is_saved = false; if ( $options ){ $options = @json_decode($options,true); if ( !empty($options) && $options != null ) $this->is_saved = true; } $default_options = $this->get_default_options(); $this->mpl_header_options = $this->array_extend((array)$default_options,(array)$options); if ( $mpl_header_options != NULL ) $this->mpl_header_options = $this->array_extend((array)$this->mpl_header_options,(array)$mpl_header_options); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_scripts') ); add_filter('peony_header',array($this,'get_header'),10,2); add_filter('peony_body_class', array($this,'body_class_filter')); add_filter('mpl_top_bar_class', array($this,'top_bar_class')); add_filter('mpl_classic_nav_class', array($this,'classic_nav_class')); add_filter('mpl_menu_container_class', array($this,'menu_container_class')); add_filter('mpl_wrap_class', array($this,'wrap_class')); add_filter('mpl_side_wrap_class', array($this,'side_wrap_class')); add_filter('mpl_float_nav_class', array($this,'float_nav_class')); } /** * Get default options */ public function get_default_options(){ $options = array( 'layout' => array( 'header_layout' => 'classic', 'classic' => array( 'microwidgets' => 'no', 'top_bar_left' => array ( 'Menu' => array ( 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', 'style' => 'list', ), 'Cart' => array ( 'title' => '', 'caption_align' => 'left', ), ), 'top_bar_right' => array ( 'Search' => array ( 'caption' => '', 'show_icon' => '', 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', 'phone' => 'logo', ) ), 'near_menu' => array ( 'Social' => array ( 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', ), ), 'near_logo_left'=> array(), 'near_logo_right' => array ( 'Text' => array ( 'content' => '', 'on_desktops' => 'show', 'tablet' => 'leave', 'phone' => 'logo', ), ), 'area_near_menu' => '', 'area_near_logo_left' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', 'area_near_logo_right' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', 'logo_position' => 'left', 'menu_position' => 'left', 'margin_above_menu' => '', 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=> 0, ), 'menu' => array ( 'open_menu_icon_color' => '', 'open_menu_background' => '', 'open_menu_background_opacity' => '100', 'close_menu_icon_color' => '', 'close_menu_background' => '', 'close_menu_background_opacity' => '100', 'menu_icon_margin' => '', 'background_border_radius' => '0', ), 'classic' => array ( 'menu_background_line' => 'backgrond', 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '', ), 'sliding' => array ( 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '100', 'background_image' => '', 'fullscreen' => 'yes', 'fixed_background' => 'yes', ), ), ), 'menu' => array ( 'menu_settings' => array ( 'font' => array ( 'font_size' => 16, 'capitalize' => '', 'subtitles_font_size' => 11, 'normal_font_color' => '', 'hover_font_color' => 'accent', 'hover_custom_color' => '', 'hover_gradient1' => '', 'hover_gradient2' => '', 'active_item_font_color' => 'accent', 'active_custom_color' => '', 'active_gradient1' => '', 'active_gradient2' => '', 'menu_icon_size' => 0, 'next_level' => 'yes', ), 'margins' => array ( 'menu_paddings' => '', 'margin' => '', 'side_margins' => 'regular', 'full_height' => 'enabled', ), 'dividers' => array ( 'dividers' => 'enabled', 'divider_height' => '100', 'height' => '42', 'first_last_dividers' => 'enabled', 'dividers_color' => '', 'dividers_opacity' => '', ), 'decoration' => array ( 'decoration' => 'none', 'underline_custom_color' => '', 'underline_gradient1' => '', 'underline_gradient2' => '', 'hover_style' => 'outline' ), ), ), 'sub_menu' => array ( 'sub_menu_settings' => array ( 'font' => array ( 'font_size' => '16', 'capitalize' => '', 'subtitles_font_size' => '11', 'normal_font_color' => '', 'hover_font_color' => 'accent', 'active_item_font_color' => 'accent', 'menu_icon_size' => 0, 'next_level' => 'yes', 'parent_menu' => 'yes', ), 'margins' => array ( 'paddings' => '8px 10px 8px 10px', 'margin' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', ), 'background' => array ( 'color' => '', 'opacity' => 0, 'width' => '', 'hover_background' => 'disabled', ), 'side' => array ( 'show' => 'sideways' ), 'navigation_panel' => array( 'floating_navigation' => 'disabled', 'effect' => 'sticky', 'scrolling' => '', 'height' => '', 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => '100', 'decoration' => '', 'line_color' => '', 'line_opacity' => '', ) ), ), 'microwidgets' => array ( 'near_menu_font_size' => '13', 'near_menu_font_color' => '', 'near_logo_font_size' => '13', 'near_logo_font_color' => '', ), 'float_header' => array ( 'navigation_panel' => array ( 'floating_navigation' => 'enabled', 