*/ abstract class Fishpig_Wordpress_Controller_Abstract extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { /** * Exception ID value for invalid object * * @var const int */ const INVALID_OBJECT_EXCEPTION = 98765; /** * Exception ID for no database connection * * @var const int */ const NO_DATABASE_EXCEPTION = 98764; /** * Flag to determine whether to use OpenGraph tags * * @var bool */ protected $_useOpenGraphTags = false; /** * Loads layout and performs initialising tasls * */ protected function _init() { $this->_checkRunnableStatus(); $this->_setNamesUtf8(); if (!$this->_isLayoutLoaded) { $this->loadLayout(); } if ($this->getSeoPlugin()->isEnabled()) { if ($headBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')) { foreach($this->getSeoPlugin()->getMetaFields() as $field) { if ($value = $this->getSeoPlugin()->getData('home_'.$field)) { $headBlock->setData($field, trim($value)); } } } } if ($this->_useOpenGraphTags) { Mage::helper('wordpress/plugin_opengraph')->addBaseTags(); } $this->setCustomRootTemplate(); Mage::dispatchEvent('wordpress_' . $this->_getEventName() . '_controller_init', array('action' => $this)); $this->_title()->_title(Mage::helper('wordpress')->getWpOption('blogname')); $this->_addCrumb('home', array('link' => Mage::getUrl(), 'label' => $this->__('Home'))) ->_addCrumb('blog', array('link' => Mage::helper('wordpress')->getUrl(), 'label' => $this->__(Mage::helper('wordpress')->getPrettyBlogRoute()))); if ($rootBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('root')) { $rootBlock->addBodyClass('is-blog'); } return $this; } /** * Retrieve the entity name used for events * * @return string */ protected function _getEventName() { $results = array(); if (preg_match("/_([a-zA-Z]{1,})Controller/", get_class($this), $results)) { if (isset($results[1])) { return strtolower($results[1]); } } return 'anon'; } /** * Forces correct character encoding * */ protected function _setNamesUtf8() { Mage::helper('wordpress/database')->getReadAdapter()->query('SET NAMES UTF8'); } /** * Determine whether the module can run * */ protected function _checkRunnableStatus() { if (!Mage::helper('wordpress/database')->isConnected() || !Mage::helper('wordpress/database')->isQueryable()) { throw new Exception(self::NO_DATABASE_EXCEPTION); } } /** * Adds a crumb to the breadcrumb trail * * @param string $crumbName * @param array $crumbInfo * @param string $after */ protected function _addCrumb($crumbName, array $crumbInfo, $after = false) { if ($breadcrumbs = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs')) { if (!isset($crumbInfo['title'])) { $crumbInfo['title'] = $crumbInfo['label']; } $breadcrumbs->addCrumb($crumbName, $crumbInfo, $after); } return $this; } /** * Add a canonical link tag to the HTML head * * @param string $url */ protected function _addCanonicalLink($url) { if ($headBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')) { $headBlock->addItem('link_rel', $url, 'rel="canonical"'); } return $this; } /** * Throws an exception indicating the page load failed * This should cause a 404 * * @param null|string $type */ protected function throwInvalidObjectException($type = null) { throw new Exception($this->__('Unable to load a valid object ('.$type.')'), self::INVALID_OBJECT_EXCEPTION); } /** * Default index action * Child controllers can use this simple action as * most logic can be performed in _init() */ public function indexAction() { if ($this->isEnabledForStore()) { try { $eventName = sprintf('%s_%s_%s', $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(), $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(), $this->getRequest()->getActionName()); Mage::dispatchEvent('wordpress_controller_init', array('action' => $this)); Mage::dispatchEvent($eventName . '_init_before', array('action' => $this)); $result = $this->_init(); if ($result === false) { $this->_forward('noRoute'); } else if (!is_null($result)) { Mage::dispatchEvent($eventName . '_init_after', array('action' => $this)); if (Mage::helper('wordpress')->getWpOption('blog_public') !== '1') { if (($headBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')) !== false) { $headBlock->setRobots('noindex,nofollow'); } } $this->renderLayout(); } else { return; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Exception) { throw $e; } else if (!in_array($e->getCode(), array(self::INVALID_OBJECT_EXCEPTION, self::NO_DATABASE_EXCEPTION))) { Mage::helper('wordpress')->log($e->getMessage()); } $this->_forward('noRoute'); } } else { $this->_forward('noRoute'); } } /** * Adds custom layout handles * * @param array $handles = array() */ protected function _addCustomLayoutHandles(array $handles = array()) { array_unshift($handles, array('default')); $update = $this->getLayout()->getUpdate(); foreach($handles as $handle) { $update->addHandle($handle); } $this->addActionLayoutHandles(); $this->loadLayoutUpdates(); $this->generateLayoutXml()->generateLayoutBlocks(); $this->_isLayoutLoaded = true; return $this; } /** * Retrieve the helper for the All-In-One SEO plugin * * @return Fishpig_Wordpress_Helper_Abstract */ public function getSeoPlugin() { return Mage::helper('wordpress/plugin_allInOneSeo'); } /** * Determine whether the current page is the feed page * * @return bool */ public function isFeedPage() { return $this->getRequest()->getParam('feed'); } /** * Retrieve the router helper object * * @return Fishpig_Wordpress_Helper_Router */ public function getRouterHelper() { return Mage::helper('wordpress/router'); } /** * Determine whether the extension has been enabled for the current store * * @return bool */ public function isEnabledForStore() { return !Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('advanced/modules_disable_output/Fishpig_Wordpress'); } /** * Sets a custom root template (if set) * * @return Fishpig_Wordpress_Controller_Abstract */ public function setCustomRootTemplate() { if ($template = Mage::getStoreConfig('wordpress_blog/layout/template_default')) { if ($this->_setCustomRootTemplate($template)) { return $this; } } return $this; } /** * Apply a root template code * * @param string $code = '' * @return bool */ protected function _setCustomRootTemplate($code = '') { if ($code) { $this->getLayout()->helper('page/layout')->applyTemplate($code); return true; } return false; } /** * Redirect to a URL now * Exit after sending redirect headers * * @param string $url * @param int $httpCode = 302 */ protected function _redirectUrlNow($url, $httpCode = 302) { if ($httpCode == 301) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); } header("Location: " . $url); } /** * Retrieve current url * This has been taken from Helper: core/url in * As some early versions implementations work differently * * @return string */ public function getCurrentUrl() { $request = Mage::app()->getRequest(); $port = $request->getServer('SERVER_PORT'); if ($port) { $defaultPorts = array(80, 443); $port = (in_array($port, $defaultPorts)) ? '' : ':' . $port; } $url = $request->getScheme() . '://' . $request->getHttpHost() . $port . $request->getServer('REQUEST_URI'); return $url; } /** * Renders the applied the titles * */ protected function _renderTitles() { parent::_renderTitles(); if ($this->_useOpenGraphTags) { Mage::helper('wordpress/plugin_opengraph')->updateTagsFromHeadBlock(); } return $this; } }