{{var store.getFrontendName()|escape}}

Hello, {{var customer.getName()|escape}}

Hurry up to take advantage of {{if promotion_name}}{{var promotion_name|escape}}{{else}}a{{/if}} promotion!

{{if promotion_description}}

{{var promotion_description|escape|nl2br}}


To take advantage of the promotion you need to log in at {{var store.getFrontendName()|escape}}{{if coupon.getCode()}} and apply the coupon "{{var coupon.getCode()|escape}}" at the shopping cart{{/if}}.

{{if coupon.getUsageLimit()}}

This coupon can be used only up to {{var coupon.getUsageLimit()|escape}} time(s) by you or other customers.

{{/if}} {{if coupon.getUsagePerCustomer()}}

You can use this coupon up to {{var coupon.getUsagePerCustomer()|escape}} time(s).


Thank you again, {{var store.getFrontendName()}}