_init('enterprise_giftcardaccount/giftcardaccount'); } protected function _beforeSave() { parent::_beforeSave(); if (!$this->getId()) { $now = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date() ->setTimezone(Mage_Core_Model_Locale::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) ->toString(Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT); $this->setDateCreated($now); if (!$this->hasCode()) { $this->_defineCode(); } $this->setIsNew(true); } else { if ($this->getOrigData('balance') != $this->getBalance()) { if ($this->getBalance() > 0) { $this->setState(self::STATE_AVAILABLE); } elseif ($this->getIsRedeemable() && $this->getIsRedeemed()) { $this->setState(self::STATE_REDEEMED); } else { $this->setState(self::STATE_USED); } } } if (is_numeric($this->getLifetime()) && $this->getLifetime() > 0) { $this->setDateExpires(date('Y-m-d', strtotime("now +{$this->getLifetime()}days"))); } else { if ($this->getDateExpires()) { $expirationDate = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date( $this->getDateExpires(), Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, null, false); $currentDate = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date( null, Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, null, false); if ($expirationDate < $currentDate) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Expiration date cannot be in the past.')); } } else { $this->setDateExpires(null); } } if (!$this->getId() && !$this->hasHistoryAction()) { $this->setHistoryAction(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_History::ACTION_CREATED); } if (!$this->hasHistoryAction() && $this->getOrigData('balance') != $this->getBalance()) { $this->setHistoryAction(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_History::ACTION_UPDATED) ->setBalanceDelta($this->getBalance() - $this->getOrigData('balance')); } if ($this->getBalance() < 0) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Balance cannot be less than zero.')); } } protected function _afterSave() { if ($this->getIsNew()) { $this->getPoolModel() ->setId($this->getCode()) ->setStatus(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Pool_Abstract::STATUS_USED) ->save(); self::$_alreadySelectedIds[] = $this->getCode(); } parent::_afterSave(); } /** * Generate and save gift card account code * * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ protected function _defineCode() { return $this->setCode($this->getPoolModel()->setExcludedIds(self::$_alreadySelectedIds)->shift()); } /** * Load gift card account model using specified code * * @param string $code * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function loadByCode($code) { $this->_requestedCode = $code; return $this->load($code, 'code'); } /** * Add gift card to quote gift card storage * * @param bool $saveQuote * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function addToCart($saveQuote = true, $quote = null) { if (is_null($quote)) { $quote = $this->_getCheckoutSession()->getQuote(); } $website = Mage::app()->getStore($quote->getStoreId())->getWebsite(); if ($this->isValid(true, true, $website)) { $cards = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->getCards($quote); if (!$cards) { $cards = array(); } else { foreach ($cards as $one) { if ($one['i'] == $this->getId()) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('This gift card account is already in the quote.')); } } } $cards[] = array( 'i'=>$this->getId(), // id 'c'=>$this->getCode(), // code 'a'=>$this->getBalance(), // amount 'ba'=>$this->getBalance(), // base amount ); Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->setCards($quote, $cards); if ($saveQuote) { $quote->save(); } } return $this; } /** * Remove gift card from quote gift card storage * * @param bool $saveQuote * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function removeFromCart($saveQuote = true, $quote = null) { if (!$this->getId()) { $this->_throwException(Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Wrong gift card account code: "%s".', $this->_requestedCode)); } if (is_null($quote)) { $quote = $this->_getCheckoutSession()->getQuote(); } $cards = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->getCards($quote); if ($cards) { foreach ($cards as $k=>$one) { if ($one['i'] == $this->getId()) { unset($cards[$k]); Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->setCards($quote, $cards); if ($saveQuote) { $quote->save(); } return $this; } } } $this->_throwException(Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('This gift card account wasn\'t found in the quote.')); } /** * Return checkout/session model singleton * * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session */ protected function _getCheckoutSession() { return Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); } /** * Check if this gift card is expired at the moment * * @return bool */ public function isExpired() { if (!$this->getDateExpires()) { return false; } $currentDate = strtotime(Mage::getModel('core/date')->date('Y-m-d')); if (strtotime($this->getDateExpires()) < $currentDate) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check all the gift card validity attributes * * @param bool $expirationCheck * @param bool $statusCheck * @param mixed $websiteCheck * @param mixed $balanceCheck * @return bool */ public function isValid($expirationCheck = true, $statusCheck = true, $websiteCheck = false, $balanceCheck = true) { if (!$this->getId()) { $this->_throwException( Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Wrong gift card account ID. Requested code: "%s"', $this->_requestedCode) ); } if ($websiteCheck) { if ($websiteCheck === true) { $websiteCheck = null; } $website = Mage::app()->getWebsite($websiteCheck)->getId(); if ($this->getWebsiteId() != $website) { $this->_throwException( Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Wrong gift card account website: %s.', $this->getWebsiteId()) ); } } if ($statusCheck && ($this->getStatus() != self::STATUS_ENABLED)) { $this->_throwException( Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Gift card account %s is not enabled.', $this->getId()) ); } if ($expirationCheck && $this->isExpired()) { $this->_throwException( Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Gift card account %s is expired.', $this->getId()) ); } if ($balanceCheck) { if ($this->getBalance() <= 0) { $this->_throwException( Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Gift card account %s balance does not have funds.', $this->getId()) ); } if ($balanceCheck !