data = $data; $this->tm_records = $tm_records; $translate_link_targets_global_state = new WPML_Translate_Link_Target_Global_State( $sitepress ); $this->translate_link_targets_in_posts = new WPML_Translate_Link_Targets_In_Posts( $translate_link_targets_global_state, $wpdb, $ICL_Pro_Translation ); $this->translate_link_targets_in_strings = new WPML_Translate_Link_Targets_In_Strings( $translate_link_targets_global_state, $wpdb, new WPML_WP_API(), $ICL_Pro_Translation ); } function save_translation() { global $wpdb, $sitepress, $iclTranslationManagement, $wpml_post_translations; $new_post_id = false; $is_incomplete = false; $data = $this->data; /** @var stdClass $job */ $job = ! empty( $data['job_id'] ) ? $this->get_translation_job( $data['job_id'], true ) : null; $needs_second_update = $job && $job->needs_update ? 1 : 0; $original_post = null; $element_type_prefix = null; if ( is_object( $job ) ) { $element_type_prefix = $iclTranslationManagement->get_element_type_prefix_from_job( $job ); $original_post = $iclTranslationManagement->get_post( $job->original_doc_id, $element_type_prefix ); } $is_external = apply_filters( 'wpml_is_external', false, $element_type_prefix ); $data_to_validate = array( 'original_post' => $original_post, 'type_prefix' => $element_type_prefix, 'data' => $data, 'is_external' => $is_external, ); $validation_results = $this->get_validation_results( $job, $data_to_validate ); if ( ! $validation_results['is_valid'] ) { $this->handle_failed_validation( $validation_results, $data_to_validate ); $res = false; } else { foreach ( $data['fields'] as $fieldname => $field ) { if ( substr( $fieldname, 0, 6 ) === 'field-' ) { $field = apply_filters( 'wpml_tm_save_translation_cf', $field, $fieldname, $data ); } $this->save_translation_field( $field['tid'], $field ); if ( ! isset( $field['finished'] ) || ! $field['finished'] ) { $is_incomplete = true; } } $icl_translate_job = $this->tm_records->icl_translate_job_by_job_id( $data['job_id'] ); $rid = $icl_translate_job->rid(); $translation_status = $this->tm_records->icl_translation_status_by_rid( $rid ); $translation_id = $translation_status->translation_id(); if ( ( $is_incomplete === true || empty( $data['complete'] ) ) && empty( $data['resign'] ) ) { $iclTranslationManagement->update_translation_status( array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id, 'status' => ICL_TM_IN_PROGRESS, ) ); $icl_translate_job->update( array( 'translated' => 0 ) ); self::notify_job_in_progress( $element_type_prefix, $job ); } $element_id = $translation_status->element_id(); delete_post_meta( $element_id, '_icl_lang_duplicate_of' ); if ( ! empty( $data['complete'] ) && ! $is_incomplete ) { $icl_translate_job->update( array( 'translated' => 1, 'completed_date' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), ) ); $job = $this->get_translation_job( $data['job_id'], true ); if ( $is_external ) { self::save_external( $element_type_prefix, $job, [ $this, 'decode_field_data' ] ); } else { if ( $element_id ) { $postarr['ID'] = $_POST['post_ID'] = $element_id; } $postarr['post_status'] = ! $sitepress->get_setting( 'translated_document_status' ) ? 'draft' : $original_post->post_status; foreach ( $job->elements as $field ) { switch ( $field->field_type ) { case 'title': $postarr['post_title'] = $this->decode_field_data( $field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format ); break; case 'body': $postarr['post_content'] = $this->decode_field_data( $field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format ); break; case 'excerpt': $postarr['post_excerpt'] = $this->decode_field_data( $field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format ); break; case 'URL': $postarr['post_name'] = $this->decode_field_data( $field->field_data_translated, $field->field_format ); break; default: break; } } $postarr['post_author'] = $original_post->post_author; $postarr['post_type'] = $original_post->post_type; if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_comment_status' ) ) { $postarr['comment_status'] = $original_post->comment_status; } if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_ping_status' ) ) { $postarr['ping_status'] = $original_post->ping_status; } if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_page_ordering' ) ) { $postarr['menu_order'] = $original_post->menu_order; } if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_private_flag' ) && $original_post->post_status == 'private' ) { $postarr['post_status'] = 'private'; } if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_password' ) && $original_post->post_password ) { $postarr['post_password'] = $original_post->post_password; } if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_post_date' ) ) { $postarr['post_date'] = $original_post->post_date; } if ( $original_post->post_parent ) { $parent_id = $wpml_post_translations->element_id_in( $original_post->post_parent, $job->language_code ); } if ( isset( $parent_id ) && $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_page_parent' ) ) { $_POST['post_parent'] = $postarr['post_parent'] = $parent_id; $_POST['parent_id'] = $postarr['parent_id'] = $parent_id; } $_POST['trid'] = $translation_status->trid(); $_POST['lang'] = $job->language_code; $_POST['skip_sitepress_actions'] = true; $_POST['needs_second_update'] = $needs_second_update; /* @deprecated Use `wpml_pre_save_pro_translation` instead */ $postarr = apply_filters( 'icl_pre_save_pro_translation', $postarr ); $postarr = apply_filters( 'wpml_pre_save_pro_translation', $postarr, $job ); // it's an update and user do not want to translate urls so do not change the url if ( $element_id ) { if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'translated_document_page_url' ) !