var debugWindow = null; function debug(text, reverse) { if (debugWindow == null) return; time = "-"; //new Date(); if (reverse) { $('debug').innerHTML = time + " " + text + "
"+ $('debug').innerHTML; debugWindow.getContent().scrollTop=0; } else { $('debug').innerHTML += time + " " + text + "
"; debugWindow.getContent().scrollTop=10000; // Far away } } function hideDebug() { if (debugWindow) { debugWindow.destroy(); debugWindow = null; } } function showDebug(bShow) { if (debugWindow == null) { debugWindow = new Window('debug_window', {className: 'dialog',width:250, height:100, right:4, bottom:42, zIndex:1000, opacity:1, showEffect:, resizable: true, title: "Debug"}) debugWindow.getContent().innerHTML = "
"; date=new Date; date.setMonth(date.getMonth()+3); //debugWindow.setCookie(null, date); } if( typeof bShow == 'undefined' || bShow) } function clearDebug() { if (debugWindow == null) return; $('debug').innerHTML = ""; } /** * document.createElement convenience wrapper * * The data parameter is an object that must have the "tag" key, containing * a string with the tagname of the element to create. It can optionally have * a "children" key which can be: a string, "data" object, or an array of "data" * objects to append to this element as children. Any other key is taken as an * attribute to be applied to this tag. * * Available under an MIT license: * * * @param {Object} data The data representing the element to create * @return {Element} The element created. */ function $E(data) { var el; if ('string'==typeof data) { el=document.createTextNode(data); } else { //create the element el=document.createElement(data.tag); delete(data.tag); //append the children if ('undefined'!=typeof data.children) { if ('string'==typeof data.children ||'undefined'==typeof data.children.length) { //strings and single elements el.appendChild($E(data.children)); } else { //arrays of elements for (var i=0, child=null; 'undefined'!=typeof (child=data.children[i]); i++) { el.appendChild($E(child)); } } delete(data.children); } //any other data is attributes for (attr in data) { el[attr]=data[attr]; } } return el; } // FROM Nick Hemsley var Debug = { inspectOutput: function (container, within) { within = within || debugWindow.getContent() if (debugWindow == null) return; within.appendChild(container) }, inspect: function(object) { var cont = $E({tag: "div", className: "inspector"}) Debug.inspectObj(object, cont) debugWindow.getContent().appendChild(cont) }, inspectObj: function (object, container) { for (prop in object) { Debug.inspectOutput(Debug.inspectable(object, prop), container) } }, inspectable: function(object, prop) { cont = $E({tag: 'div', className: 'inspectable', children: [prop + " value: " + object[prop] ]}) cont.toInspect = object[prop] Event.observe(cont, 'click', Debug.inspectClicked, false) return cont }, inspectClicked: function(e) { Debug.inspectContained(Event.element(e)) Event.stop(e) }, inspectContained: function(container) { if (container.opened) { container.parentNode.removeChild(container.opened) delete(container.opened) } else { sibling = container.parentNode.insertBefore($E({tag: "div", className: "child"}), container.nextSibling) if (container.toInspect) Debug.inspectObj(container.toInspect, sibling) container.opened = sibling } } } var inspect = Debug.inspect;