getConfigData('remoteinterface', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null)) != 1) { return false; } try { // Read info directly from the database $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $order->getIncrementId() . "'"); if($row["status"] == '1') { $tid = $row["tid"]; $param = array ( 'merchantnumber' => $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null), 'transactionid' => $tid, 'epayresponse' => 0, 'pwd' => $this->getConfigData('remoteinterfacepassword', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) ); $client = new SoapClient(''); $result = $client->gettransaction($param); if($result->gettransactionResult == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $session->addException($e, $e->getMessage() . " - Go to the ePay administration to capture the payment manually."); } return true; } public function getSession() { return Mage::getSingleton('epay/session'); } public function getCheckout() { return Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); } public function getQuote() { return $this->getCheckout()->getQuote(); } public function canEdit() { return true; } public function canCapture() { $captureOrder = $this->_data["info_instance"]->getOrder(); $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $captureOrder->getIncrementId() . "'"); if($row["status"] == '1') { return true; } return false; } public function canVoid(Varien_Object $payment) { $voidOrder = $this->_data["info_instance"]->getOrder(); if (((int)$this->getConfigData('remoteinterface', $voidOrder ? $voidOrder->getStoreId() : null)) != 1) { return false; } // Read info directly from the database $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $voidOrder->getIncrementId() . "'"); if ($row['status'] == '1') { return $this->_canVoid; } else { return false; } return $this->_canVoid; } public function canRefund() { $creditOrder = $this->_data["info_instance"]->getOrder(); if (((int)$this->getConfigData('remoteinterface', $creditOrder ? $creditOrder->getStoreId() : null)) != 1) { return false; } // Read info directly from the database $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $creditOrder->getIncrementId() . "'"); if ($row['status'] == '1') { return $this->_canRefund; } else { return false; } return $this->_canRefund; } public function createFormBlock($name) { $block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('epay/standard_form', $name)->setMethod('epay_standard')->setPayment($this->getPayment())->setTemplate('epay/standard/form.phtml'); return $block; } public function validate() { parent::validate(); $currencyCode = $this->getQuote()->getBaseCurrencyCode(); if(isset($currencyCode)) { if(!in_array($currencyCode, $this->_allowCurrencyCode)) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('epay')->__('Selected currency code (' . $currencyCode . ') is not compatabile with ePay')); } } return $this; } public function onOrderValidate(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment $payment) { } public function onInvoiceCreate(Mage_Sales_Model_Invoice_Payment $payment) { } public function getInfoBlockType() { return $this->_infoBlockType; } public function processCreditmemo($creditmemo, $payment) { return $this; } public function processBeforeRefund($invoice, $payment) { return $this; } public function getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl() { return Mage::getUrl('epay/standard/redirect'); } function jsonValueRemoveSpecialCharacters($value) { return preg_replace('/[^\p{Latin}\d ]/u', '', $value); } private function jsonRemoveUnicodeSequences($struct) { return preg_replace("/\\\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/e", "iconv('UCS-4LE','UTF-8',pack('V', hexdec('U$1')))", json_encode($struct)); } public function getOrderInJson($order) { if($this->getConfigData('enableinvoicedata', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null)) { $invoice["customer"]["emailaddress"] = $order->getCustomerEmail(); $invoice["customer"]["firstname"] = $order->getBillingAddress()->getFirstname(); $invoice["customer"]["lastname"] = $order->getBillingAddress()->getLastname(); $invoice["customer"]["address"] = $order->getBillingAddress()->getStreetFull(); $invoice["customer"]["zip"] = $order->getBillingAddress()->getPostcode(); $invoice["customer"]["city"] = $order->getBillingAddress()->getCity(); $invoice["customer"]["country"] = $order->getBillingAddress()->getCountryId(); $invoice["shippingaddress"]["firstname"] = $order->getShippingAddress()->getFirstname(); $invoice["shippingaddress"]["lastname"] = $order->getShippingAddress()->getLastname(); $invoice["shippingaddress"]["address"] = $order->getShippingAddress()->getStreetFull(); $invoice["shippingaddress"]["zip"] = $order->getShippingAddress()->getPostcode(); $invoice["shippingaddress"]["city"] = $order->getShippingAddress()->getCity(); $invoice["shippingaddress"]["country"] = $order->getShippingAddress()->getCountryId(); $invoice["lines"] = array(); $invoiceData = Mage::helper('epay/gateway_advanced'); $invoiceData->init($order); $items = $invoiceData->getGoodsList(); foreach ($items as $itemId => $item) { $invoice["lines"][] = array ( "id" => $item["id"], "description" => $this->jsonValueRemoveSpecialCharacters($item["description"]), "quantity" => intval($item["quantity"]), "price" => $item["price"], "vat" => ($item["vat"] == null ? 