(function ($) { mpl.front = $.extend({ content: { onchanges: {}, change_callback: function (el, pop, e) { mpl.front.content.render_section_template(pop, false); mpl.confirm(true); }, css_change_callback: function (el, pop, e) { var atts = {}; var data_name = $(el).closest('.field-css_video_background').data('name'); if (data_name && data_name.indexOf('video-background') != -1) { mpl.front.content.render_section_template(pop, false); }else { var model = pop.data('model'); if (mpl.front.cancel_value === true) { var atts = mpl.front.stack.init_atts; } else { //var atts = mpl.front.tools.getFormData(pop); var atts = mpl.tools.getFormData(pop, false); } var css_custom = atts['css_custom']; var id = mpl.storage[model][0].args['_id']; var pattern1 = new RegExp( "(((?![\,\{\}]).)*)" + id + "(((?!body).)*)", "g"); var element_css = mpl.front.content.render_element_css(css_custom, id); var css_render = mpl._$('#mpl-css-render').html().replace(pattern1, ''); mpl._$('#mpl-css-render').html(css_render + element_css); } mpl.confirm(true); }, render_section_template: function(pop, refresh) { var atts = {}; var model = pop.data('model'); if (mpl.front.cancel_value === true) { atts = mpl.front.stack.init_atts; } else { //atts = mpl.front.tools.getFormData(pop); atts = mpl.tools.getFormData(pop, false); } if (mpl.storage[model][0] !== undefined && mpl.storage[model][0].args !== undefined) { for (var n in mpl.storage[model][0].args) { if (atts[n] === undefined) atts[n] = mpl.storage[model][0].args[n]; } } pop.find('form.fields-edit-form .mpl-param-row.relation-hidden .mpl-param').each(function () { delete atts[this.name]; $(this).closest('.mpl-param-row').find('input,textarea,select').val(''); }); if (atts._id === undefined || atts._id === '') atts._id = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000); for (var att in atts) { if (typeof atts[att] === 'object') { if (typeof atts[att]['0'] !== 'object') delete atts[att]['0']; var arr = []; for (var subAtt in atts[att]) { arr.push(atts[att][subAtt]) } atts[att] = arr; } } atts['refresh_data'] = refresh; var section_elm = mpl._$('.mpl-content-wrap section[data-front-model="' + model + '"]'); var cls_arr = mpl._$(section_elm).attr('class').split(' '), section_name_arr = cls_arr[mpl.front.section_name_pos].split('-'); var template_name = ''; for (var i = 1; i < section_name_arr.length; i++) template_name += template_name === '' ? section_name_arr[i] : '_' + section_name_arr[i]; //eval('mpl.front.content.tpl_' + template_name + '(atts, model)'); switch (template_name) { case "section_video": case 'section_banner': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_banner(atts, model); break; case 'section_call_to_action': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_call_to_action(atts, model); break; case 'section_clients': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_clients(atts, model); break; case 'section_contact_1': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_contact_1(atts, model); break; case 'section_contact_4': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_contact_4(atts, model); break; case 'section_contact_5': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_contact_5(atts, model); break; case 'section_counter': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_counter(atts, model); break; case 'section_custom': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_custom(atts, model); break; case 'section_events': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_events(atts, model); break; case 'section_features': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_features(atts, model); break; case 'section_facebook': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_facebook(atts, model); break; case 'section_gallery': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_gallery(atts, model); break; case 'section_html': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_html(atts, model); break; case 