/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@magento.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magento.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Adminhtml * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2016 X.commerce, Inc. and affiliates (http://www.magento.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) */ var varienForm = new Class.create(); varienForm.prototype = { initialize : function(formId, validationUrl){ this.formId = formId; this.validationUrl = validationUrl; this.submitUrl = false; if($(this.formId)){ this.validator = new Validation(this.formId, {onElementValidate : this.checkErrors.bind(this)}); } this.errorSections = $H({}); }, checkErrors : function(result, elm){ if(!result) elm.setHasError(true, this); else elm.setHasError(false, this); }, validate : function(){ if(this.validator && this.validator.validate()){ if(this.validationUrl){ this._validate(); } return true; } return false; }, submit : function(url){ if (typeof varienGlobalEvents != undefined) { varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent('formSubmit', this.formId); } this.errorSections = $H({}); this.canShowError = true; this.submitUrl = url; if(this.validator && this.validator.validate()){ if(this.validationUrl){ this._validate(); } else{ this._submit(); } return true; } return false; }, _validate : function(){ new Ajax.Request(this.validationUrl,{ method: 'post', parameters: $(this.formId).serialize(), onComplete: this._processValidationResult.bind(this), onFailure: this._processFailure.bind(this) }); }, _processValidationResult : function(transport){ if (typeof varienGlobalEvents != undefined) { varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent('formValidateAjaxComplete', transport); } var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if(response.error){ if($('messages')){ $('messages').innerHTML = response.message; } } else{ this._submit(); } }, _processFailure : function(transport){ location.href = BASE_URL; }, _submit : function(){ var $form = $(this.formId); if(this.submitUrl){ $form.action = this.submitUrl; } $form.submit(); } } /** * redeclare Validation.isVisible function * * use for not visible elements validation */ Validation.isVisible = function(elm){ while (elm && elm.tagName != 'BODY') { if (elm.disabled) return false; if ((Element.hasClassName(elm, 'template') && Element.hasClassName(elm, 'no-display')) || Element.hasClassName(elm, 'ignore-validate')){ return false; } elm = elm.parentNode; } return true; } /** * Additional elements methods */ var varienElementMethods = { setHasChanges : function(element, event){ if($(element) && $(element).hasClassName('no-changes')) return; var elm = element; while(elm && elm.tagName != 'BODY') { if(elm.statusBar) Element.addClassName($(elm.statusBar), 'changed') elm = elm.parentNode; } }, setHasError : function(element, flag, form){ var elm = element; while(elm && elm.tagName != 'BODY') { if(elm.statusBar){ if(form.errorSections.keys().indexOf(elm.statusBar.id)<0) form.errorSections.set(elm.statusBar.id, flag); if(flag){ Element.addClassName($(elm.statusBar), 'error'); if(form.canShowError && $(elm.statusBar).show){ form.canShowError = false; $(elm.statusBar).show(); } form.errorSections.set(elm.statusBar.id, flag); } else if(!form.errorSections.get(elm.statusBar.id)){ Element.removeClassName($(elm.statusBar), 'error') } } elm = elm.parentNode; } this.canShowElement = false; } } Element.addMethods(varienElementMethods); // Global bind changes varienWindowOnloadCache = {}; function varienWindowOnload(useCache){ var dataElements = $$('input', 'select', 'textarea'); for(var i=0; i#{innerHTML}'); this.config = regions['config']; delete regions.config; this.regions = regions; this.disableAction = (typeof disableAction=='undefined') ? 