0 : $item["vat"]) ); } return $this->jsonRemoveUnicodeSequences($invoice); } else { return ""; } } public function calcCardtype($cardid) { switch($cardid) { case 1: return 'Dankort / VISA/Dankort'; case 2: return 'eDankort'; case 3: return 'VISA / VISA Electron'; case 4: return 'MasterCard'; case 6: return 'JCB'; case 7: return 'Maestro'; case 8: return 'Diners Club'; case 9: return 'American Express'; case 10: return 'ewire'; case 12: return 'Nordea e-betaling'; case 13: return 'Danske Netbetalinger'; case 14: return 'PayPal'; case 16: return 'MobilPenge'; case 17: return 'Klarna'; case 18: return 'Svea'; case 19: return 'SEB Direktbetalning'; case 20: return 'Nordea E-payment'; case 21: return 'Handelsbanken Direktbetalningar'; case 22: return 'Swedbank Direktbetalningar'; case 23: return 'ViaBill'; case 24: return 'NemPay'; case 25: return 'iDeal'; } } // // Calculate inbound MD5 key to ePay // public function calcMd5Key($order, $acceptUrl, $declineUrl, $callbackUrl) { $md5stamp = md5( "UTF-8" . "magento-2.6.4" . $this->getConfigData('windowstate', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . $this->getConfigData('windowid', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . (((float)$order->getBaseTotalDue()) * 100) . $order->getBaseCurrency()->getCode() . $this->getCheckout()->getLastRealOrderId() . $acceptUrl . $declineUrl . $callbackUrl . $this->getConfigData('authmail', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . $this->getConfigData('instantcapture', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . $this->getConfigData('group', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . $this->calcLanguage(Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode()) . $this->getConfigData('ownreceipt', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) . "60" . $this->getOrderInJson($order) . intval($this->getConfigData('splitpayment', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null)) . $this->getConfigData('md5key', $order ? $order->getStoreId() : null) ); return $md5stamp; } // // Hmm - magento has no support for greenland // and iceland // function calcLanguage($lan) { $res = ""; switch($lan) { case "da_DK": return "1"; case "de_CH": return "7"; case "de_DE": return "7"; case "en_AU": return "2"; case "en_GB": return "2"; case "en_NZ": return "2"; case "en_US": return "2"; case "sv_SE": return "3"; case "nn_NO": return "4"; } return "0"; } function getEpayErrorText($errorcode) { $res = "Unable to lookup errorcode"; try { $client = new SoapClient(''); $param = array ( 'merchantnumber' => $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $this->getOrder() ? $this->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null), 'language' => $this->calcLanguage(Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode()), 'epayresponsecode' => $errorcode, 'epayresponsestring' => 0, 'epayresponse' => 0, 'pwd' => $this->getConfigData('remoteinterfacepassword', $this->getOrder() ? $this->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null) ); $client = new SoapClient(''); $result = $client->getEpayError($param); if($result->getEpayErrorResult == 1) { $res = $result->epayresponsestring; } } catch (Exception $e) { return $res; } return $res; } function getPbsErrorText($errorcode) { $res = "Unable to lookup errorcode"; try { $client = new SoapClient(''); $param = array ( 'merchantnumber' => $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $this->getOrder() ? $this->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null), 'language' => $this->calcLanguage(Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode()), 'pbsresponsecode' => $errorcode, 'epayresponsestring' => 0, 'epayresponse' => 0, 'pwd' => $this->getConfigData('remoteinterfacepassword', $this->getOrder() ? $this->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null) ); $client = new SoapClient(''); $result = $client->getPbsError($param); if($result->getPbsErrorResult == 1) { $res = $result->pbsresponsestring; } } catch (Exception $e) { return $res; } return $res; } public function capture(Varien_Object $payment, $amount) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session'); // // Verify if remote interface is enabled // if(!$this->_canDoCapture($payment->getOrder())) { return $this; } if(((int)$this->getConfigData('remoteinterface', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null)) != 1) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_73')); return $this; } try { // // Read info directly from the database $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $payment->getOrder()->getIncrementId() . "'"); if($row["status"] == '1') { $epayamount = ((string)($amount * 100)); $tid = $row["tid"]; $param = array ( 'merchantnumber' => $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null), 'transactionid' => $tid, 'amount' => $epayamount, 'group' => '', 'pbsResponse' => 0, 'epayresponse' => 0, 'pwd' => $this->getConfigData('remoteinterfacepassword', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null) ); $client = new SoapClient(''); $result = $client->capture($param); if($result->captureResult == 1) { // // Success - transaction captured! // $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction with id: " . $tid . " has been captured by amount: " . number_format($amount, 2, ",", ".")); if(!