*/ abstract class Mage_Rule_Model_Condition_Abstract extends Varien_Object implements Mage_Rule_Model_Condition_Interface { /** * Defines which operators will be available for this condition * * @var string */ protected $_inputType = null; /** * Default values for possible operator options * @var array */ protected $_defaultOperatorOptions = null; /** * Default combinations of operator options, depending on input type * @var array */ protected $_defaultOperatorInputByType = null; /** * List of input types for values which should be array * @var array */ protected $_arrayInputTypes = array(); public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->loadAttributeOptions()->loadOperatorOptions()->loadValueOptions(); if ($options = $this->getAttributeOptions()) { foreach ($options as $attr=>$dummy) { $this->setAttribute($attr); break; } } if ($options = $this->getOperatorOptions()) { foreach ($options as $operator=>$dummy) { $this->setOperator($operator); break; } } } /** * Prepare sql where by condition * * @return string */ public function prepareConditionSql() { return ''; } /** * Default operator input by type map getter * * @return array */ public function getDefaultOperatorInputByType() { if (null === $this->_defaultOperatorInputByType) { $this->_defaultOperatorInputByType = array( 'string' => array('==', '!=', '>=', '>', '<=', '<', '{}', '!{}', '()', '!()'), 'numeric' => array('==', '!=', '>=', '>', '<=', '<', '()', '!()'), 'date' => array('==', '>=', '<='), 'datetime' => array('==', '>=', '<='), 'select' => array('==', '!='), 'boolean' => array('==', '!='), 'multiselect' => array('[]', '![]', '()', '!()'), 'grid' => array('()', '!()'), ); $this->_arrayInputTypes = array('multiselect', 'grid'); } return $this->_defaultOperatorInputByType; } /** * Default operator options getter * Provides all possible operator options * * @return array */ public function getDefaultOperatorOptions() { if (null === $this->_defaultOperatorOptions) { $this->_defaultOperatorOptions = array( '==' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('is'), '!=' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('is not'), '>=' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('equals or greater than'), '<=' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('equals or less than'), '>' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('greater than'), '<' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('less than'), '{}' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('contains'), '!{}' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('does not contain'), '[]' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('contains'), '![]' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('does not contain'), '()' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('is one of'), '!()' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('is not one of') ); } return $this->_defaultOperatorOptions; } public function getForm() { return $this->getRule()->getForm(); } public function asArray(array $arrAttributes = array()) { $out = array( 'type' => $this->getType(), 'attribute' => $this->getAttribute(), 'operator' => $this->getOperator(), 'value' => $this->getValue(), 'is_value_processed' => $this->getIsValueParsed(), ); return $out; } public function asXml() { $xml = '' . $this->getType() . '' . '' . $this->getAttribute() . '' . '' . $this->getOperator() . '' . '' . $this->getValue() . ''; return $xml; } public function loadArray($arr) { $this->setType($arr['type']); $this->setAttribute(isset($arr['attribute']) ? $arr['attribute'] : false); $this->setOperator(isset($arr['operator']) ? $arr['operator'] : false); $this->setValue(isset($arr['value']) ? $arr['value'] : false); $this->setIsValueParsed(isset($arr['is_value_parsed']) ? $arr['is_value_parsed'] : false); // $this->loadAttributeOptions(); // $this->loadOperatorOptions(); // $this->loadValueOptions(); return $this; } public function loadXml($xml) { if (is_string($xml)) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml); } $arr = (array)$xml; $this->loadArray($arr); return $this; } public function loadAttributeOptions() { return $this; } public function getAttributeOptions() { return array(); } public function getAttributeSelectOptions() { $opt = array(); foreach ($this->getAttributeOption() as $k => $v) { $opt[] = array('value' => $k, 'label' => $v); } return $opt; } public function getAttributeName() { return $this->getAttributeOption($this->getAttribute()); } public function loadOperatorOptions() { $this->setOperatorOption($this->getDefaultOperatorOptions()); $this->setOperatorByInputType($this->getDefaultOperatorInputByType()); return $this; } /** * This value will define which operators will be available for this condition. * * Possible values are: string, numeric, date, select, multiselect, grid, boolean * * @return string */ public function getInputType() { if (null === $this->_inputType) { return 'string'; } return $this->_inputType; } public function getOperatorSelectOptions() { $type = $this->getInputType(); $opt = array(); $operatorByType = $this->getOperatorByInputType(); foreach ($this->getOperatorOption() as $k => $v) { if (!