App_Slide = qs.createObject(); var appSlide = null; App_Slide.prototype = { options: null, form: null, initialize: function(options) { this.options = options; }, getForm: function() { if (this.form == null) { var formObj = $('form#' + this.options.formId); if ($(formObj).size()) { this.form = formObj; } else { alert('Form "' + this.options.formId + '" is not found.'); } } return this.form; }, changeType: function() { var linkType = $('#linkType', this.getForm()).val(); var type = $('#type', this.getForm()).val(); var htmlElements = ['html', 'backgroundImage']; if ('none' != linkType) { htmlElements.push('linkText') } if (type == 'image') { this.hide(htmlElements, true); this.hide(['image'], false); } else if (type == 'html') { this.hide(['image'], true); this.hide(htmlElements, false); } }, changeLinkType: function() { var linkType = $('#linkType', this.getForm()).val(); var type = $('#type', this.getForm()).val(); this.hide(['url', 'pageId', 'linkText'], true); if ('none' != linkType) { var elements = []; if ('html' == type) { elements.push('linkText') } if (linkType == 'url') { elements.push('url'); } else if (linkType == 'cms') { elements.push('pageId'); } this.hide(elements, false); } }, hide: function(elements, value) { for (var i in elements) { if (value) { $('#' + elements[i] + '-label').hide(); $('#' + elements[i] + '-element').hide(); } else { $('#' + elements[i] + '-label').show(); $('#' + elements[i] + '-element').show(); } } } }; function initAppSlide(options) { appSlide = new App_Slide(options); var formObj = appSlide.getForm(); if (formObj) { $('#type', formObj).bind('change', function() { appSlide.changeType(); }); $('#linkType', formObj).bind('change', function() { appSlide.changeLinkType(); }); appSlide.changeType(); appSlide.changeLinkType(); } }; /* ****************************************************************************************************************** */ var App_Slide_SpotForm = qs.createObject(); var appSlideSpotForm = null; App_Slide_SpotForm.prototype = { _containerWidth: null, _containerHeight: null, _spots: [], _spotIndex: 0, _spotErrors: [], _cancelUrl: '', _slideId: null, initialize: function(options) { for (var i in options) { if (typeof this['_' + i] != 'undefined') { this['_' + i] = options[i]; } } }, getSpotIndex: function() { return this._spotIndex++; }, addSpotItem: function(type, top, left, width, height, urlType, pageId, url) { var obj = this; var index = obj.getSpotIndex(); top = (top) ? +top : index * 5; left = (left) ? +left : index * 5; width = (width) ? +width : 50; height = (height) ? +height : 50; if (urlType !== 'page' && urlType != 'url') { urlType = 'page'; } pageId = +pageId; url = url || ''; var item = '
' + '' + '
'; $("#spot_container").append(item); $('#spot_item_' + index).resizable({containment: '#spot_container', stop: function (event, ui) { obj.spotResizingStop(this, event, ui); }}); $('#spot_item_' + index).draggable({containment: '#spot_container', stop: function (event, ui) { obj.spotDraggingStop(this, event, ui); }}); $('#spot_item_' + index).css('position', 'absolute'); $('#spot_item_' + index).css('top', top + 'px'); $('#spot_item_' + index).css('left', left + 'px'); $('#spot_item_' + index).css('width', width + 'px'); $('#spot_item_' + index).css('height', height + 'px'); obj._spots[index] = {type: type, top: top, left: left, width: width, height: height, urlType: urlType, pageId: pageId, url: url}; $('#spot_item_' + index).click(function() { $('#spot_url').blur(); $('#spot_id_page').blur(); $('div[class*=spot_item_active]').removeClass('spot_item_active'); $(this).addClass('spot_item_active'); obj.initSpotUrl(); }).click(); }, deleteSpotItem: function() { var spot = $('div[class*=spot_item_active]'); if ($(spot).size()) { if (confirm("Do you really want to delete this hot spot?")) { var index = $(spot).attr('index'); this._spots[index] = null; $(spot).remove(); this.initSpotUrl(); } } }, clearSpotItems: function() { var container = $('#spot_container'); if ($(container).html() != '') { if (confirm("Do you really want to delete all hot spots?")) { this._spotIndex = 0; this._spots = []; $(container).html(''); this.initSpotUrl(); } } }, changeSpotLinkType: