conf(self::XML_CRUMBS_ENABLED, $store); } public function isEnabled($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_ENABLED, $store); } public function isTitle($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_TITLE, $store); } public function getTitle($store = null) { return $this->isTitle($store); } public function getMetaKeywords($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_KEYWORDS, $store); } public function getMetaDescription($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_DESCRIPTION, $store); } public function isBookmarksPost($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_BOOKMARKS_POST, $store); } public function useShortContent($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_BLOG_USESHORTCONTENT, $store); } public function readMoreCount($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_BLOG_READMORE, $store); } public function getDateFormat($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_DATE_FORMAT, $store); } public function isCategoryUrl($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_CATEGORIES_URL, $store); } public function isMenuRight($store = null) { return $this->conf(sself::XML_PATH_MENU_RIGHT, $store); } public function isFooterEnabled($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_FOOTER_ENABLED, $store); } public function getLayout($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_PATH_LAYOUT, $store); } public function commentsEnabled($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_COMMENTS_ENABLED, $store); } public function defaultPostSort($store = null) { return $this->conf(self::XML_DEFAULT_POST_SORT, $store); } public function commentsPerPage($store = null) { $count = trim($this->conf(self::XML_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE, $store)); if (!$count) { return self::DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT; } return $count; } public function postsPerPage($store = null) { $count = trim($this->conf(self::XML_POSTS_PER_PAGE, $store)); if (!$count) { return self::DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT; } return $count; } public function getRecentPage($store = null) { $count = trim($this->conf(self::XML_RECENT_SIZE, $store)); if (!$count) { return self::DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT; } return $count; } public function getUserName() { $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer(); return trim("{$customer->getFirstname()} {$customer->getLastname()}"); } public function getRoute($store = null) { $route = trim($this->conf(self::XML_ROOT, $store)); if (!$route) { $route = self::DEFAULT_ROOT; } return $route; } public function getRouteUrl($store = null) { return Mage::getUrl($this->getRoute($store), array('_store' => $store)); } public function getStoreIdByCode($storeCode) { foreach (Mage::app()->getStore()->getCollection() as $store) { if ($storeCode == $store->getCode()) { return $store->getId(); } } return false; } public function getEnabled() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('blog/blog/enabled') && $this->extensionEnabled('AW_Blog'); } public function getUserEmail() { $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer(); return $customer->getEmail(); } /** * Recursively searches and replaces all occurrences of search in subject values * replaced with the given replace value * * @param string $search The value being searched for * @param string $replace The replacement value * @param array $subject Subject for being searched and replaced on * @return array Array with processed values */ public function recursiveReplace($search, $replace, $subject) { if (!is_array($subject)) { return $subject; } foreach ($subject as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $subject[$key] = str_replace($search, $replace, $value); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $subject[$key] = self::recursiveReplace($search, $replace, $value); } } return $subject; } public function extensionEnabled($extensionName) { $modules = (array)Mage::getConfig()->getNode('modules')->children(); if ( !isset($modules[$extensionName]) || $modules[$extensionName]->descend('active')->asArray() == 'false' || Mage::getStoreConfig('advanced/modules_disable_output/' . $extensionName) ) { return false; } return true; } public function addRss($head, $path) { if ($head instanceof Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head) { $head->addItem("rss", $path, 'title="' . Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_TITLE) . '"'); } } public function getRssEnabled() { return (Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('blog/rss/enable') && Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('rss/config/active')); } public function convertSlashes($tag, $direction = 'back') { if ($direction == 'forward') { $tag = preg_replace("#/#is", "/", $tag); $tag = preg_replace("#\\\#is", "\", $tag); return $tag; } $tag = str_replace("/", "/", $tag); $tag = str_replace("\", "\\", $tag); return $tag; } public function filterWYS($text) { $processorModelName = version_compare(Mage::getVersion(), '', '>') ? 'widget/template_filter' : 'core/email_template_filter'; $processor = Mage::getModel($processorModelName); if ($processor instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template_Filter) { return $processor->filter($text); } return $text; } public function magentoLess14() { return version_compare(Mage::getVersion(), '1.4', '<'); } public static function escapeSpecialChars($post) { $post->setTitle(htmlspecialchars($post->getTitle())); } public function ifStoreChangedRedirect() { $path = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPathInfo(); $helper = Mage::helper('blog'); $currentRoute = $helper->getRoute(); $fromStore = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('___from_store'); if ($fromStore) { $fromStoreId = $helper->getStoreIdByCode($fromStore); $fromRoute = $helper->getRoute($fromStoreId); $url = preg_replace("#$fromRoute#si", $currentRoute, $path, 1); $url = Mage::getBaseUrl() . ltrim($url, '/'); Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse() ->setRedirect($url) ->sendResponse(); exit; } } /** * Check is AW_Mobile installed * * @return bool */ public function isMobileInstalled() { return $this->isModuleOutputEnabled('AW_Mobile') && @class_exists('AW_Mobile_Block_Catalog_Product_List_Toolbar') ; } }