'google_map': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_google_map(atts, model); break; case 'section_post': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_post(atts, model); break; case 'section_post_2': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_post_2(atts, model); break; case 'section_portfolio': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_portfolio(atts, model); break; case 'section_promo': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_promo(atts, model); break; case 'section_promo_2': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_promo2(atts, model); break; case 'section_pricing': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_pricing(atts, model); break; case 'section_pricing_2': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_pricing_2(atts, model); break; case 'section_service': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_service(atts, model); break; case 'section_service_4': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_service_4(atts, model); break; case 'section_service_5': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_service_5(atts, model); break; case 'section_showcase': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_showcase(atts, model); break; case 'section_skills': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_skills(atts, model); break; case 'section_skills_2': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_skills_2(atts, model); break; case 'section_slider': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_slider(atts, model); break; case 'section_team': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_team(atts, model); break; case 'section_testimonials': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_testimonials(atts, model); break; case 'section_woocommerce': mpl.front.content.tpl_section_woocommerce(atts, model); break; default: break; } }, render_video_background: function(code, id) { var output = ''; var css = ''; var video_type = ''; if (code === '') return output; screens = JSON.parse(code.replace(/`/g, '"')); if (!screens['mpl-css']) return output; Object.keys(screens['mpl-css']).sort(function(a,b) { return a < b; }); for (var screen in screens['mpl-css']) { var groups = screens['mpl-css'][screen]; for (var group in groups) { var properties = groups[group]; for (var propertie in properties) { css = properties[propertie]; var sel = propertie.split('|'); if (sel[0] != 'video-background') continue; var decode_css = mpl.tools.base64.decode(css); var bgatts = JSON.parse(decode_css); if (bgatts['enable_video_bg'] != 'yes' && bgatts['enable_video_bg'] != '1') return output; output = 'data-property="{'; var containment = '.mpl-css-' + id; //var containment = 'self'; if (bgatts['video_type'] == 'youtube') { output += "videoURL:\'" + bgatts['video_url'] + "\',"; video_type = 'mpl-youtube-video'; } else if (bgatts['video_type'] == 'vimeo') { output += "videoURL:\'" + bgatts['video_url'] + "\',"; video_type = 'mpl-vimeo-video'; } else if (bgatts['video_type'] == 'html5') { output += "mp4URL:\'" + bgatts['mp4_url'] + "\',"; output += "ogvURL:\'" + bgatts['ogv_url'] + "\',"; output += "webmURL:\'" + bgatts['webm_url'] + "\',"; video_type = 'mpl-html5-video'; } else output += ''; output += 'containment:\'' + containment + '\',showControls:false'; output += ',autoPlay:true'; if (bgatts['video_loop'] == '1' || bgatts['video_loop'] == 'yes') output += ',loop:true'; if (bgatts['video_mute'] !== '1' && bgatts['video_mute'] !== 'yes') output += ',mute:false'; if (bgatts['start_time'] != undefined && bgatts['start_time'] != '') output += ',startAt:' + bgatts['start_time']; if (bgatts['stop_time'] != undefined && bgatts['stop_time'] != '') output += ',stopAt:' + bgatts['stop_time']; output += ',opacity:1,addRaster:true,quality:\'default\'}"'; output = '
