* @version * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) */ class Springbot_Cli { private static $_phpExec; /** * Intended to be a wrapper for interalCallback to route cronned * instances to the cron queue. We do not want to send jobs in * the work service here, as they wind up in a loop. * * @param string $method * @param array $args */ public static function async($method, $args = array()) { if (Springbot_Boss::isCron() || Springbot_Boss::isPrattler()) { Springbot_Boss::scheduleJob($method, $args, 1); } else { self::internalCallback($method, $args, true); } } /** * * @param string $method * @param array $args * @param bool $background */ public static function internalCallback($method, $args = array(), $background = true) { $bkg = $background ? '&' : ''; $fmt = self::buildFlags($args); $php = self::getPhpExec(); $dir = Mage::getBaseDir(); $err = Springbot_Log::getSpringbotErrorLog(); $log = Springbot_Log::getSpringbotLog(); $nohup = self::nohup(); $nice = self::nice(); $cmd = "{$nohup} {$nice} {$php} {$dir}/shell/springbot.php {$fmt} {$method} >> {$log} 2>> {$err} {$bkg}"; return self::spawn($cmd); } public static function nohup() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/advanced/nohup') ? 'nohup' : ''; } public static function nice() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/advanced/nice') ? 'nice' : ''; } /** * Build cli flags from arg array * * @param array $args * @return string */ public static function buildFlags($args) { $fmt = array(); foreach($args as $flag => $arg) { if(is_int($flag)) { $flag = $arg; $arg = ''; } $fmt[] = "-$flag $arg"; } return implode(' ', $fmt); } /** * Spawn system callback with any available system command * * @param string $command * @param int $return_var */ public static function spawn($command, &$return_var = 0) { Springbot_Log::debug($command); if(function_exists('system')) { $ret = system($command, $return_var); } else if(function_exists('exec')) { $ret = exec($command, $return_var); } else if(function_exists('passthru')) { $ret = passthru($command, $return_var); } else if(function_exists('shell_exec')) { $ret = shell_exec($command); } else { throw new Exception('Program execution function not found!'); } Springbot_Log::debug($ret); return $ret; } public static function launchHarvest() { Mage::helper('combine/harvest')->truncateEngineLogs(); self::async('cmd:harvest'); } public static function launchHarvestInline() { $harvest = new Springbot_Services_Cmd_Harvest(); $harvest->run(); } public static function startWorkManager() { $status = Mage::getModel('combine/cron_manager_status'); if (!$status->isBlocked() && !$status->isActive()) { self::internalCallback('work:manager'); } } public static function haltManager($pid) { self::internalCallback('work:stop', array('p' => $pid)); } public static function postItem($type, $id) { self::async( "post:$id", array('i' => $id) ); } public static function resumeHarvest() { self::async('work:manager'); } /** * Get PHP executable path * * @return string */ public static function getPhpExec() { if(!isset(self::$_phpExec)) { try { $php = Mage::getStoreConfig('springbot/config/php_exec'); if((empty($php))) { // This prevents the system command from outputting to apache ob_start(); if(empty($php) || !file_exists($php)) { $php = self::spawn('which php5 2> /dev/null'); } if(empty($php) || !file_exists($php)) { $php = self::spawn('which php 2> /dev/null'); } if(empty($php) || !file_exists($php)) { $php = 'php'; } ob_end_clean(); } self::$_phpExec = $php; } catch (Exception $e) { return ''; } } return self::$_phpExec; } }