defineHooks(); $this->settings = json_decode(json_encode(get_option("wpstg_settings", []))); $this->loginForm = WPStaging::make(LoginForm::class); } /** * Change admin_bar site_name * * @return void * @global object $wp_admin_bar */ public function changeSiteName() { global $wp_admin_bar; $siteTitle = apply_filters('wpstg_staging_site_title', 'STAGING'); if ($this->isStagingSite()) { // Main Title $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( [ 'id' => 'site-name', 'title' => is_admin() ? ($siteTitle . ' - ' . get_bloginfo('name')) : ($siteTitle . ' - ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' Dashboard'), 'href' => is_admin() ? home_url('/') : admin_url(), ] ); } } /** * Check permissions for the page to decide whether to disable the page * @return void */ public function checkPermissions() { $this->resetPermaLinks(); if ($this->showLoginForm()) { if ($this->accessDenied) { wp_logout(); $this->loginForm->setError(__('Access Denied', 'wp-staging')); } $overrides = [ 'label_username' => __('Username or Email Address', 'wp-staging'), ]; $this->loginForm->renderForm($this->loginForm->getDefaultArguments($overrides)); die(); } } /** * Define Hooks * @return void */ private function defineHooks() { static $isRegistered = false; if ($isRegistered) { return; } add_action("init", [$this, "checkPermissions"]); add_filter("wp_before_admin_bar_render", [$this, "changeSiteName"]); $isRegistered = true; } /** * Show a login form if user is not authorized * @return bool */ private function showLoginForm(): bool { $this->accessDenied = false; // Don't show login form if from wp-cli if ('cli' === PHP_SAPI && defined('WP_CLI')) { return false; } // Don't show login form if showLoginForm filter is set to false. Used by Real Cookie Banner plugin if (apply_filters('wpstg.frontend.showLoginForm', false)) { return false; } // Don't show login form for rest requests /** @var Rest $rest */ $rest = WPStaging::make(Rest::class); if ($rest->isRestUrl()) { return false; } if ($this->isLoginPage() || is_admin()) { return false; } if (!$this->isStagingSite()) { return false; } // Allow access for administrator if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { return false; } // Simple check (free version only) if (!defined('WPSTGPRO_VERSION')) { return (!isset($this->settings->disableAdminLogin) || $this->settings->disableAdminLogin !== '1'); } // Allow access for wp staging user role "all" if (!empty($this->settings->userRoles) && in_array('all', $this->settings->userRoles)) { return false; } if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return true; } $currentUser = wp_get_current_user(); if ($currentUser->has_cap(LoginByLink::WPSTG_VISITOR_ROLE)) { return false; } // Allow access for administrators if no user roles are defined if (!isset($this->settings->userRoles) || !is_array($this->settings->userRoles)) { $this->accessDenied = true; return true; } if (defined('WPSTGPRO_VERSION') && !empty($this->settings->usersWithStagingAccess)) { $usersWithStagingAccess = explode(',', $this->settings->usersWithStagingAccess); // check against usernames if (in_array($currentUser->user_login, $usersWithStagingAccess, true)) { return false; } // check against emails if (in_array($currentUser->user_email, $usersWithStagingAccess, true)) { return false; } } // Require login form if user is not in specific user role $activeUserRoles = $currentUser->roles; $result = isset($this->settings->userRoles) && is_array($this->settings->userRoles) ? array_intersect($activeUserRoles, $this->settings->userRoles) : []; if (empty($result) && !$this->isLoginPage() && !is_admin()) { $this->accessDenied = true; return true; } // Don't show login form if no other rule apply return false; } /** * Check if it is a staging site * @return bool */ private function isStagingSite(): bool { return (new SiteInfo())->isStagingSite(); } /** * Check if it is the login page * @return bool */ private function isLoginPage(): bool { return ($GLOBALS["pagenow"] === "wp-login.php"); } /** * Reset permalink structure of the clone to default; index.php?p=123 */ private function resetPermaLinks() { // Do nothing if (!$this->isStagingSite() || get_option("wpstg_rmpermalinks_executed") === "true") { return; } // Do nothing if (defined('WPSTGPRO_VERSION') && isset($this->settings->keepPermalinks) && $this->settings->keepPermalinks === "1") { return; } // $wp_rewrite is not available before the init hook. So we need to use the global variable global $wp_rewrite; // @see $wp_rewrite->set_permalink_structure(''); flush_rewrite_rules(); update_option("wpstg_rmpermalinks_executed", "true"); } }