* * @link http://looks-awesome.com * @copyright Looks Awesome */ class FFStreamsTab implements LATab{ public function __construct() { } public function id() { return 'streams-tab'; } public function flaticon() { return 'flaticon-ctrl-left'; } public function title() { return 'Streams'; } public function includeOnce( $context ) { $arr = $context['streams']; $plugins_url = plugins_url() . '/' . 'flow-flow'; $export = []; foreach ($arr as $stream) { $item = []; foreach ($stream as $key => $value) { if ($key !== 'value') { if ($key === 'error') { $item['error'] = true; } else { if ($key === 'css') { $value = str_replace('"', "'", $value); } $item[$key] = $value; } } } $export[] = $item; } // debug // $export[0]['css'] = ''; // $export[0]['heading'] = ''; ?>

List of your streams create stream

Streams are containers for feeds you've created. You can add/mix social feeds in the container and customize how it will look on site pages. Stream status (green or red) shows if any of connected feeds have API error. Show me quick tutorial

Shortcode'; else echo ''; ?> [ff id="' . $id . '"]

Shortcode detected on pages:

' : ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['debug']) && isset($stream['error'])) { $additionalInfo .= $stream['error']; } $info = ''; if ( isset( $stream[ 'cloud' ] ) && $stream[ 'cloud' ] == 'yep' ) { $type = ' Cloud'; } else { $type = 'Self-Hosted'; // default } $boosted = 0; if (isset($stream['feeds']) && !empty($stream['feeds'])) { $feeds = $stream['feeds']; if (is_array($feeds) || is_object($feeds)){ foreach ( $feeds as $feed ) { $info = $info . ''; if ( $feed['boosted'] === 'yep' ) $boosted++; } /* if ( $boosted === count( $feeds ) ) { $type = ' Cloud'; } */ } } echo '' . $additionalInfo . ''; } if (empty($arr)) { echo ''; } ?>
Stream Host Type


Regular stream that's hosted on your site server. Feeds data is updated and stored also on your server.


Stream that contains boosted feeds. All feeds data and updating routine will be hosted in cloud, and directly embedded on your site pages. It means zero load on your site server.

Feeds ID
' . $id . '
' . (!empty($stream['name']) ? stripslashes($stream['name']) : 'Unnamed') . ' ' . ($type) . ' ' . (empty($info) ? 'No Feeds' : $info) . '
Please add at least one stream

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