'effect' => 'fade', 'scrolling' => '', 'height' => '', 'background_color' => '', 'background_opacity' => 100, 'decoration' => 'disabled', 'line_color' => '', 'line_opacity' => '', ) ), 'mobile_header' => array ( 'mobile_settings' => array ( 'tablet' => array ( 'switch' => 1040, 'height' => 60, ), 'phone' => array ( 'switch' => 800, 'height' => 60, ), 'navigation' => array ( 'floating' => 'disabled' ), 'font' => array ( 'font_size' => 16, 'capitalize' => '', 'subtitles_font_size' => 11, 'normal_font_color' => '', 'hover_font_color' => 'accent', 'hover_custom_color' => '', 'hover_gradient1' => '', 'hover_gradient2' => '', 'active_item_font_color' => 'accent', 'active_custom_color' => '', 'active_gradient1' => '', 'active_gradient2' => '', ), 'background' => array ( 'color' => '', 'opacity' => '', 'maximum_width' => '', 'slides_from' => 'left' ), ) ) ); return $options ; } /** * Enqueue header js & css */ public function enqueue_scripts(){ $new_options = $this->mpl_header_options ; $header_css = ''; $default_options = $this->get_default_options(); $options = $this->array_extend((array)$default_options,(array)$new_options); if ( isset($options['layout']) && is_array($options['layout']) ){ $layout_name = $options['layout']['header_layout']; $top_bar_options = $options['top_bar']; $header_options = $options['header']; $menu_options = $options['menu']; $sub_menu_options = $options['sub_menu']; $microwidgets_options = $options['microwidgets']; $mobile_header_options = $options['mobile_header']; $float_header_options = $options['float_header']; $layout_options = $options['layout'][$layout_name]; // header layout extract($layout_options); switch ($layout_name){ case "classic": if ( $area_near_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-menu{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_menu.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_near_logo_left != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-logo-left{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_logo_left.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_near_logo_right != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-logo-right{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_logo_right.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $margin_above_menu != '' ) $margin_above_menu = str_replace('px','',$margin_above_menu); if ( $margin_below_menu != '' ) $margin_below_menu = str_replace('px','',$margin_below_menu); if ( $margin_above_menu != '' || $margin_below_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap 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".$area_near_menu_left.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $area_near_menu_right != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-menu-right{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_near_menu_right.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_height != '' ){ $header_height = str_replace('px','',$header_height); $header_css .= ".mpl-header-main .mpl-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "height: ".$header_height."px;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; case "side": if ( $area_below_menu != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .near-below-menu{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$area_below_menu.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_width != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header.mpl-side-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$header_width.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $width_of_header_content != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$width_of_header_content.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_top 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".$header_width.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $width_of_header_content != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header:not(.mpl-side-header-overlay) .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "width: ".$width_of_header_content.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $header_content_paddings != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header .mpl-main-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding: ".$header_content_paddings.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_top != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-main-nav{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-top: ".$menu_paddings_top.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $menu_paddings_bottom != '' ){ $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-main-nav{\r\n"; $header_css .= "padding-bottom: ".$menu_paddings_bottom.