setIdType(Mage::getSingleton(self::CTO_OBSERVER)->ctoProductID()); $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*'); $collection->addFieldToFilter('visibility', Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility::VISIBILITY_BOTH); $this->setList($collection); } public function setIdType($ctoIdType){ $this->_ctoIdType = $ctoIdType; } public function setList($collection){ $this->_list = $collection; } public function generateFeed() { if (is_null($this->_list)) { $this->showError("Could not retrieve any products from the catalog!"); } else { //Get settings $ctoFeedActivated = Mage::helper('Criteo_OneTag')->get_feed_activated(); $ctoFeedPassword = Mage::helper('Criteo_OneTag')->get_feed_password(); // Activation check if(!$ctoFeedActivated) { $this->showError("Feed generation deactivated in configuration panel!"); } else { //Password checks if(strlen($ctoFeedPassword) > 0 && filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'p') == null) { $this->showError("Access denied. Feed is protected by password."); } else { if(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'p', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) != $ctoFeedPassword) { $this->showError("Password provided does not match password set in configuration panel!"); } else { //Get items in our shop $items = $this->_list; //Display the header with correct names depending on the ID configuration if($this->_ctoIdType == 0) { echo "id|sku|name|producturl|smallimage|bigimage|description|price|retailprice|instock|categoryid1|categoryid2|categoryid3"; } else { echo "id|magentoid|name|producturl|smallimage|bigimage|description|price|retailprice|instock|categoryid1|categoryid2|categoryid3"; } Mage::getSingleton('core/resource_iterator')->walk($items->getSelect(), array(array($this, 'printProduct'))); } } } } } // gathers all info, formats the product line and prints it public function printProduct($args){ $i = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku', $args['row']['sku']); // line break $printLine = "\n"; //ID - selects the id based on whether they use SKU or not in the configuration and passes the other ID type for convenience if($this->_ctoIdType == 0) { $printLine .= $i->getEntityId()."|".$i->getSku()."|"; } else { $printLine .= $i->getSku()."|".$i->getEntityId()."|"; } //Name $printLine .= htmlentities($i->getName(), ENT_QUOTES)."|"; //Product url $printLine .= Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB).$i->getUrlPath()."|"; //Small image $smallimage = $i->getSmallImage(); if($smallimage == "no_selection") { //We don't want to add no_selection in our feed $printLine .= "|"; } else { $printLine .= Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA)."catalog/product".$smallimage."|"; } //Big image $bigimage = $i->getImage(); if($bigimage == "no_selection") { //We don't want to add no_selection in our feed $printLine .= "|"; } else { $printLine .= Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA)."catalog/product".$bigimage."|"; } //Description $printLine .= str_replace( array("\n","\r\n","\r"), '', htmlentities($i->getDescription(), ENT_QUOTES) )."|"; //Prices $price = $i->getPrice(); $specialprice = $i->getSpecialPrice(); $finalprice = $i->getFinalPrice(); if ($specialprice != "") { //We have a retail price $printLine .= $specialprice."|".$price."|"; } else if ($finalprice != "") { //We have a retail price $printLine .= $finalprice."|".$price."|"; } else { //No retail price $printLine .= $price."||"; } //Instock - isAvailable is used to mark if something is in stock or not $printLine .= $i->isAvailable()."|"; //Categories - goes as deep as possible, and then back up to the next root category $categories = $i->getCategoryIds(); $categories_counter = 0; foreach($categories as $c) { $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($c); if($categories_counter < 3 && $category->getIsActive()) { $printLine .= ($categories_counter == 0 ? "" : "|").$category->getName(); } $categories_counter++; } while($categories_counter < 3) { $printLine .= "|"; $categories_counter++; } // insert product in the feed echo $printLine; } public function showError($error){ $html = "
ERROR: $error
"; echo $html; } } ?>