(function ($) { $().extend( mpl.tools, { popup : new mpl.backbone.views( 'no-model' ).extend({ margin_top : $('html').get(0).offsetTop, no_close : false, params: {}, storage: {}, change_event_id: null, render : function( el, atts ){ mpl.tools.popup.params = atts['params']; mpl.tools.popup.storage = atts['storage']; var keepCurrent = false; if( atts != undefined ){ if( atts.keepCurrentPopups == true ){ keepCurrent = true; } } if( keepCurrent == false ) $('.mpl-params-popup .sl-close.sl-func').trigger('click'); $('.sys-colorPicker').remove(); $('.mpl-controls .more.active').removeClass('active'); var pop_width = 580; if( atts.width != undefined ) pop_width = atts.width; var coor = this.coordinates( el, pop_width, keepCurrent ); var atts = $().extend({ top: coor[0], left: coor[1], pos: coor[2], bottom: coor[3], tip: coor[4], width: pop_width, class: '', float: false, drag: true, content: '', title: 'Settings', help: '', no_cancel: false, footer: true, footer_ext: '', scrollTo: true, save_text: mpl.frontend!=='yes'?mpl.__.save:'OK', cancel_text: mpl.__.cancel }, atts ); 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var pop = $(e.target).closest('.mpl-params-popup'); if (pop === null || typeof pop.data('change') === undefined) return; var calb = pop.data('change'); if( typeof calb == 'function' ){ calb( this ); } else if ( calb !== undefined && calb.length > 0 ) { for( i = 0; i< calb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof calb[i] == 'function' ){ calb[i]( this, pop, e ); } } } for(var name in mpl.front.stack.init_css){ var css_el=$('.mpl-params-popup').find('[name="'+name+'"]'), css_val=css_el.val(mpl.front.stack.init_css[name]); var pop = $(e.target).closest('.mpl-params-popup'); if( pop === null || typeof pop.data('css_change') === undefined ) return; var calb = pop.data('css_change'); if( typeof calb == 'function' ){ calb( css_el ); }else if( calb !== undefined && calb.length > 0 ){ for( i = 0; i< calb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof calb[i] == 'function' ){ calb[i]( css_el, pop, e ); } } } } } mpl.front.stack.init_css={}; mpl.front.cancel_value=false; mpl.front.save_value=false; } $('html').css({'overflow': ''}); 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i< calb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof calb[i] == 'function' && calb[i]( el ) == 'prevent' ) prevent = true; } } } if( prevent === true ) return; if( typeof el.data('after_cancel') !== undefined ){ aftercalb = el.data('after_cancel'); if( typeof aftercalb == 'function' ){ aftercalb( el ); }else if( aftercalb !== undefined && aftercalb.length > 0 ){ for( i = 0; i< aftercalb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof aftercalb[i] == 'function' && aftercalb[i]( el ) == 'prevent' ) prevent = true; } } } if( prevent === true ) return; if( el.data('scrolltop') != undefined ) e.data.scrollback( el.data('scrolltop'), el.data('button') ); if( el.data('keepCurrentPopups') !== true ) $('html').height(''); el.remove(); $('.sys-colorPicker').remove(); // remove date picker $('.pika-single').remove(); if( keepCurrent == false ) $('.mpl-params-popup .sl-close.sl-func').trigger('click'); mpl.do_action( 'after_cancel_popup', this ); }, save : function( e ){ mpl.do_action( 'before_save_popup', this ); var el = $(this).closest('.mpl-params-popup'), keepCurrent = el.data('keepCurrentPopups'), beforecalb, calb, aftercalb, i; e.data.el = el; if( typeof el.data('before_callback') !== undefined ){ beforecalb = el.data('before_callback'); if( typeof beforecalb == 'function' ){ beforecalb( el ); }else if( beforecalb !