IsConfigured()) { throw new Exception('Magento is not properly configured to use this feature of the Post Affiliate Pro Connector.'); return; } $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderid); if (is_null($realid)) { // auto detect by trying both $order->load($orderid); if (!$order->getId()) { $order->loadByIncrementId($orderid); } } else if ($realid) { $order->load($orderid); } else { $order->loadByIncrementId($orderid); } if (!$order->getId()) { throw new Exception('No order found with this id'); } // lookup the affiliate by email address $papUserModel = Mage::getModel('pap/user'); $papUserModel->loadByEmail($affailiateemail); $refid = $papUserModel->getRefid(); if (is_null($refid) || !$refid || $refid == '') { throw new Exception('No affiliate with this email address'); // $this->addError('No affiliate with this email address'); return; } // $includefile = $config->getLocalPath().'/api/PapApi.class.php'; // if (!file_exists($includefile)) // { // throw new Exception("the file ".$includefile." does not exist. This usually means that the Document Root setting is incorrect. Normally this should be left blank."); // return; // } $config->RequirePapAPI(); $this->registerOrder($order, $refid); } public function registerOrderByID($orderid, $realid = true) { $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderid); if ($realid) { $order->load($orderid); } else { $order->loadByIncrementId($orderid); } $this->registerOrder($order); } public function registerOrder($order, $refid = null, $cookievalue = null) { $orderid = $order ? $order->getId() : null; Mage::log("Registering Order details $orderid \n"); $items = $this->getOrderSaleDetails($order, $refid); $this->registerSaleDetails($items, $cookievalue); } public function registerSaleDetails($items, $cookievalue = null) { $config = Mage::getSingleton('pap/config'); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // drop the error level just a notch because the included code can't handle it // $includefile = $config->getLocalPath().'/api/PapApi.class.php'; // if (!file_exists($includefile)) // { // // We can't recover from this, but showing an error is not an option either. // Mage::Log("Failed to track affiliate order because the file ".$includefile." does not exist"); // return; // fail silently // } // //// require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/affiliate/api/PapApi.class.php'); // require_once($includefile); $config->RequirePapAPI(); // create a sale tracker $saleTracker = new Pap_Api_SaleTracker($config->getRemotePath().'/scripts/sale.php'); // $saleTracker = new Pap_Api_SaleTracker(''); $sales = array(); Mage::log("Registering sale details for ".count($items)." items\n"); foreach($items as $idx=>$item) { Mage::log("Registering sale details for order: ".$item['orderid']." item: ".$item['productid']." cost: ".$item['totalcost']."\n"); $sale = $saleTracker->createSale(); $sale->setTotalCost($item['totalcost']); $sale->setOrderID($item['orderid']); if ($item['channelid']) { $sale->setChannelID($item['channelid']); } if ($item['data1']) { $sale->setData1($item['data1']); } if ($item['data2']) { $sale->setData2($item['data2']); } if ($item['data3']) { $sale->setData3($item['data3']); } if ($item['data4']) { $sale->setData4($item['data4']); } if ($item['data5']) { $sale->setData5($item['data5']); } $sale->setProductID($item['productid']); if (method_exists($sale, 'setCouponCode')) { if ($item['couponcode']) { $sale->setCouponCode($item['couponcode']); } } if ($item['affiliateid']) { $sale->setAffiliateID($item['affiliateid']); } $sales[] = $sale; } // if provided, drop in the cookie value if (isset($cookievalue) && !is_null($cookievalue) && $cookievalue) { $saleTracker->setCookieValue($cookievalue); } $saleTracker->register(); } public function getOrderSaleDetails($order, $refid = null) { $config = Mage::getSingleton('pap/config'); // Check the sales rules. If any of the sales rules have a // coupon code, we'll want to send that code with the order $ruleIds = explode(',', $order->getAppliedRuleIds()); $ruleIds = array_unique($ruleIds); $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->load($order->getQuoteId()); $couponcode = $quote->getCouponCode(); $sales = array(); if ($config->getPerProduct()) { // Count the keys we need to deliver // $items = $order->getAllItems(); $items = $order->getAllVisibleItems(); // get only top level items foreach($items as $idx=>$item) { // lookup the product $productid = $item->getProductId(); $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productid); $sales[$idx] = array(); $rowtotal = $item->getBaseRowTotal(); if (is_null($rowtotal)) { $rowtotal = $item->getBasePrice(); } $sales[$idx]['totalcost'] = $rowtotal - abs($item->getBaseDiscountAmount()); // $sales[$idx]['totalcost'] = $item->getBasePrice() - abs($item->getBaseDiscountAmount()); if (count($items) > 1) { // tack on the index of this row to cheat the fraud detection filters $sales[$idx]['orderid'] = $order->getIncrementId()."{".($idx+1)."}"; } else { $sales[$idx]['orderid'] = $order->getIncrementId(); } if ($config->getChannelID()) { $sales[$idx]['channelid'] = $config->getChannelID(); } if ($config->getUseLifetimeReferrals()) { $sales[$idx]['data1'] = $order->getCustomerId(); } else if ($config->getData1()) { $sales[$idx]['data1'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData1(), $order, $item, $product); } if ($config->getData2()) { $sales[$idx]['data2'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData2(), $order, $item, $product); } if ($config->getData3()) { $sales[$idx]['data3'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData3(), $order, $item, $product); } if ($config->getData4()) { $sales[$idx]['data4'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData4(), $order, $item, $product); } if ($config->getData5()) { $sales[$idx]['data5'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData5(), $order, $item, $product); } $sales[$idx]['productid'] = $product->getSku(); $sales[$idx]['couponcode'] = $couponcode; if (!is_null($refid) && $refid) { $sales[$idx]['affiliateid'] = $refid; } else { if ($config->getAffiliateID()) { $sales[$idx]['affiliateid'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getAffiliateID(), $order, $item, $product); } } } // add one more for shipping, if relevant if($config->getAddShipping() && $order->getShippingAmount() != 0) { $idx++; $sales[$idx] = array(); $sales[$idx]['totalcost'] = $order->getShippingAmount(); // tack on a little extra to cheat the fraud detection filters $sales[$idx]['orderid'] = $order->getIncrementId()."