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var val = ''; var decode_css = mpl.tools.base64.decode(css); var json = JSON.parse(decode_css); if (json) { css_obj = Object.assign(css_obj, json); if (css_obj['parallax_scrolling'] == 'yes'){ mpl._$(selector).addClass('mpl-parallax-scrolling'); }else{ mpl._$(selector).removeClass('mpl-parallax-scrolling'); } if (css_obj['linearGradient'][0] !== '') { if (css_obj['linearGradient'][0].indexOf('deg') !== -1) { if (css_obj['linearGradient'][1] && css_obj['linearGradient'][1] != '') { if (!css_obj['linearGradient'][2] || css_obj['linearGradient'][2] == '') { css_obj['linearGradient'][2] = css_obj['linearGradient'][1]; } } } else if (!css_obj['linearGradient'][1] || css_obj['linearGradient'][1] == '') css_obj['linearGradient'][1] = css_obj['linearGradient'][0]; css_obj['linearGradient'] = css_obj['linearGradient'].join(', '); css_obj['linearGradient'] = css_obj['linearGradient'].replace(/\, \,/g, ', '); val += 'linear-gradient(' + css_obj['linearGradient'] + ')'; } if (css_obj['color'] != 'transparent' && css_obj['color'] !== '') { if( val == '' ) val += css_obj['color']; else val += ', ' + css_obj['color']; } if (css_obj['image'] != 'none' && css_obj['image'] != '') { if( val == '' ) val += css_obj['color']; else if (css_obj['color'] == 'transparent' || css_obj['color'] === '') val += ', transparent'; val += ' url(' + css_obj['image'] + ') ' + css_obj['position'] + '/' + css_obj['size'] + ' ' + css_obj['repeat'] + ' ' + css_obj['attachment']; } if (val != '') css_array[selector].push(sel[0] + ': ' + val); } else if(css != '') { css_array[selector].push(sel[0] + ': ' + css); } } else { css_array[selector].push(sel[0] + ': ' + css); } } } } for (var sel in css_array) { var pros = css_array[sel]; if (pros != '') { css_code_itm += sel + '{' + pros.join(';').replace(/[\{\}]/g,'') + ';}'; } } if (screen != 'any') { if (screen.indexOf('-') === -1) { css_code += '@media only screen and (max-width: ' + screen.trim() + 'px){' + css_code_itm + '}'; } else { screenx = screen.split('-'); css_code += '@media only screen and (min-width: ' + screenx[0].trim() + 'px) and (max-width: ' + screenx[1].trim() + 'px){' + css_code_itm + '}'; 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"" : atts['section_id']; data['section_title'] = !atts['section_title'] ? "" : atts['section_title']; data['section_subtitle'] = !atts['section_subtitle'] ? "" : atts['section_subtitle']; if (atts['fullheight'] == 'yes') { data['fullheight'] = 'mpl-fullheight'; } else { if (atts['slider_css']) data['section_height'] = 'style="height:' + atts['slider_css'] + 'px;"'; else if (atts['section_height']) data['section_height'] = 'style="height:' + atts['section_height'] + 'px;"'; } data['carousel'] = ''; data['owl_options'] = ''; data['owl_nav_style'] = ''; if (atts['carousel'] && atts['carousel'] == 'yes') { var owl_options = {}; owl_options['items'] = !atts['columns'] ? "1" : atts['columns']; owl_options['speed'] = !atts['owl_speed'] ? "" : atts['owl_speed']; owl_options['navigation'] = !atts['owl_navigation'] ? "" : atts['owl_navigation']; owl_options['pagination'] = !atts['owl_pagination'] ? "" : atts['owl_pagination']; owl_options['auto_height'] = !atts['owl_auto_height'] ? "" : atts['owl_auto_height']; owl_options['auto_play'] = !atts['owl_auto_play'] ? "" : atts['owl_auto_play']; data['carousel'] = "yes"; data['owl_options'] = "data-owl-options='" + JSON.stringify(owl_options) + "'"; data['owl_nav_style'] = ''; if (atts['navigation'] && atts['navigation'] === 'yes') { data['owl_nav_style'] = 'owl-nav-' + atts['owl_nav_style']; } } }, tpl_section_banner: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['content_align'] = !atts['content_align'] ? "" : 'text-' + atts['content_align']; data['title_style'] = !atts['title_style'] ? "" : atts['title_style']; data['btn_text_1'] = !atts['btn_text_1'] ? "" : atts['btn_text_1']; data['btn_text_2'] = !atts['btn_text_2'] ? "" : atts['btn_text_2']; if (atts['btn_link_1'] && atts['btn_link_1'] !