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } break; } // top bar styling extract($top_bar_options); $header_css .= ".mpl-top-bar{\r\n"; if ( is_numeric($top_padding) ){ $header_css .= "padding-top:".$top_padding."px;"; } if ( 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fixed;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( isset($line_color) && $line_color != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($line_color); $opacity = (absint($line_opacity)/100); $header_css .= ".mpl-header.border:not(.mpl-side-header):not(.mpl-mixed-header){\r\n"; $header_css .= "border-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // menu icon extract($header_settings['menu']); if ( $open_menu_icon_color != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-menu-toggle .mpl-line,.mpl-toggle-icon:before, .mpl-toggle-icon:after{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: ".$open_menu_icon_color.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $close_menu_icon_color != '' ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-close-toggle .mpl-line:before, .mpl-close-toggle .mpl-line:after{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: ".$close_menu_icon_color.";\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } if ( $open_menu_background != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($open_menu_background); $opacity = 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$header_settings['classic']['background_color'] != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($header_settings['classic']['background_color']); $opacity = (absint($header_settings['classic']['background_opacity'])/100); $header_css .= ".mpl-navigation.mpl-style-solid-bg:before{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.") ;\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; $header_css .= ".mpl-navigation.mpl-style-top-line:before,\r\n"; $header_css .= ".mpl-navigation.mpl-style-top-line-full:before {\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color:rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // Sliding Menu extract($header_settings['sliding']); if ( isset($header_settings['sliding']['background_color']) && $header_settings['sliding']['background_color'] != '' ){ $color = $this->hex2rgb($header_settings['sliding']['background_color']); $opacity = (absint($header_settings['sliding']['background_opacity'])/100); $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header{\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-color: rgba(".$color[0].",".$color[1].",".$color[2].",".$opacity.");\r\n"; $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } $header_css .= ".top-wrap .mpl-side-header{\r\n"; if ( isset($header_settings['sliding']['background_image']) && $header_settings['sliding']['background_image'] != '') $header_css .= "background-image: url(".$header_settings['sliding']['background_image'].");\r\n"; if ( isset($header_settings['sliding']['fullscreen']) && $header_settings['sliding']['fullscreen'] == 'yes' ){ $header_css .= "-webkit-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "-moz-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "-o-background-size:cover;\r\n"; $header_css .= "background-size:cover;\r\n"; } $header_css .= "}\r\n"; } // menu styling extract($menu_options); if ( isset($menu_settings) && is_array($menu_settings) ){ // fonts extract($menu_settings['font']); if ( is_numeric($font_size) ){ $header_css .= ".mpl-header .mpl-main-nav > li > a{\r\n"; 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'/js/header.js' , array( 'jquery' ), null, true); wp_add_inline_style( 'peony-header', $header_css ); wp_localize_script( 'peony-header', 'peony_header', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'themeurl' => get_template_directory_uri(), 'options' => array( 'floating_navigation' => $float_header_options['navigation_panel']['floating_navigation'], 'effect' => $float_header_options['navigation_panel']['effect'], 'scrolling' => $float_header_options['navigation_panel']['scrolling'], 'phone_nav_floating' =>$mobile_settings['navigation']['floating'], 'phone_switch' => $phone_switch, 'tablet_switch' => $tablet_switch, 'layout_name' => $layout_name, 'inline_three'=> array('floating_logo'=>$options['layout']['inline_three']['floating_logo']) ), )); } /** * Get top bar css class names * * @return string */ public function top_bar_class( $class ){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; $return = ''; if ( isset($options['top_bar']) ): $top_bar_options = $options['top_bar']; $background_or_line = isset($top_bar_options['background_or_line'])?