getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getFieldDetails("{field_id}"); // to get the field $field = $response->getData(); // to get the field data in form of ZCRMField instance. echo $field->getApiName(); // to get the field api name echo $field->getLength(); // to get the length of the field value echo $field->isVisible(); // to check if the field is visible echo $field->getFieldLabel(); // to get the field label name echo $field->getCreatedSource(); // to get the created source echo $field->isMandatory(); // to check if the field is mandatory echo $field->getSequenceNumber(); // to get fields sequence number echo $field->isReadOnly(); // to check if the field is read only echo $field->getDataType(); // to get the field data type echo $field->getId(); // to get the field id echo $field->isCustomField(); // to check if the field is custom field echo $field->isBusinessCardSupported(); // to check if the field is BusinessCard Supported echo $field->getDefaultValue(); // to get the default value of the field $permissions = $field->getFieldLayoutPermissions(); // get field layout permissions.array of permissions list like CREATE,EDIT,VIEW,QUICK_CREATE etc. foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // for each permission echo $permission; } $lookupfield = $field->getLookupField(); // to get the field lookup information if ($field->getDataType() == "Lookup") { echo $lookupfield->getModule(); // to get the module name of lookupfield echo $lookupfield->getDisplayLabel(); // to get the display label of the lookup field echo $lookupfield->getId(); // to get the id of the lookup field } $picklistfieldvalues = $field->getPickListFieldValues(); // to get the pick list values of the field foreach ($picklistfieldvalues as $picklistfieldvalue) { echo $picklistfieldvalue->getDisplayValue(); // to get display value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getSequenceNumber(); // to get the sequence number of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getActualValue(); // to get the actual value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getMaps(); } echo $field->isUniqueField(); // to check if the field is unique echo $field->isCaseSensitive(); // to check if the field is case sensitive echo $field->isCurrencyField(); // to check if the field is currency field echo $field->getPrecision(); // to get the precision of the field echo $field->getRoundingOption(); // to get the rounding option of the field echo $field->isFormulaField(); // to check if the field is a formula field if ($field->isFormulaField()) { echo $field->getFormulaReturnType(); // to get the return type of the formula echo $field->getFormulaExpression(); // to get the formula expression } echo $field->isAutoNumberField(); // to check if the field is auto numbering if ($field->isAutoNumberField()) { echo $field->getPrefix(); // to get the prefix value echo $field->getSuffix(); // to get the suffix value echo $field->getStartNumber(); // to get the start number } echo $field->getDecimalPlace(); // to get the decimal place echo $field->getJsonType(); // to get the json type of the field } public function getAllFields() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getAllFields(); // to get the field $fields = $response->getData(); // to get the array of ZCRMField instances foreach ($fields as $field) { // each field echo $field->getApiName(); // to get the field api name echo $field->getLength(); // to get the length of the field value echo $field->isVisible(); // to check if the field is visible echo $field->getFieldLabel(); // to get the field label name echo $field->getCreatedSource(); // to get the created source echo $field->isMandatory(); // to check if the field is mandatory echo $field->getSequenceNumber(); // to get fields sequence number echo $field->isReadOnly(); // to check if the field is read only echo $field->getDataType(); // to get the field data type echo $field->getId(); // to get the field id echo $field->isCustomField(); // to check if the field is custom field echo $field->isBusinessCardSupported(); // to check if the field is BusinessCard Supported echo $field->getDefaultValue(); // to get the default value of the field $permissions = $field->getFieldLayoutPermissions(); // get field layout permissions.array of permissions list like CREATE,EDIT,VIEW,QUICK_CREATE etc. foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // for each permission echo $permission; } $lookupfield = $field->getLookupField(); // to get the field lookup information if ($field->getDataType() == "Lookup") { echo $lookupfield->getModule(); // to get the module name of lookupfield echo $lookupfield->getDisplayLabel(); // to get the display label of the lookup field echo $lookupfield->getId(); // to get the id of the lookup field } $picklistfieldvalues = $field->getPickListFieldValues(); // to get the pick list values of the field foreach ($picklistfieldvalues as $picklistfieldvalue) { echo $picklistfieldvalue->getDisplayValue(); // to get display value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getSequenceNumber(); // to get the sequence number of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getActualValue(); // to get the actual value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getMaps(); } echo $field->isUniqueField(); // to check if the field is unique echo $field->isCaseSensitive(); // to check if the field is case sensitive echo $field->isCurrencyField(); // to check if the field is currency field echo $field->getPrecision(); // to get the precision of the field echo $field->getRoundingOption(); // to get the rounding option of the field echo $field->isFormulaField(); // to check if the field is a formula field if ($field->isFormulaField()) { echo $field->getFormulaReturnType(); // to get the return type of the formula echo $field->getFormulaExpression(); // to get the formula expression } echo $field->isAutoNumberField(); // to check if the field is auto numbering if ($field->isAutoNumberField()) { echo $field->getPrefix(); // to get the prefix value echo $field->getSuffix(); // to get the suffix value echo $field->getStartNumber(); // to get the start number } echo $field->getDecimalPlace(); // to get the decimal place echo $field->getJsonType(); // to get the json type of the field } } public function getLayoutDetails() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getLayoutDetails("{layout_id}"); // to get the layout $layout = $response->getData(); // to get the layout data in form of ZCRMLayout instances echo $layout->getId(); // to get the layout id echo $layout->getName(); // to get layout name echo $layout->getCreatedTime(); // to get the creation time of the layout in iso 8601 format echo $layout->getModifiedTime(); // to get the modification time of the layout in iso 8601 format echo $layout->isVisible(); // to check if the layout is visible $user = $layout->getModifiedBy(); // to get the user details as ZCRMUser instance if ($user != null) { echo $user->getId(); // to get the id of the user echo $user->getName(); // to get the name of the user } $user = $layout->getCreatedBy(); // to get the user details as ZCRMUser instance if ($user != null) { echo $user->getId(); // to get the id of the user echo $user->getName(); // to get the name of the user } $profiles = $layout->getAccessibleProfiles(); // to get the accessible profiles details as an array of ZCRMProfile instances foreach ($profiles as $profile) { // for each profile $profile->getId(); // to get the profile id $profile->getName(); // to get the profile name } echo $layout->getStatus(); // to get the status of the layout $sections = $layout->getSections(); // to get the array of sections as ZCRMSection instances foreach ($sections as $section) { // for each section echo $section->getName(); // to get the section name echo $section->getDisplayName(); // to get the display name of the section echo $section->getColumnCount(); // to get the column count of the section echo $section->getSequenceNumber(); // to get the sequence number of the section $fields = $section->getFields(); // to get the array of fields as ZCRMField instances foreach ($fields as $field) { // for each field echo $field->getApiName(); // to get the field api name echo $field->getLength(); // to