$payment->getParentTransactionId() || $tid != $payment->getParentTransactionId()) { $payment->setTransactionId($tid); } $payment->setIsTransactionClosed(0); } else { if($result->epayresponse != -1) { if($result->epayresponse == -1002) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction could not be deleted by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Forretningsnummeret findes ikke."); throw new Exception("Transaction could not be captured by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Forretningsnummeret findes ikke."); } else { if($result->epayresponse == -1003 || $result->epayresponse == -1006) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction could not be captured by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Der er ikke adgang til denne funktion (API / Remote Interface)."); throw new Exception("Transaction could not be captured by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Der er ikke adgang til denne funktion (API / Remote Interface)."); } else { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), 'Transaction could not be captured by ePay: ' . $result->epayresponse . '. ' . $this->getEpayErrorText($result->epayresponse)); throw new Exception('Transaction could not be captured by ePay: ' . $result->epayresponse . '. ' . $this->getEpayErrorText($result->epayresponse)); } } } else { throw new Exception("Transaction could not be captured by ePay: " . $result->pbsResponse . '. ' . $this->getPbsErrorText($result->pbsResponse)); } } } else { // // Somehow the order was not found - this must be an error! // throw new Exception("Order not found - please check the epay_order_status table!"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $session->addException($e, $e->getMessage() . " - Go to the ePay administration to capture the payment manually."); } return $this; } public function refund(Varien_Object $payment, $amount) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session'); // // Verify if remote interface is enabled // try { if (((int)$this->getConfigData('remoteinterface', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null)) != 1) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_74')); throw new Exception(Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_74')); } // // Read info directly from the database $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $payment->getOrder()->getIncrementId() . "'"); if($row["status"] == '1') { $epayamount = ((string)($amount * 100)); $tid = $row["tid"]; $param = array ( 'merchantnumber' => $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null), 'transactionid' => $tid, 'amount' => $epayamount, 'group' => '', 'pbsresponse' => 0, 'epayresponse' => 0, 'pwd' => $this->getConfigData('remoteinterfacepassword', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null) ); $client = new SoapClient(''); $result = $client->credit($param); if($result->creditResult == 1) { // // Success - transaction credited! // $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction with id: " . $tid . " has been credited by amount: " . number_format($amount, 2, ",", ".")); } else { if ($result->epayresponse == -1002) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: The merchantnumber you are using does not exists or is disabled. Please log into your ePay account to verify your merchantnumber. This can be done from the menu: SETTINGS -> PAYMENT SYSTEM."); throw new Exception("An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: The merchantnumber you are using does not exists or is disabled. Please log into your ePay account to verify your merchantnumber. This can be done from the menu: SETTINGS -> PAYMENT SYSTEM."); } elseif ($result->epayresponse == -1003) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: The IP address your system calls ePay from is UNKNOWN. Please log into your ePay account to verify enter the IP address your system calls ePay from. This can be done from the menu: API / WEBSERVICES -> ACCESS."); throw new Exception("An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: The IP address your system calls ePay from is UNKNOWN. Please log into your ePay account to verify enter the IP address your system calls ePay from. This can be done from the menu: API / WEBSERVICES -> ACCESS."); } elseif($result->epayresponse == -1006) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: Your ePay account has not access to API / Remote Interface. This is only for ePay BUSINESS accounts. Please contact ePay to upgrade your ePay account."); throw new Exception("An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: Your ePay account has not access to API / Remote Interface. This is only for ePay BUSINESS accounts. Please contact ePay to upgrade your ePay account."); } elseif($result->epayresponse == -1021) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: An operation every 15 minutes can be performed on a transaction. Please wait 15 minutes and try again."); throw new Exception("An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") An operation every 15 minutes can be performed on a transaction. Please wait 15 minutes and try again."); } else { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: " . $this->getEpayErrorText($result->epayresponse)); throw new Exception("An error (" . $result->epayresponse . ") occured in the communication to ePay: " . $this->getEpayErrorText($result->epayresponse)); } } } else { // // Somehow the order was not found - this must be an error! // throw new Exception("Order not found - please check the epay_order_status table!"