function() { if ($('#spot_link_type').val() == 'page') { $('#spot_id_page').show(); $('#spot_url, #spot_url_description').hide(); } else { $('#spot_id_page').hide(); $('#spot_url, #spot_url_description').show(); } this.setSpotUrl(); }, initSpotUrl: function() { var spot = $('div[class*=spot_item_active]'); var link_container = $('#spot_link_container'); if ($(spot).size()) { var index = $(spot).attr('index'); $('#spot_id_page', link_container).val(this._spots[index].pageId); $('#spot_url', link_container).val(this._spots[index].url); $('#spot_link_type', link_container).val(this._spots[index].urlType).change(); if (typeof this._spotErrors[index] == 'string' && this._spotErrors[index] != '') { $('ul#spot_url_errors').html('
  • ' + this._spotErrors[index] + '
  • ').show(); } else { $('ul#spot_url_errors').html('').hide(); } $(link_container).show(); } else { $(link_container).hide(); } }, setSpotUrl: function() { var spot = $('div[class*=spot_item_active]'); if ($(spot).size()) { var index = $(spot).attr('index'); this._spots[index].urlType = $('#spot_link_type').val(); this._spots[index].pageId = $('#spot_id_page').val(); this._spots[index].url = $('#spot_url').val(); } }, spotResizingStop: function(element, event, ui) { var index = $(element).attr('index'); var type = $(element).attr('type'); var top =; var left = ui.position.left; var width = ui.size.width; var height = ui.size.height; if (type == 'circle') { var imprecision = 7; if (width != height) { if (width > height) { width = height; } else { height = width; } if ((left + width) > this._containerWidth) { width = width - (top + width - this._containerWidth) - imprecision; height = width; } if ((top + height) > this._conteinerHeight) { height = height - (left + height - this._conteinerHeight) - imprecision; width = height; } $(element).css('width', width + 'px'); $(element).css('height', height + 'px'); } } this._spots[index].top = top; this._spots[index].left = left; this._spots[index].width = width; this._spots[index].height = height; }, spotDraggingStop: function(element, event, ui) { var index = $(element).attr('index'); this._spots[index].top =; this._spots[index].left = ui.position.left; }, spotSave: function() { var obj = this; var data = "&action=save&slideId=" + obj._slideId; obj._spotErrors = []; for (var i in obj._spots) { if (obj._spots[i] != null) { for (var prop in obj._spots[i]) { data += '&' + prop + '[' + i + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(obj._spots[i][prop]); } } } $.ajax({ url: qs.constant('BASE_URL') + '/' + qs.constant('CURRENT_PAGE'), data: data, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(textStatus); }, success: function(data, textStatus) { if (data.isLocked) { alert(data.error); } else if (data.status == 'ok') { if (data.backUrl) { document.location = data.backUrl; } else { $('#form_cancel').click(); } } else { obj._spotErrors = data.errors; for (var i in data.errors) { $('#spot_item_' + i).click(); } alert("Please review the comments marked in red and make appropriate corrections."); } } }); } }; function initAppSlideSpotForm(options) { appSlideSpotForm = new App_Slide_SpotForm(options); $('#spot_add_rectangle').click(function() { appSlideSpotForm.addSpotItem('rect'); }); $('#spot_add_circle').click(function() { appSlideSpotForm.addSpotItem('circle'); }); $('#spot_delete').bind('click', function() { appSlideSpotForm.deleteSpotItem(); }); $('#spot_clear').bind('click', function() { appSlideSpotForm.clearSpotItems() }); $('#spot_link_type').bind('change', function () { appSlideSpotForm.changeSpotLinkType(); }); $('#spot_url, #spot_id_page').bind('blur', function () { appSlideSpotForm.setSpotUrl(); }); $('#form_submit').bind('click', function () { appSlideSpotForm.spotSave(); }); $('#form_cancel').click(function() { document.location = options.cancelUrl; }); for (var i in options.spotsList) { appSlideSpotForm.addSpotItem( options.spotsList[i].type, options.spotsList[i].top, options.spotsList[i].left, options.spotsList[i].width, options.spotsList[i].height, options.spotsList[i].urlType, options.spotsList[i].pageId, options.spotsList[i].url ); } };