0 ? substr($file_path, $strip_prefix) : $file_path; _potx_find_version_number($code, $file_name, $version_callback); // Extract raw PHP language tokens. $raw_tokens = token_get_all($code); unset($code); // Remove whitespace and possible HTML (the later in templates for example), // count line numbers so we can include them in the output. $_potx_tokens = array(); $_potx_lookup = array(); $token_number = 0; $line_number = 1; // Fill array for finding token offsets quickly. $src_tokens = array( '__', 'esc_attr__', 'esc_html__', '_e', 'esc_attr_e', 'esc_html_e', '_x', 'esc_attr_x', 'esc_html_x', '_ex', '_n', '_nx' ); foreach ($raw_tokens as $token) { if ((!is_array($token)) || (($token[0] != T_WHITESPACE) && ($token[0] != T_INLINE_HTML))) { if (is_array($token)) { $token[] = $line_number; if ($token[0] == T_STRING || ($token[0] == T_VARIABLE && in_array($token[1], $src_tokens))) { if (!isset($_potx_lookup[$token[1]])) { $_potx_lookup[$token[1]] = array(); } $_potx_lookup[$token[1]][] = $token_number; } } $_potx_tokens[] = $token; $token_number++; } // Collect line numbers. if (is_array($token)) { $line_number += count(explode("\n", $token[1])) - 1; } else { $line_number += count(explode("\n", $token)) - 1; } } unset($raw_tokens); if(!empty($src_tokens)) foreach($src_tokens as $tk){ _potx_find_t_calls_with_context($file_name, $save_callback, $tk, $default_domain); } } /** * Escape quotes in a strings depending on the surrounding * quote type used. * * @param string $str The strings to escape */ function _potx_format_quoted_string($str) { $quo = substr($str, 0, 1); $str = substr($str, 1, -1); if ($quo == '"') { $str = stripcslashes($str); } else { $str = strtr($str, array("\\'" => "'", "\\\\" => "\\")); } return addcslashes($str, "\0..\37\\\""); } /** * @param string $string * * @return string */ function wpml_potx_unquote_context_or_domain( $string ) { $quote_type = mb_substr( $string, 0, 1 ); return trim( $string, $quote_type ); } /** * Output a marker error with an extract of where the error was found. * * @param string $file Name of file * @param int $line Line number of error * @param string $marker Function name with which the error was identified * @param int $ti Index on the token array * @param string $error Helpful error message for users. * @param string $docs_url Documentation reference. */ function _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $marker, $ti, $error, $docs_url = NULL) { global $_potx_tokens; $tokens = ''; $ti += 2; $tc = count($_potx_tokens); $par = 1; while ((($tc - $ti) > 0) && $par) { if (is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti])) { $tokens .= $_potx_tokens[$ti][1]; } else { $tokens .= $_potx_tokens[$ti]; if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == "(") { $par++; } else if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ")") { $par--; } } $ti++; } potx_status('error', $error, $file, $line, $marker .'('. $tokens, $docs_url); } /** * Status notification function. * * @param string $op Operation to perform or type of message text. * - set: sets the reporting mode to $value * use one of the POTX_STATUS_* constants as $value * - get: returns the list of error messages recorded * if $value is true, it also clears the internal message cache * - error: sends an error message in $value with optional $file and $line * - status: sends a status message in $value * @param string $value Value depending on $op. * @param string $file Name of file the error message is related to. * @param int $line Number of line the error message is related to. * @param string $excerpt Excerpt of the code in question, if available. * @param string $docs_url URL to the guidelines to follow to fix the problem. */ function potx_status($op, $value = NULL, $file = NULL, $line = NULL, $excerpt = NULL, $docs_url = NULL) { static $mode = POTX_STATUS_CLI; static $messages = array(); switch ($op) { case 'set': // Setting the reporting mode. $mode = $value; return; case 'get': // Getting the errors. Optionally deleting the messages. $errors = $messages; if (!empty($value)) { $messages = array(); } return $errors; case 'error': case 'status': // Location information is required in 3 of the four possible reporting // modes as part of the error message. The structured mode needs the // file, line and excerpt info separately, not in the text. $location_info = ''; if (($mode != POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED) && isset($file)) { if (isset($line)) { if (isset($excerpt)) { $location_info = potx_t('At %excerpt in %file on line %line.', array('%excerpt' => $excerpt, '%file' => $file, '%line' => $line)); } else { $location_info = potx_t('In %file on line %line.', array('%file' => $file, '%line' => $line)); } } else { if (isset($excerpt)) { $location_info = potx_t('At %excerpt in %file.', array('%excerpt' => $excerpt, '%file' => $file)); } else { $location_info = potx_t('In %file.', array('%file' => $file)); } } } // Documentation helpers are provided as readable text in most modes. $read_more = ''; if (($mode != POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED) && isset($docs_url)) { $read_more = ($mode == POTX_STATUS_CLI) ? potx_t('Read more at @url', array('@url' => $docs_url)) : potx_t('Read more at @url', array('@url' => $docs_url)); } // Error message or progress text to display. switch ($mode) { case POTX_STATUS_CLI: if(defined('STDERR') && defined('STDOUT')){ fwrite($op == 'error' ? STDERR : STDOUT, join("\n", array($value, $location_info, $read_more)) ."\n\n"); } break; case POTX_STATUS_SILENT: if ($op == 'error') { $messages[] = join(' ', array($value, $location_info, $read_more)); } break; case POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED: if ($op == 'error') { $messages[] = array($value, $file, $line, $excerpt, $docs_url); } break; } return; } } /** * Detect all occurances of t()-like calls. * * These sequences are searched for: * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + ")" * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + "," * * @param string $file Name of file parsed. * @param callable $save_callback Callback function used to save strings. * @param string $function_name The name of the function to look for (could be 't', '$t', 'st' * or any other t-like function). * @param int $string_mode String mode to use: POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_STRING_RUNTIME or * POTX_STRING_BOTH. */ function _potx_find_t_calls($file, $save_callback, $function_name = 't', $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; // Lookup tokens by function name. if (isset($_potx_lookup[$function_name])) { foreach ($_potx_lookup[$function_name] as $ti) { list($ctok, $par, $mid, $rig) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2], $_potx_tokens[$ti+3]); list($type, $string, $line) = $ctok; if ($par == "(") { if (in_array($rig, array(")", ",")) && (is_array($mid) && ($mid[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING))) { // This function is only used for context-less call types. $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($mid[1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $line, $string_mode); } else { // $function_name() found, but inside is something which is not a string literal. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $function_name, $ti, potx_t('The first parameter to @function() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.', array('@function' => $function_name)), 'http://drupal.org/node/322732'); } } } } } /** * Detect all occurances of t()-like calls from Drupal 7 (with context). * * These sequences are searched for: * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + ")" * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + "," * and then an optional value for the replacements and an optional array * for the options with an optional context key. * * @param string $file Name of file parsed. * @param callable $save_callback Callback function used to save strings. * @param string $function_name * @param string $default_domain * @param int $string_mode String mode to use: POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_STRING_RUNTIME or * POTX_STRING_BOTH. * * @internal param $function_name The name of the function to look for (could be 't', '$t', 'st'* The name of the function to look for (could be 't', '$t', 'st' * or any other t-like function). Drupal 7 only supports context on t(). */ function _potx_find_t_calls_with_context( $file, $save_callback, $function_name = '_e', $default_domain = '', $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME ) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; $filter_by_domain = isset( $_GET['domain'] ) ? filter_var( $_GET['domain'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) : null; // Lookup tokens by function name. if ( isset( $_potx_lookup[ $function_name ] ) ) { foreach ( $_potx_lookup[ $function_name ] as $ti ) { list( $ctok, $par, $mid, $rig ) = array( $_potx_tokens[ $ti ], $_potx_tokens[ $ti + 1 ], $_potx_tokens[ $ti + 2 ], $_potx_tokens[ $ti + 3 ] ); list( $type, $string, $line ) = $ctok; if ( $par == "(" ) { if ( in_array( $rig, array( ")", "," ) ) && ( is_array( $mid ) && ( $mid[ 0 ] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING ) ) ) { $context = false; // By default, there is no context. $domain = POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; if ( $rig == ',' ) { if ( in_array( $function_name, array( '_x', '_ex', 'esc_attr_x', 'esc_html_x' ), true ) ) { $domain_offset = 6; $context_offset = 4; } elseif ( $function_name == '_n' ) { $domain_offset = _potx_find_end_of_function( $ti, '(', ')' ) - 1 - $ti; $context_offset = false; $text_plural = $_potx_tokens[ $ti + 4 ][ 1 ]; } elseif ( $function_name == '_nx' ) { $domain_offset = _potx_find_end_of_function( $ti, '(', ')' ) - 1 - $ti; $context_offset = $domain_offset - 2; $text_plural = $_potx_tokens[ $ti + 4 ][ 1 ]; } else { $domain_offset = 4; $context_offset = false; } if ( ! isset( $_potx_tokens[ $ti + $domain_offset ][ 1 ] ) || ! preg_match( '#^(\'|")(.