content_to_fix = $this->wpdb->get_results( $this->get_sql( $start_id, $count, false) ); } protected function get_content_type() { return 'post'; } public function get_number_to_be_fixed( $start_id = 0 ) { return $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->get_sql( $start_id, 0, true ) ); } protected function get_sql( $start_id , $count, $return_count_only ) { $limit = ''; if ( $count > 0 ) { $limit = " LIMIT " . $count; } if ( $return_count_only ) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(t.element_id)"; } else { $sql = "SELECT t.element_id, t.language_code"; } $sql = $this->wpdb->prepare( $sql . " FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations AS t INNER JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status AS ts ON t.translation_id = ts.translation_id WHERE ts.links_fixed = 0 AND t.element_id IS NOT NULL AND t.element_id >= %d AND t.element_type LIKE 'post_%%' ORDER BY t.element_id ASC" . $limit, $start_id ); return $sql; } }