table = $args['table']; $this->search = $args['search']; $this->replace = $args['replace']; $this->intent = $args['intent']; $this->base_domain = $args['base_domain']; $this->site_domain = $args['site_domain']; $this->wpmdb = $args['wpmdb']; $this->site_details = $args['site_details']; // Detect a protocol mismatch between the remote and local sites involved in the migration $this->detect_protocol_mismatch(); } /** * Determine whether to apply a subdomain replace over each value in the database. * * @return bool */ function is_subdomain_replaces_on() { if ( ! isset( $this->subdomain_replaces_on ) ) { $this->subdomain_replaces_on = ( is_multisite() && is_subdomain_install() && ! $this->has_same_base_domain() && apply_filters( 'wpmdb_subdomain_replace', true ) ); } return $this->subdomain_replaces_on; } /** * Determine if the replacement has the same base domain as the search. Produces doubled replacement strings * otherwise. * * @return bool */ function has_same_base_domain() { $destination_url = isset( $this->destination_url ) ? $this->destination_url : $this->site_details['local']['site_url']; if ( stripos( $destination_url, $this->site_domain ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Automatically replace URLs for subdomain based multisite installations * e.g. // -> //site1.example.local for site with domain * NB: only handles the current network site, does not work for additional networks / mapped domains * * @param $new * * @return mixed */ function subdomain_replaces( $new ) { if ( empty( $this->base_domain ) ) { return $new; } $pattern = '|//(.*?)\\.' . preg_quote( $this->site_domain, '|' ) . '|'; $replacement = '//$1.' . trim( $this->base_domain ); $new = preg_replace( $pattern, $replacement, $new ); return $new; } /** * Detect a protocol mismatch between the remote and local sites involved in the migration * * @return bool */ function detect_protocol_mismatch() { if ( ! isset( $this->site_details['remote'] ) ) { return false; } /** * Filters the site_urls used to check if there is a protocol mismatch. * * @param array */ $wpmdb_home_urls = apply_filters( 'wpmdb_replace_site_urls', array( // TODO: rewrite unit tests that only pass site_url so that we can rely on home_url's existence 'local' => isset( $this->site_details['local']['home_url'] ) ? $this->site_details['local']['home_url'] : $this->site_details['local']['site_url'], 'remote' => isset( $this->site_details['remote']['home_url'] ) ? $this->site_details['remote']['home_url'] : $this->site_details['remote']['site_url'], ) ); $local_url_is_https = false === stripos( $wpmdb_home_urls['local'], 'https' ) ? false : true; $remote_url_is_https = false === stripos( $wpmdb_home_urls['remote'], 'https' ) ? false : true; $local_protocol = $local_url_is_https ? 'https' : 'http'; $remote_protocol = $remote_url_is_https ? 'https' : 'http'; if ( ( $local_url_is_https && ! $remote_url_is_https ) || ( ! $local_url_is_https && $remote_url_is_https ) ) { $this->is_protocol_mismatch = true; } if ( 'push' === $this->intent ) { $this->destination_protocol = $remote_protocol; $this->source_protocol = $local_protocol; $this->destination_url = $wpmdb_home_urls['remote']; } else { $this->destination_protocol = $local_protocol; $this->source_protocol = $remote_protocol; $this->destination_url = $wpmdb_home_urls['local']; } return $this->is_protocol_mismatch; } /** * * Handles replacing the protocol if the local and destination don't have matching protocols (http > https and * vice-versa). * * Can be filtered to disable entirely. * * @param $new * * @return mixed */ function do_protocol_replace( $new ) { /** * Filters $do_protocol_replace, return false to prevent protocol replacement. * * @param bool true If the replace should be skipped. * @param string $this->destination_url The URL of the target site. */ $do_protocol_replace = apply_filters( 'wpmdb_replace_destination_protocol', true, $this->destination_url ); if ( true !== $do_protocol_replace ) { return $new; } $parsed_destination = wp_parse_url( $this->destination_url ); unset( $parsed_destination['scheme'] ); $protocol_search = $this->source_protocol . '://' . implode( '', $parsed_destination ); $protocol_replace = $this->destination_url; $new = str_ireplace( $protocol_search, $protocol_replace, $new, $count ); return $new; } /** * Applies find/replace pairs to a given string. * * @param string $subject * * @return string */ function apply_replaces( $subject ) { $new = str_ireplace( $this->search, $this->replace, $subject, $count ); if ( $this->is_subdomain_replaces_on() ) { $new = $this->subdomain_replaces( $new ); } if ( true === $this->is_protocol_mismatch ) { $new = $this->do_protocol_replace( $new ); } return $new; } /** * Take a serialized array and unserialize it replacing elements as needed and * unserialising any subordinate arrays and performing the replace on those too. * * Mostly from * * @param mixed $data Used to pass any subordinate arrays back to in. * @param bool $serialized Does the array passed via $data need serialising. * @param bool $parent_serialized Passes whether the original data passed in was serialized * @param bool $filtered Should we apply before and after filters successively * * @return mixed The original array with all elements replaced as needed. */ function recursive_unserialize_replace( $data, $serialized = false, $parent_serialized = false, $filtered = true ) { $pre = apply_filters( 'wpmdb_pre_recursive_unserialize_replace', false, $data, $this ); if ( false !