domains = array(); $this->registered_strings = array(); $this->lang_codes = array(); $this->domains_found = array(); $this->scan_stats = array(); $this->scanned_files = array(); $this->default_domain = 'default'; $this->wp_filesystem = $wp_filesystem; $this->file_hashing = $file_hashing; } protected function scan_starting( $scanning ) { $this->currently_scanning = $scanning; $this->domains_found[ $this->currently_scanning ] = array(); $this->default_domain = 'default'; } protected function scan_response() { global $__icl_registered_strings, $sitepress; $result = array( 'scan_successful_message' => esc_html__( 'Scan successful! WPML found %s strings.', 'wpml-string-translation' ), 'files_processed_message' => esc_html__( 'The following files were processed:', 'wpml-string-translation' ), 'files_processed' => $this->get_scanned_files(), 'strings_found' => is_array( $__icl_registered_strings ) ? count( $__icl_registered_strings ) : 0, ); if ( $result['strings_found'] ) { $result['scan_successful_message'] .= __( ' They were added to the string translation table.', 'wpml-string-translation' ); } $sitepress->get_wp_api()->wp_send_json_success( $result ); } final protected function init_text_domain( $text_domain ) { $string_settings = apply_filters( 'wpml_get_setting', false, 'st' ); $use_header_text_domain = isset( $string_settings['use_header_text_domains_when_missing'] ) && $string_settings['use_header_text_domains_when_missing']; $this->default_domain = 'default'; if ( $use_header_text_domain && $text_domain ) { $this->default_domain = $text_domain; } } protected function get_domains_found() { return $this->domains_found[ $this->currently_scanning ]; } protected function get_default_domain() { return $this->default_domain; } protected function maybe_register_string( $value, $gettext_context ) { if ( ! $this->get_string_id( $value, $gettext_context, $gettext_context ) ) { $this->store_results( $value, $gettext_context, $gettext_context, '', 0 ); } } /** * Get list of files under directory. * * @param string $path Directory to parse. * @param object $filesystem WP_Filesystem object * @return array */ private function extract_files( $path, $filesystem ) { $path = $this->add_dir_separator( $path ); $files = array(); $list = $filesystem->dirlist( $path ); foreach ( $list as $single_file ) { if ( 'f' === $single_file['type'] ) { $files[] = $path . $single_file['name']; } else { $files = array_merge( $files, $this->extract_files( $path . $single_file['name'], $filesystem ) ); } } return $files; } /** * Make sure that the last character is second argument. * * @param string $path * @param string $separator * @return string */ private function add_dir_separator( $path, $separator = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) { if ( strlen( $path ) > 0 ) { if ( substr( $path, -1 ) !== $separator ) { return $path . $separator; } else { return $path; } } else { return $path; } } private function fix_existing_string_with_wrong_context( $original_value, $new_string_context, $gettext_context ) { if ( ! isset( $this->current_type ) || ! isset( $this->current_path ) ) { return; } $old_context = $this->get_old_context(); $new_context_string_id = $this->get_string_id( $original_value, $new_string_context, $gettext_context ); if ( ! $new_context_string_id ) { $old_context_string_id = $this->get_string_id( $original_value, $old_context, $gettext_context ); if ( $old_context_string_id ) { $this->fix_string_context( $old_context_string_id, $new_string_context ); unset( $this->registered_strings[ $old_context ] ); unset( $this->registered_strings[ $new_string_context ] ); } } } private function get_old_context() { $plugin_or_theme_path = $this->current_path; $name = basename( $plugin_or_theme_path ); $old_context = $this->current_type . ' ' . $name; return $old_context; } private function get_lang_code( $lang_locale ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! isset( $this->lang_codes[ $lang_locale ] ) ) { $this->lang_codes[ $lang_locale ] = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_locale_map WHERE locale=%s", $lang_locale ) ); } return $this->lang_codes[ $lang_locale ]; } private function get_string_id( $original, $domain, $gettext_context ) { $this->warm_cache( $domain ); $string_context_name = md5( $gettext_context . md5( $original ) ); $string_id = isset( $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] ['context-name'] [ $string_context_name ] ) ? $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] ['context-name'] [ $string_context_name ] : null; return $string_id; } private function fix_string_context( $string_id, $new_string_context ) { global $wpdb; $string = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT gettext_context, name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE id=%d", $string_id ) ); $domain_name_context_md5 = md5( $new_string_context . $string->name . $string->gettext_context ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_strings', array( 'context' => $new_string_context, 'domain_name_context_md5' => $domain_name_context_md5, ), array( 'id' => $string_id ), array( '%s', '%s' ), '%d' ); } protected function set_stats( $key, $item ) { $string_settings = apply_filters( 'wpml_get_setting', false, 'st' ); foreach ( $this->get_domains_found() as $name => $count ) { $old_count = isset( $string_settings[ $key ][ $item ][ $name ] ) ? $string_settings[ $key ][ $item ][ $name ] : 0; $string_settings[ $key ][ $item ][ $name ] = $old_count + $count; } do_action( 'wpml_set_setting', 'st', $string_settings, true ); } public function store_results( $string, $domain, $_gettext_context, $file, $line ) { global $wpdb; $domain = $domain ? $domain : 'WordPress'; if ( ! isset( $this->domains_found[ $this->currently_scanning ] [ $domain ] ) ) { $this->domains_found[ $this->currently_scanning ] [ $domain ] = 1; } else { $this->domains_found[ $this->currently_scanning ] [ $domain ] += 1; } if ( ! in_array( $domain, $this->domains ) ) { $this->domains[] = $domain; // clear existing entries (both source and page type) $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_positions WHERE string_id IN (SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context = %s)", $domain ) ); } $string = str_replace( '\n', "\n", $string ); $string = str_replace( array( '\"', "\\'" ), array( '"', "'" ), $string ); // replace extra backslashes added by _potx_process_file $string = str_replace( array( '\\\\' ), array( '\\' ), $string ); $string = stripcslashes( $string ); global $__icl_registered_strings; if ( ! isset( $__icl_registered_strings ) ) { $__icl_registered_strings = array(); } if ( ! isset( $__icl_registered_strings[ $domain . '||' . $string . '||' . $_gettext_context ] ) ) { $name = md5( $string ); $this->fix_existing_string_with_wrong_context( $string, $domain, $_gettext_context ); $this->register_string( $domain, $_gettext_context, $name, $string ); $__icl_registered_strings[ $domain . '||' . $string . '||' . $_gettext_context ] = true; } // store position in source $this->track_string( $string, array( 'domain' => $domain, 'context' => $_gettext_context, ), ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_STRING_TRACKING_TYPE_SOURCE, $file, $line ); } private function register_string( $domain, $context, $name, $string ) { $this->warm_cache( $domain ); if ( ! isset( $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] ['context-name'] [ md5( $context . $name ) ] ) ) { if ( $context ) { $string_context = array( 'domain' => $domain, 'context' => $context, ); } else { $string_context = $domain; } $string_id = icl_register_string( $string_context, $name, $string ); $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] ['context-name'] [ md5( $context . $name ) ] = $string_id; } } private function warm_cache( $domain ) { if ( ! isset( $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] ) ) { $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] = array( 'context-name' => array(), 'value' => array(), ); $results = $this->get_strings_mapper()->get_all_by_context( $domain ); foreach ( $results as $result ) { $this->registered_strings[ $domain ] ['context-name'] [ md5( $result['gettext_context'] . $result['name'] ) ] = $result['id']; } } } public function track_string( $text, $context, $kind = ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_STRING_TRACKING_TYPE_PAGE, $file = null, $line = null ) { list ( $domain, $gettext_context ) = wpml_st_extract_context_parameters( $context ); // get string id $string_id = $this->get_string_id( $text, $domain, $gettext_context ); if ( $string_id ) { $str_pos_mapper = $this->get_string_positions_mapper(); $string_records_count = $str_pos_mapper->get_count_of_positions_by_string_and_kind( $string_id, $kind ); if ( ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_STRING_TRACKING_THRESHOLD > $string_records_count ) { if ( $kind == ICL_STRING_TRANSLATION_STRING_TRACKING_TYPE_PAGE ) { // get page url $https = isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 's' : ''; $position = 'http' . $https . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $file = $this->get_file_name_converter()->transform_realpath_to_reference( $file ); $position = $file . '::' . $line; } if ( ! $str_pos_mapper->is_string_tracked( $string_id, $position, $kind ) && ! $this->is_string_preview() ) { $str_pos_mapper->insert( $string_id, $position, $kind ); } } } } protected function add_stat( $text ) { $this->scan_stats[] = $text; } protected function get_scan_stats() { return $this->scan_stats; } protected function add_scanned_file( $file ) { $this->scanned_files[] = $this->format_path_for_display( $file ); } protected function get_scanned_files() { return $this->scanned_files; } protected function cleanup_wrong_contexts() { global $wpdb; $old_context = $this->get_old_context(); /** @var array $results */ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id, name, value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context = %s", $old_context ) ); foreach ( $results as $string ) { // See if the string has no translations /** @var array $old_translations */ $old_translations = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id, language, status, value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations WHERE string_id = %d", $string->id ) ); if ( ! $old_translations ) { // We don't have any translations so we can delete the string. $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_strings', array( 'id' => $string->id ), array( '%d' ) ); } else { // check if we have a new string in the right context $domains = $this->get_domains_found(); foreach ( $domains as $domain => $count ) { $new_string_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context = %s AND name = %s AND value = %s", $domain, $string->name, $string->value ) ); if ( $new_string_id ) { // See if it has the same translations /** @var array $new_translations */ $new_translations = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id, language, status, value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations WHERE string_id = %d", $new_string_id ) ); foreach ( $new_translations as $new_translation ) { foreach ( $old_translations as $index => $old_translation ) { if ( $new_translation->language == $old_translation->language && $new_translation->status == $old_translation->status && $new_translation->value == $old_translation->value ) { unset( $old_translations[ $index ] ); } } } if ( ! $old_translations ) { // We don't have any old translations