filter = $icl_translation_filter; } /** * @param int $page * @param int $per_page * * @return array */ public function get_paginated_batches( $page, $per_page ) { $this->load_translation_jobs( $page, $per_page ); $metrics = array(); $batches = array(); if ( $this->translation_batches ) { krsort( $this->translation_batches ); foreach ( $this->translation_batches as $id => $batch ) { $metrics[ $id ] = $batch->get_batch_meta_array(); $batches[ $id ] = $batch; } } $first_batch_metric = array_shift( $metrics ); $first_batch_metric['display_from'] = $this->before_count + 1; $first_batch_metric['item_count'] = $this->first_count; array_unshift( $metrics, $first_batch_metric ); $last_batch_metric = array_pop( $metrics ); $last_batch_metric['display_to'] = $this->last_count - $this->after_count; $last_batch_metric['item_count'] = $this->last_count; $metrics[] = $last_batch_metric; return array( 'batches' => $batches, 'metrics' => $metrics, ); } /** * Returns the number of jobs that meet the filter \WPML_Translation_Jobs_Collection::$filter in the database * * @return int */ public function get_count() { return $this->count; } /** * @param WPML_Translation_Job $job */ public function add_job( $job ) { $batch_id = $job->get_batch_id(); $batch = array_key_exists( $batch_id, $this->translation_batches ) ? $this->translation_batches[ $batch_id ] : new WPML_Translation_Batch( $this->wpdb, $batch_id ); $batch->add_job( $job ); $this->translation_batches[ $batch->get_id() ] = $batch; } private function load_translation_jobs( $page, $per_page ) { $this->translation_batches = array(); list( $jobs, $count, $before_count, $after_count, $first_count, $last_count ) = $this->get_jobs_table( $this->filter, array( 'page' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page, ) ); $this->count = $count; $this->after_count = $after_count; $this->before_count = $before_count; $this->first_count = $first_count; $this->last_count = $last_count; if ( is_array( $jobs ) ) { foreach ( $jobs as $job ) { $this->add_job( $job ); } } } /** * @param array $args * @param array $pagination_args * * @return array */ private function get_jobs_table( array $args = array(), array $pagination_args = array( 'page' => 1, 'per_page' => 10, ) ) { list( $data, $found_rows ) = $this->get_jobs_in_db( $args, $pagination_args ); if ( $data ) { $result = $this->calculate_batch_counts( $data, $found_rows, $pagination_args ); } else { $result = $this->get_default_batch_counts( $found_rows ); } return $result; } /** * @param int $found_rows * * @return array */ private function get_default_batch_counts( $found_rows ) { return array( array(), $found_rows, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } private function get_jobs_in_db( array $args = array(), array $pagination_args = null ) { $where_jobs = $this->build_where_clause( $args ); $jobs_table_union = $this->get_jobs_union_table_sql( $where_jobs, $args ); $only_ids_query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '; $only_ids_query .= 'jobs.job_id, jobs.translator_id, jobs.job_id, jobs.batch_id, jobs.element_type_prefix '; $only_ids_query .= 'FROM ' . $jobs_table_union . ' '; if ( $pagination_args ) { $only_ids_query .= 'LIMIT %d, %d'; $prepare_args[] = max( ( $pagination_args['page'] - 1 ), 0 ) * $pagination_args['per_page']; $prepare_args[] = $pagination_args['per_page']; $only_ids_query = $this->wpdb->prepare( $only_ids_query, $prepare_args ); } $data = $this->wpdb->get_results( $only_ids_query ); $found_rows = (int) $this->wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ); return array( $data, $found_rows ); } public function get_jobs( array $args = array() ) { list( $jobs_in_db, $found_rows ) = $this->get_jobs_in_db( $args ); $this->count = $found_rows; return $this->plain_objects_to_job_instances( $jobs_in_db ); } /** * @param array $data * @param int $count * @param array $pagination_args * * @return array */ private function calculate_batch_counts( $data, $count, $pagination_args ) { $first_job = reset( $data ); $last_job = end( $data ); $first_batch = $first_job->batch_id; $last_batch = $last_job->batch_id; $count_select_from_snippet = 'SELECT COUNT(jdata.job_id) FROM (SELECT job_id, batch_id FROM ' . $this->jobs_union_table_sql; $count_where_snippet = ' ) AS jdata WHERE jdata.batch_id = %d'; $before_count_query = $count_select_from_snippet . ' LIMIT %d' . $count_where_snippet; $page = $pagination_args['page']; $per_page = $pagination_args['per_page']; $count_before = $page > 1 ? $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( $before_count_query, array( ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page, $first_batch, ) ) ) : 0; $count_first = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( $before_count_query, array( PHP_INT_MAX, $first_batch ) ) ); $after_count_query = $count_select_from_snippet . ' LIMIT %d, %d' . $count_where_snippet; $count_after = $page * $per_page > $count ? 0 : $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( $after_count_query, array( $page * $per_page, PHP_INT_MAX, $last_batch, ) ) ); $count_last = $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( $after_count_query, array( 0, PHP_INT_MAX, $last_batch ) ) ); return array( $this->plain_objects_to_job_instances( $data ), $count, $count_before, $count_after, $count_first, $count_last, ); } private function get_jobs_union_table_sql( $where_jobs, $args ) { $union_sql = ''; $sql_statements = array(); if ( $where_jobs ) { $sql_statements[] = "SELECT s.translator_id, j.job_id, IF(p.post_type IS NOT NULL, 'post', 'package') AS element_type_prefix, p.post_type AS post_type, s.batch_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status s JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations t ON t.translation_id = s.translation_id JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job j ON j.rid = s.rid AND j.revision IS NULL JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations o ON o.trid = t.trid AND o.language_code = t.source_language_code JOIN " . apply_filters( 'wpml_post_translation_original_table', $this->wpdb->posts ) . " p ON o.element_id = p.ID AND ( o.element_type = CONCAT('post_', p.post_type) OR p.post_type IS NULL ) JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translate tr_rows ON tr_rows.job_id = j.job_id AND tr_rows.field_type = 'original_id' AND tr_rows.field_data = o.element_id WHERE " . $where_jobs; } $sql_statements = apply_filters( 'wpml_tm_jobs_union_table_sql', $sql_statements, $args ); if ( count( $sql_statements ) > 0 ) { $union_sql = '(' . implode( "\nUNION ALL\n", $sql_statements ) . ") jobs INNER JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_batches b ON = jobs.batch_id ORDER BY jobs.batch_id DESC, jobs.element_type_prefix, jobs.job_id DESC"; } $this->jobs_union_table_sql = $union_sql; return $union_sql; } }