/** * @category AM * @package AM_RevSlider * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2014 ArexMage.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later * @author ArexMage.com * @email support@arexmage.com */ ;'use strict'; var RevLayers = Class.create(); RevLayers.prototype = { form: null, delay: null, container: null, list: null, count: 0, index: 0, layers: {}, layerParams: 'align|style|text|left|top|max_width|max_height|whitespace|scaleX|scaleY|proportional_scale|2d_rotation|2d_origin_x|2d_origin_y|parallax_level|animation|easing|speed|split|splitdelay|endanimation|endeasing|endspeed|endsplit|endsplitdelay|loop_animation|loop_speed|loop_easing|loop_startdeg|loop_enddeg|loop_xstart|loop_xend|loop_ystart|loop_yend|loop_zoomstart|loop_zoomend|loop_xorigin|loop_yorigin|loop_angle|loop_radius|link_enable|link_type|link|link_open_in|link_slide|corner_left|corner_right|resizeme|hiddenunder|attrID|attrClasses|attrTitle|attrRel|alt'.split('|'), videoParams: 'width|height|fullwidth|cover|loop|control|args|autoplay|autoplayonlyfirsttime|nextslide|mute|force_rewind|disable_on_mobile|preload'.split('|'), animParams: 'animation|speed|easing|split|splitdelay|endanimation|endspeed|endeasing|endsplit|endsplitdelay'.split('|'), cusAnimParams: 'name|movex|movey|movez|rotationx|rotationy|rotationz|scalex|scaley|skewx|skewy|captionopacity|captionperspective|originx|originy'.split('|'), cssParams: 'font-family|color|padding|font-style|font-size|line-height|font-weight|text-decoration|background|border-color|border-style|border-width|border-radius|css'.split('|'), cssState: 'normal', cssUsingHover: 2, animPos: {}, cusAnimPos: {}, anims: new Hash(), styles: new Hash(), autorun: true, layerParamsElm: {}, selectedLayer: null, deleteBtn: null, dupLayerBtn: null, editLayerBtn: null, videoData: null, lastVideoId: null, videoSearch: false, initialize: function(form, delay, config){ this.mediaUrl = config.media_url; this.css_save_url = config.css_save_url; this.css_delete_url = config.css_delete_url; this.css_url = config.css_url; this.anim_save_url = config.anim_save_url; this.anim_delete_url= config.anim_delete_url; this.form = form; this.delay = delay || 9000; config.anims.each(function(anim){ this.anims.set(anim.id, anim); }, this); this.collectContainer(); this.collectBtns(); this.collectParamsElement(); this.updateContainer(); this.updateList(); this.selectLayer(); this.prepareAnimation(); this.updateAnimationSelect(); this.updateCssNew(); }, deleteLayerCss: function(windowId, id){ if (id && confirm(Translator.translate('Do you want delete this style?'))){ new Ajax.Request(this.css_delete_url, { method: 'post', parameters: {id: id}, onSuccess: function(transport){ var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if (response.success == 1){ Windows.close(windowId); var style = $('layer_style'); for (var i=0; i < style.options.length; i++){ if (style.options.item(i).value == id){ style.options.item(i).remove(); } } this.selectedLayer.removeClassName(this.selectedLayer.params['style']); this.selectedLayer.params['style'] = ''; style.value = ''; this.updateCssNew(); } }.bind(this) }); } }, assignCssForm: function(data){ this.cssObject = data.normal; if (data.hover.length === 0){ this.cssHover = Object.clone(data.normal); if (data.normal['padding']) this.cssHover['padding'] = Object.clone(data.normal['padding']); if (data.normal['border-radius']) this.cssHover['border-radius'] = Object.clone(data.normal['border-radius']); }else this.cssHover = data.hover; this.cssUsingHover = data.settings ? data.settings.hover : 0; this.updateCssElementsEditor(this.cssObject); this.updateCssPreview(); this.bindCssEditorEvent(); this.toggleCssEditMode(1, true); this.toggleCssState(1); }, updateCssElementsEditor: function(data){ var self = this; function bindChangeEvent(element, param){ element.on('slide', function(e,u){ var index = jQuery(this).data('sid'); if (self.cssState == 'normal'){ if (!self.cssObject[param]) self.cssObject[param] = [0,0,0,0]; self.cssObject[param][index] = u.value; }else{ if (!self.cssHover[param]) self.cssHover[param] = [0,0,0,0]; self.cssHover[param][index] = u.value; } self.updateCssPreview(); }); } function bindBgChangeEvent(color, alpha){ var style = {}, rgba = color.val() ? hexToRgba(color.val(), parseInt(alpha) / 100) : ''; style['background-color'] = rgba ? 'rgba(' + rgba + ')' : 'transparent'; if (self.cssState == 'normal') self.cssObject['background-color'] = style['background-color']; else self.cssHover['background-color'] = style['background-color']; self.updateCssPreview(); } function hexToRgba(hex, alpha){ var bigint = parseInt(hex, 16), r = (bigint >> 16) & 255, g = (bigint >> 8) & 255, b = bigint & 255, a = alpha < 0.0 ? 0 : (alpha > 1.0 ? 1 : alpha); return [r, g, b, a].join(); } function rgbToHex(r, g, b){ return ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1); } this.cssParams.each(function(param){ switch (param){ case 'padding': case 'border-radius': if (data[param]){ for (var i in data[param]){ var elm = jQuery('#css_' + param + '_' + i); if (elm.length){ elm.slider('option', 'value', data[param][i]); if (!elm.data('binded')){ elm.data('binded', true); bindChangeEvent(elm, param); } } } }else{ for (var i=0; i <= 4; i++){ var elm = jQuery('#css_' + param + '_' + i); if (elm.length){ elm.slider('option', 'value', 0); if (!elm.data('binded')){ elm.data('binded', true); bindChangeEvent(elm, param); } } } } break; case 'font-size': case 'line-height': case 'font-weight': case 'border-width': var elm = jQuery('#css_' + param); if (elm.length){ data[param] = data[param] || 0; elm.slider('option', 'value', data[param]); if (!elm.data('binded')){ elm.data('binded', true); elm.on('slide', function(e,u){ var style = {}; style[param] = u.value; self.updateCssObject(param, u.value); self.updateCssPreview(); }); } } break; case 'font-style': case 'text-decoration': var elm = $('css_' + param); if (elm){ if (data[param]) elm.value = data[param]; if (!elm.binded){ elm.binded = true; elm.observe('change', function(){ var style = {}; style[param] = elm.value; this.updateCssObject(param, elm.value); this.updateCssPreview(); }.bind(this)); } } break; case 'background': var alpha = jQuery('#css_background-transparency'), color = jQuery('#css_background-color'); if (alpha.length && color.length){ if (!data['background-color']){ color.val(''); alpha.slider('option', 'value', 100); }else{ if (data['background-color'].indexOf('rgb') === 0){ var str = data['background-color'].replace(/[rgba\(\)]/g, ''), rgb = str.split(','), hex = rgbToHex(parseInt(rgb[0]), parseInt(rgb[1]), parseInt(rgb[2])); color.val(hex); if (rgb[3]) alpha.slider('option', 'value', parseFloat(rgb[3]) * 100); else alpha.slider('option', 'value', 100); }else{ color.val(data['background-color']); alpha.slider('option', 'value', 100); } } if (!color.binded){ color.binded = true; color.on('change', function(){ bindBgChangeEvent(color, alpha.slider('value')); }); } $('css_background-color').color && $('css_background-color').color.importColor(); if (!alpha.data('binded')){ alpha.data('binded', true); alpha.on('slide', function(e,u){ bindBgChangeEvent(color, u.value); }); } } break; case 'color': case 'border-color': var elm = $('css_' + param); if (elm){ if (data[param]){ if (data[param].indexOf('rgb') === 0){ var str = data[param].replace(/[rgba\(\)]/g, ''), rgb = str.split(','), hex = rgbToHex(parseInt(rgb[0]), parseInt(rgb[1]), parseInt(rgb[2])); elm.value = hex.toUpperCase(); }else{ elm.value = data[param]; } } if (!elm.binded){ elm.binded = true; elm.observe('change', function(){ var style = {}; style[param] = '#' + this.cleanColor(elm.value); this.updateCssObject(param, style[param]); this.updateCssPreview(); }.bind(this)); } elm.color && elm.color.importColor(); } break; case 'css': var elm = $('css_css'); if (elm){ var css = this.getCssFromObject(data, false); if (CodeMirror){ if (!elm.cm){ elm.value = css; this.cssCM = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(elm, { mode: 'css', lineNumbers: true }); this.cssCM.on('blur', function(instance){ var content = instance.getValue(), data = this.getStyleFromCss(content); if (this.cssState == 'normal') this.cssObject = data; else this.cssHover = data; }.bind(this)); elm.cm = this.cssCM; } } } break; default: var elm = $('css_' + param); if (elm){ elm.value = data[param]; if (!elm.binded){ elm.binded = true; elm.observe('change', function(){ var style = {}; style[param] = elm.value; this.updateCssObject(param, elm.value); this.updateCssPreview(); }.bind(this)); } } break; } }, this); }, updateCssObject: function(param, value){ if (param && value){ if (this.cssState == 'normal'){ this.cssObject[param] = value; } else this.cssHover[param] = value; } }, getCssFromObject: function(obj, array){ var rules = []; if (typeof obj === 'object'){ for (var i in obj){ if (typeof obj[i] === 'object' && obj[i].length){ rules.push(i + ": " + obj[i].invoke('toString').invoke('concat', 'px').join(' ')); }else{ switch (i){ case 'font-size': case 'line-height': case 'border-width': rules.push(i + ": " + obj[i] + 'px'); break; default: rules.push(i + ": " + obj[i]); break; } } } } if (array) return rules; else{ rules = rules.collect(function(i){ return '\t' + i + ';'; }); return '{\n' + rules.join('\n') + '\n}'; } }, bindCssEditorEvent: function(){ $$('input[name="css_hover"]').each(function(input){ input.observe('click', function(){ this.cssUsingHover = input.value; }.bind(this)); }, this); $$('input[name="css_mode"]').each(function(input){ input.observe('click', function(){ this.toggleCssEditMode(parseInt(input.value), false); }.bind(this)); }, this); $$('input[name="css_state"]').each(function(input){ input.observe('click', function(){ this.toggleCssState(parseInt(input.value)); }.bind(this)); }, this); }, toggleCssState: function(mode){ var cssHoverField = $$('input[name="css_hover"]')[0], cssHoverDiv = cssHoverField.up('tr'); switch (mode){ case 1: this.cssState = 'normal'; if (this.cssMode == 1) this.updateCssElementsEditor(this.cssObject); else{ var content = this.getCssFromObject(this.cssObject, false); this.cssCM.setValue(content); } cssHoverDiv.hide(); break; case 2: this.cssState = 'hover'; if (this.cssMode == 1) this.updateCssElementsEditor(this.cssHover); else{ var content = this.getCssFromObject(this.cssHover, false); this.cssCM.setValue(content); } cssHoverDiv.show(); break; } this.updateCssPreview(); }, toggleCssEditMode: function(mode, init){ var simple = $('css_container_fieldset'), advance = $('css_advance_fieldset'); this.cssMode = mode; switch (mode){ case 1: simple && simple.show(); simple && this.updateCssEditor(init); advance && advance.hide(); break; case 2: simple && simple.hide(); advance && advance.show(); if (this.cssCM){ var content = this.cssState == 'normal' ? this.getCssFromObject(this.cssObject, false) : this.getCssFromObject(this.cssHover, false); this.cssCM.setValue(content); } break; } }, updateCssEditor: function(init){ if (init) return; if (this.cssCM){ var content = this.cssCM.getValue(), data = this.getStyleFromCss(content); this.updateCssElementsEditor(data); this.updateCssPreview(); if (this.cssState == 'normal') this.cssObject = data; else this.cssHover = data; } }, /** * Get css object from css text */ getStyleFromCss: function(content){ content = '#dummy' + content; var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''), styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.textContent = content; doc.body.appendChild(styleElement); var style = styleElement.sheet.cssRules[0].style, data = {}; style.cssText.split(';').each(function(rule){ var parts = rule.split(':'), ruleName = parts[0] ? parts[0].trim() : ''; if (ruleName){ if (ruleName == 'padding'){ data['padding'] = [ style.paddingTop ? parseInt(style.paddingTop) : 0, style.paddingRight ? parseInt(style.paddingRight) : 0, style.paddingBottom ? parseInt(style.paddingBottom) : 0, style.paddingLeft ? parseInt(style.paddingLeft) : 0 ]; }else if (ruleName == 'font-size'){ data['font-size'] = parseInt(style.fontSize); }else if (ruleName == 'font-weight'){ data['font-weight'] = parseInt(style.fontWeight); }else if (ruleName == 'line-height'){ data['line-height'] = parseInt(style.lineHeight); }else{ data[parts[0].trim()] = parts[1].trim(); } } }); data['border-color'] = style.borderColor; data['border-style'] = style.borderStyle; data['border-width'] = parseInt(style.borderWidth); data['border-radius'] = [ style.borderTopLeftRadius ? parseInt(style.borderTopLeftRadius) : 0, style.borderTopRightRadius ? parseInt(style.borderTopRightRadius) : 0, style.borderBottomRightRadius ? parseInt(style.borderBottomRightRadius) : 0, style.borderBottomLeftRadius ? parseInt(style.borderBottomLeftRadius) : 0 ]; return data; }, updateCssPreview: function(){ var target = $('css_preview'), data = this.cssState == 'normal' ? this.cssObject : this.cssHover; if (target){ var style = {}; if (this.cssState == 'normal'){ style.fontFamily = data['font-family'] || 'inherit'; style.fontSize = data['font-size'] != null ? data['font-size'] + 'px' : 'inherit'; style.fontStyle = data['font-style'] || 'normal'; style.fontWeight = data['font-weight'] || 'normal'; style.color = data['color'] || '000'; style.lineHeight = data['line-height'] != null ? data['line-height'] + 'px' : '100%'; style.textDecoration = data['text-decoration'] || 'none'; style.backgroundColor = data['background-color'] || 'transparent'; style.borderColor = data['border-color'] || '000'; style.borderStyle = data['border-style'] || 'solid'; style.borderWidth = data['border-width'] != null ?data['border-width'] + 'px' : '0'; if (data['padding']){ if (data['padding'][0] != null) style.paddingTop = data['padding'][0] + 'px'; if (data['padding'][1] != null) style.paddingRight = data['padding'][1] + 'px'; if (data['padding'][2] != null) style.paddingBottom = data['padding'][2] + 'px'; if (data['padding'][3] != null) style.paddingLeft = data['padding'][3] + 'px'; }else{ style.paddingTop = 0; style.paddingRight = 0; style.paddingBottom = 0; style.paddingLeft = 0; } if (data['border-radius']){ if (data['border-radius'][0] != null) style.borderTopLeftRadius = data['border-radius'][0] + 'px'; if (data['border-radius'][1] != null) style.borderTopRightRadius = data['border-radius'][1] + 'px'; if (data['border-radius'][2] != null) style.borderBottomRightRadius = data['border-radius'][2] + 'px'; if (data['border-radius'][3] != null) style.borderBottomLeftRadius = data['border-radius'][3] + 'px'; }else{ style.borderTopLeftRadius = 0; style.borderTopRightRadius = 0; style.borderBottomRightRadius = 0; style.borderBottomLeftRadius = 0; } }else{ if (data['font-family']) style.fontFamily = data['font-family']; if (data['font-size'] != null) style.fontSize = data['font-size'] + 'px'; if (data['font-style']) style.fontStyle = data['font-style']; if (data['font-weight']) style.fontWeight = data['font-weight']; if (data['color']) style.color = data['color']; if (data['line-height'] != null) style.lineHeight = data['line-height'] + 'px'; if (data['text-decoration']) style.textDecoration = data['text-decoration']; if (data['background-color']) style.backgroundColor = data['background-color']; if (data['border-color']) style.borderColor = data['border-color']; if (data['border-style']) style.borderStyle = data['border-style']; if (data['border-width'] != null) style.borderWidth = data['border-width'] + 'px'; if (data['padding']){ if (data['padding'][0] != null) style.paddingTop = data['padding'][0] + 'px'; if (data['padding'][1] != null) style.paddingRight = data['padding'][1] + 'px'; if (data['padding'][2] != null) style.paddingBottom = data['padding'][2] + 'px'; if (data['padding'][3] != null) style.paddingLeft = data['padding'][3] + 'px'; } if (data['border-radius']){ if (data['border-radius'][0] != null) style.borderTopLeftRadius = data['border-radius'][0] + 'px'; if (data['border-radius'][1] != null) style.borderTopRightRadius = data['border-radius'][1] + 'px'; if (data['border-radius'][2] != null) style.borderBottomRightRadius = data['border-radius'][2] + 'px'; if (data['border-radius'][3] != null) style.borderBottomLeftRadius = data['border-radius'][3] + 'px'; } } target.setStyle(style); } }, openCssDialog: function(url, id, title){ var style = $('layer_style'); if (style.value){ url += 'style/' + style.value; AM.MediabrowserUtility.openDialog(url, id, 1000, null, title); }else alert(Translator.translate('Please choose a style.')); }, openAnimationDialog: function(url, id, title, type){ url += 'type/' + type; if (type == 'in'){ url += '/aid/' + $('layer_animation').value; }else if (type == 'out'){ var anim = $('layer_endanimation').value; if (anim == 'auto') anim = $('layer_animation').value; url += '/aid/' + anim; } AM.MediabrowserUtility.openDialog(url, id, null, null, title); }, updateAnimationSelect: function(){ var inAnimSelect = $('layer_animation'), endAnimSelect = $('layer_endanimation'), data = arguments.length === 1 ? arguments[0] : this.anims; function hasAnimation(anim, collection){ for (var i=0; i' +item.label+ ''}); slider.slider = jQuery('#' + item.id).slider({ orientation: 'vertical', min: item.range[0], max: item.range[1], value: item.value, create: function(){ jQuery(this).find('a.ui-slider-handle').css({backgroundColor: item.color}).attr('title', item.label); jQuery(this).find('input.anim-value').val(item.value); }, slide: function(e,u){ jQuery(this).find('input.anim-value').val(u.value); } }); slider.down('input').observe('change', function(ev){ var value = parseInt(Event.findElement(ev, 'input').value); if (isNaN(value)) return; value = value < item.range[0] ? item.range[0] : (value > item.range[1] ? item.range[1] : value); slider.slider.slider('value', value); }); } }); }, runCustomAnimation: function(type){ setTimeout(function(){ this.toggleAutotun(false); this.prepareAnimationTarget('custom_animation_preview_target'); if (type == 'in') this.setInCustomAnimation('custom_animation_preview_target'); else this.setOutCustomAnimation('custom_animation_preview_target'); }.bind(this)); }, resetScale: function(){ if (!this.selectedLayer) return; if (this.selectedLayer.params.type != 'image') return; $('layer_proportional_scale').checked = false; this.setScale(false, true); }, setScale: function(useX, reset){ if (this.selectedLayer && this.selectedLayer.params.type === 'image'){ var layer = this.selectedLayer.params, imgUrl = layer.image_url.indexOf('http') === 0 ? layer.image_url : this.mediaUrl + layer.image_url, img = new Element('img', {'src': imgUrl}), x = img.width, y = img.height; if (!reset && useX){ x = parseInt(layer.scaleX); if (isNaN(x)) x = img.width; y = layer['proportional_scale'] ? Math.round(100 / img.width * x / 100 * img.height) : (!isNaN(layer.scaleY) ? layer.scaleY : img.height); }else if (!reset && !useX){ y = parseInt(layer.scaleY); if(isNaN(y)) y = img.height; x = layer['proportional_scale'] ? Math.round(100 / img.height * y / 100 * img.width) : (!isNaN(layer.scaleX) ? layer.scaleX : img.width); } layer.scaleX = x; layer.scaleY = y; this.layerParamsElm['scaleX'].value = x; this.layerParamsElm['scaleY'].value = y; this.updateLayerHtmlScale(layer); this.updateAlign(this.selectedLayer); } }, toggleAutotun: function(){ var parent = $('animation_control'), control = parent.down('span'); if (control){ if (arguments.length === 1){ if (this.autorun){ var flag = arguments[0]; if (flag){ control.addClassName('on'); this.toggleAnimPreview(true); }else{ control.removeClassName('on'); this.toggleAnimPreview(false); } } }else{ if (this.selectedLayer){ if (control.hasClassName('on')){ control.removeClassName('on'); this.toggleAnimPreview(false); this.autorun = false; }else{ control.addClassName('on'); this.toggleAnimPreview(true); this.autorun = true; } } } } }, prepareAnimation: function(){ this.animParams.each(function(param){ var elm = $('layer_' + param); if (elm){ elm.observe('change', function(){ if (this.autorun) this.setInAnimation(); }.bind(this)); } }, this); this.prepareAnimationTarget('animation_preview'); }, prepareAnimationTarget: function(elm){ var target = $(elm); if (!target) return; var parent = target.up(); if (!parent) return; var d1 = target.getDimensions(), d2 = parent.getDimensions(); if (!d2.width && !d2.height){ setTimeout(function(){ this.prepareAnimationTarget(elm); }.bind(this), 500); return; } var x = parseInt(d2.width / 2 - d1.width / 2), y = parseInt(d2.height / 2 - d1.height / 2); target.setStyle({ top: y + 'px', left: x + 'px', visibility: 'visible' }); return {top: y, left: x}; }, toggleAnimPreview: function(flag){ var target = jQuery('#animation_preview'); if (!target.length) return; punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(target, false); if (flag){ target.data('timer') && clearTimeout(target.data('timer')); target.removeClass('reset'); this.setInAnimation(); }else{ target.data('timer') && clearTimeout(target.data('timer')); target.addClass('reset'); } }, getCustomAnimationParams: function(){ var params = {}; this.cusAnimParams.each(function(param){ var elm = $$('input[name="anim-' + param + '"]')[0]; if (elm){ if (param != 'name') params[param] = parseInt(elm.value); else params[param] = elm.value; } }); params['easing'] = $('anim_easing') ? $('anim_easing').value : 'Linear.easeNone'; params['speed'] = $('anim_speed') ? parseInt($('anim_speed').value) : null; if (isNaN(params['speed'])) params['speed'] = 500; params['speed'] = params['speed'] < 100 ? 100 : params['speed']; params['split'] = $('anim_split') ? $('anim_split').value : null; params['splitdelay'] = $('anim_splitdelay') ? parseInt($('anim_splitdelay').value)/100 : null; if (isNaN(params['splitdelay'])) params['splitdelay'] = 10/100; return params; }, setInCustomAnimation: function(elm){ var target = jQuery('#' + elm); if (!target.length) return; var params = this.getCustomAnimationParams(), animobject = target; if (target.data('splittext')){ target.data('splittext').revert(); } if (params['split'] == 'chars' || params['split'] == 'words' || params['split'] == 'lines'){ if (target.find('a').length > 0) { target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target.find('a'), {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); }else { target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target, {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); } } if (params['split'] == 'chars') animobject = target.data('splittext').chars; if (params['split'] == 'words') animobject = target.data('splittext').words; if (params['split'] == 'lines') animobject = target.data('splittext').lines; var timedelay = animobject.length * params['splitdelay'] * 1000 + params['speed']; punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(animobject, false); if (animobject != target){ punchgs.TweenLite.set(target, { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, opacity: 1, visibility: 'visible', overwrite: 'all' } ); } var tl = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); tl.staggerFromTo(animobject, params['speed'] / 1000, { scaleX: params['scalex'] / 100, scaleY: params['scaley'] / 100, rotationX: params['rotationx'], rotationY: params['rotationy'], rotationZ: params['rotationz'], x: params['movex'], y: params['movey'], z: params['movez'] + 1, skewX: params['skewx'], skewY: params['skewy'], opacity: params['captionopacity'] / 100, transformPerspective: params['captionperspective'], transformOrigin: params['originx'] + '% ' + params['originy'] + '%', visibility: 'hidden' }, { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1, ease: params['easing'], overwrite: 'all' }, params['splitdelay'] ); setTimeout(function(){ this.setInCustomAnimation('custom_animation_preview_target'); }.bind(this), timedelay + 500); }, setOutCustomAnimation: function(elm){ var target = jQuery('#' + elm); if (!target.length) return; var params = this.getCustomAnimationParams(), animobject = target; if (target.data('splittext')){ target.data('splittext').revert(); } if (params['split'] == 'chars' || params['split'] == 'words' || params['split'] == 'lines'){ if (target.find('a').length) target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target.find('a'), {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); else target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target, {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); } if (params['split'] == 'chars') animobject = target.data('splittext').chars; if (params['split'] == 'words') animobject = target.data('splittext').words; if (params['split'] == 'lines') animobject = target.data('splittext').lines; var timedelay = animobject.length * params['splitdelay'] * 1000 + params['speed']; punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(animobject, false); if (animobject != target){ punchgs.TweenLite.set(target, { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: 'visible', overwrite: 'all' } ); } var tl=new punchgs.TimelineLite(); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(animobject, false); tl.staggerFromTo(animobject, params['speed'] / 1000, { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1 }, { scaleX: params['scalex'] / 100, scaleY: params['scaley'] / 100, rotationX: params['rotationx'], rotationY: params['rotationy'], rotationZ: params['rotationz'], x: params['movex'], y: params['movey'], z: params['movez'] + 1, skewX: params['skewx'], skewY: params['skewy'], opacity: params['captionopacity'] / 100, transformPerspective: params['captionperspective'], transformOrigin: params['originx'] + '% ' + params['originy'] + '%', overwrite: 'all' }, params['splitdelay'] ); setTimeout(function(){ this.setOutCustomAnimation('custom_animation_preview_target'); }.bind(this), timedelay + 500); }, getCustomAnimation: function(id){ return this.anims.get(id).params; }, setInAnimation: function(){ var target = jQuery('#animation_preview'), anim = $('layer_animation').value || 'fade', speed = ($('layer_speed').value || 500) / 1000, ease = $('layer_easing').value, mdelay = ($('layer_splitdelay').value || 10) / 100, msplit = $('layer_split').value, animobject = target, sc = 1, ro = 0, skwX = 0, transy, transx; if (target.data('splittext')){ target.data('splittext').revert(); } if (msplit == 'chars' || msplit == 'words' || msplit == 'lines'){ if (target.find('a').length) target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target.find('a'), {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); else target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target, {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); } if (msplit == 'chars') animobject = target.data('splittext').chars; if (msplit == 'words') animobject = target.data('splittext').words; if (msplit == 'lines') animobject = target.data('splittext').lines; var timedelay = (animobject.length * mdelay + speed) * 1000; punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(target, false); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(animobject, false); punchgs.TweenLite.set(target, {clearProps: 'transform'}); punchgs.TweenLite.set(animobject, {clearProps: 'transform'}); if (animobject != target){ punchgs.TweenLite.set(target, { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: 'visible', overwrite: 'all' } ); } var tl = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); target.data('timer') && clearTimeout(target.data('timer')); if (anim == 'randomrotate'){ sc = Math.random() * 3 + 1; ro = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); transx = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); transy = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); } if (anim == 'lfr' || anim == 'skewfromright') transx = 560; if (anim == 'lfl' || anim == 'skewfromleft') transx = -560; if (anim == 'sfl' || anim == 'skewfromleftshort') transx = -50; if (anim == 'sfr' || anim == 'skewfromrightshort') transx = 50; if (anim == 'lft') transy = -250; if (anim == 'lfb') transy = 250; if (anim == 'sft') transy = -50; if (anim == 'sfb') transy = 50; if (anim == 'skewfromright' || anim == 'skewfromrightshort') skwX = -85; if (anim == 'skewfromleft' || anim == 'skewfromleftshort') skwX = 85; if (anim.split('custom').length > 1){ var animId = anim.split('-')[1], params = this.getCustomAnimation(animId); target.data('tween', tl.staggerFromTo(animobject, speed, { scaleX: parseInt(params.scalex) / 100, scaleY: parseInt(params.scaley) / 100, rotationX: parseInt(params.rotationx), rotationY: parseInt(params.rotationy), rotationZ: parseInt(params.rotationz), x: parseInt(params.movex), y: parseInt(params.movey), z: parseInt(params.movez) + 1, skewX: parseInt(params.skewx), skewY: parseInt(params.skewy), opacity: parseInt(params.captionopacity) / 100, transformPerspective: parseInt(params.captionperspective), transformOrigin: parseInt(params.originx) + '% ' + parseInt(params.originy) + '%', visibility: 'hidden' }, { x: 0, y: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 1, visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1, ease: ease, overwrite: 'all' }, mdelay )); target.data('timer', setTimeout(function(){ this.setOutAnimation(); }.bind(this), timedelay + 500)); }else{ target.data('tween', tl.staggerFromTo(animobject, speed, { scale: sc, rotation: ro, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, x: transx, y: transy, opacity: 0, z: 1, skewX: skwX, skewY: 0, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', visibility: 'visible' }, { scale: 1, skewX: 0, rotation: 0, z: 1, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1, ease: ease, overwrite: 'all' }, mdelay )); target.data('timer', setTimeout(function(){ this.setOutAnimation(); }.bind(this), timedelay + 500)); } }, setOutAnimation: function(){ var target = jQuery('#animation_preview'), anim = $('layer_endanimation').value || 'auto', speed = ($('layer_endspeed').value || 500) / 1000, ease = $('layer_endeasing').value, mdelay = ($('layer_endsplitdelay').value || 10) / 100, msplit = $('layer_endsplit').value, animobject = target, xx = 0, yy = 0, skwX = 0; if (target.data('splittext')){ if (msplit != 'none') target.data('splittext').revert(); } if (msplit == 'chars' || msplit == 'words' || msplit == 'lines'){ if (target.find('a').length) target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target.find('a'), {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); else target.data('splittext', new SplitText(target, {type: 'lines,words,chars'})); } if (msplit == 'chars') animobject = target.data('splittext').chars; if (msplit == 'words') animobject = target.data('splittext').words; if (msplit == 'lines') animobject = target.data('splittext').lines; var timedelay = (animobject.length * mdelay + speed) * 1000; punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(animobject, false); if (animobject != target){ punchgs.TweenLite.set(target, { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: 'visible', overwrite: 'all' } ); } var tl = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); if (anim == 'fadeout' || anim == 'ltr' || anim == 'ltl' || anim == 'str' || anim == 'stl' || anim == 'ltt' || anim == 'ltb' || anim == 'stt' || anim == 'stb' || anim == 'skewtoright' || anim == 'skewtorightshort' || anim == 'skewtoleft' || anim == 'skewtoleftshort'){ if (anim == 'skewtoright' || anim == 'skewtorightshort'){ skwX = 35; } if (anim == 'skewtoleft' || anim == 'skewtoleftshort'){ skwX = -35; } if (anim == 'ltr' || anim == 'skewtoright'){ xx = 560; }else if (anim == 'ltl' || anim == 'skewtoleft'){ xx = -560; }else if (anim == 'ltt'){ yy = -250; }else if (anim == 'ltb'){ yy = 250; }else if (anim == 'str' || anim == 'skewtorightshort'){ xx = 50; } else if (anim == 'stl' || anim == 'skewtoleftshort'){ xx = -50; }else if (anim == 'stt'){ yy = -50; }else if (anim == 'stb'){ yy = 50; } if (anim == 'skewtorightshort'){ xx = 400; } if (anim == 'skewtoleftshort'){ xx = 0; } target.data('tween', tl.staggerTo(animobject, speed, { scale: 1, rotation: 0, skewX: skwX, opacity: 0, x: xx, y: yy, z: 2, overwrite: 'auto', ease: ease }, mdelay )); target.data('timer', setTimeout(function(){ this.setInAnimation(); }.bind(this), timedelay + 500)); }else{ if (anim.split('custom').length > 1){ var id = anim.split('-')[1], params = this.getCustomAnimation(id); target.data('tween', tl.staggerFromTo(animobject, speed, { x: 0, y: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, transformPerspective: parseInt(params.captionperspective), transformOrigin: parseInt(params.originx) + '% ' + parseInt(params.originy) + '%', z: 1, visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1 }, { scaleX: parseInt(params.scalex) / 100, scaleY: parseInt(params.scaley) / 100, rotationX: parseInt(params.rotationx), rotationY: parseInt(params.rotationy), rotationZ: parseInt(params.rotationz), x: parseInt(params.movex), y: parseInt(params.movey), z: parseInt(params.movez) + 1, skewX: parseInt(params.skewx), skewY: parseInt(params.skewy), opacity: parseInt(params.captionopacity) / 100, transformPerspective: parseInt(params.captionperspective), transformOrigin: parseInt(params.originx) + '% ' + parseInt(params.originy) + '%', ease: ease }, mdelay )); target.data('timer', setTimeout(function(){ this.setInAnimation(); }.bind(this), timedelay + 500)); }else{ target.data('tween').reverse(); target.data('timer', setTimeout(function(){ this.setInAnimation(); }.bind(this), speed * 1000 + 1000)); } } }, collectContainer: function(){ this.container = $('divLayers'); Event.observe(this.container, 'click', function(ev){ var elm = Event.element(ev); if (elm == this.container){ this.selectLayer(); } }.bind(this)); this.list = $('listLayers'); }, collectBtns: function(){ this.deleteBtn = $('deleteLayerBtn') || null; this.dupLayerBtn = $('dupLayerBtn') || null; this.editLayerBtn = $('editLayerBtn') || null; this.cInAnimation = $('cInAnimation') || null; this.cNewInAnimation = $('cNewInAnimation') || null; this.cOutAnimation = $('cOutAnimation') || null; this.cNewOutAnimation = $('cNewOutAnimation') || null; this.editStyleBtn = $('editStyleBtn') || null; this.resetScaleBtn = $('resetScaleBtn') || null; }, collectParamsElement: function(){ this.layerParams.each(function(param){ var elm = $('layer_' + param); if (elm){ if (param == 'style'){ for (var i=0; i this.delay ? this.delay : time; } if (layer.endtime == undefined) layer.endtime = this.delay; if (layer.endWithSlide == undefined) layer.endWithSlide = layer.endtime >= this.delay; if (layer.endspeed == undefined) layer.endspeed = 500; if (layer.endsplitdelay == undefined) layer.endsplitdelay = 10; if (layer.endsplit == undefined) layer.endsplit = 'none'; if (layer.endanimation == undefined) layer.endanimation = $('layer_endanimation').value; if (layer.endeasing == undefined) layer.endeasing = $('layer_endeasing').value; if (layer.loop_animation == undefined) layer.loop_animation = 'none'; if (layer.loop_speed == undefined) layer.loop_speed = 2; if (layer.loop_easing == undefined) layer.loop_easing = 'Power1.easeInOut'; if (layer.loop_startdeg == undefined) layer.loop_startdeg = -6; if (layer.loop_enddeg == undefined) layer.loop_enddeg = 6; if (layer.loop_xorigin == undefined) layer.loop_xorigin = 50; if (layer.loop_yorigin == undefined) layer.loop_yorigin = 75; if (layer.loop_xstart == undefined) layer.loop_xstart = 0; if (layer.loop_xend == undefined) layer.loop_xend = 0; if (layer.loop_ystart == undefined) layer.loop_ystart = 0; if (layer.loop_yend == undefined) layer.loop_yend = 0; if (layer.loop_zoomstart== undefined) layer.loop_zoomstart = 1; if (layer.loop_zoomend == undefined) layer.loop_zoomend = 1; if (layer.loop_angle == undefined) layer.loop_angle = 0; if (layer.loop_radius == undefined) layer.loop_radius = 10; if (layer.corner_left == undefined) layer.corner_left = $('layer_corner_left').value; if (layer.corner_right == undefined) layer.corner_right = $('layer_corner_right').value; if (layer.attrID == undefined) layer.attrID = ''; if (layer.attrClasses == undefined) layer.attrClasses = ''; if (layer.attrTitle == undefined) layer.attrTitle = ''; if (layer.attrRel == undefined) layer.attrRel = ''; if (layer.alt == undefined) layer.alt = ''; layer.serial = this.index + 1; layer.top = Math.round(layer.top); layer.left = Math.round(layer.left); this.layers[layer.serial] = layer; this.checkFullWidthVideo(layer); var htmlLayer = this.renderLayerHtml(layer); htmlLayer.params = layer; this.container.insert(htmlLayer); this.bindLayerEvent(htmlLayer); this.updateAlign(htmlLayer); this.updateLayerHtmlCorners(layer); //this.selectLayer(htmlLayer); this.addListItem(layer); this.index++; this.count++; }, checkFullWidthVideo: function(layer){ if (layer.type == 'video' && layer.video_data && layer.video_data.fullwidth === true){ layer.top = 0; layer.left = 0; layer.align_hor = 'left'; layer.align_vert = 'top'; layer.video_height = this.container.getHeight(); layer.video_width = this.container.getWidth(); return layer; } }, getLayer: function(id){ return this.container.down('#slide_layer_' + id); }, getItem: function(id){ return this.list.down('#item_' + id); }, updateListItem: function(layer){ var item = this.list.down('#item_' + layer.serial); if (item){ item.down('.item-name').innerHTML = this.getListItemName(layer); } }, truncate: function(str, n){ return str.length > n ? str.substr(0, n-1).substr(0, str.substr(0, n-1).lastIndexOf(' ')) + '...' : str; }, getListItemName: function(layer){ var cleanName = this.truncate(layer.text.stripTags().escapeHTML(), 30); switch (layer.type){ case 'video': switch (layer.video_type){ case 'youtube': return ' Youtube: ' + cleanName; break; case 'vimeo': return ' Vimeo: ' + cleanName; break; case 'html5': return ' Video: ' + cleanName; break; } break; case 'image': return ' ' + cleanName; break; default: return ' ' + cleanName; } }, addListItem: function(layer){ var item = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item', id: 'item_' + layer.serial }); var itemSort = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-sort', title: Translator.translate('Drag to change layer depth') }).update(''); var itemIndex = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-index' }).update(layer.order); var itemControl = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-control' }) .insert(new Element('span', { 'class': 'item-visibility', title: Translator.translate('Show / Hide layer') }).update('')) .insert(new Element('span', { 'class': 'item-lock', title: Translator.translate('Lock / Unlock layer') }).update('')) .insert(new Element('span', { 'class': 'item-toend', title: Translator.translate('Snap to layer end time') }).update('')); var itemTimeline = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-timeline' }); var itemName = new Element('span', { 'class': 'item-name' }).update(this.getListItemName(layer)); var itemTimer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-timer' }); var itemTimerStart = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-timer-start' }).setStyle({ width: Math.round(100 * layer.speed / this.delay) + '%' }); var itemTimerEnd = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-timer-end' }).setStyle({ width: Math.round(100 * layer.endspeed / this.delay) + '%' }); var itemStartTime = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-starttime' }) .insert(new Element('input', { type: 'text', 