== true && is_numeric($balanceCheck)) { if ($this->getBalance() < $balanceCheck) { $this->_throwException( Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Gift card account %s balance is less than amount to be charged.', $this->getId()) ); } } } return true; } /** * Reduce Gift Card Account balance by specified amount * * @param decimal $amount */ public function charge($amount) { if ($this->isValid(false, false, false, $amount)) { $this->setBalanceDelta(-$amount) ->setBalance($this->getBalance() - $amount) ->setHistoryAction(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_History::ACTION_USED); } return $this; } /** * Revert amount to gift card balance if order was not placed * * @param float $amount * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function revert($amount) { $amount = (float) $amount; if ($amount > 0 && $this->isValid(true, true, false, false)) { $this->setBalanceDelta($amount) ->setBalance($this->getBalance() + $amount) ->setHistoryAction(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_History::ACTION_UPDATED); } return $this; } /** * Return Gift Card Account state as user-friendly label * * @deprecated after use magic method instead * @return string */ public function getStateText() { return $this->_setStateText(); } /** * Set state text on after load * * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function _afterLoad() { $this->_setStateText(); return parent::_afterLoad(); } /** * Return Gift Card Account state options * * @return array */ public function getStatesAsOptionList() { $result = array(); $result[self::STATE_AVAILABLE] = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Available'); $result[self::STATE_USED] = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Used'); $result[self::STATE_REDEEMED] = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Redeemed'); $result[self::STATE_EXPIRED] = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Expired'); return $result; } /** * Return code pool model class name * * @return string */ public function getPoolModelClass() { if (!$this->hasPoolModelClass()) { $this->setPoolModelClass($this->_defaultPoolModelClass); } return $this->getData('pool_model_class'); } /** * Retreive pool model instance * * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Pool_Abstract */ public function getPoolModel() { return Mage::getModel($this->getPoolModelClass()); } /** * Update gift card accounts state * * @param array $ids * @param int $state * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function updateState($ids, $state) { if ($ids) { $this->getResource()->updateState($ids, $state); } return $this; } /** * Redeem gift card (-gca balance, +cb balance) * * @return Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_Giftcardaccount */ public function redeem($customerId = null) { if ($this->isValid(true, true, true, true)) { if ($this->getIsRedeemable() != self::REDEEMABLE) { $this->_throwException(sprintf('Gift card account %s is not redeemable.', $this->getId())); } if (is_null($customerId)) { $customerId = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerId(); } if (!$customerId) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Invalid customer ID supplied.')); } $additionalInfo = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount') ->__('Gift Card Redeemed: %s. For customer #%s.', $this->getCode(), $customerId); $balance = Mage::getModel('enterprise_customerbalance/balance') ->setCustomerId($customerId) ->setWebsiteId(Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getId()) ->setAmountDelta($this->getBalance()) ->setNotifyByEmail(false) ->setUpdatedActionAdditionalInfo($additionalInfo) ->save(); $this->setBalanceDelta(-$this->getBalance()) ->setHistoryAction(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_History::ACTION_REDEEMED) ->setBalance(0) ->setCustomerId($customerId) ->save(); } return $this; } public function sendEmail() { $recipientName = $this->getRecipientName(); $recipientEmail = $this->getRecipientEmail(); $recipientStore = $this->getRecipientStore(); if (is_null($recipientStore)) { $recipientStore = Mage::app()->getWebsite($this->getWebsiteId())->getDefaultStore(); } else { $recipientStore = Mage::app()->getStore($recipientStore); } $storeId = $recipientStore->getId(); $balance = $this->getBalance(); $code = $this->getCode(); $balance = Mage::app()->getLocale()->currency($recipientStore->getBaseCurrencyCode())->toCurrency($balance); $email = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->setDesignConfig(array('store' => $storeId)); $email->sendTransactional( Mage::getStoreConfig('giftcard/giftcardaccount_email/template', $storeId), Mage::getStoreConfig('giftcard/giftcardaccount_email/identity', $storeId), $recipientEmail, $recipientName, array( 'name' => $recipientName, 'code' => $code, 'balance' => $balance, 'store' => $recipientStore, 'store_name' => $recipientStore->getName() // @deprecated after ) ); $this->setEmailSent(false); if ($email->getSentSuccess()) { $this->setEmailSent(true) ->setHistoryAction(Enterprise_GiftCardAccount_Model_History::ACTION_SENT) ->save(); } } /** * Set state text by loaded state code * Used in _afterLoad() and old getStateText() * * @return string */ protected function _setStateText() { $states = $this->getStatesAsOptionList(); if (isset($states[$this->getState()])) { $stateText = $states[$this->getState()]; $this->setStateText($stateText); return $stateText; } return ''; } /** * Obscure real exception message to prevent brute force attacks * * @throws Mage_Core_Exception * @param string $realMessage * @param string $fakeMessage */ protected function _throwException($realMessage, $fakeMessage = '') { $e = Mage::exception('Mage_Core', $realMessage); Mage::logException($e); if (!$fakeMessage) { //$fakeMessage = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Wrong gift card code.'); $fakeMessage = Mage::helper('enterprise_giftcardaccount')->__('Gift Card Code is wrong, expired, or already applied. Please call us if questions'); } $e->setMessage($fakeMessage); throw $e; } }