{SHIPPING}"; if ($config->getChannelID()) { $sales[$idx]['channelid'] = $config->getChannelID(); } if ($config->getUseLifetimeReferrals()) { $sales[$idx]['data1'] = $order->getCustomerId(); } else if ($config->getData1()) { $sales[$idx]['data1'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData1(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData2()) { $sales[$idx]['data2'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData2(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData3()) { $sales[$idx]['data3'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData3(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData4()) { $sales[$idx]['data4'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData4(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData5()) { $sales[$idx]['data5'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData5(), $order, null); } $sales[$idx]['productid'] = "SHIPPING CHARGES"; $sales[$idx]['couponcode'] = $couponcode; if (!is_null($refid) && $refid) { $sales[$idx]['affiliateid'] = $refid; } else { if ($config->getAffiliateID()) { $sales[$idx]['affiliateid'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getAffiliateID(), $order, null, null); } } } } else { // Do NOT split by items. Just get basic order information $sales[0] = array(); $subtotal = $order->getSubtotal(); $discount = abs($order->getBaseDiscountAmount()); $shipping = $config->getAddShipping() ? $order->getShippingAmount() : 0; $sales[0]['totalcost'] = $subtotal + $shipping - $discount; $sales[0]['orderid'] = $order->getIncrementId(); if ($config->getChannelID()) { $sales[0]['channelid'] = $config->getChannelID(); } if ($config->getUseLifetimeReferrals()) { $sales[0]['data1'] = ($order->getCustomerId() ? $order->getCustomerId() : null); } else if ($config->getData1()) { $sales[0]['data1'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData1(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData2()) { $sales[0]['data2'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData2(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData3()) { $sales[0]['data3'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData3(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData4()) { $sales[0]['data4'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData4(), $order, null, null); } if ($config->getData5()) { $sales[0]['data5'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getData5(), $order, null, null); } $sales[0]['productid'] = null; $sales[0]['couponcode'] = $couponcode; if (!is_null($refid) && $refid) { $sales[0]['affiliateid'] = $refid; } else { if ($config->getAffiliateID()) { $sales[0]['affiliateid'] = $this->TranslateData($config->getAffiliateID(), $order, null, null); } } } return $sales; } function TranslateData($data, $order, $item, $product) { switch ($data) { case "{{item_name}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getName() : null ; case "{{item_qty}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getQtyOrdered() : null ; case "{{item_price}}": if (!is_null($item)) { $rowtotal = $item->getBaseRowTotal(); if (is_null($rowtotal)) { $rowtotal = $item->getBasePrice(); } return $rowtotal; } return null; case "{{product_category_id}}": return !is_null($product) ? $product->getCategoryId() : null ; case "{{item_sku}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getSku() : null ; case "{{product_url}}": return !is_null($product) ? $product->getProductUrl(false) : null ; case "{{item_weight}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getWeight() : null ; case "{{item_cost}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getCost() : null ; case "{{item_discount_percent}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getDiscountPercent() : null ; case "{{item_discount_amount}}": return !is_null($item) ? abs($item->getBaseDiscountAmount()) : null ; case "{{item_tax_percent}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getTaxPercent() : null ; case "{{item_tax_amount}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getTaxAmount() : null ; case "{{item_row_weight}}": return !is_null($item) ? $item->getRowWeight() : null ; case "{{order_store_id}}": return !is_null($order) ? $order->getStoreId() : null ; case "{{order_id}}": return !is_null($order) ? $order->getId() : null ; case "{{customer_id}}": return (!is_null($order) && $order->getCustomerId()) ? $order->getCustomerId() : null ; case "{{customer_email}}": return (!is_null($order) && $order->getCustomerEmail()) ? $order->getCustomerEmail() : null ; case "{{coupon_code}}": return (!is_null($order) && $order->getQuoteId()) ? Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->load($order->getQuoteId())->getCouponCode() : null ; default: return $data; } } function _construct() { $this->_init('pap/pap'); } function addError($error) { $this->_errors[] = $error; } function getErrors() { return $this->_errors; } function resetErrors() { $this->_errors = array(); } function printError($error, $line = null) { if ($error == null) return false; $img = 'error_msg_icon.gif'; $liStyle = 'background-color:#FDD; '; echo '