'class': 'input-text validate-number', title: Translator.translate('Edit layer start time'), value: layer.time })); var itemEndTime = new Element('div', { 'class': 'item-endtime' }) .insert(new Element('input', { type: 'text', 'class': 'input-text validate-number', title: Translator.translate('Edit layer end time'), value: layer.endtime })); itemTimer.insert(itemTimerStart); itemTimer.insert(itemTimerEnd); itemTimeline.insert(itemName); itemTimeline.insert(itemTimer); item.insert(itemSort); item.insert(itemIndex); item.insert(itemControl); item.insert(itemTimeline); item.insert(itemStartTime); item.insert(itemEndTime); item.params = layer; this.list.insert(item); this.bindListItemEvent(item); this.bindListEvent(this.list); }, toggleLayerVisibility: function(id, flag){ var item = this.getItem(id), layer = this.getLayer(id); if (item && layer){ if (flag === undefined){ item.down('.item-visibility').toggleClassName('active'); layer.toggleClassName('hide'); }else{ if (flag === true){ item.down('.item-visibility').removeClassName('active'); layer.removeClassName('hide'); }else{ item.down('.item-visibility').addClassName('active'); layer.addClassName('hide'); } } } }, toggleLayerLock: function(id, flag){ var item = this.getItem(id), layer = this.getLayer(id); if (item && layer){ if (flag === undefined) { item.down('.item-lock').toggleClassName('active'); if (layer.dragObj) { layer.dragObj.draggable('destroy'); layer.dragObj = null; } else { this.bindLayerDrag(layer); } if (layer.rotateObj){ layer.rotateObj.rotatable('destroy'); layer.rotateObj = null; }else{ this.bindLayerRotate(layer); } if (layer.resizeObj){ layer.resizeObj.resizable('destroy'); layer.resizeObj = null; }else{ this.bindLayerResize(layer); } }else{ if (flag === true){ item.down('.item-lock').removeClassName('active'); if (!layer.dragObj){ this.bindLayerDrag(layer); } if (!layer.rotateObj){ this.bindLayerRotate(layer); } if (!layer.resizeObj){ this.bindLayerResize(layer); } }else{ item.down('.item-lock').addClassName('active'); if (layer.dragObj){ layer.dragObj.draggable('destroy'); layer.dragObj = null; } if (layer.rotateObj){ layer.rotateObj.rotatable('destroy'); layer.rotateObj = null; } if (layer.resizeObj){ layer.resizeObj.resizable('destroy'); layer.resizeObj = null; } } } } }, resetLayerEndTime: function(id){ var item = this.getItem(id); if (item){ var input = item.down('.item-endtime input'); input.value = this.delay; if (fireEvent){ fireEvent(input, 'change'); } } }, bindListItemEvent: function(item){ Event.observe(item, 'click', function(ev){ var elm = Event.findElement(ev, 'div.item'); var target = this.getLayer(elm.params.serial); if (target){ this.selectLayer(target); } }.bind(this)); item.down('.item-starttime input').observe('change', function(ev){ var target = Event.findElement(ev, 'input'), layer = this.layers[item.params.serial], value = Number(target.value) || 0, value = value >= 0 ? (value > this.delay ? this.delay : value) : 0, parent = item.down('.item-timeline'), timer = item.down('.item-timer'), parentW = parent.getDimensions().width - 2, left = Math.round(parentW * value / this.delay), width = Math.round(parentW * (layer['endtime'] - value) / this.delay); timer.setStyle({left: left + 'px', width: width + 'px'}); layer['time'] = value; target.value = value; }.bind(this)); var endTimeInput = item.down('.item-endtime input'); endTimeInput.observe('change', function(ev){ var target = Event.findElement(ev, 'input'), icon = item.down('.item-toend'), value = Number(target.value) || this.delay, value = value >= 0 ? (value > this.delay ? this.delay : value) : this.delay, layer = this.layers[item.params.serial], parent = item.down('.item-timeline'), timer = item.down('.item-timer'), parentW = parent.getDimensions().width - 2, width = Math.round(parentW * (value - layer['time']) / this.delay); timer.setStyle({width: width + 'px'}); if (value != this.delay){ icon.addClassName('active'); }else{ icon.removeClassName('active'); } layer['endtime'] = value; layer['endWithSlide'] = value >= this.delay; target.value = value; }.bind(this)); fireEvent && fireEvent(endTimeInput, 'change'); item.down('.item-visibility').observe('click', function(ev){ Event.stop(ev); this.toggleLayerVisibility(item.params.serial); }.bind(this)); item.down('.item-lock').observe('click', function(ev){ Event.stop(ev); this.toggleLayerLock(item.params.serial); }.bind(this)); item.down('.item-toend').observe('click', function(ev){ Event.stop(ev); this.resetLayerEndTime(item.params.serial); }.bind(this)); var self = this, container = jQuery('#item_' + item.params.serial), parentElm = container.find('.item-timeline'), startElm = container.find('.item-starttime input'), endElm = container.find('.item-endtime input'), layer = this.layers[item.params.serial]; parentElm.find('.item-timer').resizable({ handles: 'w,e', containment: 'parent', create: function(ev, ui){ var width = parentElm.width(), startW = Math.round(item.params.speed * width / self.delay), endW = Math.round(item.params.endspeed * width / self.delay), offset = Math.round(item.params.time * width / self.delay), w = Math.round(width * (item.params.endtime - item.params.time) / self.delay); parentElm.find('.item-timer-start').css({width: startW + 'px'}); parentElm.find('.item-timer-end').css({width: endW + 'px'}); parentElm.find('.item-timer').css({left: offset + 'px', width: w + 'px'}); }, resize: function(ev, ui){ var width = parentElm.width(), isLeft = ui.position.left != ui.originalPosition.left, value; if (isLeft){ value = Math.round(self.delay * ui.position.left / width); startElm.val(value); layer['time'] = value; }else{ value = Math.round(self.delay * (ui.position.left + ui.size.width) / width); endElm.val(value); layer['endtime'] = value; } }, stop: function(){ if (fireEvent){ fireEvent(item.down('.item-endtime input'), 'change'); } } }); }, bindListEvent: function(list){ Sortable.create(list, { handle: 'item-sort', tag: 'div', onUpdate: function(){ this.reorderLayers(); }.bind(this) }); }, reorderLayers: function(){ var order = 1; this.list.select('.item').each(function(item){ var layerHtml = this.getLayer(item.params.serial); if (layerHtml){ layerHtml.params.order = order++; this.updateLayerHtml(layerHtml.params); this.updateListHtml(layerHtml.params); } }, this); }, bindLayerEvent: function(elm){ if (!elm) return; Event.observe(elm, 'mousedown', function(ev){ var layer = Event.findElement(ev, 'div.slide_layer'); if (this.selectedLayer != layer){ this.selectLayer(layer); } }.bind(this)); this.bindLayerDrag(elm); this.bindLayerRotate(elm); }, bindLayerRotate: