messages = array(); $this->counts = array( 'success' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'debug' => 0, 'info' => 0, ); // config storage type switch( $bundle->isConfigured() ){ case 'db': $this->info("Custom configuration saved in database"); break; case 'meta': $this->good("Configuration auto-detected from file headers"); break; case 'file': $this->good("Official configuration provided by author"); break; case 'internal': $this->info("Configuration built-in to Loco"); break; case '': $this->warn("Cannot auto-detect configuration"); break; default: throw new Exception('Unexpected isConfigured() return value'); } $base = $bundle->getDirectoryPath(); // $this->devel('Bundle root is %s',$base); // self-declarations provided by author in file headers $native = $bundle->getHeaderInfo(); if( $value = $native->TextDomain ){ $this->info('WordPress says primary text domain is "%s"', $value); // WordPress 4.6 changes mean this header could be a fallback and not actually declared by author if( $bundle->isPlugin() ){ $map = array ( 'TextDomain' => 'Text Domain' ); $raw = get_file_data( $bundle->getBootstrapPath(), $map, 'plugin' ); if( empty($raw['TextDomain']) ){ $this->warn('Author doesn\'t define the TextDomain header, WordPress guessed it'); } } // Warn if WordPress-assumed text domain is not configured. plugin/theme headers won't be translated $domains = $bundle->getDomains(); if( ! isset($domains[$value]) ){ $this->warn('Expected text domain "%s" is not configured', $value ); } } else { $this->warn("Author doesn't define the TextDomain header"); } if( $value = $native->DomainPath ){ $this->good('Primary domain path declared by author as "%s"', $value ); } else if( is_dir($base.'/languages') ){ $this->info('Standard "languages" folder found, although DomainPath not declared'); } else { $this->warn("Author doesn't define the DomainPath header"); } // check validity of single-file plugins if( $bundle->isSingleFile() && ! $bundle->getBootstrapPath() ){ $this->warn('Plugin is a single file, but bootstrap file is unknown'); } // collecting only configured domains to match against source code $domains = array(); $templates = array(); // show each known subset if( $count = count($bundle) ){ /* @var $project Loco_package_Project */ foreach( $bundle as $project ){ $id = $project->getId(); $domain = (string) $project->getDomain(); $domains[$domain] = true; // Domain path[s] within bundle directory $targets = array(); /* @var $dir Loco_fs_Directory */ foreach( $project->getConfiguredTargets() as $dir ){ $targets[] = $dir->getRelativePath($base); } if( $targets ){ $this->info('%u domain path[s] configured for "%s" -> %s', count($targets), $id, json_encode($targets,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ); } else { $this->warn('No domain paths configured for "%s"', $id ); } // POT template file if( $potfile = $project->getPot() ){ if( $potfile->exists() ){ $this->good('Template file for "%s" exists at "%s"', $id, $potfile->getRelativePath($base) ); try { $data = Loco_gettext_Data::load($potfile); $templates[$domain][] = $data; } catch( Exception $e ){ $this->warn('Template file for "%s" is invalid format', $id ); } } else { $this->warn('Template file for "%s" does not exist (%s)', $id, $potfile->getRelativePath($base) ); } } else { $this->warn('No template file configured for "%s"', $domain ); if( $potfile = $project->guessPot() ){ $this->devel('Possible non-standard name for "%s" template at "%s"', $id, $potfile->getRelativePath($base) ); $project->setPot( $potfile ); // <- adding so that invert ignores it } } } $default = $bundle->getDefaultProject(); if( ! $default ){ $this->warn('%u subsets configured, but failed to establish the default/primary', $count ); } } else { $default = $bundle->createDefault(); $domain = (string) $default->getDomain(); $this->devel( 'Suggested text domain: "%s"', $domain ); } // files picked up with no context as to what they're for if( $bundle->isTheme() || ( $bundle->isPlugin() && ! $bundle->isSingleFile() ) ){ $unknown = $bundle->invert(); if( $n = count($unknown) ){ /* @var $project Loco_package_Project */ foreach( $unknown as $project ){ $domain = (string) $project->getDomain(); // should only have one target due the way the inverter groups results /* @var $dir Loco_fs_Directory */ foreach( $project->getConfiguredTargets() as $dir ){ $reldir = $dir->getRelativePath($base) or $stub = '.'; $this->warn('Unconfigured files found in "%s", possible domain name: "%s"', $reldir, $domain ); } } } } // source code extraction across entire bundle $tmp = clone $bundle; $tmp->exchangeArray( array() ); $project = $tmp->createDefault( (string) $default->getDomain() ); $extr = new Loco_gettext_Extraction( $tmp ); $extr->addProject( $project ); if( $total = $extr->getTotal() ){ // real count excludes additional metadata $realCounts = $extr->getDomainCounts(); $counts = $extr->includeMeta()->getDomainCounts(); // $this->good("%u string[s] can be extracted from source code for %s", $total, $this->implodeKeys($counts) ); foreach( array_intersect_key($counts, $domains) as $domain => $count ){ if( isset($realCounts[$domain]) ){ $count = $counts[$domain]; $realCount = $realCounts[$domain]; $str = _n( 'One string extracted from source code for "%2$s"', '%s strings extracted from source code for "%s"', $realCount, 'loco-translate' ); $this->good( $str.' (%s including metadata)', number_format($realCount), $domain, number_format($count) ); } else { $this->warn('No strings extracted from source code for "%s"', $domain ); } // check POT agrees with extracted count, but only if domain has single POT (i.e. not split across files on purpose) if( isset($templates[$domain]) && 1 === count($templates[$domain]) ){ $data = current( $templates[$domain] ); if( ! $extr->getTemplate($domain)->equalSource($data) ){ $meta = Loco_gettext_Metadata::create( new Loco_fs_DummyFile(''), $data ); $this->devel('Template is not in sync with source code (%s in file)', $meta->getTotalSummary() ); } } } // with extracted strings we can check for domain mismatches if( $missing = array_diff_key($domains, $realCounts) ){ $num = count($missing); $str = _n( 'Configured domain has no extractable strings', '%u configured domains have no extractable strings', $num, 'loco-translate' ); $this->warn( $str.': %2$s', $num, $this->implodeKeys($missing) ); } if( $extra = array_diff_key($realCounts,$domains) ){ $this->info('%u unconfigured domain[s] found in source code: %s', count($extra), $this->implodeKeys($extra) ); /*/ debug other domains extracted foreach( $extra as $name => $count ){ $this->devel(' > %s (%u)', $name, $count ); }*/ // extracted domains could prove that declared domain is wrong if( $missing ){ foreach( array_keys($extra) as $name ){ $flat = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/','', strtolower($name) ); foreach( array_keys($missing) as $decl ){ if( preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/','', strtolower($decl) ) === $flat ){ $this->devel('"%s" might be a mistake. Should it be "%s"?', $decl, $name ); } } } } } } else { $this->warn("No strings can be extracted from source code"); } } /** * @internal * Implements IteratorAggregate for looping over messages * @return ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator(){ return new ArrayIterator( $this->messages ); } /** * Add a success notice * @return Loco_package_Debugger */ private function good( $text ){ $args = func_get_args(); $text = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args ); return $this->add( new Loco_error_Success($text) ); } /** * Add a warning notice * @return Loco_package_Debugger */ private function warn( $text ){ $args = func_get_args(); $text = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args ); return $this->add( new Loco_error_Warning($text) ); } /** * Add an information notice (not good, or bad) * @return Loco_package_Debugger */ private function info( $text ){ $args = func_get_args(); $text = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args ); return $this->add( new Loco_error_Notice($text) ); } /** * Add a developer notice. probably something helpful for fixing a problem * @return Loco_package_Debugger */ private function devel( $text ){ $args = func_get_args(); $text = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args ); return $this->add( new Loco_error_Debug($text) ); } /** * @return Loco_package_Debugger */ private function add( Loco_error_Exception $error ){ $this->counts[ $error->getType() ]++; $this->messages[] = $error; return $this; } /** * Print all diagnostic messages suitable for CLI * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function dump( $prefix = '' ){ /* @var $notice Loco_error_Exception */ foreach( $this as $notice ){ printf("%s[%s] %s\n", $prefix, $notice->getType(), $notice->getMessage() ); } } /** * Get number of bad things discovered * @return int */ public function countWarnings(){ return $this->counts['warning']; } /** * Utility for printing "x", "y" & "z" * @return string */ private function implodeNames( array $names ){ $last = array_pop($names); if( $names ){ return '"'.implode('", "',$names).'" & "'.$last.'"'; } if( is_string($last) ){ return '"'.$last.'"'; } return ''; } /** * @internal * @return string */ private function implodeKeys( array $assoc ){ return $this->implodeNames( array_keys($assoc) ); } }