that are not in the new strings so we can delete the string. $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_strings', array( 'id' => $string->id ), array( '%d' ) ); break; } } } } } // Rename the context for any strings that are in the old context // This way the update message will no longer show. $obsolete_context = str_replace( 'plugin ', '', $old_context ); $obsolete_context = str_replace( 'theme ', '', $obsolete_context ); $obsolete_context = $obsolete_context . ' (obsolete)'; $string_update_context = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context = %s ", $old_context ), ARRAY_A ); if ( $string_update_context ) { $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( " UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings SET context = %s WHERE id IN ( " . implode( ',', wp_list_pluck( $string_update_context, 'id' ) ) . ' ) ', $obsolete_context ) ); } } protected function copy_old_translations( $contexts, $prefix ) { foreach ( $contexts as $context ) { $old_strings = $this->get_strings_by_context( $prefix . ' ' . $context ); if ( 0 === count( $old_strings ) ) { continue; } $old_translations = $this->get_strings_translations( $old_strings ); $new_strings = $this->get_strings_by_context( $context ); $new_translations = $this->get_strings_translations( $new_strings ); foreach ( $old_translations as $old_translation ) { // see if we have a new translation. $found = false; foreach ( $new_translations as $new_translation ) { if ( $new_translation->string_id == $old_translation->string_id && $new_translation->language == $old_translation->language ) { $found = true; break; } } if ( ! $found ) { // Copy the old translation to the new string. // Find the original foreach ( $old_strings as $old_string ) { if ( $old_string->id == $old_translation->string_id ) { // See if we have the same string in the new strings foreach ( $new_strings as $new_string ) { if ( $new_string->value == $old_string->value ) { // Add the old translation to new string. icl_add_string_translation( $new_string->id, $old_translation->language, $old_translation->value, ICL_TM_COMPLETE ); break; } } break; } } } } } } /** * @param string $context * * @return array */ private function get_strings_by_context( $context ) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT id, name, value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_strings WHERE context = %s", $context ) ); } /** * @param array $strings * * @return array<\stdClass> */ private function get_strings_translations( $strings ) { global $wpdb; $translations = array(); if ( count( $strings ) ) { foreach ( array_chunk( $strings, 100 ) as $chunk ) { $ids = array(); foreach ( $chunk as $string ) { $ids[] = $string->id; } $ids = implode( ',', $ids ); $rows = $wpdb->get_results( " SELECT id, string_id, language, status, value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations WHERE string_id IN ({$ids})" ); $translations = array_merge( $translations, $rows ); } } return $translations; } protected function remove_notice( $notice_id ) { global $wpml_st_admin_notices; if ( isset( $wpml_st_admin_notices ) ) { /** @var WPML_ST_Themes_And_Plugins_Updates $wpml_st_admin_notices */ $wpml_st_admin_notices->remove_notice( $notice_id ); } } /** * @return WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_Strings */ public function get_strings_mapper() { if ( null === $this->strings_mapper ) { global $wpdb; $this->strings_mapper = new WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_Strings( $wpdb ); } return $this->strings_mapper; } /** * @param WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_Strings $strings_mapper */ public function set_strings_mapper( WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_Strings $strings_mapper ) { $this->strings_mapper = $strings_mapper; } /** * @return WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_String_Positions */ public function get_string_positions_mapper() { if ( null === $this->string_positions_mapper ) { global $wpdb; $this->string_positions_mapper = new WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_String_Positions( $wpdb ); } return $this->string_positions_mapper; } /** * @param WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_String_Positions $string_positions_mapper */ public function set_string_positions_mapper( WPML_ST_DB_Mappers_String_Positions $string_positions_mapper ) { $this->string_positions_mapper = $string_positions_mapper; } /** * @return WPML_File_Name_Converter */ public function get_file_name_converter() { if ( null === $this->file_name_converter ) { $this->file_name_converter = new WPML_File_Name_Converter(); } return $this->file_name_converter; } /** * @param WPML_File_Name_Converter $converter */ public function set_file_name_converter( WPML_File_Name_Converter $converter ) { $this->file_name_converter = $converter; } /** * @return WPML_File */ protected function get_wpml_file() { if ( ! $this->wpml_file ) { $this->wpml_file = new WPML_File(); } return $this->wpml_file; } private function is_string_preview() { $is_string_preview = false; if ( array_key_exists( 'icl_string_track_value', $_GET ) || array_key_exists( 'icl_string_track_context', $_GET ) ) { $is_string_preview = true; } return $is_string_preview; } /** @return bool */ protected function scan_php_and_mo_files() { return array_key_exists( 'scan_mo_files', $_POST ); } protected function scan_only_mo_files() { return array_key_exists( 'scan_only_mo_files', $_POST ); } /** * @param string $path * * @return string */ private function format_path_for_display( $path ) { $path = stripslashes( $path ); $path = $this->get_wpml_file()->get_relative_path( $path ); $path = $this->get_wpml_file()->fix_dir_separator( $path ); return $path; } }