-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- _990_initScript Group Routines -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIMITER $$$ create procedure __initScript_010Root() modifies sql data begin set @1 = tag_CreateDef(null, 'rootgeo', null); -- all default values set @1 = tag_CreateDef(null, 'rootamenity', null); set @1 = tag_CreateDef(null, 'rootsubmission', null); set @1 = tag_CreateDef(null, 'rootuser', null); update nodeT n set n.isRoot = 'y' where n.forceSingleNode = 'y'; end$$$ create procedure __initScript_015Templates() modifies sql data begin -- house numbers set @a1 = attribute_CreateText( null, 'geoattribute', 'Номер будинку', null, -- sorter null, -- can_search null, -- display_in_object null, -- display_in_object_list null, -- factor 'y', -- enabled null, -- code 'y', -- required 'n', -- sortable '', -- uofm_pre '', -- uofm_post 'n'); -- text_is_long set @1 = attribute_UpdateLocal(attribute_UpdateLocal(@a1, 'rus', 'Номер дома', null, null), 'eng', 'House Number', null, null); set @2 = template_Create(null, 'street', @a1); end$$$ create procedure __initScript_020Users() modifies sql data begin set @1 = user_Create( 'Lazar Manager', '+380977907993', 'user@dev.adaptainc.com', 'lazar', '$2y$13$lNcXZwxiGH4nAXSpe6V63./22ZApYkLY48cFXlQnCTQzJLuPKiO82', 'user', 'y', '1986-08-28', 'ukr', null); set @1 = user_Create( 'Lazar Manager', null, 'manager@dev.adaptainc.com', 'lazar_manager', '$2y$13$lNcXZwxiGH4nAXSpe6V63./22ZApYkLY48cFXlQnCTQzJLuPKiO82', 'manager', 'y', null, 'ukr', null); set @1 = user_Create( 'Lazar Admin', null, 'admin@dev.adaptainc.com', 'lazar_admin', '$2y$13$lNcXZwxiGH4nAXSpe6V63./22ZApYkLY48cFXlQnCTQzJLuPKiO82', 'admin', 'y', null, 'ukr', null); set @u1 = user_Create( 'Борис Заїка', null, null, 'vkontakte_Borey', '$2y$13$gfU5gFaAQw0XOZ406XZ1TORd6UpOMHWh/sFflHQDrux1.le/TESDu', 'admin', 'y', null, null, null); set @1 = user_SetOauth(@u1, 'vkontakte', 'http://vk.com/id14198259'); end$$$ create procedure __initScript_030Cities() modifies sql data begin -- Ternopil set @city_id = tag_CreateDef(null, 'locality', 'Тернопіль'); set @city_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@city_id, 'rus', 'Тернополь'), 'eng', 'Ternopil'); update externalDataSourceDatasetT set nodeId = @city_id where externalDataSourceId = 'osm' and code = 'ternopil'; -- Ternopil neighborhoods set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Центр')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Центр'), 'eng', 'Central'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Оболоня (базар)')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Оболоня (базар)'), 'eng', 'Obolonya (marketplace)'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Березовиця')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Березовица'), 'eng', 'Berezovytsya'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Дружба')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Дружба'), 'eng', 'Druzhba'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Кутківці')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Кутковцы'), 'eng', 'Kutkivtsi'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Пронятин')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Пронятин'), 'eng', 'Pronyatyn'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Новий Світ')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Новый Свет'), 'eng', 'Novy Svit'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Промисловий')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Промышленный'), 'eng', 'Industrial'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Північний')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Северный'), 'eng', 'Northern (Pivnichny)'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Аляска')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Аляска'), 'eng', 'Alaska'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Сонячний (БАМ)')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Солнечный (БАМ)'), 'eng', 'Sonyachny (BAM)'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Канада')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Канада'), 'eng', 'Canada'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Східний масив')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Восточный массив'), 'eng', 'Eastern neighborhood'); set @nbhd_id = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @city_id, tag_CreateDef(null, 'neighborhood', 'Старий Парк')); set @nbhd_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@nbhd_id, 'rus', 'Старый Парк'), 'eng', 'Old Park (Stary Park)'); -- Kyiv set @city_id = tag_CreateDef(null, 'locality', 'Київ'); set @city_id = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(@city_id, 'rus', 'Киев'), 'eng', 'Kyiv'); update externalDataSourceDatasetT set nodeId = @city_id where externalDataSourceId = 'osm' and code = 'kyiv'; end$$$ create procedure __initScript_040Amenities() modifies sql data begin -- estate types set @estate_apt = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'estatetype', 'Квартира'), 'rus', 'Квартира'), 'eng', 'Apartment'); set @estate_cott = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'estatetype', 'Дім'), 'rus', 'Дом'), 'eng', 'Cottage'); set @estate_ofc = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'estatetype', 'Офіс'), 'rus', 'Офис'), 'eng', 'Office'); set @estate_com = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'estatetype', 'Комерційна нерухомість'), 'rus', 'Коммерческая недвижимость'), 'eng', 'Commercial Estate'); set @estate_gar = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'estatetype', 'Гараж'), 'rus', 'Гараж'), 'eng', 'Garage'); -- submission types set @subm_buy = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'submissiontype', 