// // Responsive: Tablet to desktop // -------------------------------------------------- @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { // Fixed grid @include grid-core($gridColumnWidth768, $gridGutterWidth768); // Fluid grid @include grid-fluid($fluidGridColumnWidth768, $fluidGridGutterWidth768); // Input grid @include grid-input($gridColumnWidth768, $gridGutterWidth768); // No need to reset .thumbnails here since it's the same $gridGutterWidth // Member navigation for tablets .member-content { [class*="span"], .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .row-fluid [class*="span"] { float: none; display: block; width: 100%; @include box-sizing(border-box); } } // Become a member button for tablets #become-member {padding: 20px 50px;} // Font size in login form for autologin label dd#autologin-element > label.optional {font-size: $baseFontSize - 1 ;} // Width of right footer's column footer { .address {width: 180px; float: right;} .phone {width: 140px; float: right; clear: both;} } }