unhook(); self::$singleton = null; } } /** * Create a singleton listener that we can query from anywhere * @return Loco_package_Listener */ public static function create(){ self::destroy(); self::$singleton = new Loco_package_Listener; return self::$singleton->clear(); } /** * @return Loco_package_Listener */ public function clear(){ $this->buffer = array(); $this->themes = array(); $this->plugins = array(); $this->domains = array(); $this->domainPaths = array(); $this->pluginHandles = null; $this->buffered = false; $this->globalPaths = array(); foreach( array('WP_LANG_DIR') as $name ){ if( $value = loco_constant($name) ){ $this->globalPaths[$value] = strlen($value); } } return $this; } /** * Early hook listening for active bundles loading their own text domains. */ public function on_load_textdomain( $domain, $mofile ){ // echo '
Debug:',esc_html( json_encode(compact('domain','mofile'),JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)),'
'; $this->buffered = true; $this->buffer[$domain][] = $mofile; } /** * Get primary Text Domain that's uniquely assigned to a bundle * @param string theme or plugin relative path */ public function getDomain( $handle ){ $this->flush(); return isset($this->domains[$handle]) ? $this->domains[$handle] : ''; } /** * Get the default directory path where captured files of a given domain are held * @param string TextDomain * @return string relative path */ public function getDomainPath( $domain ){ $this->flush(); return isset($this->domainPaths[$domain]) ? $this->domainPaths[$domain] : ''; } /** * Utility: checks if a file path is under a given root * @return string subpath relative to given root */ private static function relative( $path, $root ){ $root = trailingslashit($root); $snip = strlen($root); // attempt unaltered path if( substr($path,0,$snip) === $root ){ return substr( $path, $snip ); } // attempt resolved in case symlinks along path $real = realpath($path); if( $real && $real !== $path && substr($real,0,$snip) === $root ){ return substr( $real, $snip ); } // path not under root return null; } /** * Check if given relative directory path the root of a known plugin * @param string relative plugin directory name, e.g. "foo/bar" * @return string relative plugin file handle, e.g. "foo/bar/baz.php" */ private function isPlugin( $check ){ if( ! $this->pluginHandles ){ $this->pluginHandles = array(); foreach( Loco_package_Plugin::get_plugins() as $handle => $data ){ $this->pluginHandles[ dirname($handle) ] = $handle; // set default text domain because additional domains could be discovered before the canonical one if( isset($data['TextDomain']) && ( $domain = $data['TextDomain'] ) ){ $this->domains[$handle] = $domain; } } } if( ! array_key_exists($check, $this->pluginHandles) ){ return null; } return $this->pluginHandles[$check]; } /** * Convert a file path to a theme or plugin bundle * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ private function resolve( $path, $domain ){ $file = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile( $path ); // ignore suffix-only files when locale is invalid as locale code would be taken wrongly as slug, e.g. if you tried to load "english.po" if( $file->hasPrefixOnly() ){ return; } // no point looking at files in global directory as they tell us only the domain which we already know foreach( $this->globalPaths as $prefix => $length ){ if( substr($path,0,$length) === $prefix ){ return; } } // avoid infinite loops during bundle resolution $wasBuffered = $this->buffered; $this->buffered = false; // file prefix is *probably* the Text Domain, but can differ if load_textdomain called directly from bundle code $slug = $file->getPrefix() or $slug = $domain; $path = dirname($path); $bundle = null; while( true ){ // check if MO file lives inside a theme foreach( $GLOBALS['wp_theme_directories'] as $root ){ $relative = self::relative($path, $root); if( is_null($relative) ){ continue; } // theme's "stylesheet directory" must be immediately under this root // passed path could root of theme, or any directory below it, but we only need the top level $chunks = explode( '/', $relative, 2 ); $handle = current( $chunks ); if( ! $handle ){ continue; } $theme = new WP_Theme( $handle, $root ); if( ! $theme->exists() ){ continue; } $abspath = $root.'/'.$handle; // theme may have officially declared text domain if( $default = $theme->get('TextDomain') ){ $this->domains[$handle] = $default; } // else set current domain as default if not already set else if ( ! isset($this->domains[$handle]) ){ $this->domains[$handle] = $domain; } if( ! isset($this->domainPaths[$domain]) ){ $this->domainPaths[$domain] = self::relative( $path, $abspath ); } // theme bundle may already exist if( isset($this->themes[$handle]) ){ $bundle = $this->themes[$handle]; } // create default project for theme bundle else { $bundle = Loco_package_Theme::createFromTheme($theme); $this->themes[$handle] = $bundle; } // possibility that additional text domains are being added $project = $bundle->getProject($slug); if( ! $project ){ $project = new Loco_package_Project( $bundle, new Loco_package_TextDomain($domain), $slug ); $bundle->addProject( $project ); } // bundle was a theme, even if we couldn't configure it, so no point checking plugins break 2; } // check if MO file lives inside a plugin foreach( array( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', 'WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR' ) as $const ){ $root = loco_constant( $const ); $relative = self::relative($path, $root); if( is_null($relative) ){ continue; } // plugin *might* live directly under root $stack = array(); foreach( explode( '/', dirname($relative) ) as $next ){ $stack[] = $next; $relbase = implode('/', $stack ); if( $handle = $this->isPlugin($relbase) ){ $abspath = $root.'/'.$handle; // set this as default domain if not already cached if( ! isset($this->domains[$handle]) ){ $this->domains[$handle] = $domain; } if( ! isset($this->domainPaths[$domain]) ){ $target = self::relative( $path, dirname($abspath) ); $this->domainPaths[$domain] = $target; } // plugin bundle may already exist if( isset($this->plugins[$handle]) ){ $bundle = $this->plugins[$handle]; } // create default project for plugin bundle (not necessarily the current text domain) else { $bundle = Loco_package_Plugin::create($handle); $this->plugins[$handle] = $bundle; } // add current domain as translation project if not already set // this avoids extra domains getting set before the default one if( ! $bundle->getProject($slug) ){ $project = new Loco_package_Project( $bundle, new Loco_package_TextDomain($domain), $slug ); $bundle->addProject( $project ); } break; } } } // failed to establish a bundle break; } $this->buffered = $wasBuffered; return $bundle; } /** * @internal * Resolve all currently buffered text domain paths */ private function flush(){ if( $this->buffered ){ foreach( $this->buffer as $domain => $paths ){ foreach( $paths as $path ){ try { if( $bundle = $this->resolve($path,$domain) ){ continue 2; } } catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){ // silent errors for non-critical function } } } $this->buffer = array(); $this->buffered = false; } } /** * @return array */ public function getThemes(){ $this->flush(); return $this->themes; } /** * @return array */ public function getPlugins(){ $this->flush(); return $this->plugins; } }