getBundle(); // translators: where %s is a plugin or theme $this->set( 'title', sprintf( __('Set up %s','loco-translate'),$bundle->getName() ) ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHelpTabs(){ return array ( __('Setup tab','loco-translate') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-bundle-setup'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $this->prepareNavigation()->add( __('Bundle setup','loco-translate') ); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $action = 'setup:'.$bundle->getId(); // execute auto-configure if posted $post = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get(); if( $post->has('auto-setup') && $this->checkNonce( 'auto-'.$action) ){ if( 0 === count($bundle) ){ $bundle->createDefault(); } foreach( $bundle as $project ){ if( ! $project->getPot() && ( $file = $project->guessPot() ) ){ $project->setPot( $file ); } } // forcefully add every additional project into bundle foreach( $bundle->invert() as $project ){ if( ! $project->getPot() && ( $file = $project->guessPot() ) ){ $project->setPot( $file ); } $bundle[] = $project; } $this->saveBundle(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('auto', null ); } // execute XML-based config if posted else if( $post->has('xml-setup') && $this->checkNonce( 'xml-'.$action) ){ $bundle->clear(); $model = new Loco_config_XMLModel; $model->loadXml( trim( $post['xml-content'] ) ); $reader = new Loco_config_BundleReader($bundle); $reader->loadModel( $model ); $this->saveBundle(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('xml', null ); } // execute JSON-based config if posted else if( $post->has('json-setup') && $this->checkNonce( 'json-'.$action) ){ $bundle->clear(); $model = new Loco_config_ArrayModel; $model->loadJson( trim( $post['json-content'] ) ); $reader = new Loco_config_BundleReader($bundle); $reader->loadModel( $model ); $this->saveBundle(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('json', null ); } // execute reset if posted else if( $post->has('reset-setup') && $this->checkNonce( 'reset-'.$action) ){ $this->resetBundle(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); } // bundle author links $info = $bundle->getHeaderInfo(); $this->set( 'credit', $info->getAuthorCredit() ); // render according to current configuration method (save type) $configured = $this->get('force') or $configured = $bundle->isConfigured(); $notices = new ArrayIterator; $this->set('notices', $notices ); // collect configuration warnings foreach( $bundle as $project ){ $potfile = $project->getPot(); if( ! $potfile ){ $notices[] = sprintf('No translation template for the "%s" text domain', $project->getSlug() ); } } // if extra files found consider incomplete if( $bundle->isTheme() || ( $bundle->isPlugin() && ! $bundle->isSingleFile() ) ){ $unknown = Loco_package_Inverter::export($bundle); $n = 0; foreach( $unknown as $ext => $files ){ $n += count($files); } if( $n ){ $notices[] = sprintf( _n("One file can't be matched to a known set of strings","%s files can't be matched to a known set of strings",$n,'loco-translate'), number_format($n) ); } } // display setup options if at least one option specified $doconf = false; // enable form to invoke auto-configuration if( $this->get('auto') ){ $fields = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields(); $fields->setNonce( 'auto-'.$action ); $this->set('autoFields', $fields ); $doconf = true; } // enable form to paste XML config if( $this->get('xml') ){ $fields = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields(); $fields->setNonce( 'xml-'.$action ); $this->set('xmlFields', $fields ); $doconf = true; } // enable form to paste JSON config (via remote lookup) if( $this->get('json') ){ $fields = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields( array( 'json-content' => '', 'version' => $info->Version, ) ); $fields->setNonce( 'json-'.$action ); $this->set('jsonFields', $fields ); // other information for looking up bundle via api $this->set('vendorSlug', $bundle->getSlug() ); // remote config is done via JavaScript $this->enqueueScript('setup'); $apiBase = apply_filters( 'loco_api_url', '' ); $this->set('js', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array( 'apiUrl' => $apiBase.'/wp/'.strtolower( $bundle->getType() ), ) ) ); $doconf = true; } // display configurator if configurating if( $doconf ){ return $this->view( 'admin/bundle/setup/conf' ); } // else set configurator links back to self with required option // ... if( ! $configured || ! count($bundle) ){ return $this->view( 'admin/bundle/setup/none' ); } if( 'db' === $configured ){ // form for resetting config $fields = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields(); $fields->setNonce( 'reset-'.$action ); $this->set( 'reset', $fields ); return $this->view('admin/bundle/setup/saved'); } if( 'internal' === $configured ){ return $this->view('admin/bundle/setup/core'); } if( 'file' === $configured ){ return $this->view('admin/bundle/setup/author'); } if( count($notices) ){ return $this->view('admin/bundle/setup/partial'); } return $this->view('admin/bundle/setup/meta'); } }