get the length of the field value echo $field->isVisible(); // to check if the field is visible echo $field->getFieldLabel(); // to get the field label name echo $field->getCreatedSource(); // to get the created source echo $field->isMandatory(); // to check if the field is mandatory echo $field->getSequenceNumber(); // to get fields sequence number echo $field->isReadOnly(); // to check if the field is read only echo $field->getDataType(); // to get the field data type echo $field->getId(); // to get the field id echo $field->isCustomField(); // to check if the field is custom field echo $field->isBusinessCardSupported(); // to check if the field is BusinessCard Supported echo $field->getDefaultValue(); // to get the default value of the field $permissions = $field->getFieldLayoutPermissions(); // get field layout permissions.array of permissions list like CREATE,EDIT,VIEW,QUICK_CREATE etc. foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // for each permission echo $permission; } $lookupfield = $field->getLookupField(); // to get the field lookup information if ($field->getDataType() == "Lookup") { echo $lookupfield->getModule(); // to get the module name of lookupfield echo $lookupfield->getDisplayLabel(); // to get the display label of the lookup field echo $lookupfield->getId(); // to get the id of the lookup field } $picklistfieldvalues = $field->getPickListFieldValues(); // to get the pick list values of the field foreach ($picklistfieldvalues as $picklistfieldvalue) { echo $picklistfieldvalue->getDisplayValue(); // to get display value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getSequenceNumber(); // to get the sequence number of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getActualValue(); // to get the actual value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getMaps(); } echo $field->isUniqueField(); // to check if the field is unique echo $field->isCaseSensitive(); // to check if the field is case sensitive echo $field->isCurrencyField(); // to check if the field is currency field echo $field->getPrecision(); // to get the precision of the field echo $field->getRoundingOption(); // to get the rounding option of the field echo $field->isFormulaField(); // to check if the field is a formula field if ($field->isFormulaField()) { echo $field->getFormulaReturnType(); // to get the return type of the formula echo $field->getFormulaExpression(); // to get the formula expression } echo $field->isAutoNumberField(); // to check if the field is auto numbering if ($field->isAutoNumberField()) { echo $field->getPrefix(); // to get the prefix value echo $field->getSuffix(); // to get the suffix value echo $field->getStartNumber(); // to get the start number } echo $field->getDecimalPlace(); // to get the decimal place echo $field->getJsonType(); // to get the json type of the field $convertmaps = $field->getConvertMapping(); foreach ($convertmaps as $key => $value) { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } } $convertmappings = $layout->getConvertMapping(); // to get an convert mapping array foreach ($convertmappings as $convertmapping) { echo $convertmapping->getName(); echo $convertmapping->getId(); $fields = $convertmapping->getFields(); if ($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { echo $field->getApiName(); echo $field->getId(); echo $field->getFieldLabel(); echo $field->isRequired(); } } } } public function getAllLayouts() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getAllLayouts(); // to get all the layout $layouts = $response->getData(); // to get the layout data in form of ZCRMLayout instances foreach ($layouts as $layout) { echo $layout->getId(); // to get the layout id echo $layout->getName(); // to get layout name echo $layout->getCreatedTime(); // to get the creation time of the layout in iso 8601 format echo $layout->getModifiedTime(); // to get the modification time of the layout in iso 8601 format echo $layout->isVisible(); // to check if the layout is visible $user = $layout->getModifiedBy(); // to get the user details as ZCRMUser instance if ($user != NULL) { echo $user->getId(); // to get the id of the user echo $user->getName(); // to get the name of the user } $user = $layout->getCreatedBy(); // to get the user details as ZCRMUser instance if ($user != NULL) { echo $user->getId(); // to get the id of the user echo $user->getName(); // to get the name of the user } $profiles = $layout->getAccessibleProfiles(); // to get the accessible profiles details as an array of ZCRMProfile instances foreach ($profiles as $profile) { // for each profile $profile->getId(); // to get the profile id $profile->getName(); // to get the profile name } echo $layout->getStatus(); // to get the status of the layout $sections = $layout->getSections(); // to get the array of sections as ZCRMSection instances foreach ($sections as $section) { // for each section echo $section->getName(); // to get the section name echo $section->getDisplayName(); // to get the display name of the section echo $section->getColumnCount(); // to get the column count of the section echo $section->getSequenceNumber(); // to get the sequence number of the section $fields = $section->getFields(); // to get the array of fields as ZCRMField instances foreach ($fields as $field) { // for each field echo $field->getApiName(); // to get the field api name echo $field->getLength(); // to get the length of the field value echo $field->isVisible(); // to check if the field is visible echo $field->getFieldLabel(); // to get the field label name echo $field->getCreatedSource(); // to get the created source echo $field->isMandatory(); // to check if the field is mandatory echo $field->getSequenceNumber(); // to get fields sequence number echo $field->isReadOnly(); // to check if the field is read only echo $field->getDataType(); // to get the field data type echo $field->getId(); // to get the field id echo $field->isCustomField(); // to check if the field is custom field echo $field->isBusinessCardSupported(); // to check if the field is BusinessCard Supported echo $field->getDefaultValue(); // to get the default value of the field $permissions = $field->getFieldLayoutPermissions(); // get field layout permissions.array of permissions list like CREATE,EDIT,VIEW,QUICK_CREATE etc. foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // for each permission echo $permission; // to display the permissions } $lookupfield = $field->getLookupField(); // to get the field lookup information if ($field->getDataType() == "Lookup") { echo $lookupfield->getModule(); // to get the module name of lookupfield echo $lookupfield->getDisplayLabel(); // to get the display label of the lookup field echo $lookupfield->getId(); // to get the id of the lookup field } $picklistfieldvalues = $field->getPickListFieldValues(); // to get the pick list values of the field foreach ($picklistfieldvalues as $picklistfieldvalue) { echo $picklistfieldvalue->getDisplayValue(); // to get display value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getSequenceNumber(); // to get the sequence number of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getActualValue(); // to get the actual value of the pick list echo $picklistfieldvalue->getMaps(); } echo $field->isUniqueField(); // to check if the field is unique echo $field->isCaseSensitive(); // to check if the field is case sensitive echo $field->isCurrencyField(); // to check if the field is currency field echo $field->getPrecision(); // to get the precision of the field echo $field->getRoundingOption(); // to get the rounding option of the field echo $field->isFormulaField(); // to check if the field is a formula field if ($field->isFormulaField()) { echo $field->getFormulaReturnType(); // to get the return type of the formula echo $field->getFormulaExpression(); // to get the formula expression } echo $field->isAutoNumberField(); // to check if the field is auto numbering if ($field->isAutoNumberField()) { echo $field->getPrefix(); // to get the prefix value echo $field->getSuffix(); // to get the suffix value echo $field->getStartNumber(); // to get the start number } echo $field->getDecimalPlace(); // to get the decimal place echo $field->getJsonType(); // to get the json type of the field $convertmaps = $field->getConvertMapping(); foreach ($convertmaps as $key => $value) { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } } $convertmappings = $layout->getConvertMapping(); // to get an convert mapping array foreach ($convertmappings as $convertmapping) { echo $convertmapping->getName(); echo $convertmapping->getId(); $fields = $convertmapping->getFields(); if ($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { echo $field->getApiName(); echo $field->getId(); echo $field->getFieldLabel(); echo $field->isRequired(); } } } } } public function getCustomView() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getCustomView("{custom_view_id}"); // to get the custom view $customView = $response->getData(); // to get the custom view in form of ZCRMCustomView echo $customView->getDisplayValue(); // to get the display value of the custom view echo $customView->isDefault(); // to check if the custom view is default echo $customView->getId(); // to get the id of the custom view echo $customView->getName(); // to get the name of the custom view echo $customView->getSystemName(); // to get the system name of the custom view echo $customView->getSortBy(); // to get the customview Sorted By field Name echo $customView->getCategory(); // to get the the category of the custom view $fields = $customView->getFields(); // to get the array of fields in custom view foreach ($fields as $field) { echo $field; } echo $customView->isFavorite(); // to check if the custom view is favourite echo $customView->getSortOrder(); // to get the sort order echo $customView->getCriteriaPattern(); // to get the criteria pattern $criterias = $customView->getCriteria(); // to get the criteria as a ZCRMCustomViewCriteria instance foreach ($criterias as $criteria) { echo $criteria->getComparator(); // to get the comparator of the criteria echo $criteria->getField(); // to get the field of the criteria echo $criteria->getValue(); // to get the value of the criteria } echo $customView->getModuleAPIName(); // to get the module api name of the custom view $categories = $customView->getCategoriesList(); // to get the categories list as an array of ZCRMCustomViewCategory foreach ($categories as $category) { // echo $category->getDisplayValue(); // to get the display value of the category echo $category->getActualValue(); // to get the actual value of the category } echo $customView->isOffLine(); // to check if the custom view is offline } public function getAllCustomViews() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $param_map = array("page"=>"5","per_page"=>"10");//parameters to be passed $response = $moduleIns->getAllCustomViews($param_map); // to get all the custom views /$param_map - optional $customViews = $response->getData(); // to get the custom view in form of ZCRMCustomView foreach ($customViews as $customView) { echo $customView->getDisplayValue(); // to get the display value of the custom view echo $customView->isDefault(); // to check if the custom view is default echo $customView->getId(); // to get the id of the custom view echo $customView->getName(); // to get the name of the custom view echo $customView->getSystemName(); // to get the system name of the custom view echo $customView->getSortBy(); // to get the customview Sorted By field Name echo $customView->getCategory(); // to get the the category of the custom view echo $customView->isFavorite(); // to check if the custom view is favourite echo $customView->getSortOrder(); // to get the sort order echo $customView->getCriteriaPattern(); // to get the criteria pattern $criterias = $customView->getCriteria(); // to get the criteria as a ZCRMCustomViewCriteria instance if($criterias!=NULL){ foreach ($criterias as $criteria) { echo $criteria->getComparator(); // to get the comparator of the criteria echo $criteria->getField(); // to get the field of the criteria echo $criteria->getValue(); // to get the value of the criteria } } echo $customView->getModuleAPIName(); // to get the module api name of the custom view $categories = $customView->getCategoriesList(); // to get the categories list as an array of ZCRMCustomViewCategory if($categories!=NULL){ foreach ($categories as $category) { // echo $category->getDisplayValue(); // to get the display value of the category echo $category->getActualValue(); // to get the actual value of the category } } echo $customView->isOffLine(); // to check if the custom view is offline } } public function updateCustomView() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $customViewInstance = ZCRMCustomView::getInstance("{module_api_name}","{custom_view_id}"); // to get the custom view instance $customViewInstance->setSortOrder("desc"); // for ascending order $customViewInstance->setSortBy("Lead_owner"); // field api names $responseIns = $moduleIns->updateCustomView($customViewInstance); echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get update customview http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get update customview response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get update customview response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get update customview status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } public function getRelatedListDetails() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getRelatedListDetails("{related_list_id}"); // to get the related list $relatedlist = $response->getData(); // to get the related lists as the instance of ZCRMModuleRelatedList echo $relatedlist->getApiName(); // to get the api name of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getModule(); // to get the module api name to which this module related list is belongs echo $relatedlist->getDisplayLabel(); // to get the display Label of the module related list echo $relatedlist->isVisible(); // to check whether the module related list is visible echo $relatedlist->getName(); // to get name of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getId(); // to get id of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getHref(); // to get the href of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getType(); // to get the type of the module related list } public function getAllRelatedLists() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getAllRelatedLists(); // to get all the related lists $relatedlists = $response->getData(); // to get the related lists as the instance of ZCRMModuleRelatedList foreach ($relatedlists as $relatedlist) // for eachrelated list { echo $relatedlist->getApiName(); // to get the api name of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getModule(); // to get the module api name to which this module related list is belongs echo $relatedlist->getDisplayLabel(); // to get the display Label of the module related list echo $relatedlist->isVisible(); // to check whether the module related list is visible echo $relatedlist->getName(); // to get name of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getId(); // to get id of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getHref(); // to get the href of the module related list echo $relatedlist->getType(); // to get the type of the module related list } } public function getRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $param_map=array("page"=>10,"per_page"=>10); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-15T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $response = $moduleIns->getRecords($param_map,$header_map); // to get the records($param_map - parameter map,$header_map - header map $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data try { foreach ($records as $record) { echo "\n\n"; echo $record->getEntityId(); // To get record id echo $record->getModuleApiName(); // To get module api name echo $record->getLookupLabel(); // To get lookup object name $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy(); echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the record echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the record $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy(); echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the record echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the record $owner = $record->getOwner(); echo $owner->getId(); // To get