INSERT INTO `md_zz_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`, `lastUpdated`, `showLastUpdated`) VALUES
('universalHtmlCode', 1, 'textarea', 'Universal HTML Code(s)', '', '', 'Note: HTML code will be placed before </body> tag on every user end page. It can be a Segment Pixel or any other analytics/tracking code(s).
Important Note: code should be in valid HTML/JavaScript syntax, otherwise it can break the page.', 'n', 'n', 93, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'y');
INSERT INTO `md_zz_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`) VALUES
('universalHtmlCode', 'escapeDescription', '0', 'bool'),
('universalHtmlCode', 'rows', '5', 'int'),
('universalHtmlCode', 'class', 'full', 'string');