$operatorByType || in_array($k, $operatorByType[$type])) { $opt[] = array('value' => $k, 'label' => $v); } } return $opt; } public function getOperatorName() { return $this->getOperatorOption($this->getOperator()); } public function loadValueOptions() { // $this->setValueOption(array( // true => Mage::helper('rule')->__('TRUE'), // false => Mage::helper('rule')->__('FALSE'), // )); $this->setValueOption(array()); return $this; } public function getValueSelectOptions() { $valueOption = $opt = array(); if ($this->hasValueOption()) { $valueOption = (array) $this->getValueOption(); } foreach ($valueOption as $k => $v) { $opt[] = array('value' => $k, 'label' => $v); } return $opt; } /** * Retrieve parsed value * * @return array|string|int|float */ public function getValueParsed() { if (!$this->hasValueParsed()) { $value = $this->getData('value'); if ($this->isArrayOperatorType() && is_string($value)) { $value = preg_split('#\s*[,;]\s*#', $value, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } $this->setValueParsed($value); } return $this->getData('value_parsed'); } /** * Check if value should be array * * Depends on operator input type * * @return bool */ public function isArrayOperatorType() { $op = $this->getOperator(); return $op === '()' || $op === '!()' || in_array($this->getInputType(), $this->_arrayInputTypes); } public function getValue() { if (!$this->getIsValueParsed()) { // date format intentionally hard-coded $format = null; switch ($this->getInputType()) { case 'date': $format = Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT; break; case 'datetime': $format = Varien_Date::DATETIME_INTERNAL_FORMAT; break; } if ($format !== null) { $this->setValue( Mage::app()->getLocale()->date($this->getData('value'), $format, null, false)->toString($format) ); $this->setIsValueParsed(true); } } return $this->getData('value'); } public function getValueName() { $value = $this->getValue(); if (is_null($value) || '' === $value) { return '...'; } $options = $this->getValueSelectOptions(); $valueArr = array(); if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $o) { if (is_array($value)) { if (in_array($o['value'], $value)) { $valueArr[] = $o['label']; } } else { if (is_array($o['value'])) { foreach ($o['value'] as $v) { if ($v['value']==$value) { return $v['label']; } } } if ($o['value'] == $value) { return $o['label']; } } } } if (!empty($valueArr)) { $value = implode(', ', $valueArr); } return $value; } /** * Get inherited conditions selectors * * @return array */ public function getNewChildSelectOptions() { return array( array('value' => '', 'label' => Mage::helper('rule')->__('Please choose a condition to add...')), ); } public function getNewChildName() { return $this->getAddLinkHtml(); } public function asHtml() { $html = $this->getTypeElementHtml() .$this->getAttributeElementHtml() .$this->getOperatorElementHtml() .$this->getValueElementHtml() .$this->getRemoveLinkHtml() .$this->getChooserContainerHtml(); return $html; } public function asHtmlRecursive() { $html = $this->asHtml(); return $html; } public function getTypeElement() { return $this->getForm()->addField($this->getPrefix() . '__' . $this->getId() . '__type', 'hidden', array( 'name' => 'rule[' . $this->getPrefix() . '][' . $this->getId() . '][type]', 'value' => $this->getType(), 'no_span' => true, 'class' => 'hidden', )); } public function getTypeElementHtml() { return $this->getTypeElement()->getHtml(); } public function getAttributeElement() { if (is_null($this->getAttribute())) { foreach ($this->getAttributeOption() as $k => $v) { $this->setAttribute($k); break; } } return $this->getForm()->addField($this->getPrefix() . '__' . $this->getId() . '__attribute', 'select', array( 'name' => 'rule[' . $this->getPrefix() . '][' . $this->getId() . '][attribute]', 'values' => $this->getAttributeSelectOptions(), 'value' => $this->getAttribute(), 'value_name' => $this->getAttributeName(), ))->setRenderer(Mage::getBlockSingleton('rule/editable')); } public function getAttributeElementHtml() { return $this->getAttributeElement()->getHtml(); } /** * Retrieve Condition Operator element Instance * If the operator value is empty - define first available operator value as default * * @return Varien_Data_Form_Element_Select */ public function getOperatorElement() { $options = $this->getOperatorSelectOptions(); if (is_null($this->getOperator())) { foreach ($options as $option) { $this->setOperator($option['value']); break; } } $elementId = sprintf('%s__%s__operator', $this->getPrefix(), $this->getId()); $elementName = sprintf('rule[%s][%s][operator]', $this->getPrefix(), $this->getId()); $element = $this->getForm()->addField($elementId, 'select', array( 'name' => $elementName, 'values' => $options, 'value' => $this->getOperator(), 'value_name' => $this->getOperatorName(), )); $element->setRenderer(Mage::getBlockSingleton('rule/editable')); return $element; } public function getOperatorElementHtml() { return $this->getOperatorElement()->getHtml(); } /** * Value element type will define renderer for condition value element * * @see Varien_Data_Form_Element * @return string */ public function getValueElementType() { return 'text'; } public function getValueElementRenderer() { if (strpos($this->getValueElementType(), '/')!