record owner_id echo $owner->getName(); // To get record owner name echo $record->getCreatedTime(); // To get record created time echo $record->getModifiedTime(); // To get record modified time echo $record->getLastActivityTime(); // To get last activity time(latest modify/view time) echo $record->getFieldValue("FieldApiName"); // To get particular field value $map = $record->getData(); // To get record data as map foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof ZCRMRecord) // If value is ZCRMRecord object { echo $value->getEntityId(); // to get the record id echo $value->getModuleApiName(); // to get the api name of the module echo $value->getLookupLabel(); // to get the lookup label of the record } else // If value is not ZCRMRecord object { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } /** * Fields which start with "$" are considered to be property fields * */ echo $record->getProperty('$fieldName'); // To get a particular property value $properties = $record->getAllProperties(); // To get record properties as map foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // If value is an array { echo "KEY::" . $key . "="; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if (is_array($value1)) { foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { echo $key2 . ":" . $value2; } } else { echo $key1 . ":" . $value1; } } } else { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } $layouts = $record->getLayout(); // To get record layout if($layouts != null) { echo $layouts->getId(); // To get layout_id echo $layouts->getName(); // To get layout name } $taxlists = $record->getTaxList(); // To get the tax list foreach ($taxlists as $taxlist) { echo $taxlist->getTaxName(); // To get tax name echo $taxlist->getPercentage(); // To get tax percentage echo $taxlist->getValue(); // To get tax value } $lineItems = $record->getLineItems(); // To get line_items as map foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) { echo $lineItem->getId(); // To get line_item id echo $lineItem->getListPrice(); // To get line_item list price echo $lineItem->getQuantity(); // To get line_item quantity echo $lineItem->getDescription(); // To get line_item description echo $lineItem->getTotal(); // To get line_item total amount echo $lineItem->getDiscount(); // To get line_item discount echo $lineItem->getDiscountPercentage(); // To get line_item discount percentage echo $lineItem->getTotalAfterDiscount(); // To get line_item amount after discount echo $lineItem->getTaxAmount(); // To get line_item tax amount echo $lineItem->getNetTotal(); // To get line_item net total amount echo $lineItem->getDeleteFlag(); // To get line_item delete flag echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getEntityId(); // To get line_item product's entity id echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getLookupLabel(); // To get line_item product's lookup label $linTaxs = $lineItem->getLineTax(); // To get line_item's line_tax as array foreach ($linTaxs as $lineTax) { echo $lineTax->getTaxName(); // To get line_tax name echo $lineTax->getPercentage(); // To get line_tax percentage echo $lineTax->getValue(); // To get line_tax value } } $pricedetails = $record->getPriceDetails(); // To get the price_details array foreach ($pricedetails as $pricedetail) { echo "\n\n"; echo $pricedetail->getId(); // To get the record's price_id echo $pricedetail->getToRange(); // To get the price_detail record's to_range echo $pricedetail->getFromRange(); // To get price_detail record's from_range echo $pricedetail->getDiscount(); // To get price_detail record's discount echo "\n\n"; } $participants = $record->getParticipants(); // To get Event record's participants foreach ($participants as $participant) { echo $participant->getName(); // To get the record's participant name echo $participant->getEmail(); // To get the record's participant email echo $participant->getId(); // To get the record's participant id echo $participant->getType(); // To get the record's participant type echo $participant->isInvited(); // To check if the record's participant(s) are invited or not echo $participant->getStatus(); // To get the record's participants' status } $tags = $record->getTags(); foreach($tags as $tag) { echo $tag->getId(); echo $tag->getName(); } // /* End Event */ } } catch (ZCRMException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); // To get ZCRMException error message echo $ex->getExceptionCode(); // To get ZCRMException error code echo $ex->getFile(); // To get the file name that throws the Exception } } public function getRecord() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $param_map = array("fields"=>"Company,Last_Name"); // key-value pair containing all the params - optional $header_map = array("header_name"=>"header_value"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $response = $moduleIns->getRecord("{record_id}",$param_map,$header_map); // To get module records $record = $response->getData(); // To get response data try { echo "\n\n"; echo $record->getEntityId(); // To get record id echo $record->getModuleApiName(); // To get module api name echo $record->getLookupLabel(); // To get lookup object name $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy(); echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the record echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the record $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy(); echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the record echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the record $owner = $record->getOwner(); echo $owner->getId(); // To get record owner_id echo $owner->getName(); // To get record owner name echo $record->getCreatedTime(); // To get record created time echo $record->getModifiedTime(); // To get record modified time echo $record->getLastActivityTime(); // To get last activity time(latest modify/view time) echo $record->getFieldValue("FieldApiName"); // To get particular field value $map = $record->getData(); // To get record data as map foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof ZCRMRecord) // If value is ZCRMRecord object { echo $value->getEntityId(); // to get the record id echo $value->getModuleApiName(); // to get the api name of the module echo $value->getLookupLabel(); // to get the lookup label of the record } else // If value is not ZCRMRecord object { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } /** * Fields which start with "$" are considered to be property fields * */ echo $record->getProperty('$fieldName'); // To get a particular property value $properties = $record->getAllProperties(); // To get record properties as map foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // If value is an array { echo "KEY::" . $key . "="; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if (is_array($value1)) { foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { echo $key2 . ":" . $value2; } } else { echo $key1 . ":" . $value1; } } } else { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } $layouts = $record->getLayout(); // To get record layout if($layouts != null) { echo $layouts->getId(); // To get layout_id echo $layouts->getName(); // To get layout name } $taxlists = $record->getTaxList(); // To get the tax list foreach ($taxlists as $taxlist) { echo $taxlist->getTaxName(); // To get tax name echo $taxlist->getPercentage(); // To get tax percentage echo $taxlist->getValue(); // To get tax value } $lineItems = $record->getLineItems(); // To get line_items as map foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) { echo $lineItem->getId(); // To get line_item id echo $lineItem->getListPrice(); // To get line_item list price echo $lineItem->getQuantity(); // To get line_item quantity echo $lineItem->getDescription(); // To get line_item description echo $lineItem->getTotal(); // To get line_item total amount echo $lineItem->getDiscount(); // To get line_item discount echo $lineItem->getDiscountPercentage(); // To get line_item discount percentage echo $lineItem->getTotalAfterDiscount(); // To get line_item amount after discount echo $lineItem->getTaxAmount(); // To get line_item tax amount echo $lineItem->getNetTotal(); // To get line_item net total amount echo $lineItem->getDeleteFlag(); // To