'hide' : disableAction; this.clearRegionValueOnDisable = (typeof clearRegionValueOnDisable == 'undefined') ? false : clearRegionValueOnDisable; if (this.regionSelectEl.options.length<=1) { this.update(); } else { this.lastCountryId = this.countryEl.value; } this.countryEl.changeUpdater = this.update.bind(this); Event.observe(this.countryEl, 'change', this.update.bind(this)); }, _checkRegionRequired: function() { var label, wildCard; var elements = [this.regionTextEl, this.regionSelectEl]; var that = this; if (typeof this.config == 'undefined') { return; } var regionRequired = this.config.regions_required.indexOf(this.countryEl.value) >= 0; elements.each(function(currentElement) { if(!currentElement) { return; } Validation.reset(currentElement); label = $$('label[for="' + currentElement.id + '"]')[0]; if (label) { wildCard = label.down('em') || label.down('span.required'); var topElement = label.up('tr') || label.up('li'); if (!that.config.show_all_regions && topElement) { if (regionRequired) { topElement.show(); } else { topElement.hide(); } } } if (label && wildCard) { if (!regionRequired) { wildCard.hide(); } else { wildCard.show(); } } if (!regionRequired || !currentElement.visible()) { if (currentElement.hasClassName('required-entry')) { currentElement.removeClassName('required-entry'); } if ('select' == currentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() && currentElement.hasClassName('validate-select') ) { currentElement.removeClassName('validate-select'); } } else { if (!currentElement.hasClassName('required-entry')) { currentElement.addClassName('required-entry'); } if ('select' == currentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() && !currentElement.hasClassName('validate-select') ) { currentElement.addClassName('validate-select'); } } }); }, update: function() { if (this.regions[this.countryEl.value]) { // if (!this.regionSelectEl) { // Element.insert(this.regionTextEl, {after : this.tpl.evaluate(this._regionSelectEl)}); // this.regionSelectEl = $(this._regionSelectEl.id); // } if (this.lastCountryId != this.countryEl.value) { var i, option, region, def; def = this.regionSelectEl.getAttribute('defaultValue'); if (this.regionTextEl) { if (!def) { def = this.regionTextEl.value.toLowerCase(); } this.regionTextEl.value = ''; } this.regionSelectEl.options.length = 1; for (regionId in this.regions[this.countryEl.value]) { region = this.regions[this.countryEl.value][regionId]; option = document.createElement('OPTION'); option.value = regionId; option.text = region.name.stripTags(); option.title = region.name; if (this.regionSelectEl.options.add) { this.regionSelectEl.options.add(option); } else { this.regionSelectEl.appendChild(option); } if (regionId == def || region.name.toLowerCase() == def || region.code.toLowerCase() == def) { this.regionSelectEl.value = regionId; } } } this.sortSelect(); if (this.disableAction == 'hide') { if (this.regionTextEl) { this.regionTextEl.style.display = 'none'; this.regionTextEl.style.disabled = true; } this.regionSelectEl.style.display = ''; this.regionSelectEl.disabled = false; } else if (this.disableAction == 'disable') { if (this.regionTextEl) { this.regionTextEl.disabled = true; } this.regionSelectEl.disabled = false; } this.setMarkDisplay(this.regionSelectEl, true); this.lastCountryId = this.countryEl.value; } else { this.sortSelect(); if (this.disableAction == 'hide') { if (this.regionTextEl) { this.regionTextEl.style.display = ''; this.regionTextEl.style.disabled = false; } this.regionSelectEl.style.display = 'none'; this.regionSelectEl.disabled = true; } else if (this.disableAction == 'disable') { if (this.regionTextEl) { this.regionTextEl.disabled = false; } this.regionSelectEl.disabled = true; if (this.clearRegionValueOnDisable) { this.regionSelectEl.value = ''; } } else if (this.disableAction == 'nullify') { this.regionSelectEl.options.length = 1; this.regionSelectEl.value = ''; this.regionSelectEl.selectedIndex = 0; this.lastCountryId = ''; } this.setMarkDisplay(this.regionSelectEl, false); // // clone required stuff from select element and then remove it // this._regionSelectEl.className = this.regionSelectEl.className; // this._regionSelectEl.name = this.regionSelectEl.name; // this._regionSelectEl.id = this.regionSelectEl.id; // this._regionSelectEl.innerHTML = this.regionSelectEl.innerHTML; // Element.remove(this.regionSelectEl); // this.regionSelectEl = null; } varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent("address_country_changed", this.countryEl); this._checkRegionRequired(); }, setMarkDisplay: function(elem, display){ if(elem.parentNode.parentNode){ var marks = Element.select(elem.parentNode.parentNode, '.required'); if(marks[0]){ display ? marks[0].show() : marks[0].hide(); } } }, sortSelect : function () { var elem = this.regionSelectEl; var tmpArray = new Array(); var currentVal = $(elem).value; for (var i = 0; i < $(elem).options.