$top_bar_options['background_or_line']:'disabled'; switch( $background_or_line ){ case "disabled": $return = ''; break; case "bottom_line": $return = 'mpl-style-bottom-line'; break; case "bottom_line_full": $return = 'mpl-style-bottom-line-full'; break; case "solid_bg": $return = 'mpl-style-solid-bg'; break; } return $class.' '.$return; else: return $class; endif; } /** * Get css class names of classic header nav * * @return string */ function classic_nav_class( $class ){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; $return = ''; if ( isset($options['header']['header_settings'])): $classic_options = $options['header']['header_settings']['classic']; $menu_background_line = isset($options['header']['header_settings']['classic']['menu_background_line'])? $options['header']['header_settings']['classic']['menu_background_line']:''; switch( $menu_background_line ){ case "disabled": $return = ''; break; case "content_width_line": $return = 'mpl-style-top-line'; break; case "full_width_line": $return = 'mpl-style-top-line-full'; break; case "backgrond": $return = 'mpl-style-solid-bg'; break; } return $class.' '.$return; else: return $class; endif; } /** * Get css class names of classic header nav * * @return string */ function menu_container_class( $class ){ $options = $this->mpl_header_options; if ( isset($options['menu']['menu_settings']['decoration'])): extract($options['menu']['menu_settings']['decoration']); if ( $decoration == 'underline' ){ if ( isset($direction) ){ switch( $direction ){ case "left_right": $class .= ' hoverline-lefttoright'; break; case "from_center": $class .= ' hoverline-fromcenter'; break; case "upwards": $class .= ' hoverline-upwards'; break; case "downwards": $class .= ' hoverline-downwards'; break; } } } if ( $decoration == 'outline' ){ if ( isset($hover_style) ){ switch( $hover_style ){ case "outline": $class .= ' hoveroutline'; break; case "background": $class .= ' hoverbg'; break; } } } endif; return $class; } /** * Get header options * * @return array * @param array $args */ public function get_header_options( $args = array() ){ if ( !is_array($args) && $args !='') $args = @json_decode($args,true); $options = $this->array_extend((array)$this->mpl_header_options,(array)$args); return $options; } /** * Get header * * @return html * @param array $args header options * @param bool $echo output or return */ public function get_header( $args = array(), $echo = false ){ $options = $this->get_header_options( $args ); if ( isset($options['layout']) && is_array($options['layout']) && $this->is_saved == true && class_exists('MageewpPageLayoutPro')){ $layout_name = $options['layout']['header_layout']; $layout_options = $options['layout'][$layout_name]; if( $echo == false ) return $this->get_header_layout($layout_name,$layout_options); else echo $this->get_header_layout($layout_name,$layout_options); } else{ ob_start(); get_template_part('header-templates/header','classic'); $return = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if( $echo == false ) return $return; else echo $return; } } /** * Get header * * @return html * @param string $name header layout name * @param array $args header layout options */ public function get_header_layout($name,$args){ global $peony_post_meta; $options = $this->mpl_header_options; $peony_custom_menu = false; $default_options = $this->get_default_options(); $default_options = $default_options['layout'][$name]; $layout_options = $this->array_extend((array)$default_options, (array)$args ); $float_header = $options['float_header']['navigation_panel']; extract($layout_options); if (isset($peony_post_meta['peony_custom_menu'][0])) $peony_custom_menu = $peony_post_meta['peony_custom_menu'][0]; if ($peony_custom_menu) $theme_location = $peony_custom_menu; else $theme_location = 'primary'; $html = '' ; $wrap_class = ''; $custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod('custom_logo'); $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($custom_logo_id , 'full'); $logo = $image[0]; $logo_str = ''; $main_menu = ''; $mobile_menu = ''; $secondary_menu = ''; if ( $menu_position == 'justified' ) $menu_position = 'justify'; if ( $logo != '' ) $logo_str = ''; $display_microwidgets = ( $microwidgets == 'yes' || $microwidgets == '1' )? true:false; $menu_container_class = apply_filters( 'mpl_menu_container_class', 'mpl-main-nav' ); $float_nav_class = apply_filters( 'mpl_float_nav_class' ,''); if ( has_nav_menu($theme_location) ): $main_menu = wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => $theme_location, 'menu' => '', 'container' => 'ul', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => '', 'menu_class' => $menu_container_class, 'menu_id' => '', 'echo' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'items_wrap' => '