get line_item delete flag echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getEntityId(); // To get line_item product's entity id echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getLookupLabel(); // To get line_item product's lookup label $linTaxs = $lineItem->getLineTax(); // To get line_item's line_tax as array foreach ($linTaxs as $lineTax) { echo $lineTax->getTaxName(); // To get line_tax name echo $lineTax->getPercentage(); // To get line_tax percentage echo $lineTax->getValue(); // To get line_tax value } } $pricedetails = $record->getPriceDetails(); // To get the price_details array foreach ($pricedetails as $pricedetail) { echo "\n\n"; echo $pricedetail->getId(); // To get the record's price_id echo $pricedetail->getToRange(); // To get the price_detail record's to_range echo $pricedetail->getFromRange(); // To get price_detail record's from_range echo $pricedetail->getDiscount(); // To get price_detail record's discount echo "\n\n"; } $participants = $record->getParticipants(); // To get Event record's participants foreach ($participants as $participant) { echo $participant->getName(); // To get the record's participant name echo $participant->getEmail(); // To get the record's participant email echo $participant->getId(); // To get the record's participant id echo $participant->getType(); // To get the record's participant type echo $participant->isInvited(); // To check if the record's participant(s) are invited or not echo $participant->getStatus(); // To get the record's participants' status } $tags = $record->getTags(); foreach($tags as $tag) { echo $tag->getId(); echo $tag->getName(); } /* End Event */ } catch (ZCRMException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); // To get ZCRMException error message echo $ex->getExceptionCode(); // To get ZCRMException error code echo $ex->getFile(); // To get the file name that throws the Exception } } public function searchRecordsByWord() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $searchWord="automated";//word to search for $param_map=array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByWord($searchWord,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $searchWord word to be searched// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data try { foreach ($records as $record) { echo "\n\n"; echo $record->getEntityId(); // To get record id echo $record->getModuleApiName(); // To get module api name echo $record->getLookupLabel(); // To get lookup object name $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy(); echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the record echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the record $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy(); echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the record echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the record $owner = $record->getOwner(); echo $owner->getId(); // To get record owner_id echo $owner->getName(); // To get record owner name echo $record->getCreatedTime(); // To get record created time echo $record->getModifiedTime(); // To get record modified time echo $record->getLastActivityTime(); // To get last activity time(latest modify/view time) echo $record->getFieldValue("FieldApiName"); // To get particular field value $map = $record->getData(); // To get record data as map foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof ZCRMRecord) // If value is ZCRMRecord object { echo $value->getEntityId(); // to get the record id echo $value->getModuleApiName(); // to get the api name of the module echo $value->getLookupLabel(); // to get the lookup label of the record } else // If value is not ZCRMRecord object { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } /** * Fields which start with "$" are considered to be property fields * */ echo $record->getProperty('$fieldName'); // To get a particular property value $properties = $record->getAllProperties(); // To get record properties as map foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // If value is an array { echo "KEY::" . $key . "="; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if (is_array($value1)) { foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { echo $key2 . ":" . $value2; } } else { echo $key1 . ":" . $value1; } } } else { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } $layouts = $record->getLayout(); // To get record layout // echo $layouts->getId(); // To get layout_id echo $layouts->getName(); // To get layout name $taxlists = $record->getTaxList(); // To get the tax list foreach ($taxlists as $taxlist) { echo $taxlist->getTaxName(); // To get tax name echo $taxlist->getPercentage(); // To get tax percentage echo $taxlist->getValue(); // To get tax value } $lineItems = $record->getLineItems(); // To get line_items as map foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) { echo $lineItem->getId(); // To get line_item id echo $lineItem->getListPrice(); // To get line_item list price echo $lineItem->getQuantity(); // To get line_item quantity echo $lineItem->getDescription(); // To get line_item description echo $lineItem->getTotal(); // To get line_item total amount echo $lineItem->getDiscount(); // To get line_item discount echo $lineItem->getDiscountPercentage(); // To get line_item discount percentage echo $lineItem->getTotalAfterDiscount(); // To get line_item amount after discount echo $lineItem->getTaxAmount(); // To get line_item tax amount echo $lineItem->getNetTotal(); // To get line_item net total amount echo $lineItem->getDeleteFlag(); // To get line_item delete flag echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getEntityId(); // To get line_item product's entity id echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getLookupLabel(); // To get line_item product's lookup label $linTaxs = $lineItem->getLineTax(); // To get line_item's line_tax as array foreach ($linTaxs as $lineTax) { echo $lineTax->getTaxName(); // To get line_tax name echo $lineTax->getPercentage(); // To get line_tax percentage echo $lineTax->getValue(); // To get line_tax value } } $pricedetails = $record->getPriceDetails(); // To get the price_details array foreach ($pricedetails as $pricedetail) { echo "\n\n"; echo $pricedetail->getId(); // To get the record's price_id echo $pricedetail->getToRange(); // To get the price_detail record's to_range echo $pricedetail->getFromRange(); // To get price_detail record's from_range echo $pricedetail->getDiscount(); // To get price_detail record's discount echo "\n\n"; } $participants = $record->getParticipants(); // To get Event record's participants foreach ($participants as $participant) { echo $participant->getName(); // To get the record's participant name echo $participant->getEmail(); // To get the record's participant email echo $participant->getId(); // To get the record's participant id echo $participant->getType(); // To get the record's participant type echo $participant->isInvited(); // To check if the record's participant(s) are invited or not echo $participant->getStatus(); // To get the record's participants' status } /* End Event */ } } catch (ZCRMException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); // To get ZCRMException error message echo $ex->getExceptionCode(); // To get ZCRMException error code echo $ex->getFile(); // To get the file name that throws the Exception } } public function searchRecordsByPhone() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $phone=313213;//phone number to search for $param_map=array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByPhone($phone,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $phone phone to be searched// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data try { foreach ($records as $record) { echo "\n\n"; echo $record->getEntityId(); // To get record id echo $record->getModuleApiName(); // To get module api name echo $record->getLookupLabel(); // To get lookup object name $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy(); echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the record echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the record $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy(); echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the record echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the record $owner = $record->getOwner(); echo $owner->getId(); // To get record owner_id echo $owner->getName(); // To get record owner name echo $record->getCreatedTime(); // To get record created time echo $record->getModifiedTime(); // To get record modified time echo $record->getLastActivityTime(); // To get last activity time(latest modify/view time) echo $record->getFieldValue("FieldApiName"); // To get particular field value $map = $record->getData(); // To get record data as map foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof ZCRMRecord) // If value is ZCRMRecord object { echo $value->getEntityId(); echo $value->getModuleApiName(); echo $value->getLookupLabel(); } else // If value is not ZCRMRecord object { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } /** * Fields which start with "$" are considered to be property fields * */ echo $record->getProperty('$fieldName'); // To get a particular property value $properties = $record->getAllProperties(); // To get record properties as map foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // If value is an array { echo "KEY::" . $key . "="; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if (is_array($value1)) { foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { echo $key2 . ":" . $value2; } } else { echo $key1 . ":" . $value1; } } } else { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } $layouts = $record->getLayout(); // To get record layout echo $layouts->getId(); // To get layout_id echo $layouts->getName(); // To get layout name $taxlists = $record->getTaxList(); // To get the tax list foreach ($taxlists as $taxlist) { echo $taxlist->getTaxName(); // To get tax name echo $taxlist->getPercentage(); // To get tax percentage echo $taxlist->getValue(); // To get tax value } $lineItems = $record->getLineItems(); // To get line_items as map foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) { echo $lineItem->getId(); // To get line_item id echo $lineItem->getListPrice(); // To get line_item list price echo $lineItem->getQuantity(); // To get line_item quantity echo $lineItem->getDescription(); // To get line_item description echo $lineItem->getTotal(); // To get line_item total amount echo $lineItem->getDiscount(); // To get line_item discount echo $lineItem->getDiscountPercentage(); // To get line_item discount percentage echo $lineItem->getTotalAfterDiscount(); // To get line_item amount after discount echo $lineItem->getTaxAmount(); // To get line_item tax amount echo $lineItem->getNetTotal(); // To get line_item net total amount echo $lineItem->getDeleteFlag(); // To get line_item delete flag echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getEntityId(); // To get line_item product's entity id echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getLookupLabel(); // To get line_item product's lookup label $linTaxs = $lineItem->getLineTax(); // To get line_item's line_tax as array foreach ($linTaxs as $lineTax) { echo $lineTax->getTaxName(); // To get line_tax name echo $lineTax->getPercentage(); // To get line_tax percentage echo $lineTax->getValue(); // To get line_tax value } } $pricedetails = $record->getPriceDetails(); // To get the price_details array foreach ($pricedetails as $pricedetail) { echo "\n\n"; echo $pricedetail->getId(); // To get the record's price_id echo $pricedetail->getToRange(); // To get the price_detail record's to_range echo $pricedetail->getFromRange(); // To get price_detail record's from_range echo $pricedetail->getDiscount(); // To get price_detail record's discount echo "\n\n"; } $participants = $record->getParticipants(); // To get Event record's participants foreach ($participants as $participant) { echo $participant->getName(); // To get the record's participant name echo $participant->getEmail(); // To get the record's participant email echo $participant->getId(); // To get the record's participant id echo $participant->getType(); // To get the record's participant type echo $participant->isInvited(); // To check if the record's participant(s) are invited or not echo $participant->getStatus(); // To get the record's participants' status } /* End Event */ } } catch (ZCRMException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); // To get ZCRMException error message echo $ex->getExceptionCode(); // To get ZCRMException error code echo $ex->getFile(); // To get the file name that throws the Exception } } public function searchRecordsByEmail() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $email="email_id";//email id to search for $param_map=array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters try { $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByEmail($email,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $email email id to search for// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data foreach ($records as $record) { echo "\n\n"; echo $record->getEntityId(); // To get record id echo $record->getModuleApiName(); // To get module api name echo $record->getLookupLabel(); // To get lookup object name $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy(); echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the record echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the record $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy(); echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the record echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the record $owner = $record->getOwner(); echo $owner->getId(); // To get record owner_id echo $owner->getName(); // To get record owner name echo $record->getCreatedTime(); // To get record created time echo $record->getModifiedTime(); // To get record modified time echo $record->getLastActivityTime(); // To get last activity time(latest modify/view time) echo $record->getFieldValue("FieldApiName"); // To get particular field value $map = $record->getData(); // To get record data as map foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof ZCRMRecord) // If value is ZCRMRecord object { echo $value->getEntityId(); echo $value->getModuleApiName(); echo $value->getLookupLabel(); } else // If value is not ZCRMRecord object { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } /** * Fields which start with "$" are considered to be property fields * */ echo $record->getProperty('$fieldName'); // To get a particular property value $properties = $record->getAllProperties(); // To get record properties as map foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // If value is an array { echo "KEY::" . $key . "="; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if (is_array($value1)) { foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { echo $key2 . ":" . $value2; } } else { echo $key1 . ":" . $value1; } } } else { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } $layouts = $record->getLayout(); // To get record layout echo $layouts->getId(); // To get layout_id echo $layouts->getName(); // To get layout name $taxlists = $record->getTaxList(); // To get the tax list foreach ($taxlists as $taxlist) { echo $taxlist->getTaxName(); // To get tax name echo $taxlist->getPercentage(); // To get tax percentage echo $taxlist->getValue(); // To get tax value } $lineItems = $record->getLineItems(); // To get line_items as map foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) { echo $lineItem->getId(); // To get line_item id echo $lineItem->getListPrice(); // To get line_item list price echo $lineItem->getQuantity(); // To get line_item quantity echo $lineItem->getDescription(); // To get line_item description echo $lineItem->getTotal(); // To get line_item total amount echo $lineItem->getDiscount(); // To get line_item discount echo $lineItem->getDiscountPercentage(); // To get line_item discount percentage echo $lineItem->getTotalAfterDiscount(); // To get line_item amount after discount echo $lineItem->getTaxAmount(); // To get line_item tax amount echo $lineItem->getNetTotal(); // To get line_item net total amount echo $lineItem->getDeleteFlag(); // To get line_item delete flag echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getEntityId(); // To get line_item product's entity id echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getLookupLabel(); // To