* @version * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) */ class Springbot_Log { const EMERG = 0; // Emergency: system is unusable const ALERT = 1; // Alert: action must be taken immediately const CRIT = 2; // Critical: critical conditions const ERR = 3; // Error: error conditions const WARN = 4; // Warning: warning conditions const NOTICE = 5; // Notice: normal but significant condition const INFO = 6; // Informational: informational messages const DEBUG = 7; // Debug: debug messages const LOGFILE = 'Springbot.log'; const ERRFILE = 'Springbot.err'; const HTTPFILE = 'Springbot-Http.log'; protected static $_logger; public static function getFormat() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/debug/log_format'); } public static function getExtras() { $caller = Springbot_Util_Caller::find(4); if(self::getFormat() == 'expanded') { return array( 'className' => $caller->class, 'method' => $caller->method, 'callType' => $caller->call_type, 'line' => $caller->line, ); } } public static function logger() { if(!isset(self::$_logger)) { self::$_logger = new Springbot_Util_Logger(); } return self::$_logger; } public static function release($filename) { self::logger()->release($filename); } private static function _log($message, $level, $fmt = null, $file = self::LOGFILE) { if(self::_levelAllowed($level)) { if(!$fmt) { $fmt = self::getFormat(); } self::logger()->log($message, $level, $file, $fmt, self::getExtras()); } } public static function debug($message) { self::_log($message, Zend_Log::DEBUG); } public static function harvest($message, $remote = false, $storeId = 1) { if(is_null($storeId)) { $storeId = isset(self::$_currentStore) ? self::$_currentStore : 1; } self::_log($message, Zend_Log::CRIT, 'simple', self::LOGFILE); if($remote) { self::remote($message, $storeId); } } public static function info($message) { self::_log($message, Zend_Log::INFO); } public static function getSpringbotErrorLog() { return Mage::getBaseDir('log') . DS . Springbot_Log::ERRFILE; } public static function getSpringbotLog() { return Mage::getBaseDir('log') . DS . Springbot_Log::LOGFILE; } public static function error(Exception $e) { if(is_string($e)) { $e = new Exception($e); } self::_log("\n" . $e->__toString(), Zend_Log::ERR, 'default', self::ERRFILE); } public static function http($message) { if(Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/debug/log_http')) { if(Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/debug/pretty_print')) { $message = Zend_Json::prettyPrint($message, array("indent" => " ")); } // lowest possible level - we have another setting controlling this logging self::_log($message, Zend_Log::CRIT, 'simple', 'Springbot-Http.log'); } } public static function remote($message, $id = 1, $priority = 5, $alert = false) { $id = (is_null($id)) ? 1 : $id; if($storeId = Mage::helper('combine/harvest')->getSpringbotStoreId($id)) { $ar = array( 'store_id' => $storeId, 'event_time' => Mage::helper('combine')->formatDateTime(), 'store_url' => Mage::helper('combine/harvest')->getStoreUrl($id), 'remote_addr' => self::getRemoteAddress(), 'priority' => $priority, 'description' => $message, ); if($alert) { $ar['log_type'] = 'ALERT'; } $struct = array($storeId => $ar); $api = Mage::getModel('combine/api'); $payload = $api->wrap('logs', $struct); $api->reinit()->call('logs', $payload); } } public static function getRemoteAddress() { return isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $remAddr=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null; } private static function _levelAllowed($level) { return $level <= Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/debug/log_level'); } public static function printLine($remote = false) { Springbot_Log::harvest('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', $remote); } }