==false) { return Mage::getBlockSingleton($this->getValueElementType()); } return Mage::getBlockSingleton('rule/editable'); } public function getValueElement() { $elementParams = array( 'name' => 'rule[' . $this->getPrefix() . '][' . $this->getId() . '][value]', 'value' => $this->getValue(), 'values' => $this->getValueSelectOptions(), 'value_name' => $this->getValueName(), 'after_element_html' => $this->getValueAfterElementHtml(), 'explicit_apply' => $this->getExplicitApply(), ); switch ($this->getInputType()) { case 'date': $elementParams['input_format'] = Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT; $elementParams['format'] = Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT; break; case 'datetime': $elementParams['input_format'] = Varien_Date::DATETIME_INTERNAL_FORMAT; $elementParams['format'] = Varien_Date::DATETIME_INTERNAL_FORMAT; $elementParams['time'] = true; break; } return $this->getForm()->addField($this->getPrefix() . '__' . $this->getId() . '__value', $this->getValueElementType(), $elementParams )->setRenderer($this->getValueElementRenderer()); } public function getValueElementHtml() { return $this->getValueElement()->getHtml(); } public function getAddLinkHtml() { $src = Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl('images/rule_component_add.gif'); $html = ''; return $html; } public function getRemoveLinkHtml() { $src = Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl('images/rule_component_remove.gif'); $html = ' '; return $html; } public function getChooserContainerHtml() { $url = $this->getValueElementChooserUrl(); $html = ''; if ($url) { $html = '
'; } return $html; } public function asString($format = '') { $str = $this->getAttributeName() . ' ' . $this->getOperatorName() . ' ' . $this->getValueName(); return $str; } public function asStringRecursive($level=0) { $str = str_pad('', $level * 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $this->asString(); return $str; } /** * Validate product attribute value for condition * * @param mixed $validatedValue product attribute value * @return bool */ public function validateAttribute($validatedValue) { if (is_object($validatedValue)) { return false; } /** * Condition attribute value */ $value = $this->getValueParsed(); /** * Comparison operator */ $op = $this->getOperatorForValidate(); // if operator requires array and it is not, or on opposite, return false if ($this->isArrayOperatorType() xor is_array($value)) { return false; } $result = false; switch ($op) { case '==': case '!=': if (is_array($value)) { if (is_array($validatedValue)) { $result = array_intersect($value, $validatedValue); $result = !empty($result); } else { return false; } } else { if (is_array($validatedValue)) { $result = count($validatedValue) == 1 && array_shift($validatedValue) == $value; } else { $result = $this->_compareValues($validatedValue, $value); } } break; case '<=': case '>': if (!is_scalar($validatedValue)) { return false; } else { $result = $validatedValue <= $value; } break; case '>=': case '<': if (!is_scalar($validatedValue)) { return false; } else { $result = $validatedValue >= $value; } break; case '{}': case '!{}': if (is_scalar($validatedValue) && is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $item) { if (stripos($validatedValue,$item)!==false) { $result = true; break; } } } elseif (is_array($value)) { if (is_array($validatedValue)) { $result = array_intersect($value, $validatedValue); $result = !empty($result); } else { return false; } } else { if (is_array($validatedValue)) { $result = in_array($value, $validatedValue); } else { $result = $this->_compareValues($value, $validatedValue, false); } } break; case '()': case '!()': case '[]': case '![]': if (is_array($validatedValue)) { $value = (array)$value; $match = count(array_intersect($validatedValue, $value)); if (in_array($op, array('[]', '![]'))) { $result = $match == count($value); } else { $result = $match > 0; } } else { $value = (array)$value; foreach ($value as $item) { if ($this->_compareValues($validatedValue, $item)) { $result = true; break; } } } break; } if ('!=' == $op || '>' == $op || '<' == $op || '!{}' == $op || '!()' == $op || '![]' == $op) { $result = !$result; } return $result; } /** * Case and type insensitive comparison of values * * @param string|int|float $validatedValue * @param string|int|float $value * @return bool */ protected function _compareValues($validatedValue, $value, $strict = true) { if ($strict && is_numeric($validatedValue) && is_numeric($value)) { return $validatedValue == $value; } else { $validatePattern = preg_quote($validatedValue, '~'); if ($strict) { $validatePattern = '^' . $validatePattern . '$'; } return (bool)preg_match('~' . $validatePattern . '~iu', $value); } } public function validate(Varien_Object $object) { return $this->validateAttribute($object->getData($this->getAttribute())); } /** * Retrieve operator for php validation * * @return string */ public function getOperatorForValidate() { return $this->getOperator(); } }