get line_item product's lookup label $linTaxs = $lineItem->getLineTax(); // To get line_item's line_tax as array foreach ($linTaxs as $lineTax) { echo $lineTax->getTaxName(); // To get line_tax name echo $lineTax->getPercentage(); // To get line_tax percentage echo $lineTax->getValue(); // To get line_tax value } } $pricedetails = $record->getPriceDetails(); // To get the price_details array foreach ($pricedetails as $pricedetail) { echo "\n\n"; echo $pricedetail->getId(); // To get the record's price_id echo $pricedetail->getToRange(); // To get the price_detail record's to_range echo $pricedetail->getFromRange(); // To get price_detail record's from_range echo $pricedetail->getDiscount(); // To get price_detail record's discount echo "\n\n"; } $participants = $record->getParticipants(); // To get Event record's participants foreach ($participants as $participant) { echo $participant->getName(); // To get the record's participant name echo $participant->getEmail(); // To get the record's participant email echo $participant->getId(); // To get the record's participant id echo $participant->getType(); // To get the record's participant type echo $participant->isInvited(); // To check if the record's participant(s) are invited or not echo $participant->getStatus(); // To get the record's participants' status } /* End Event */ } } catch (ZCRMException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); // To get ZCRMException error message echo $ex->getExceptionCode(); // To get ZCRMException error code echo $ex->getFile(); // To get the file name that throws the Exception } } public function searchRecordsByCriteria() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $criteria="criteria";//criteria to search for $param_map=array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByCriteria($criteria,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $criteria to search for to search for// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data try { foreach ($records as $record) { echo "\n\n"; echo $record->getEntityId(); // To get record id echo $record->getModuleApiName(); // To get module api name echo $record->getLookupLabel(); // To get lookup object name $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy(); echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the record echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the record $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy(); echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the record echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the record $owner = $record->getOwner(); echo $owner->getId(); // To get record owner_id echo $owner->getName(); // To get record owner name echo $record->getCreatedTime(); // To get record created time echo $record->getModifiedTime(); // To get record modified time echo $record->getLastActivityTime(); // To get last activity time(latest modify/view time) echo $record->getFieldValue("FieldApiName"); // To get particular field value $map = $record->getData(); // To get record data as map foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof ZCRMRecord) // If value is ZCRMRecord object { echo $value->getEntityId(); // to get the record id echo $value->getModuleApiName(); // to get the api name of the module echo $value->getLookupLabel(); // to get the lookup label of the record } else // If value is not ZCRMRecord object { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } /** * Fields which start with "$" are considered to be property fields * */ echo $record->getProperty('$fieldName'); // To get a particular property value $properties = $record->getAllProperties(); // To get record properties as map foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) // If value is an array { echo "KEY::" . $key . "="; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if (is_array($value1)) { foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { echo $key2 . ":" . $value2; } } else { echo $key1 . ":" . $value1; } } } else { echo $key . ":" . $value; } } $layouts = $record->getLayout(); // To get record layout echo $layouts->getId(); // To get layout_id echo $layouts->getName(); // To get layout name $taxlists = $record->getTaxList(); // To get the tax list foreach ($taxlists as $taxlist) { echo $taxlist->getTaxName(); // To get tax name echo $taxlist->getPercentage(); // To get tax percentage echo $taxlist->getValue(); // To get tax value } $lineItems = $record->getLineItems(); // To get line_items as map foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) { echo $lineItem->getId(); // To get line_item id echo $lineItem->getListPrice(); // To get line_item list price echo $lineItem->getQuantity(); // To get line_item quantity echo $lineItem->getDescription(); // To get line_item description echo $lineItem->getTotal(); // To get line_item total amount echo $lineItem->getDiscount(); // To get line_item discount echo $lineItem->getDiscountPercentage(); // To get line_item discount percentage echo $lineItem->getTotalAfterDiscount(); // To get line_item amount after discount echo $lineItem->getTaxAmount(); // To get line_item tax amount echo $lineItem->getNetTotal(); // To get line_item net total amount echo $lineItem->getDeleteFlag(); // To get line_item delete flag echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getEntityId(); // To get line_item product's entity id echo $lineItem->getProduct()->getLookupLabel(); // To get line_item product's lookup label $linTaxs = $lineItem->getLineTax(); // To get line_item's line_tax as array foreach ($linTaxs as $lineTax) { echo $lineTax->getTaxName(); // To get line_tax name echo $lineTax->getPercentage(); // To get line_tax percentage echo $lineTax->getValue(); // To get line_tax value } } $pricedetails = $record->getPriceDetails(); // To get the price_details array foreach ($pricedetails as $pricedetail) { echo "\n\n"; echo $pricedetail->getId(); // To get the record's price_id echo $pricedetail->getToRange(); // To get the price_detail record's to_range echo $pricedetail->getFromRange(); // To get price_detail record's from_range echo $pricedetail->getDiscount(); // To get price_detail record's discount echo "\n\n"; } $participants = $record->getParticipants(); // To get Event record's participants foreach ($participants as $participant) { echo $participant->getName(); // To get the record's participant name echo $participant->getEmail(); // To get the record's participant email echo $participant->getId(); // To get the record's participant id echo $participant->getType(); // To get the record's participant type echo $participant->isInvited(); // To check if the record's participant(s) are invited or not echo $participant->getStatus(); // To get the record's participants' status } /* End Event */ } } catch (ZCRMException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); // To get ZCRMException error message echo $ex->getExceptionCode(); // To get ZCRMException error code echo $ex->getFile(); // To get the file name that throws the Exception } } public function massUpdateRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $entityIds = array( "{record_id}" ); // array of entity ids $responseIn = $moduleIns->massUpdateRecords($entityIds, "{field_api_name}", "field_value}"); // to update the field api name with corresponding field value for the entities foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function updateRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $inventoryRecords = array(); /** * Following methods are being used only by same Inventory only * */ $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // to get the instance of the record $record->setFieldValue("Subject", "Invoice3"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "{account_id}"); $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance("{line_item_id}"); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(20); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(3412); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(20); // to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // to add the tax to the line item $lineItem->setQuantity(101); // To set product quantity to this line item $record->addLineItem($lineItem); // to add the line item to the