== '') { data['link_url_1'] = !atts['btn_link_1'].split('||')[0] ? "#" : atts['btn_link_1'].split('||')[0]; data['link_target_1'] = !atts['btn_link_1'].split('||')[1] ? "" : atts['btn_link_1'].split('||')[1]; } else { data['link_url_1'] = '#'; data['link_target_1'] = ''; } if (atts['btn_link_2'] && atts['btn_link_2'] !== '') { data['link_url_2'] = !atts['btn_link_2'].split('||')[0] ? "#" : atts['btn_link_2'].split('||')[0]; data['link_target_2'] = !atts['btn_link_2'].split('||')[1] ? "" : atts['btn_link_2'].split('||')[1]; } else { data['link_url_2'] = '#'; data['link_target_2'] = ''; } //data['enable_social_icon'] = !atts['enable_social_icon'] ? "" : atts['enable_social_icon']; if (atts['social_icons'].length > 0) data['enable_social_icon'] = 'yes'; else data['enable_social_icon'] = ''; data['social_icons'] = []; for (var i = 0, count = atts['social_icons'].length; i < count; i++) { var obj = {}; obj['icon'] = atts['social_icons'][i].icon_name; if (atts['social_icons'][i].icon_link) { var link_arr = atts['social_icons'][i].icon_link.split('|'); if (link_arr[0]) obj['link_url'] = link_arr[0]; if (link_arr[1]) obj['link_title'] = link_arr[1]; if (link_arr[2]) obj['link_target'] = link_arr[2]; } else { obj['link_url'] = '#'; obj['link_title'] = ''; obj['link_target'] = '#'; } data['social_icons'].push(obj); } html = template('section_banner', data); mpl.front.content.update_section_to_body(html, model); }, tpl_section_call_to_action: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['title'] = !atts['title'] ? "" : atts['title']; data['content'] = !atts['content'] ? "" : atts['content']; data['text_align'] = !atts['text_align'] ? "" : atts['text_align']; data['btn_text'] = !atts['btn_text'] ? "" : atts['btn_text']; if (atts['btn_link'] && atts['btn_link'] !== '') { data['link_url'] = !atts['btn_link'].split('||')[0] ? "" : atts['btn_link'].split('||')[0]; data['link_target'] = !atts['btn_link'].split('||')[1] ? "" : atts['btn_link'].split('||')[1]; } else { data['link_url'] = ''; data['link_target'] = ''; } if (atts['btn_position'] == 'left') { html = template('section_call_to_action_style1', data); } else if (atts['btn_position'] == 'right') { html = template('section_call_to_action_style2', data); } else if (atts['btn_position'] == 'top') { html = template('section_call_to_action_style3', data); } else if (atts['btn_position'] == 'bottom') { html = template('section_call_to_action_style4', data); } mpl.front.content.update_section_to_body(html, model); }, tpl_section_clients: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['columns'] = !atts['columns'] ? "" : atts['columns']; data['client'] = []; for (var i = 0; i < atts['client'].length; i++) { var obj = {}; obj['image'] = !atts['client'][i]['image'] ? "" : atts['client'][i]['image']; obj['link'] = !atts['client'][i]['link'] ? "" : atts['client'][i]['link']; obj['target'] = !atts['client'][i]['target'] ? "" : atts['client'][i]['target']; data['client'].push(obj); } html = template('section_clients', data); mpl.front.content.update_section_to_body(html, model); }, tpl_section_contact_1: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['contact_name'] = !atts['contact_info_title'] ? "" : atts['contact_info_title']; data['contact_address'] = !atts['contact_address'] ? "" : atts['contact_address']; data['contact_email'] = !atts['contact_email'] ? "" : atts['contact_email']; data['contact_phone'] = !atts['contact_phone'] ? "" : atts['contact_phone']; data['contact_receiver'] = !atts['contact_receiver'] ? "" : atts['contact_receiver']; data['button_text'] = !atts['button_text'] ? "" : atts['button_text']; html = template('contact_style_1', data); mpl.front.content.update_section_to_body(html, model); }, tpl_section_contact_4: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['contact_name'] = !atts['contact_info_title'] ? "" : atts['contact_info_title']; data['contact_address'] = !atts['contact_address'] ? "" : atts['contact_address']; data['contact_email'] = !atts['contact_email'] ? "" : atts['contact_email']; data['contact_phone'] = !atts['contact_phone'] ? "" : atts['contact_phone']; data['contact_receiver'] = !atts['contact_receiver'] ? "" : atts['contact_receiver']; data['button_text'] = !atts['button_text'] ? "" : atts['button_text']; html = template('contact_style_4', data); mpl.front.content.update_section_to_body(html, model); }, tpl_section_contact_5: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['contact_name'] = !atts['contact_info_title'] ? "" : atts['contact_info_title']; data['contact_address'] = !atts['contact_address'] ? "" : atts['contact_address']; data['contact_email'] = !atts['contact_email'] ? "" : atts['contact_email']; data['contact_phone'] = !atts['contact_phone'] ? "" : atts['contact_phone']; data['contact_receiver'] = !atts['contact_receiver'] ? "" : atts['contact_receiver']; data['button_text'] = !atts['button_text'] ? "" : atts['button_text']; html = template('contact_style_5', data); mpl.front.content.update_section_to_body(html, model); }, tpl_section_counter: function (atts, model) { var data = {}; var html = ''; mpl.front.content.tpl_common_params(data, atts); data['columns'] = !atts['columns'] ? 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e : this; var id = mpl.front.get.front_model(el), data = mpl.storage[id][2], cdata = $().extend(true, {}, data), cel, func, is_col = (['mpl_column', 'mpl_column_inner'].indexOf(data.name) > -1); cdata.args._id = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); if (exp === undefined) var exp = mpl.front.export(id); if (data.name != 'mpl_column_text') cdata.args.content = mpl.params.process_alter(exp.content, data.name); cdata.model = mpl.model++; if (data.name == 'mpl_row') { cel = mpl.views.row.render(cdata, true); } else if (data.name == 'mpl_column') { cel = mpl.views.column.render(cdata, true); } else if (mpl.tags.indexOf(cdata.name)) { try { func = mpl.maps[cdata.name].views.type; } catch (ex) { func = cdata.name; } if (typeof mpl.views[func] == 'object') cel = mpl.views[func].render(cdata); else cel = mpl.views.mpl_element.render(cdata); } else { cel = mpl.views. mpl_undefined .render({ args: { content: cdata.content }, name: 'mpl_undefined', end: '[/mpl_undefined]', full: cdata.content }); } if (is_col) mpl.views.column.reset_view(el.parent()); mpl.ui.sortInit(); return cdata.args._id; } }, ui: { elements: { edit: function (e) { var pop = mpl.backbone.settings(e); setTimeout(function () { //mpl.front.stack.init_atts = mpl.front.tools.getFormData(pop); mpl.front.stack.init_atts = mpl.tools.getFormData(pop, false); }, 1000); if (!pop) { alert(mpl.__.i43); return; } $(this).closest('.mpl-element').addClass('editting'); pop.data({ cancel: function (pop) { $(pop.data('button')).closest('.mpl-element').removeClass('editting'); }, after_callback: function (pop) { var id = pop.data('model'), params = mpl.storage[id][0], map = $().extend({}, mpl.maps._std), el = $('#model-' + id); map = $().extend(map, mpl.maps[params.name]); el.find('>.admin-view').remove(); el.append(mpl.params.admin_label.render({ map: map, params: params, el: el })); mpl.front.content.render_section_template(pop, true); //magee }, }); mpl.tools.popup.callback(pop, { change: mpl.front.content.change_callback, css_change: mpl.front.content.css_change_callback }); } } }, get: { front_model: function (el) { return mpl._$(el).closest('.mpl-elm').attr('data-front-model'); } }, stack: { init_atts: null, init_css: {}, }, submit: function () { $('#mpl-page-cfg-mode').val(mpl.cfg.mode); $('#mpl-container').find('form,input,select,textarea').remove(); var content = ''; mpl.msg(mpl.__.processing, 'loading'); document.raw_title = document.title; document.title = 'Saving...'; mpl._$('.mpl-elm').each(function () { var id = mpl._$(this).attr('data-front-model'); var exp = mpl.front.export(id); content += exp.begin + exp.content + exp.end; }); content = content.replace('

    [' , '['); content = content.replace(']

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