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } tmpArray[i-1] = new Array(); tmpArray[i-1][0] = $(elem).options[i].text; tmpArray[i-1][1] = $(elem).options[i].value; } tmpArray.sort(); for (var i = 1; i <= tmpArray.length; i++) { var op = new Option(tmpArray[i-1][0], tmpArray[i-1][1]); $(elem).options[i] = op; } $(elem).value = currentVal; return; } } regionUpdater = RegionUpdater; /** * Fix errorrs in IE */ Event.pointerX = function(event){ try{ return event.pageX || (event.clientX +(document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft)); } catch(e){ } } Event.pointerY = function(event){ try{ return event.pageY || (event.clientY +(document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop)); } catch(e){ } } SelectUpdater = Class.create(); SelectUpdater.prototype = { initialize: function (firstSelect, secondSelect, selectFirstMessage, noValuesMessage, values, selected) { this.first = $(firstSelect); this.second = $(secondSelect); this.message = selectFirstMessage; this.values = values; this.noMessage = noValuesMessage; this.selected = selected; this.update(); Event.observe(this.first, 'change', this.update.bind(this)); }, update: function() { this.second.length = 0; this.second.value = ''; if (this.first.value && this.values[this.first.value]) { for (optionValue in this.values[this.first.value]) { optionTitle = this.values[this.first.value][optionValue]; this.addOption(this.second, optionValue, optionTitle); } this.second.disabled = false; } else if (this.first.value && !this.values[this.first.value]) { this.addOption(this.second, '', this.noMessage); } else { this.addOption(this.second, '', this.message); this.second.disabled = true; } }, addOption: function(select, value, text) { option = document.createElement('OPTION'); option.value = value; option.text = text; if (this.selected && option.value == this.selected) { option.selected = true; this.selected = false; } if (select.options.add) { select.options.add(option); } else { select.appendChild(option); } } } /** * Observer that watches for dependent form elements * If an element depends on 1 or more of other elements, it should show up only when all of them gain specified values */ FormElementDependenceController = Class.create(); FormElementDependenceController.prototype = { /** * Structure of elements: { * 'id_of_dependent_element' : { * 'id_of_master_element_1' : 'reference_value', * 'id_of_master_element_2' : 'reference_value' * 'id_of_master_element_3' : ['reference_value1', 'reference_value2'] * ... * } * } * @param object elementsMap * @param object config */ initialize : function (elementsMap, config) { if (config) { this._config = config; } for (var idTo in elementsMap) { for (var idFrom in elementsMap[idTo]) { if ($(idFrom)) { Event.observe($(idFrom), 'change', this.trackChange.bindAsEventListener(this, idTo, elementsMap[idTo])); this.trackChange(null, idTo, elementsMap[idTo]); } else { this.trackChange(null, idTo, elementsMap[idTo]); } } } }, /** * Misc. config options * Keys are underscored intentionally */ _config : { levels_up : 1 // how many levels up to travel when toggling element }, /** * Define whether target element should be toggled and show/hide its row * * @param object e - event * @param string idTo - id of target element * @param valuesFrom - ids of master elements and reference values * @return */ trackChange : function(e, idTo, valuesFrom) { if (!$(idTo)) { return; } // define whether the target should show up var shouldShowUp = true; for (var idFrom in valuesFrom) { var from = $(idFrom); if (valuesFrom[idFrom] instanceof Array) { if (!from || valuesFrom[idFrom].indexOf(from.value) == -1) { shouldShowUp = false; } } else { if (!from || from.value != valuesFrom[idFrom]) { shouldShowUp = false; } } } // toggle target row if (shouldShowUp) { var currentConfig = this._config; $(idTo).up(this._config.levels_up).select('input', 'select', 'td').each(function (item) { // don't touch hidden inputs (and Use Default inputs too), bc they may have custom logic if ((!item.type || item.type != 'hidden') && !($(item.id+'_inherit') && $(item.id+'_inherit').checked) && !(currentConfig.can_edit_price != undefined && !currentConfig.can_edit_price)) { item.disabled = false; } }); $(idTo).up(this._config.levels_up).show(); } else { $(idTo).up(this._config.levels_up).select('input', 'select', 'td').each(function (item){ // don't touch hidden inputs (and Use Default inputs too), bc they may have custom logic if ((!item.type || item.type != 'hidden') && !($(item.id+'_inherit') && $(item.id+'_inherit').checked)) { item.disabled = true; } }); $(idTo).up(this._config.levels_up).hide(); } } }