"%d Shopping Cart Price Rules based on ""%s"" attribute have been disabled.","%d Shopping Cart Price Rules based on ""%s"" attribute have been disabled." "%s Coupon(s) have been generated","%s Coupon(s) have been generated" "Actions","Actions" "Active","Active" "Add New Rule","Add New Rule" "Alphabetical","Alphabetical" "Alphanumeric","Alphanumeric" "An error occurred while generating coupons. Please review the log and try again.","An error occurred while generating coupons. Please review the log and try again." "Apply","Apply" "Apply To","Apply To" "Apply the rule only if the following conditions are met (leave blank for all products)","Apply the rule only if the following conditions are met (leave blank for all products)" "Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items)","Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items)" "Apply the rule to cart items matching the following conditions","Apply the rule to cart items matching the following conditions" "Apply to Shipping Amount","Apply to Shipping Amount" "Are you sure you want to delete the selected coupon(s)?","Are you sure you want to delete the selected coupon(s)?" "Auto","Auto" "Auto Generated Specific Coupon Codes","Auto Generated Specific Coupon Codes" "Buy X get Y free (discount amount is Y)","Buy X get Y free (discount amount is Y)" "By Fixed value","By Fixed value" "By Percentage","By Percentage" "Can\'t acquire coupon.","Can\'t acquire coupon." "Cart Attribute","Cart Attribute" "Catalog","Catalog" "Code Format","Code Format" "Code Length","Code Length" "Code Prefix","Code Prefix" "Code Suffix","Code Suffix" "Conditions","Conditions" "Conditions combination","Conditions combination" "Coupon","Coupon" "Coupon Code","Coupon Code" "Coupon Qty","Coupon Qty" "Coupon with the same code","Coupon with the same code" "Coupons Information","Coupons Information" "Created On","Created On" "Customer Groups","Customer Groups" "Dash Every X Characters","Dash Every X Characters" "Date Expire","Date Expire" "Date Start","Date Start" "Default Label","Default Label" "Default Rule Label for All Store Views","Default Rule Label for All Store Views" "Description","Description" "Discount Amount","Discount Amount" "Discount Qty Step (Buy X)","Discount Qty Step (Buy X)" "Edit Rule","Edit Rule" "Edit Rule '%s'","Edit Rule '%s'" "Excluding prefix, suffix and separators.","Excluding prefix, suffix and separators." "FOUND","FOUND" "Fixed amount discount","Fixed amount discount" "Fixed amount discount for whole cart","Fixed amount discount for whole cart" "For matching items only","For matching items only" "For shipment with matching items","For shipment with matching items" "Free Shipping","Free Shipping" "From Date","From Date" "General Information","General Information" "Generate","Generate" "ID","ID" "If %s %s %s for a subselection of items in cart matching %s of these conditions:","If %s %s %s for a subselection of items in cart matching %s of these conditions:" "If an item is %s in the cart with %s of these conditions true:","If an item is %s in the cart with %s of these conditions true:" "If empty no separation.","If empty no separation." "If you select and save the rule you will be able to generate multiple coupon codes.","If you select and save the rule you will be able to generate multiple coupon codes." "Inactive","Inactive" "Item totals are not set for rule.","Item totals are not set for rule." "Labels","Labels" "Manage Coupon Codes","Manage Coupon Codes" "Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To","Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To" "NOT FOUND","NOT FOUND" "NOT LOGGED IN","NOT LOGGED IN" "New Rule","New Rule" "No","No" "No Coupon","No Coupon" "Not valid data provided","Not valid data provided" "Number of Uses","Number of Uses" "Numeric","Numeric" "Payment Method","Payment Method" "Percent of product price discount","Percent of product price discount" "Period","Period" "Price in cart","Price in cart" "Priority","Priority" "Product attribute combination","Product attribute combination" "Products subselection","Products subselection" "Promotions","Promotions" "Public In RSS Feed","Public In RSS Feed" "Quantity in cart","Quantity in cart" "Row total in cart","Row total in cart" "Rule Information","Rule Information" "Rule Name","Rule Name" "Rule is not defined","Rule is not defined" "Sales Discount Amount","Sales Discount Amount" "Sales Subtotal Amount","Sales Subtotal Amount" "Sales Total Amount","Sales Total Amount" "Save and Continue Edit","Save and Continue Edit" "Shipping Country","Shipping Country" "Shipping Method","Shipping Method" "Shipping Postcode","Shipping Postcode" "Shipping Region","Shipping Region" "Shipping State/Province","Shipping State/Province" "Shopping Cart Price Rule","Shopping Cart Price Rule" "Shopping Cart Price Rules","Shopping Cart Price Rules" "Special Price","Special Price" "Specific Coupon","Specific Coupon" "Status","Status" "Stop Further Rules Processing","Stop Further Rules Processing" "Store View Specific Labels","Store View Specific Labels" "Subtotal","Subtotal" "Subtotal Amount","Subtotal Amount" "The rule has been deleted.","The rule has been deleted." "The rule has been saved.","The rule has been saved." "This rule no longer exists.","This rule no longer exists." "Times Used","Times Used" "To Date","To Date" "To Fixed Value","To Fixed Value" "To Percentage","To Percentage" "Total","Total" "Total Amount","Total Amount" "Total Items Quantity","Total Items Quantity" "Total Weight","Total Weight" "Unable to create requested Coupon Qty. Please check settings and try again.","Unable to create requested Coupon Qty. Please check settings and try again." "Unable to find a rule to delete.","Unable to find a rule to delete." "Update prices using the following information","Update prices using the following information" "Update product's %s %s: %s","Update product's %s %s: %s" "Update the Product","Update the Product" "Usage limit enforced for logged in customers only","Usage limit enforced for logged in customers only" "Use Auto Generation","Use Auto Generation" "Used","Used" "Uses per Coupon","Uses per Coupon" "Uses per Customer","Uses per Customer" "Website","Website" "Websites","Websites" "Wrong rule specified.","Wrong rule specified." "Yes","Yes" "total amount","total amount" "total quantity","total quantity"