function(elm){ if (!elm) return; var self = this, $elm = jQuery(elm); switch (elm.params.type){ case 'text': case 'image': elm.rotateObj = $elm.find('.slider_layer_inner').rotatable({ angle: elm.params['2d_rotation'], stop: function(ev, ui){ var angle = Math.round(ui.angle.stop); elm.params['2d_rotation'] = angle; self.layerParamsElm['2d_rotation'].value = angle; } }); break; } }, bindLayerDrag: function(elm){ if (!elm) return; var self = this, $elm = jQuery(elm), cDimens = this.container.getDimensions(), dimens = elm.getDimensions(); elm.dragObj = $elm.draggable({ drag: function(ev, ui){ var posTop = ui.position.top, posLeft = ui.position.left, updateX, updateY; switch (elm.params.align_hor){ case 'left': updateX = posLeft; break; case 'right': updateX = cDimens.width - posLeft - dimens.width; break; case 'center': updateX = posLeft - (cDimens.width - dimens.width) / 2; updateX = Math.round(updateX); break; } switch (elm.params.align_vert){ case 'top': updateY = posTop; break; case 'bottom': updateY = cDimens.height - posTop - dimens.height; break; case 'middle': updateY = posTop - (cDimens.height - dimens.height) / 2; updateY = Math.round(updateY); break; } self.layerParamsElm.left.value = updateX; self.layerParamsElm.top.value = updateY; elm.params.left = updateX; elm.params.top = updateY; ui.helper.css({ 'right': 'auto', 'bottom': 'auto' }); } }); }, unbindLayerResize: function(elm){ if (!elm) return; if (elm.resizeObj){ elm.resizeObj.resizable('destroy'); elm.resizeObj = null; } }, bindLayerResize: function(elm){ if (!elm) return; var self = this, $elm = jQuery(elm); switch (elm.params.type){ case 'image': if (elm.resizeObj){ elm.resizeObj.resizable('destroy'); elm.resizeObj = null; } elm.resizeObj = $elm.resizable({ aspectRatio: elm.params.proportional_scale, handles: 'all', start: function(ev, ui){ ui.element.css({width: ui.originalSize.width, height: ui.originalSize.height}); ui.element.find('.slider_layer_inner').css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); ui.element.find('img').css({width: '100%', height: '100%'}); }, resize: function(ev, ui){ var scaleX = Math.round(ui.size.width), scaleY = Math.round(ui.size.height); elm.params.scaleX = scaleX; elm.params.scaleY = scaleY; self.layerParamsElm.scaleX.value = scaleX; self.layerParamsElm.scaleY.value = scaleY; } }); break; } }, updateAlign: function(layer){ if (layer){ var target = layer.getDimensions(); var container = this.container.getDimensions(); var css = {}; if (!container.height && !container.width){ setTimeout(function(){ this.updateAlign(layer); }.bind(this), 500); return; } var images = layer.select('img'); if (images.length){ if (layer.imagesLoaded === undefined){ layer.imagesLoaded = 0; } images.each(function(image){ image.setStyle({visibility: 'hidden'}); Event.observe(image, 'load', function(){ layer.imagesLoaded++; this.updateAlign(layer); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); if (layer.imagesLoaded < images.length){ return; } images.invoke('setStyle', {visibility: 'visible'}); } switch (layer.params.align_hor){ default: case 'left': css.right = 'auto'; css.left = layer.params.left + 'px'; break; case 'right': css.left = 'auto'; css.right = layer.params.left + 'px'; break; case 'center': var realLeft = Math.round((container.width - target.width) / 2) + parseInt(layer.params.left); css.left = realLeft + 'px'; css.right = 'auto'; break; } switch (layer.params.align_vert){ default: case 'top': css.bottom = 'auto'; css.top = layer.params.top + 'px'; break; case 'bottom': css.top = 'auto'; css.bottom = layer.params.top + 'px'; break; case 'middle': var realTop = Math.round((container.height - target.height) / 2) + parseInt(layer.params.top); css.top = realTop + 'px'; css.bottom = 'auto'; break; } this.layerParamsElm.left.value = layer.params.left; this.layerParamsElm.top.value = layer.params.top; layer.setStyle(css); } }, renderLayerHtml: function(layer){ var elm = new Element('div', { id: 'slide_layer_' + layer.serial, 'class': 'slide_layer' }); var inner = new Element('div', { 'class': 'slider_layer_inner tp-caption ' + layer.style }); elm.setStyle({ zIndex: Number(layer.order), position: 'absolute' }); switch(layer.type){ case 'image': var url = layer.image_url.indexOf('http') === 0 ? layer.image_url : this.mediaUrl + layer.image_url; var img = new Element('img', {src: url}); layer.scaleX && img.setStyle({width: layer.scaleX + 'px'}); layer.scaleY && img.setStyle({height: layer.scaleY + 'px'}); inner.insert(img); break; case 'text': default: inner.update(new Element('span', {'class': 'tp-text'}).update(layer.text)); inner.setStyle({ whiteSpace: layer.whitespace || 'no-wrap', maxWidth: layer.max_width || 'auto', width: layer.max_width || 'auto', maxHeight: layer.max_height || 'auto', height: layer.max_height || 'auto', position: 'relative' }); break; case 'video': var video = this.renderVideoLayerHtml(layer); inner.insert(video); break; } elm.insert(inner); return elm; }, updateListHtml: function(layer){ var itemHtml = this.getItem(layer.serial); if (itemHtml){ itemHtml.down('.item-index').update(layer.order); } }, updateLayerHtml: function(layer){ var layerHtml = this.getLayer(layer.serial); if (layerHtml){ layerHtml.setStyle({zIndex: layer.order}); switch (layer.type){ case 'image': var url = layer.image_url.indexOf('http') === 0 ? layer.image_url : this.mediaUrl + layer.image_url; layerHtml.down('img').src = url; setTimeout(function(){ this.updateAlign(layerHtml); }.bind(this), 100); break; case 'video': var video = this.renderVideoLayerHtml(layer); layerHtml.update(video); setTimeout(function(){ this.updateAlign(layerHtml); }.bind(this), 100); break; } } }, updateLayerHtmlScale: function(layer){ var layerHtml = this.getLayer(layer.serial); layerHtml.setStyle({ width: layer.scaleX + 'px', height: layer.scaleY + 'px' }); layerHtml.down('img').setStyle({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }); }, updateLayerHtmlCorners: function(layer){ var layerHtml = this.getLayer(layer.serial), ncch = layerHtml.offsetHeight, bgcol = layerHtml.getStyle('backgroundColor'); if (layerHtml.down('.frontcorner')){ layerHtml.down('.frontcorner').remove(); } if (layerHtml.down('.frontcornertop')){ layerHtml.down('.frontcornertop').remove(); } switch(layer.corner_left){ case 'curved': if (!layerHtml.down('.frontcorner')){ layerHtml.insert({bottom: '
'}); } break; case 'reverced': if (!layerHtml.down('.frontcornertop')){ layerHtml.insert({bottom: '
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