== undefined && beforecalb.length > 0 ){ for( i = 0; i< beforecalb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof beforecalb[i] == 'function' ) beforecalb[i]( el ); } } } if( typeof el.data('callback') !== undefined ){ calb = el.data('callback'); if( typeof calb == 'function' ){ calb( el ); }else if( calb !== undefined && calb.length > 0 ){ for( i = 0; i< calb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof calb[i] == 'function' ) calb[i]( el ); } } } if( typeof el.data('after_callback') !== undefined ){ aftercalb = el.data('after_callback'); if( typeof aftercalb == 'function' ){ aftercalb( el ); }else if( aftercalb !== undefined && aftercalb.length > 0 ){ for( i = 0; i< aftercalb.length; i++ ){ if( typeof aftercalb[i] == 'function' ) aftercalb[i]( el ); } } } // We will dont close the popup when in instant saving if( $('#mpl-preload').length > 0 || mpl.tools.popup.no_close === true ){ mpl.tools.popup.no_close = false; return; } if( el.data('scrolltop') != undefined ) e.data.scrollback( el.data('scrolltop'), el.data('button') ); //el.remove(); el.find('.sl-close.sl-func').trigger('click'); if( keepCurrent == false ){ $('.mpl-params-popup .sl-close.sl-func').trigger('click'); $('html').height(''); } mpl.do_action( 'after_save_popup', this, el ); }, toggle : function( e ){ var pop = $(this).closest('.mpl-params-popup'); if( pop.hasClass('mpl-popup-collapse') ) pop.removeClass('mpl-popup-collapse') else pop.addClass('mpl-popup-collapse') }, scrollback : function( sctop, btn ){ var now = $(window).scrollTop(); if( Math.abs( sctop - now ) > 200 ){ mpl.ui.scrollAssistive( sctop ); } }, add_tab : function( pop, args ) { args = $().extend( { title: '', class: '', cfg: '', callback: function(){} }, args ); var ul = pop.find('.m-p-wrap ul.mpl-pop-tabs'), slug = 'mpl-tab-'+Math.abs(parseInt(Math.random()*1000)), li = $('
  • ' + args.title+'
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  • General
  • '); ul.append( fli ); fli.on( 'click', function( e ) { var wrp = $(this).closest('.m-p-wrap'); wrp.find('>.mpl-pop-tabs li').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); wrp.find('.m-p-body>.mpl-pop-tab').removeClass('form-active'); wrp.find('.m-p-body>.fields-edit-form').addClass('form-active'); if( e.originalEvent !== undefined ) $(this).closest('.mpl-params-popup'). data({ tab_active: $(this).parent().find('>li').index( this ) }); mpl.do_action('popup_tab_switch', this ); }); } pop.find('.m-p-header').after( ul ); } ul.append( li ); setTimeout(function(pop, args, slug, li) { var wrp = pop.find('.m-p-body'); var tab = $('
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    '); wrp.append( tab ); tab.on( 'submit', function(){ $(this).closest('.mpl-params-popup').find('.m-p-footer .save').trigger('click'); return false; }); if( typeof e.data == 'function' ) tab.append( e.data( this , tab ) ); var callback = $(this).data('callback'); if( typeof callback == 'function' ) callback( this, tab ); */ }); return li; }, callback : function( pop, args, unique ){ // prevent adding the same callback twice if( unique !== undefined ){ var list_uniques = pop.data( 'callback_uniques' ); if( list_uniques === undefined ) list_uniques = []; else if( list_uniques.indexOf( unique ) > -1 ) return; list_uniques.push( unique ); pop.data({ 'callback_uniques': list_uniques }); } var calls; for( var st in args ){ calls = []; if( pop.data( st ) !