+)#', $_potx_tokens[ $ti + $domain_offset ][ 1 ] ) ) { if ( $default_domain ) { $domain = $default_domain; } else { continue; } } else { $domain = wpml_potx_unquote_context_or_domain( $_potx_tokens[ $ti + $domain_offset ][ 1 ] ); } // exception for gettext calls with contexts if ( false !== $context_offset && isset( $_potx_tokens[ $ti + $context_offset ] ) ) { if ( ! preg_match( '#^(\'|")(.+)#', @$_potx_tokens[ $ti + $context_offset ][ 1 ] ) ) { $constant_val = @constant( $_potx_tokens[ $ti + $context_offset ][ 1 ] ); if ( ! is_null( $constant_val ) ) { $context = $constant_val; } else { if ( function_exists( @$_potx_tokens[ $ti + $context_offset ][ 1 ] ) ) { $context = @$_potx_tokens[ $ti + $context_offset ][ 1 ](); if ( empty( $context ) ) { continue; } } else { continue; } } } else { $context = wpml_potx_unquote_context_or_domain( $_potx_tokens[ $ti + $context_offset ][ 1 ] ); } } else { $context = false; } } if ( $domain !== POTX_CONTEXT_ERROR && ( ! $filter_by_domain || $filter_by_domain === $domain ) && is_callable( $save_callback, false, $callback_name ) ) { // Only save if there was no error in context parsing. call_user_func( $save_callback, _potx_format_quoted_string( $mid[ 1 ] ), $domain, @strval( $context ), $file, $line, $string_mode ); if ( isset( $text_plural ) ) { call_user_func( $save_callback, _potx_format_quoted_string( $text_plural ), $domain, $context, $file, $line, $string_mode ); } } } else { // $function_name() found, but inside is something which is not a string literal. _potx_marker_error( $file, $line, $function_name, $ti, potx_t( 'The first parameter to @function() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.', array( '@function' => $function_name ) ), 'http://drupal.org/node/322732' ); } } } } } /** * Helper function to look up the token closing the current function. * * @param string $here The token at the function name */ function _potx_find_end_of_function($here, $open = '{', $close = '}') { global $_potx_tokens; // Seek to open brace. while (is_array($_potx_tokens[$here]) || $_potx_tokens[$here] != $open) { $here++; } $nesting = 1; while ($nesting > 0) { $here++; if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$here])) { if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == $close) { $nesting--; } if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == $open) { $nesting++; } } } return $here; } /** * Helper to move past potx_t() and format_plural() arguments in search of context. * * @param string $here The token before the start of the arguments */ function _potx_skip_args($here) { global $_potx_tokens; $nesting = 0; // Go through to either the end of the function call or to a comma // after the current position on the same nesting level. while (!(($_potx_tokens[$here] == ',' && $nesting == 0) || ($_potx_tokens[$here] == ')' && $nesting == -1))) { $here++; if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$here])) { if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == ')') { $nesting--; } if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == '(') { $nesting++; } } } // If we run out of nesting, it means we reached the end of the function call, // so we skipped the arguments but did not find meat for looking at the // specified context. return ($nesting == 0 ? $here : FALSE); } /** * Helper to find the value for 'context' on t() and format_plural(). * * @param int $tf Start position of the original function. * @param int $ti Start position where we should search from. * @param string $file Full path name of file parsed. * @param string $function_name The name of the function to look for. Either 'format_plural' or 't' * given that Drupal 7 only supports context on these. */ function _potx_find_context($tf, $ti, $file, $function_name) { global $_potx_tokens; // Start from after the comma and skip the possible arguments for the function // so we can look for the context. if (($ti = _potx_skip_args($ti)) && ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ',')) { // Now we actually might have some definition for a context. The $options // argument is coming up, which might have a key for context. echo "TI:" . $ti."