# site url # http://m2.preview.orange35.com # generate build cd ~/public_html/m2.te.ua/trunk/source grunt build # upload build files to remote host cd ../web tar -cjf build.tar.bz2 ./combined.* ./images/ ./lib/ ./site-index.php ./content/ ./template/ ./translate/ && scp build.tar.bz2 m2@server1.adaptainc.com:/home/m2/www/ # update remote files from repository ssh -TR 5858:svn.adaptainc.com:80 m2@server1.adaptainc.com cd www svn up --force exit # unpack build and clean cache on remote host ssh m2@server1.adaptainc.com cd ~/www/ tar -xf build.tar.bz2 && rm build.tar.bz2 chmod 644 index.php cd ~/www/protected/runtime && rm -Rf * exit