== $pre ) { return $pre; } $is_json = false; $before_fired = false; $successive_filter = $filtered; if ( true === $filtered ) { list( $data, $before_fired, $successive_filter ) = apply_filters( 'wpmdb_before_replace_custom_data', array( $data, $before_fired, $successive_filter ), $this ); } // some unserialized data cannot be re-serialized eg. SimpleXMLElements try { if ( is_string( $data ) && ( $unserialized = WPMDB_Utils::unserialize( $data, __METHOD__ ) ) !== false ) { // PHP currently has a bug that doesn't allow you to clone the DateInterval / DatePeriod classes. // We skip them here as they probably won't need data to be replaced anyway if ( is_object( $unserialized ) ) { if ( $unserialized instanceof DateInterval || $unserialized instanceof DatePeriod ) { return $data; } } $data = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $unserialized, true, true, $successive_filter ); } elseif ( is_array( $data ) ) { $_tmp = array(); foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { $_tmp[ $key ] = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $value, false, $parent_serialized, $successive_filter ); } $data = $_tmp; unset( $_tmp ); } elseif ( is_object( $data ) ) { // Submitted by Tina Matter $_tmp = clone $data; foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { // Integer properties are crazy and the best thing we can do is to just ignore them. // see and if ( is_int( $key ) ) { continue; } $_tmp->$key = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $value, false, $parent_serialized, $successive_filter ); } $data = $_tmp; unset( $_tmp ); } elseif ( $this->wpmdb->is_json( $data, true ) ) { $_tmp = array(); $data = json_decode( $data, true ); foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { $_tmp[ $key ] = $this->recursive_unserialize_replace( $value, false, $parent_serialized, $successive_filter ); } $data = $_tmp; unset( $_tmp ); $is_json = true; } elseif ( is_string( $data ) ) { list( $data, $do_replace ) = apply_filters( 'wpmdb_replace_custom_data', array( $data, true ), $this ); if ( $do_replace ) { $data = $this->apply_replaces( $data ); } } if ( $is_json ) { $data = json_encode( $data ); } if ( $serialized ) { $data = serialize( $data ); } } catch ( Exception $error ) { $error_msg = __( 'Failed attempting to do the recursive unserialize replace. Please contact support.', 'wp-migrate-db' ); $error_details = $error->getMessage() . "\n\n"; $error_details .= var_export( $data, true ); $this->wpmdb->log_error( $error_msg, $error_details ); } if ( true === $filtered ) { $data = apply_filters( 'wpmdb_after_replace_custom_data', $data, $before_fired, $this ); } return $data; } /** * Getter for the $table class property. * * @return string Name of the table currently being processed in the migration. */ public function get_table() { return $this->table; } /** * Getter for the $column class property. * * @return string Name of the column currently being processed in the migration. */ public function get_column() { return $this->column; } /** * Getter for the $row class property. * * @return string Name of the row currently being processed in the migration. */ public function get_row() { return $this->row; } /** * Setter for the $column class property. * * @param string $column Name of the column currently being processed in the migration. */ public function set_column( $column ) { $this->column = $column; } /** * Setter for the $row class property. * * @param string $row Name of the row currently being processed in the migration. */ public function set_row( $row ) { $this->row = $row; } /** * Multsite safe way of comparing the table currently being processed in the migration against a desired table. * * The table prefix should be omitted, example: * * $is_posts = $this->table_is( 'posts' ); * * @param string $desired_table Name of the desired table, table prefix omitted. * * @return boolean Whether or not the desired table is the table currently being processed. */ public function table_is( $desired_table ) { return $this->wpmdb->table_is( $desired_table, $this->table ); } /** * Intent of the current replace migration. * * Helpful for hookers who need to know what intent they are working on. * * @return string Intent of the current migration */ public function get_intent() { return $this->intent; } }