record of invoice array_push($inventoryRecords, $record); // pushing the record to the array $record2 = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // to get the instance of the record $record2->setFieldValue("Subject", "Invoice3"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record2->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "{account_id}"); $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance("{line_item_id}"); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(20); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(3412); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(20); // to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // to add the tax to the line item $lineItem->setQuantity(101); // To set product quantity to this line item $record2->addLineItem($lineItem); // to add the line item to the record of invoice array_push($inventoryRecords, $record2); // pushing the record to the array /** * for Price books module only */ $pricebookRecords = array(); $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("Price_Books", "price_book_id"); // to get the price book record $record->setFieldValue("Pricing_Details", json_decode('[ { "to_range": 5, "discount": 0, "from_range": 1 }, { "to_range": 11, "discount": 1, "from_range": 6 }, { "to_range": 17, "discount": 2, "from_range": 12 }, { "to_range": 23, "discount": 3, "from_range": 18 }, { "to_range": 29, "discount": 4, "from_range": 24 } ]', true)); // setting the discount , range of the pricebook record $record->setFieldValue("Pricing_Model", "Flat"); // setting the price book model array_push($pricebookRecords, $record); // pushing the record to the array $trigger=array();//triggers to include $responseIn = $moduleIns->updateRecords($inventoryRecords,$trigger); // updating the records.$trigger is optional , to update price book records$pricebookRecords can be used in the place of $inventoryRecords foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function upsertRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("Leads"); // to get the instance of the module $records = array(); /** * Following methods are being used only by Inventory modules * */ $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("Leads", null); // to get the instance of the record $record->setFieldValue("Comapny", "Invoice3"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Email", ""); array_push($records, $record); // pushing the record to the array $responseIn = $moduleIns->upsertRecords($records); // updating the records.$trigger foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function createRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $records = array(); $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", null); // To get ZCRMRecord instance $record->setFieldValue("Subject", "Invoice"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "{account_id}"); // This function is for Invoices module /** * Following methods are being used only by Inventory modules * */ $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance(null); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(5); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(100); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // To get ZCRMTax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(2); // To set tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // To set tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // To set line tax to line item $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(12); // to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // to add the tax to line item $lineItem->setProduct(ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}")); // To set product to line item $lineItem->setQuantity(100); // To set product quantity to this line item $record->addLineItem($lineItem); // to add the line item to the record array_push($records, $record); // pushing the record to the array. $trigger=array();//triggers to include $lar_id="lar_id";//lead assignment rule id $responseIn = $moduleIns->createRecords($records,$trigger,$lar_id); // updating the records.$trigger,$lar_id are optional foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function deleteRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $recordids = array( "{record_id}", "{record_id}" ); // to create an array of record ids $responseIn = $moduleIns->deleteRecords($recordids); // to delete the records foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function getAllDeletedRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getAllDeletedRecords($param_map,$header_map)->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances/$param_map - parameter map, $header_map - header_map foreach ($trashRecords as $trashrecord) { echo $trashrecord->getEntityId(); // to get the entity if of the trash record echo $trashrecord->getDisplayName(); // to get the display name if the trash record } } public function getRecycleBinRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getRecycleBinRecords($param_map,$header_map)->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances/$param_map - parameter map, $header_map - header_map foreach ($trashRecords as $trashrecord) { echo $trashrecord->getEntityId(); // to get the entity if of the trash record echo $trashrecord->getDisplayName(); // to get the display name if the trash record } } public function getPermanentlyDeletedRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getPermanentlyDeletedRecords($param_map,$header_map)->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances/$param_map - parameter map, $header_map - header_map foreach ($trashRecords as $trashrecord) { echo $trashrecord->getEntityId(); // to get the entity if of the trash record echo $trashrecord->getDisplayName(); // to get the display name if the trash record } } public function getTagCount() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $tag_count = $moduleIns->getTagCount("{record_id}") ->getData() ->getCount(); // to get the tag count echo $tag_count; } public function createTags() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $tags = array(); // to create ZCRMTag instances array $tag = ZCRMTag::getInstance(); // to get the tag instance $tag->setName("test4"); // to set the tag name array_push($tags, $tag); // to push the tag to array of ZCRMTag instances $responseIn = $moduleIns->createTags($tags); // to create the tags foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function updateTags() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $tags = array(); // to create ZCRMTag instances array $tag = ZCRMTag::getInstance("{tag_id}"); // to get the tag instance $tag->setName("testnew"); // to set the tag name array_push($tags, $tag); // to push the tag to array of ZCRMTag instances $tag = ZCRMTag::getInstance("{tag_id}"); // to get the tag instance $tag->setName("testnew2"); // to set the tag name array_push($tags, $tag); // to push the tag to array of ZCRMTag instances $responseIn = $moduleIns->updateTags($tags); // to update the tags foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function addTagsToRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $recordids = array( "{record_id}", "{record_id}" ); // array of record ids from which tags must be added $tagnames = array( "tea", "test2", "test3" ); // array of tags to be added $responseIn = $moduleIns->addTagsToRecords($recordids, $tagnames); // to add the tags to the record foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } public function removeTagsFromRecords() { $moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $recordids = array( "{record_id}", "{record_id}" ); // array of record ids from which tags must be removed $tagnames = array( "tea", "test2", "test3" ); // array of tags to be removed $responseIn = $moduleIns->removeTagsFromRecords($recordids, $tagnames); // to remove the tags from the records foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) { echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); //To get response status echo "Message:".$responseIns->getMessage(); //To get response message echo "Code:".$responseIns->getCode(); //To get status code echo "Details:".json_encode($responseIns->getDetails()); } } } $obj = new Module(); $obj->getRecord(); ?>