $name : ".substr(print_r($response, TRUE),0,100)."\n"; return $response; } // Use aliases to be compatible with phpredis wrapper if(isset($this->aliasedMethods[$name])) { $name = $this->aliasedMethods[$name]; } // Multi and pipeline return self for chaining if($this->isMulti) { call_user_func_array(array($this->redisMulti, $name), $args); return $this; } $response = call_user_func_array(array($this->redis, $name), $args); } // Wrap exceptions catch(RedisException $e) { throw new CredisException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } #echo "> $name : ".substr(print_r($response, TRUE),0,100)."\n"; // change return values where it is too difficult to minim in standalone mode switch($name) { case 'hmget': $response = array_values($response); break; case 'type': $typeMap = array( self::TYPE_NONE, self::TYPE_STRING, self::TYPE_SET, self::TYPE_LIST, self::TYPE_ZSET, self::TYPE_HASH, ); $response = $typeMap[$response]; break; } } return $response; } protected function write_command($command) { // Reconnect on lost connection (Redis server "timeout" exceeded since last command) if(feof($this->redis)) { $this->close(); // If a watch or transaction was in progress and connection was lost, throw error rather than reconnect // since transaction/watch state will be lost. if(($this->isMulti && ! $this->usePipeline) || $this->isWatching) { $this->isMulti = $this->isWatching = FALSE; throw new CredisException('Lost connection to Redis server during watch or transaction.'); } $this->connected = FALSE; $this->connect(); if($this->authPassword) { $this->auth($this->authPassword); } if($this->selectedDb != 0) { $this->select($this->selectedDb); } } $commandLen = strlen($command); for ($written = 0; $written < $commandLen; $written += $fwrite) { $fwrite = fwrite($this->redis, substr($command, $written)); if ($fwrite === FALSE) { throw new CredisException('Failed to write entire command to stream'); } } } protected function read_reply($name = '') { $reply = fgets($this->redis); if($reply === FALSE) { throw new CredisException('Lost connection to Redis server.'); } $reply = rtrim($reply, CRLF); #echo "> $name: $reply\n"; $replyType = substr($reply, 0, 1); switch ($replyType) { /* Error reply */ case '-': if($this->isMulti || $this->usePipeline) { $response = FALSE; } else { throw new CredisException(substr($reply, 4)); } break; /* Inline reply */ case '+': $response = substr($reply, 1); if($response == 'OK' || $response == 'QUEUED') { return TRUE; } break; /* Bulk reply */ case '$': if ($reply == '$-1') return FALSE; $size = (int) substr($reply, 1); $response = stream_get_contents($this->redis, $size + 2); if( ! $response) throw new CredisException('Error reading reply.'); $response = substr($response, 0, $size); break; /* Multi-bulk reply */ case '*': $count = substr($reply, 1); if ($count == '-1') return FALSE; $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $response[] = $this->read_reply(); } break; /* Integer reply */ case ':': $response = intval(substr($reply, 1)); break; default: throw new CredisException('Invalid response: '.print_r($reply, TRUE)); break; } // Smooth over differences between phpredis and standalone response switch($name) { case '': // Minor optimization for multi-bulk replies break; case 'config': case 'hgetall': $keys = $values = array(); while($response) { $keys[] = array_shift($response); $values[] = array_shift($response); } $response = count($keys) ? array_combine($keys, $values) : array(); break; case 'info': $lines = explode(CRLF, trim($response,CRLF)); $response = array(); foreach($lines as $line) { if ( ! $line || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') { continue; } list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2); $response[$key] = $value; } break; case 'ttl': if($response === -1) { $response = FALSE; } break; } return $response; } /** * Build the Redis unified protocol command * * @param array $args * @return string */ private static function _prepare_command($args) { return sprintf('*%d%s%s%s', count($args), CRLF, implode(array_map(array('self', '_map'), $args), CRLF), CRLF); } private static function _map($arg) { return sprintf('$%d%s%s', strlen($arg), CRLF, $arg); } }