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $session->addException($e, $e->getMessage() . " - Go to the ePay administration to credit the payment manually."); } return $this; } public function void (Varien_Object $payment) { $this->cancel($payment); return $this; } public function cancel(Varien_Object $payment) { $session = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session'); if(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getActionName() == 'save') { $order = $payment->getOrder(); $_totalDatas = $order->getData(); $childOrder = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($_totalDatas['relation_child_real_id']); if($childOrder->getBaseGrandTotal() <= $order->getBaseGrandTotal()) { $childPayment = $childOrder->getPayment(); $write = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write'); $write->query('update epay_order_status set orderid = "' . $_totalDatas['relation_child_real_id'] . '" WHERE orderid = "' . $order->getIncrementId() . '"'); $transactionId = $payment->getParentTransactionId(); $childPayment->setTransactionId($transactionId)->setIsTransactionClosed(0); $transaction = $childPayment->addTransaction(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment_Transaction::TYPE_AUTH); $transaction->setAdditionalInformation("Transaction ID", $transactionId); $transaction->save(); } else { $session->addError("The transaction could not be moved because the amount of the edited order exceeds the transaction amount - Go to the ePay administration to handle the payment manually."); } return; } // // Verify if remote interface is enabled // if (((int)$this->getConfigData('remoteinterface', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null)) != 1) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_75')); return; } try { // // Read info directly from the database // $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $payment->getOrder()->getIncrementId() . "'"); if($row["status"] == '1') { $tid = $row["tid"]; $param = array ( 'merchantnumber' => $this->getConfigData('merchantnumber', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null), 'transactionid' => $tid, 'group' => '', 'epayresponse' => 0, 'pwd' => $this->getConfigData('remoteinterfacepassword', $payment->getOrder() ? $payment->getOrder()->getStoreId() : null) ); $client = new SoapClient(''); $result = $client->delete($param); if($result->deleteResult == 1) { // // Success - transaction deleted! // $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction deleted with transaction id: " . $tid); $payment->getOrder()->save(); } else { if($result->epayresponse != -1) { if($result->epayresponse == -1002) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction could not be deleted by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Forretningsnummeret findes ikke."); throw new Exception("Transaction could not be deleted by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Forretningsnummeret findes ikke."); } elseif($result->epayresponse == -1003 || $result->epayresponse == -1006) { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), "Transaction could not be captured by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Der er ikke adgang til denne funktion (API / Remote Interface)."); throw new Exception("Transaction could not be deleted by ePay: " . $result->epayresponse . ". Der er ikke adgang til denne funktion (API / Remote Interface)."); } else { $this->addOrderComment($payment->getOrder(), 'Transaction could not be deleted by ePay: ' . $result->epayresponse . '. ' . $this->getEpayErrorText($result->epayresponse)); throw new Exception('Transaction could not be deleted by ePay: ' . $result->epayresponse . '. ' . $this->getEpayErrorText($result->epayresponse)); } } else { throw new Exception('Unknown response from ePay: ' . $result->epayresponse); } } } elseif($row["status"] == '0') { // // Do nothing - the order is to be canceled without any communication to ePay // } else { // // Somehow the order was not found - this must be an error! // throw new Exception("Order not found - please check the epay_order_status table!"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $session->addException($e, $e->getMessage() . " - Go to the ePay administration to credit the payment manually."); } } public function addOrderComment($order, $comment) { $order->addStatusToHistory($order->getStatus(), $comment); $order->save(); } }