== 'translate' ) { $postarr['post_name'] = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_name FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d LIMIT 1", $element_id ) ); } $existing_post = get_post( $element_id ); $postarr['post_date'] = $existing_post->post_date; $postarr['post_date_gmt'] = $existing_post->post_date_gmt; } $new_post_id = wpml_get_create_post_helper()->insert_post( $postarr, $job->language_code ); icl_cache_clear( $postarr['post_type'] . 's_per_language' ); // clear post counter per language in cache // set taxonomies for users with limited caps if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage-categories' ) && ! empty( $postarr['tax_input'] ) ) { foreach ( $postarr['tax_input'] as $taxonomy => $terms ) { wp_set_post_terms( $new_post_id, $terms, $taxonomy, false ); // true to append to existing tags | false to replace existing tags } } $data['fields'] = apply_filters( 'wpml_tm_job_fields', $data['fields'], $job ); do_action( 'icl_pro_translation_saved', $new_post_id, $data['fields'], $job ); do_action( 'wpml_translation_job_saved', $new_post_id, $data['fields'], $job ); // update body translation with the links fixed $new_post_content = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_content FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID=%d", $new_post_id ) ); foreach ( $job->elements as $job_element ) { if ( $job_element->field_type === 'body' ) { $fields_data_translated = apply_filters( 'wpml_tm_job_data_post_content', $new_post_content ); $fields_data_translated = $this->encode_field_data( $fields_data_translated ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate', array( 'field_data_translated' => $fields_data_translated ), array( 'job_id' => $data['job_id'], 'field_type' => 'body', ) ); break; } } $sitepress->copy_custom_fields( $original_post->ID, $new_post_id ); // set specific custom fields $copied_custom_fields = array( '_top_nav_excluded', '_cms_nav_minihome' ); foreach ( $copied_custom_fields as $ccf ) { $val = get_post_meta( $original_post->ID, $ccf, true ); update_post_meta( $new_post_id, $ccf, $val ); } // sync _wp_page_template if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_page_template' ) ) { $_wp_page_template = get_post_meta( $original_post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true ); if ( ! empty( $_wp_page_template ) ) { update_post_meta( $new_post_id, '_wp_page_template', $_wp_page_template ); } } $this->package_helper->save_job_custom_fields( $job, $new_post_id, \WPML\TM\Settings\Repository::getCustomFields() ); $link = get_edit_post_link( $new_post_id ); if ( $link == '' ) { // the current user can't edit so just include permalink $link = get_permalink( $new_post_id ); } if ( ! $element_id ) { $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', array( 'element_id' => $new_post_id, 'element_type' => 'post_' . $postarr['post_type'], ) ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', array( 'element_id' => $new_post_id ), array( 'translation_id' => $translation_id ) ); $user_message = __( 'Translation added: ', 'wpml-translation-management' ) . '' . $postarr['post_title'] . '.'; } else { $user_message = __( 'Translation updated: ', 'wpml-translation-management' ) . '' . $postarr['post_title'] . '.'; } // set stickiness // is the original post a sticky post? $sticky_posts = get_option( 'sticky_posts' ); $is_original_sticky = $original_post->post_type == 'post' && in_array( $original_post->ID, $sticky_posts ); if ( $is_original_sticky && $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_sticky_flag' ) ) { stick_post( $new_post_id ); } else { if ( $original_post->post_type == 'post' && ! is_null( $element_id ) ) { unstick_post( $new_post_id ); // just in case - if this is an update and the original post stickiness has changed since the post was sent for translation } } $this->add_message( array( 'type' => 'updated', 'text' => $user_message, ) ); } if ( $this->get_tm_setting( array( 'notification', 'completed' ) ) != ICL_TM_NOTIFICATION_NONE && $data['job_id'] ) { do_action( 'wpml_tm_complete_job_notification', $data['job_id'], ! is_null( $element_id ) ); } $iclTranslationManagement->set_page_url( $new_post_id ); if ( isset( $job ) && isset( $job->language_code ) && isset( $job->source_language_code ) ) { $this->save_terms_for_job( $data['job_id'] ); } // sync post format // Must be after save terms otherwise it gets lost. if ( $sitepress->get_setting( 'sync_post_format' ) ) { $_wp_post_format = get_post_format( $original_post->ID ); set_post_format( $new_post_id, $_wp_post_format ); } do_action( 'icl_pro_translation_completed', $new_post_id, $data['fields'], $job ); do_action( 'wpml_pro_translation_completed', $new_post_id, $data['fields'], $job ); $translation_status->update( array( 'status' => ICL_TM_COMPLETE, 'needs_update' => $needs_second_update, ) ); $this->translate_link_targets_in_posts->new_content(); $this->translate_link_targets_in_strings->new_content(); if ( ! defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && ! defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && ! isset( $_POST['xliff_upload'] ) ) { $action_type = is_null( $element_id ) ? 'added' : 'updated'; $element_id = is_null( $element_id ) ? $new_post_id : $element_id; $this->redirect_target = admin_url( sprintf( 'admin.php?page=%s&%s=%d&element_type=%s', WPML_TM_FOLDER . '/menu/translations-queue.php', $action_type, $element_id, $element_type_prefix ) ); } } else { $this->add_message( array( 'type' => 'updated', 'text' => __( 'Translation (incomplete) saved.', 'wpml-translation-management' ), ) ); } $res = true; } return $res; } /** * Returns false if after saving the translation no redirection is to happen or the target of the redirection * in case saving the data is followed by a redirect. * * @return false|string */ function get_redirect_target() { return $this->redirect_target; } private function save_translation_field( $tid, $field ) { global $wpdb; $update = []; if ( isset( $field['data'] ) ) { $update['field_data_translated'] = $this->encode_field_data( $field['data'] ); } $update['field_finished'] = isset( $field['finished'] ) && $field['finished'] ? 1 : 0; $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translate', $update, array( 'tid' => $tid ) ); } private function handle_failed_validation( $validation_results, $data_to_validate ) { if ( isset( $validation_results['messages'] ) ) { $messages = (array) $validation_results['messages']; if ( $messages ) { foreach ( $messages as $message ) { $this->add_message( array( 'type' => 'error', 'text' => $message, ) ); } } else { $this->add_message( array( 'type' => 'error', 'text' => __( 'Submitted data is not valid.', 'wpml-translation-management' ), ) ); } } do_action( 'wpml_translation_validation_failed', $validation_results, $data_to_validate ); } private function get_validation_results( $job, $data_to_validate ) { $is_valid = true; $original_post = $data_to_validate['original_post']; $element_type_prefix = $data_to_validate['type_prefix']; $validation_default_results = array( 'is_valid' => $is_valid, 'messages' => array(), ); if ( ! $job || ! $original_post || ! $element_type_prefix ) { $is_valid = false; if ( ! $job ) { $validation_default_results['messages'][] = __( 'Job ID is missing', 'wpml-translation-management' ); } if ( ! $original_post ) { $validation_default_results['messages'][] = __( 'The original post cannot be retrieved', 'wpml-translation-management' ); } if ( ! $element_type_prefix ) { $validation_default_results['messages'][] = __( 'The type of the post cannot be retrieved', 'wpml-translation-management' ); } } elseif ( ! $this->tm_records->icl_translate_job_by_job_id( $job->job_id )->is_open() ) { $is_valid = false; $validation_default_results['messages'][] = __( 'This job cannot be edited anymore because a newer job for this element exists.', 'wpml-translation-management' ); } $validation_default_results['is_valid'] = $is_valid; $validation_results = apply_filters( 'wpml_translation_validation_data', $validation_default_results, $data_to_validate ); $validation_results = array_merge( $validation_default_results, $validation_results ); if ( ! $is_valid && $validation_results['is_valid'] ) { $validation_results['is_valid'] = $is_valid; } return $validation_results; } private function save_terms_for_job( $job_id ) { require_once WPML_TM_PATH . '/inc/translation-jobs/wpml-translation-jobs-collection.class.php'; $job = new WPML_Post_Translation_Job( $job_id ); $job->save_terms_to_post(); } private function add_message( $message ) { global $iclTranslationManagement; $iclTranslationManagement->add_message( $message ); } /** * @param string $element_type_prefix * @param object $job * @param callable $decoder */ private static function save_external( $element_type_prefix, $job, $decoder ) { do_action( 'wpml_save_external', $element_type_prefix, $job, $decoder ); } /** * @param string $element_type_prefix * @param object $job */ private static function notify_job_in_progress( $element_type_prefix, $job ) { /** * The action triggered when a job is marked as in progress * * @param string $element_type_prefix * @param object $job * @since 2.10.0 */ do_action( 'wpml_tm_job_in_progress', $element_type_prefix, $job ); } }