'Купити'), 'rus', 'Купить'), 'eng', 'Buy'); set @subm_rent1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'submissiontype', 'Оренда подобова'), 'rus', 'Аренда посуточная'), 'eng', 'Short-term Rent'); set @subm_rentm = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'submissiontype', 'Оренда довгострокова'), 'rus', 'Аренда долгосрочная'), 'eng', 'Rent (Long-term)'); -- wall materials set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'wallmaterial', 'Цегла'), 'rus', 'Кирпич'), 'eng', 'Brick'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'wallmaterial', 'Силікатна цегла'), 'rus', 'Силикатный кирпич'), 'eng', 'Silicate Brick'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'wallmaterial', 'Бетонна панель'), 'rus', 'Бетонная панель'), 'eng', 'Concrete Panel'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'wallmaterial', 'Газобетонний блок'), 'rus', 'Газобетонный блок'), 'eng', 'Aerocrete Block'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'wallmaterial', 'Сендвіч панель'), 'rus', 'Сендвич панель'), 'eng', 'Sandwich Panel'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); -- roofing materials set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'roofmaterial', 'Металева'), 'rus', 'Металлическая'), 'eng', 'Metal'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'roofmaterial', 'Металочерепиця'), 'rus', 'Металочерепица'), 'eng', 'Metal Tiles'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'roofmaterial', 'Керамічна черепиця'), 'rus', 'Керамическая черепица'), 'eng', 'Ceramic Tiles'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'roofmaterial', 'Руберойд'), 'rus', 'Рубероид'), 'eng', 'Tar Roofing'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1); -- supplies set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'supply', 'Електрика'), 'rus', 'Электричество'), 'eng', 'Electricity'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'supply', 'Газ'), 'rus', 'Газ'), 'eng', 'Natural Gas'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'supply', 'Водогін'), 'rus', 'Водопровод'), 'eng', 'Water Supply'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'supply', 'Каналізація'), 'rus', 'Канализация'), 'eng', 'Sewer'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); -- amenities set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Меблі'), 'rus', 'Мебель'), 'eng', 'Furniture'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Холодильник'), 'rus', 'Холодильник'), 'eng', 'Refrigerator'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Мікрохвильова піч'), 'rus', 'Микроволновая печь'), 'eng', 'Microwave Oven'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Індивідуальне опалення'), 'rus', 'Индивидуальное отопление'), 'eng', 'Home heating'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Інтернет/Wi-Fi'), 'rus', 'Интернет/Wi-Fi'), 'eng', 'Internet/Wi-Fi'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Телефон (міський)'), 'rus', 'Телефон (городской)'), 'eng', 'Telephone (wired)'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Сантехніка'), 'rus', 'Сантехника'), 'eng', 'Plumbing'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Євроремонт'), 'rus', 'Евроремонт'), 'eng', 'Remodeled/Renovated'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_cott, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'amenity', 'Оглядова яма'), 'rus', 'Смотровая яма'), 'eng', 'Inspection Pit'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_gar, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); -- set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'extamenity', 'Конс''єрж'), 'rus', 'Консьерж'), 'eng', 'Concierge'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'extamenity', 'Ліфт'), 'rus', 'Лифт'), 'eng', 'Elevator'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'extamenity', 'Парковка'), 'rus', 'Парковка'), 'eng', 'Parking Lot'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_ofc, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_com, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rent1, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); set @u1 = tag_UpdateLocal(tag_UpdateLocal(tag_CreateDef(null, 'extamenity', 'Дитячий майданчик'), 'rus', 'Детская площадка'), 'eng', 'Playground'); set @2 = nodeLink_Relink2(null, @estate_apt, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_buy, @u1) and nodeLink_Relink2(null, @subm_rentm, @u1); end$$$ create procedure __initScript_050HiddenAttributes() modifies sql data begin -- by rating sort set @1 = attribute_CreateNumeric( null, 'hiddenattribute', 'Рейтинг', -100000001, -- sorter null, -- can_search null, -- display_in_object null, -- display_in_object_list 0, -- factor 'y', -- enabled '__byrating', -- code 'n', -- required 'y', -- sortable '', -- uofm_pre '', -- uofm_post 0, -- decimal_min 0, -- decimal_max 0); -- decimal_round set @2 = attribute_UpdateLocal(attribute_UpdateLocal(@1, 'rus', 'Рейтинг', null, null), 'eng', 'Rating', null, null); -- by changed sort set @1 = attribute_CreateNumeric( null, 'hiddenattribute', 'Дата оновлення', -100000000, -- sorter null, -- can_search null, -- display_in_object null, -- display_in_object_list 0, -- factor 'y', -- enabled '__bychanged', -- code 'n', -- required 'y', -- sortable '', -- uofm_pre '', -- uofm_post 0, -- decimal_min 0, -- decimal_max 0); -- decimal_round set @2 = attribute_UpdateLocal(attribute_UpdateLocal(@1, 'rus', 'Дата обновления', null, null), 'eng', 'Date', null, null); end$$$ create procedure initScript_Start() modifies sql data begin start transaction; call __initScript_010Root(); call __initScript_015Templates(); call __initScript_020Users(); call __initScript_030Cities(); call __initScript_040Amenities(); call __initScript_050HiddenAttributes(); commit; end$$$