_salesEntity = $salesEntity; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid sales entity provided.'); } } /** * Getter for the current sales entity * * @return Mage_Sales_Model_Order * @return Mage_Sales_Model_Quote */ public function getSalesEntity() { return $this->_salesEntity; } /** * Render and get line items * By default returns false if the items are invalid * * @param bool $bypassValidation * @return array|false */ public function getItems($bypassValidation = false) { $this->_render(); if (!$bypassValidation && !$this->_areItemsValid) { return false; } return $this->_items; } /** * Render and get totals * If the totals are invalid for any reason, they will be merged into one amount (subtotal is utilized for it) * An option to substract discount from the subtotal is available * * @param bool $mergeDiscount * @return array */ public function getTotals($mergeDiscount = false) { $this->_render(); // cut down totals to one total if they are invalid if (!$this->_areTotalsValid) { $totals = array( self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL => $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] + $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX] ); if (!$this->_isShippingAsItem) { $totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] += $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SHIPPING]; } if (!$this->_isDiscountAsItem) { $totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] -= $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT]; } return $totals; } elseif ($mergeDiscount) { $totals = $this->_totals; unset($totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT]); if (!$this->_isDiscountAsItem) { $totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] -= $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT]; } return $totals; } return $this->_totals; } /** * Add a line item * * @param string $name * @param numeric $qty * @param float $amount * @param string $identifier * @return Varien_Object */ public function addItem($name, $qty, $amount, $identifier = null) { $this->_shouldRender = true; $item = new Varien_Object(array( 'name' => $name, 'qty' => $qty, 'amount' => (float)$amount, )); if ($identifier) { $item->setData('id', $identifier); } $this->_items[] = $item; return $item; } /** * Remove item from cart by identifier * * @param string $identifier * @return bool */ public function removeItem($identifier) { foreach ($this->_items as $key => $item) { if ($item->getId() == $identifier) { unset($this->_items[$key]); return true; } } return false; } /** * Compound the specified amount with the specified total * * @param string $code * @param float $amount * @param string $lineItemDescription * @return Mage_Paypal_Model_Cart */ public function updateTotal($code, $amount, $lineItemDescription = null) { $this->_shouldRender = true; if (isset($this->_totals[$code])) { $this->_totals[$code] += $amount; if ($lineItemDescription) { $this->_totalLineItemDescriptions[$code][] = $lineItemDescription; } } return $this; } /** * Get/Set whether to render the discount total as a line item * * @param $setValue * @return bool|Mage_Paypal_Model_Cart */ public function isDiscountAsItem($setValue = null) { return $this->_totalAsItem('_isDiscountAsItem', $setValue); } /** * Get/Set whether to render the discount total as a line item * * @param $setValue * @return bool|Mage_Paypal_Model_Cart */ public function isShippingAsItem($setValue = null) { return $this->_totalAsItem('_isShippingAsItem', $setValue); } /** * (re)Render all items and totals */ protected function _render() { if (!$this->_shouldRender) { return; } // regular items from the sales entity $this->_items = array(); foreach ($this->_salesEntity->getAllItems() as $item) { if (!$item->getParentItem()) { $this->_addRegularItem($item); } } end($this->_items); $lastRegularItemKey = key($this->_items); // regular totals $shippingDescription = ''; if ($this->_salesEntity instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order) { $shippingDescription = $this->_salesEntity->getShippingDescription(); $this->_totals = array( self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL => $this->_salesEntity->getBaseSubtotal(), self::TOTAL_TAX => $this->_salesEntity->getBaseTaxAmount(), self::TOTAL_SHIPPING => $this->_salesEntity->getBaseShippingAmount(), self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT => abs($this->_salesEntity->getBaseDiscountAmount()), ); $this->_applyHiddenTaxWorkaround($this->_salesEntity); } else { $address = $this->_salesEntity->getIsVirtual() ? $this->_salesEntity->getBillingAddress() : $this->_salesEntity->getShippingAddress(); $shippingDescription = $address->getShippingDescription(); $this->_totals = array ( self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL => $this->_salesEntity->getBaseSubtotal(), self::TOTAL_TAX => $address->getBaseTaxAmount(), self::TOTAL_SHIPPING => $address->getBaseShippingAmount(), self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT => abs($address->getBaseDiscountAmount()), ); $this->_applyHiddenTaxWorkaround($address); } $originalDiscount = $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT]; // arbitrary items, total modifications Mage::dispatchEvent('paypal_prepare_line_items', array('paypal_cart' => $this)); // distinguish original discount among the others if ($originalDiscount > 0.0001 && isset($this->_totalLineItemDescriptions[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT])) { $this->_totalLineItemDescriptions[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT][] = Mage::helper('sales')->__('Discount (%s)', Mage::app()->getStore()->convertPrice($originalDiscount, true, false)); } // discount, shipping as items if ($this->_isDiscountAsItem && $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT]) { $this->addItem(Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Discount'), 1, -1.00 * $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT], $this->_renderTotalLineItemDescriptions(self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT) ); } $shippingItemId = $this->_renderTotalLineItemDescriptions(self::TOTAL_SHIPPING, $shippingDescription); if ($this->_isShippingAsItem && (float)$this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SHIPPING]) { $this->addItem(Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Shipping'), 1, (float)$this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SHIPPING], $shippingItemId ); } // compound non-regular items into subtotal foreach ($this->_items as $key => $item) { if ($key > $lastRegularItemKey && $item->getAmount() != 0) { $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] += $item->getAmount(); } } $this->_validate(); // if cart items are invalid, prepare cart for transfer without line items if (!$this->_areItemsValid) { $this->removeItem($shippingItemId); } $this->_shouldRender = false; } /** * Merge multiple descriptions by a total code into a string * * @param string $code * @param string $prepend * @param string $append * @param string $glue * @return string */ protected function _renderTotalLineItemDescriptions($code, $prepend = '', $append = '', $glue = '; ') { $result = array(); if ($prepend) { $result[] = $prepend; } if (isset($this->_totalLineItemDescriptions[$code])) { $result = array_merge($this->_totalLineItemDescriptions[$code]); } if ($append) { $result[] = $append; } return implode($glue, $result); } /** * Check the line items and totals according to PayPal business logic limitations */ protected function _validate() { $this->_areItemsValid = true; $this->_areTotalsValid = false; $referenceAmount = $this->_salesEntity->getBaseGrandTotal(); $itemsSubtotal = 0; foreach ($this->_items as $i) { $itemsSubtotal = $itemsSubtotal + $i['qty'] * $i['amount']; } $sum = $itemsSubtotal + $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX]; if (!$this->_isShippingAsItem) { $sum += $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SHIPPING]; } if (!$this->_isDiscountAsItem) { $sum -= $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT]; } /** * numbers are intentionally converted to strings because of possible comparison error * see http://php.net/float */ // match sum of all the items and totals to the reference amount if (sprintf('%.4F', $sum) != sprintf('%.4F', $referenceAmount)) { $adjustment = $sum - $referenceAmount; $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] = $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_SUBTOTAL] - $adjustment; } // PayPal requires to have discount less than items subtotal if (!$this->_isDiscountAsItem) { $this->_areTotalsValid = round($this->_totals[self::TOTAL_DISCOUNT], 4) < round($itemsSubtotal, 4); } else { $this->_areTotalsValid = $itemsSubtotal > 0.00001; } $this->_areItemsValid = $this->_areItemsValid && $this->_areTotalsValid; } /** * Check whether items are valid * * @return bool */ public function areItemsValid() { return $this->_areItemsValid; } /** * Add a usual line item with amount and qty * * @param Varien_Object $salesItem * @return Varien_Object */ protected function _addRegularItem(Varien_Object $salesItem) { if ($this->_salesEntity instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order) { $qty = (int) $salesItem->getQtyOrdered(); $amount = (float) $salesItem->getBasePrice(); // TODO: nominal item for order } else { $qty = (int) $salesItem->getTotalQty(); $amount = $salesItem->isNominal() ? 0 : (float) $salesItem->getBaseCalculationPrice(); } // workaround in case if item subtotal precision is not compatible with PayPal (.2) $subAggregatedLabel = ''; if ($amount - round($amount, 2)) { $amount = $amount * $qty; $subAggregatedLabel = ' x' . $qty; $qty = 1; } // aggregate item price if item qty * price does not match row total if (($amount * $qty) != $salesItem->getBaseRowTotal()) { $amount = (float) $salesItem->getBaseRowTotal(); $subAggregatedLabel = ' x' . $qty; $qty = 1; } return $this->addItem($salesItem->getName() . $subAggregatedLabel, $qty, $amount, $salesItem->getSku()); } /** * Get/Set for the specified variable. * If the value changes, the re-rendering is commenced * * @param string $var * @param $setValue * @return bool|Mage_Paypal_Model_Cart */ private function _totalAsItem($var, $setValue = null) { if (null !== $setValue) { if ($setValue != $this->$var) { $this->_shouldRender = true; } $this->$var = $setValue; return $this; } return $this->$var; } /** * Add "hidden" discount and shipping tax * * Go ahead, try to understand ]:-> * * Tax settings for getting "discount tax": * - Catalog Prices = Including Tax * - Apply Customer Tax = After Discount * - Apply Discount on Prices = Including Tax * * Test case for getting "hidden shipping tax": * - Make sure shipping is taxable (set shipping tax class) * - Catalog Prices = Including Tax * - Shipping Prices = Including Tax * - Apply Customer Tax = After Discount * - Create a shopping cart price rule with % discount applied to the Shipping Amount * - run shopping cart and estimate shipping * - go to PayPal * * @param Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $salesEntity */ private function _applyHiddenTaxWorkaround($salesEntity) { $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX] += (float)$salesEntity->getBaseHiddenTaxAmount(); $this->_totals[self::TOTAL_TAX] += (float)$salesEntity->getBaseShippingHiddenTaxAmount(); } /** * Check whether any item has negative amount * * @return bool */ public function hasNegativeItemAmount() { foreach ($this->_items as $item) { if ($item->getAmount() < 0) { return true; } } return false; } }