== undefined ){ if( typeof pop.data( st ) == 'function' ) calls.push( pop.data( st ) ); else if( typeof pop.data( st ) == 'object' ) calls = pop.data( st ); } calls.push( args[st] ); pop.data( st, calls ); } }, close_all : function() { $('.mpl-params-popup .sl-close.sl-func').trigger('click'); } }), } ); $().extend(mpl.tools, { delay: (function () { var timer = 0; return function (callback, time) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, time); }; })(), esc_slug: function (str) { if (str === undefined) return 'king-composer'; str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); str = str.toLowerCase(); var from = "àáäâèéëêìíïîòóöôùúüûñç·/,:;"; var to = "aaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuunc-----"; for (var i = 0, l = from.length; i < l; i++) { str = str.replace(new RegExp(from.charAt(i), 'g'), to.charAt(i)); } str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9 -\_]/g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, '-') .replace(/-+/g, '-'); return str; }, esc_attr: function (str) { if (!str) { return ''; } return str.toString() .replace(//g, ':gt:') .replace(/\[/g, ':lsqb:') .replace(/\]/g, ':rsqb:') .replace(/"/g, ':quot:') .replace(/'/g, ':apos:'); }, unesc_attr: function (str) { if (!str) { return ''; } return str.toString() .replace(/:lt:/g, '<') .replace(/:gt:/g, '>') .replace(/:lsqb:/g, '[') .replace(/:rsqb:/g, ']') .replace(/:quot:/g, '"') .replace(/:apos:/g, '\''); }, esc: function (str) { if (!str) { return ''; } return str.toString().replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); }, unesc: function (str) { if (str == undefined) { return ''; } return str.toString().replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '\''); }, rawdecode: function (input) { return decodeURIComponent(input + ''); }, rawencode: function (input) { input = (input + '').toString(); return encodeURIComponent(input). replace(/!/g, '%21'). replace(/'/g, '%27'). replace(/\(/g, '%28'). replace(/\)/g, '%29'). replace(/\*/g, '%2A'); }, decode_css: function (css) { var css_code = ''; css = css.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .replace(/\/\*[^\/\*]+\*\//g, '') .replace(/\"/g, "'") .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\. \:\(\)\%\+\~\;\#\'\!\{\}\@\/]+/g, '') .trim().split('{'); for (var n in css) { if (css[n].indexOf('}') > -1) { css[n] = css[n].split('}'); css[n][0] = css[n][0].split(';'); for (var m in css[n][0]) { if (css[n][0][m].trim() != '') css_code += " " + css[n][0][m] + ";\n"; } if (css[n][1].trim() != '') css_code += "}\n" + css[n][1] + "{\n"; else css_code += "}\n"; if (css[n][2] != undefined) css_code += "}\n"; } else if (css[n].trim() != '') { css_code += css[n] + "{\n" } } return css_code; }, encode_css: function (css) { if (css == undefined) css = ''; css = css.replace(/\/\*[^\/\*]+\*\//g, '') .replace(/\ \ /g, '') .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\. \:\(\)\%\+\~\;\!\#\'\{\}\@\/]+/g, '').trim(); return css; }, nfloat: function (n, m) { n = n.toString(); if (m === undefined) m = 2; if (n.indexOf('.') > -1) { return parseFloat(n.substr(0, n.indexOf('.') + m + 1)); } else return parseFloat(n); }, getFormGroupData: function (pop) { var tab_names = {}, encodes = [], unindexed = {}, indexed = {}; pop.find('.m-p-wrap ul.mpl-pop-tabs li').each(function() { tab_names[$(this).attr('data-cfg').split('|')[0].split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase()] = $(this).data('tab'); }); for (var key in tab_names) { unindexed[key] = {}; unindexed[key] = pop.find('form.' + tab_names[key] + ' .mpl-param:not(.mpl-ns-param)').serializeArray(); indexed[key] = {}; indexed[key] = this.reIndexForm(unindexed[key], encodes); } return indexed; }, getFormData: function (pop, encode) { /* * correct data type before export */ var form = pop.find('form.fields-edit-form').get(0), encodes = [], unindexed = pop.find('form.fields-edit-form .mpl-param:not(.mpl-ns-param)').serializeArray(); if (encode) { pop.find('form.fields-edit-form [data-encode="base64"]').each(function () { encodes.push(this.name); }); } return