=')) { return; } $filename = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? sanitize_text_field($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) : ''; // Ported from WordPress 5.5 wp_opcache_invalidate $canInvalidate = function_exists('opcache_invalidate') && (!ini_get('opcache.restrict_api') || stripos(realpath($filename), ini_get('opcache.restrict_api')) === 0); // Early bail: OPCache not enabled, or we can't clear it. if (!$canInvalidate) { if (defined('WPSTG_DEBUG') && WPSTG_DEBUG) { error_log('WP STAGING: Can not clear OPCache.'); } return; } /* * When a site has OPCache enabled, it will cache the compiled "opcode" of this PHP file and all other PHP files. * * It doesn't cache, however, the result returned by the functions. * * We leverage this to run a runtime check between the version in this PHP file and * the filesystem. The only possible scenario they can be different, on a regular * distributed plugin, is if the variable in PHP is opcached to a different version * from what's in the filesystem. * * We use the "Version" from the headers of the main file of the plugin to compare. */ $runtimeVersionDifferentFromBuildVersion = get_file_data($pluginFilePath, ['Version' => 'Version'])['Version'] !== '3.8.6'; $lastCheckHappenedAfterInterval = current_time('timestamp') > (int)get_site_transient('wpstg.bootstrap.opcache.lastCleared') + 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; $shouldClearOpCache = apply_filters('wpstg.bootstrap.opcache.shouldClear', $runtimeVersionDifferentFromBuildVersion && $lastCheckHappenedAfterInterval); if ($shouldClearOpCache) { set_site_transient('wpstg.bootstrap.opcache.lastCleared', current_time('timestamp'), 1 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); $start = microtime(true); clearstatcache(true); try { $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(dirname($pluginFilePath)); } catch (Exception $e) { // DirectoryIterator will throw if this plugin folder is not readable. if (defined('WPSTG_DEBUG') && WPSTG_DEBUG) { error_log('WPSTG failed to clear OPCache because the folder does not exist or is not readable. Exception: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return; } $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it); $success = 0; $failures = 0; /** @var SplFileInfo $fileInfo */ foreach ($it as $fileInfo) { if ( $fileInfo->isFile() && !$fileInfo->isLink() && $fileInfo->getExtension() === 'php' ) { if (opcache_invalidate($fileInfo->getRealPath(), false)) { $success++; } else { $failures++; } } } add_action('wpstg.admin_notices', function () use ($pluginFilePath, $start) { echo '
' . esc_html__('WP STAGING OPCache', 'wp-staging') . '
'; echo '' . wp_kses_post( sprintf( __('WP STAGING detected that the OPCache was outdated and automatically cleared the OPCache for the %s folder to prevent issues. This operation took %s seconds.', 'wp-staging'), plugin_basename($pluginFilePath), number_format(microtime(true) - $start, 4) ) ) . '
'; echo '