\n"; list($com, $arr, $par) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2]); if ($com == ',' && $arr[1] == 'array' && $par == '(') { $nesting = 0; $ti += 3; // Go through to either the end of the array or to the key definition of // context on the same nesting level. while (!((is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti]) && (in_array($_potx_tokens[$ti][1], array('"context"', "'context'"))) && ($_potx_tokens[$ti][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) && ($nesting == 0)) || ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ')' && $nesting == -1))) { $ti++; if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti])) { if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ')') { $nesting--; } if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == '(') { $nesting++; } } } if ($nesting == 0) { // Found the 'context' key on the top level of the $options array. list($arw, $str) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2]); if (is_array($arw) && $arw[1] == '=>' && is_array($str) && $str[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { return _potx_format_quoted_string($str[1]); } else { list($type, $string, $line) = $_potx_tokens[$ti]; // @todo: fix error reference. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $function_name, $tf, potx_t('The context element in the options array argument to @function() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.', array('@function' => $function_name)), 'http://drupal.org/node/322732'); // Return with error. return POTX_CONTEXT_ERROR; } } else { // Did not found 'context' key in $options array. return POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; } } } // After skipping args, we did not find a comma to look for $options. return POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; } /** * Get the exact CVS version number from the file, so we can * push that into the generated output. * * @param string $code Complete source code of the file parsed. * @param string $file Name of the file parsed. * @param callable $version_callback Callback used to save the version information. */ function _potx_find_version_number($code, $file, $version_callback) { // Prevent CVS from replacing this pattern with actual info. if (preg_match('!\\$I'.'d: ([^\\$]+) Exp \\$!', $code, $version_info)) { $version_callback($version_info[1], $file); } else { // Unknown version information. $version_callback($file .': n/a', $file); } } /** * Default $version_callback used by the potx system. Saves values * to a global array to reduce memory consumption problems when * passing around big chunks of values. * * @param string $value The version number value of $file. If NULL, the collected * values are returned. * @param string $file Name of file where the version information was found. */ function _potx_save_version($value = NULL, $file = NULL) { global $_potx_versions; if (isset($value)) { $_potx_versions[$file] = $value; } else { return $_potx_versions; } } /** * Default $save_callback used by the potx system. Saves values * to global arrays to reduce memory consumption problems when * passing around big chunks of values. * * @param string $value The string value. If NULL, the array of collected values * are returned for the given $string_mode. * @param string $context From Drupal 7, separate contexts are supported. POTX_CONTEXT_NONE is * the default, if the code does not specify a context otherwise. * @param string $file Name of file where the string was found. * @param int $line Line number where the string was found. * @param int $string_mode String mode: POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_STRING_RUNTIME * or POTX_STRING_BOTH. */ function _potx_save_string($value = NULL, $context = NULL, $file = NULL, $line = 0, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) { global $_potx_strings, $_potx_install; if (isset($value)) { switch ($string_mode) { case POTX_STRING_BOTH: // Mark installer strings as duplicates of runtime strings if // the string was both recorded in the runtime and in the installer. $_potx_install[$value][$context][$file][] = $line .' (dup)'; // Break intentionally missing. case POTX_STRING_RUNTIME: // Mark runtime strings as duplicates of installer strings if // the string was both recorded in the runtime and in the installer. $_potx_strings[$value][$context][$file][] = $line . ($string_mode == POTX_STRING_BOTH ? ' (dup)' : ''); break; case POTX_STRING_INSTALLER: $_potx_install[$value][$context][$file][] = $line; break; } } else { return ($string_mode == POTX_STRING_RUNTIME ? $_potx_strings : $_potx_install); } } function potx_t( $string, $args = array() ) { return strtr ( $string, $args ); }