"1 star","1 star" "2 stars","2 stars" "3 stars","3 stars" "4 stars","4 stars" "5 stars","5 stars" "Add New Rating","Add New Rating" "Assigned Options","Assigned Options" "Be the first to review this product","Be the first to review this product" "Default Value","Default Value" "Delete Rating","Delete Rating" "Edit Rating","Edit Rating" "ID","ID" "If you do not specify a rating title for a store, the default value will be used.","If you do not specify a rating title for a store, the default value will be used." "Manage Ratings","Manage Ratings" "New Rating","New Rating" "Option Label","Option Label" "Option Title","Option Title" "Option Title:","Option Title:" "Please select one of each ratings above","Please select one of each ratings above" "Rating Information","Rating Information" "Rating Name","Rating Name" "Rating Options","Rating Options" "Rating Title","Rating Title" "Rating Visibility","Rating Visibility" "Rating isn't Available","Rating isn't Available" "Rating with the same title","Rating with the same title" "Save Rating","Save Rating" "Sort Order","Sort Order" "Visible In","Visible In"