this.reIndexForm(unindexed, encodes); }, reIndexForm: function (unindexed, encodes) { var indexed = {}, avoidRepeat = {}, name, obs, j, k; $.map(unindexed, function (n, i) { if (encodes.indexOf(n['name']) > -1) n['value'] = mpl.tools.base64.encode(n['value']); if (n['name'].indexOf('[') == -1) { if (n['value'] != '') { if (indexed[n['name']] == undefined || indexed[n['name']] == '__empty__') indexed[n['name']] = n['value']; else indexed[n['name']] += ',' + n['value']; } else if (indexed[n['name']] === undefined) { indexed[n['name']] = ''; } } else { n['name'] = "[" + n['name'].replace('[', ']['); name = n['name'].replace(/\[/g, "['").replace(/\]/g, "']"); obs = []; [].forEach.call(n['name'].split(']['), function (sp) { sp = sp.replace(/\[/g, '').replace(/\]/g, '').trim(); obs[obs.length] = sp; }); if (obs.length > 0) { k = ''; for (j = 0; j < obs.length; j++) { k += "['" + obs[j] + "']"; eval("if( indexed" + k + "==undefined )indexed" + k + "={};"); } } var query = "if( typeof(indexed" + name + ") != 'string' )indexed" + name + "=n['value'];else if(n['value']!=='') indexed" + name + "+=','+n['value'];"; eval(query); } }); delete avoidRepeat, name, obs, j, k; return indexed; }, basename: function (str) { var base = str.split(/[\\/]/).pop(); if (base.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf(".")); return base; }, toClipboard: function (str) { if (window.clipboardData) { window.clipboardData.setData("Text"); } else { document.oncopy = function (event) { event.clipboardData.setData('text', str); event.preventDefault(); 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} catch (ex) { return input; } }, }, media: { el: null, callback: null, uploader: null, open: function (e) { if (typeof e.preventDefault == 'function') e.preventDefault(); atts = $().extend( { frame: 'select', multiple: false, title: 'Choose Image', button: 'Choose Image', type: 'image' }, e.data.atts); mpl.tools.media.el = this; if (typeof e.data.callback == 'function') mpl.tools.media.callback = e.data.callback; else mpl.tools.media.callback = null; if (mpl.tools.media.uploader) { return mpl.tools.media.uploader.open(); } var insertImage = wp.media.controller.Library.extend({ defaults: _.defaults({ id: 'insert-image', title: atts.title, button: { text: atts.button }, multiple: false, editing: true, allowLocalEdits: true, displaySettings: true, displayUserSettings: true, type: atts.type }, wp.media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults) }); //Extend the wp.media object mpl.tools.media.uploader = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ frame: atts.frame, state: 'insert-image', states: [new insertImage()] }); mpl.tools.media.uploader.on('select', function (e) { var currentSize = $('.attachment-display-settings .size').val() var state = mpl.tools.media.uploader.state('insert-image'); var attachments = state.get('selection'); if (attachments.length === 0) { if ($('#embed-url-field').get(0) && $('#embed-url-field').val() != null) { if (typeof mpl.tools.media.callback == 'function') mpl.tools.media.callback({ url: $('#embed-url-field').val(), sizes: {} }, $(mpl.tools.media.el) ); } } else { attachments.map(function (attachment) { var attachment = attachment.toJSON(); attachment.size = currentSize; if (typeof mpl.tools.media.callback == 'function') mpl.tools.media.callback(attachment, $(mpl.tools.media.el)); }); } }); mpl.tools.media.uploader.on('open', function (e) { var ids = $(mpl.tools.media.el).parent().find('.mpl-param').val(); if (ids === undefined || ids == null || ids == '' || ids == 'undefined') return; ids = ids.split(','); var selection = mpl.tools.media.uploader.state().get('selection'); var attachments = []; ids.forEach(function (id) { attachments[attachments.length] = wp.media.attachment(id); }); selection.add(attachments); }); //Open the uploader dialog return mpl.tools.media.uploader.open(); }, els: null, callbacks: null, uploaders: null, opens: function (e) { if (typeof e.preventDefault == 'function') e.preventDefault(); mpl.tools.media.els = this; if (typeof e.data == 'function') mpl.tools.media.callbacks = e.data; else mpl.tools.media.callbacks = null; if (mpl.tools.media.uploaders) { mpl.tools.media.uploaders.open(); return false; } //Extend the wp.media object mpl.tools.media.uploaders = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: mpl.__.i46, button: { text: mpl.__.i46 }, multiple: true, editing: true, allowLocalEdits: true, displaySettings: true, displayUserSettings: true, }); mpl.tools.media.uploaders.on('select', function (e) { var attachments = mpl.tools.media.uploaders.state().get('selection'); attachments.map(function (attachment) { var attachment = attachment.toJSON(); if (typeof mpl.tools.media.callbacks == 'function') mpl.tools.media.callbacks(attachment, $(mpl.tools.media.els)); }); }); mpl.tools.media.uploaders.on('open', function (e) { // Maybe we dont need to active selected images return false; var ids = $(mpl.tools.media.els).parent().find('.mpl-param').val(); if (ids === undefined || ids == null || ids == '') return; ids = ids.split(','); var selection = mpl.tools.media.uploaders.state().get('selection'); var attachments = []; ids.forEach(function (id) { attachments[attachments.length] = wp.media.attachment(id); }); selection.add(attachments); }); //Open the uploader dialog mpl.tools.media.uploaders.open(); return false; } }, editor: { insert: function (id, html) { var editor, hasTinymce = typeof tinymce !== 'undefined', hasQuicktags = typeof QTags !== 'undefined'; wpActiveEditor = id; if (hasTinymce) { editor = tinymce.get(wpActiveEditor); } if (editor && !editor.isHidden()) { editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html); } else if (hasQuicktags) { QTags.insertContent(html); 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if (tinymce.majorVersion === "4") { tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, eid); var textarea = $('#' + eid); if (tinyMCE.get(eid) !== null) { tinyMCE.get(eid).on('keyup mouseup change', function (e) { textarea.val(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent({ format: 'raw' })).change(); }); } textarea.on('keyup mouseup', function () { textarea.change(); }); } } } catch (e) { $('#wp-' + eid + '-wrap').html('Tinymce Error!'); if (console && console.error) { console.error(e); } } } }, get_icons: function () { if (mpl.icons != undefined) return mpl.icons; function css_text(x) { return x.cssText; } var files = document.querySelectorAll('*[id^="mpl-sys-icon-"]'), html = '', css; if (!files || files.length === 0) return ''; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { css = Array.prototype.map.call(files[i].sheet.cssRules, css_text).join('\n'); css = css.split('::before'); css.forEach(function (i) { i = i.split('.')[1]; if (i !== undefined && i.indexOf('/') == -1) html += ''; }); } mpl.icons = html; return html; }, filter_images : function(str) { var m, str, regxx = new RegExp('\%SITE\_URL\%(.+?)(\'|\"|\\)|\ )', 'g'); while (m = regxx.exec(str)) { if ( m[0].indexOf('mpl_get_thumbn') === -1 ) { str = str.replace(m[0], mpl_ajax_url + '?action=mpl_get_thumbn&type=filter_url&id=' + encodeURIComponent(m[1]) + m[2]); } else { str = str.replace(m[0], mpl_ajax_url + m[1] + m[2]); } } return str; }, reverse: function (s) { var o = []; for (var i = 0, len = s.length; i <= len; i++) o.push(s.charAt(len - i)); return o.join(''); }, }); })(jQuery);