getLayout()->getBlock('head')) { $headBlock->setTitle($this->__('Print Order # %s', $this->getOrder()->getRealOrderId())); } $this->setChild( 'payment_info', $this->helper('payment')->getInfoBlock($this->getOrder()->getPayment()) ); } public function getPaymentInfoHtml() { //return $this->getChildHtml('payment_info'); $res = $this->getChildHtml('payment_info'); // // Read info directly from the database $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); $row = $read->fetchRow("select * from epay_order_status where orderid = '" . $this->getOrder()->getIncrementId() . "'"); $standard = Mage::getModel('epay/standard'); if ($row['status'] == '1') { // // Payment has been made to this order $res .= ""; if ($row['tid'] != '0') { $res .= ""; $res .= ""; } if ($row['cardid'] != '0') { $res .= ""; $res .= ""; } if (strlen($row['cardnopostfix']) != 0) { $res .= ""; $res .= ""; } if ($row['transfee'] != '0') { $res .= ""; $res .= ""; } $res .= "
" . Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_19') . "" . $row['tid'] . "
" . Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_26') . "" . $this->printLogo($row['cardid']) . "
" . Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_101') . "XXXX XXXX XXXX " . $row['cardnopostfix'] . "
" . Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_27') . "" . $this->getOrder()->getBaseCurrencyCode() . " " . number_format(((int)$row['transfee']) / 100, 2, ',', ' ') . "

"; } else { $res .= "
" . Mage::helper('epay')->__('EPAY_LABEL_28') . "
"; } return $res; } public function printLogo($cardid) { $res = ''; return $res; } public function getOrder() { return Mage::registry('current_order'); } protected function _prepareItem(Mage_Core_Block_Abstract $renderer) { $renderer->setPrintStatus(true); return parent::_prepareItem($renderer); } }