plugin_file = $plugin_file; $this->plugin_name = basename( $this->plugin_file, '.php' ); $this->disabled_wp_cron = defined('DISABLE_WP_CRON') && DISABLE_WP_CRON == true; $this->enable_self_cron = $this->disabled_wp_cron == true ? true : false; $this->event_hook = 'put_do_weekly_action'; $this->require_optin = isset( $args['opt_in'] ) ? $args['opt_in'] : true; $this->include_goodbye_form = isset( $args['goodbye_form'] ) ? $args['goodbye_form'] : true; $this->marketing = isset( $args['email_marketing'] ) ? $args['email_marketing'] : true; $this->options = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : []; $this->item_id = isset( $args['item_id'] ) ? $args['item_id'] : false; /** * Activation Hook */ register_activation_hook( $this->plugin_file, array( $this, 'activate_this_plugin' ) ); /** * Deactivation Hook */ register_deactivation_hook( $this->plugin_file, array( $this, 'deactivate_this_plugin' ) ); } /** * When user agreed to opt-in tracking schedule is enabled. * @since 3.0.0 */ public function schedule_tracking() { if( $this->disabled_wp_cron ) { return; } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( $this->event_hook ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), $this->recurrence, $this->event_hook ); } } /** * Add the schedule event if the plugin is tracked. * * @return void */ public function activate_this_plugin(){ $allow_tracking = $this->is_tracking_allowed(); if( ! $allow_tracking ) { return; } $this->schedule_tracking(); } /** * Remove the schedule event when plugin is deactivated and send the deactivated reason to inishghts if user submitted. * @since 3.0.0 */ public function deactivate_this_plugin() { /** * Check tracking is allowed or not. */ $allow_tracking = $this->is_tracking_allowed(); if( ! $allow_tracking ) { return; } $body = $this->get_data(); $body['status'] = 'Deactivated'; $body['deactivated_date'] = time(); // Check deactivation reason and add for insights data. if( false !== get_option( 'wpins_deactivation_reason_' . $this->plugin_name ) ) { $body['deactivation_reason'] = get_option( 'wpins_deactivation_reason_' . $this->plugin_name ); } if( false !== get_option( 'wpins_deactivation_details_' . $this->plugin_name ) ) { $body['deactivation_details'] = get_option( 'wpins_deactivation_details_' . $this->plugin_name ); } $this->send_data( $body ); delete_option( 'wpins_deactivation_reason_' . $this->plugin_name ); delete_option( 'wpins_deactivation_details_' . $this->plugin_name ); /** * Clear the event schedule. */ if( ! $this->disabled_wp_cron ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( $this->event_hook ); } } /** * Initial Method to Hook Everything. * @return void */ public function init(){ $this->clicked(); add_action( $this->event_hook, array( $this, 'do_tracking' ) ); // For Test // add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'force_tracking' ) ); add_action( 'disable_comments_notice', array( $this, 'notice' ) ); /** * Deactivation Reason Form and Submit Data to Insights. */ add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file ), array( $this, 'deactivate_action_links' ) ); add_action( 'admin_footer-plugins.php', array( $this, 'deactivate_reasons_form' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_deactivation_form_' . esc_attr( $this->plugin_name ), array( $this, 'deactivate_reasons_form_submit' ) ); } /** * For Redirecting Current Page without Arguments! * * @return void */ private function redirect_to(){ $request_uri = parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH ); $query_string = parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY ); parse_str( $query_string, $current_url ); $unset_array = array( 'dismiss', 'plugin', '_wpnonce', 'later', 'plugin_action', 'marketing_optin' ); foreach( $unset_array as $value ) { if( isset( $current_url[ $value ] ) ) { unset( $current_url[ $value ] ); } } $current_url = http_build_query($current_url); $redirect_url = $request_uri . '?' . $current_url; return $redirect_url; } /** * This method forcing the do_tracking method to execute instant. * @return void */ public function force_tracking(){ $this->do_tracking( true ); } /** * This method is responsible for all the magic from the front of the plugin. * @since 3.0.0 * @param $force Force tracking if it's not the correct time to track/ */ public function do_tracking( $force = false ) { /** * Check URL is set or not. */ if ( empty( self::API_URL ) ) { return; } /** * Check is tracking allowed or not. */ if( ! $this->is_tracking_allowed() ) { return; } /** * Check is this the correct time to track or not. * or Force to track. */ if( ! $this->is_time_to_track() && ! $force ) { return; } /** * Get All Data. */ $body = $this->get_data(); /** * Send all data. */ return $this->send_data( $body ); } /** * Is tracking allowed? * @since 1.0.0 */ private function is_tracking_allowed() { // First, check if the user has changed their mind and opted out of tracking if( $this->has_user_opted_out() ) { $this->set_is_tracking_allowed( false, $this->plugin_name ); return false; } // The wpins_allow_tracking option is an array of plugins that are being tracked $allow_tracking = get_option( 'wpins_allow_tracking' ); // If this plugin is in the array, then tracking is allowed if( isset( $allow_tracking[$this->plugin_name] ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Set a flag in DB If tracking is allowed. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param $is_allowed Boolean true if is allowed. */ protected function set_is_tracking_allowed( $is_allowed, $plugin = null ) { if( empty( $plugin ) ) { $plugin = $this->plugin_name; } /** * Get All Tracked Plugin List using this Tracker. */ $allow_tracking = get_option( 'wpins_allow_tracking' ); /** * Check user is opted out for tracking or not. */ if( $this->has_user_opted_out() ) { if( isset( $allow_tracking[$plugin] ) ) { unset( $allow_tracking[$plugin] ); } } else if( $is_allowed || ! $this->require_optin ) { /** * If user has agreed to allow tracking */ if( empty( $allow_tracking ) || ! is_array( $allow_tracking ) ) { $allow_tracking = array( $plugin => $plugin ); } else { $allow_tracking[$plugin] = $plugin; } } else { if( isset( $allow_tracking[$plugin] ) ) { unset( $allow_tracking[$plugin] ); } } update_option( 'wpins_allow_tracking', $allow_tracking ); } /** * Check the user has opted out or not. * * @since 3.0.0 * @return Boolean */ protected function has_user_opted_out() { if( ! empty( $this->options ) ) { foreach( $this->options as $option_name ) { $options = get_option( $option_name ); if( ! empty( $options['wpins_opt_out'] ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Check if it's time to track * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function is_time_to_track() { $track_times = get_option( 'wpins_last_track_time', array() ); return ! isset( $track_times[$this->plugin_name] ) ? true : ( ( isset( $track_times[$this->plugin_name] ) && $track_times[$this->plugin_name] ) < strtotime( '-1 day' ) ? true : false ); } /** * Set tracking time. * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function set_track_time() { $track_times = get_option( 'wpins_last_track_time', array() ); $track_times[ $this->plugin_name ] = time(); update_option( 'wpins_last_track_time', $track_times ); } /** * This method is responsible for collecting all data. * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function get_data() { $body = array( 'plugin_slug' => sanitize_text_field( $this->plugin_name ), 'url' => get_bloginfo( 'url' ), 'site_name' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 'site_version' => get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 'site_language' => get_bloginfo( 'language' ), 'charset' => get_bloginfo( 'charset' ), 'wpins_version' => self::WPINS_VERSION, 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'multisite' => is_multisite(), 'file_location' => __FILE__ ); // Collect the email if the correct option has been set if( $this->marketing ) { if( ! function_exists( 'wp_get_current_user' ) ) { include ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/pluggable.php'; } $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $email = $current_user->user_email; if( is_email( $email ) ) { $body['email'] = $email; } } $body['marketing_method'] = $this->marketing; $body['server'] = isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : ''; /** * Collect all active and inactive plugins */ if( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { include ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } $plugins = array_keys( get_plugins() ); $active_plugins = is_network_admin() ? array_keys( get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', array() ) ) : get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ); foreach ( $plugins as $key => $plugin ) { if ( in_array( $plugin, $active_plugins ) ) { unset( $plugins[$key] ); } } $body['active_plugins'] = $active_plugins; $body['inactive_plugins'] = $plugins; /** * Text Direction. */ $body['text_direction'] = ( function_exists( 'is_rtl' ) ? ( is_rtl() ? 'RTL' : 'LTR' ) : 'NOT SET' ); /** * Get Our Plugin Data. * @since 3.0.0 */ $plugin = $this->plugin_data(); if( empty( $plugin ) ) { $body['message'] .= __( 'We can\'t detect any plugin information. This is most probably because you have not included the code in the plugin main file.', 'disable-comments' ); $body['status'] = 'NOT FOUND'; } else { if( isset( $plugin['Name'] ) ) { $body['plugin'] = sanitize_text_field( $plugin['Name'] ); } if( isset( $plugin['Version'] ) ) { $body['version'] = sanitize_text_field( $plugin['Version'] ); } $body['status'] = 'Active'; } /** * Get our plugin options * @since 1.0.0 */ // $options = $this->options; // $plugin_options = array(); // if( ! empty( $options ) && is_array( $options ) ) { // foreach( $options as $option ) { // $fields = get_option( $option ); // // Check for permission to send this option // if( isset( $fields['wpins_registered_setting'] ) ) { // foreach( $fields as $key=>$value ) { // $plugin_options[$key] = $value; // } // } // } // } // $body['plugin_options'] = $this->options; // Returns array // $body['plugin_options_fields'] = $plugin_options; // Returns object /** * Get active theme name and version * @since 3.0.0 */ $theme = wp_get_theme(); if( $theme->Name ) { $body['theme'] = sanitize_text_field( $theme->Name ); } if( $theme->Version ) { $body['theme_version'] = sanitize_text_field( $theme->Version ); } return $body; } /** * Collect plugin data, * Retrieve current plugin information * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function plugin_data() { if( ! function_exists( 'get_plugin_data' ) ) { include ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } $plugin = get_plugin_data( $this->plugin_file ); return $plugin; } /** * Send the data to insights. * @since 3.0.0 */ public function send_data( $body ) { /** * Get SITE ID */ $site_id_key = "wpins_{$this->plugin_name}_site_id"; $site_id = get_option( $site_id_key, false ); $failed_data = []; $site_url = get_bloginfo( 'url' ); $original_site_url = get_option( "wpins_{$this->plugin_name}_original_url", false ); if( ( $original_site_url === false || $original_site_url != $site_url ) && version_compare( $body['wpins_version'], '3.0.1', '>=' ) ) { $site_id = false; } /** * Send Initial Data to API */ if( $site_id == false && $this->item_id !== false ) { if( isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) && ! empty( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '' ) ) { $country_request = wp_remote_get( ''. $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .'?fields=country'); if( ! is_wp_error( $country_request ) && $country_request['response']['code'] == 200 ) { $ip_data = json_decode( $country_request["body"] ); $body['country'] = isset( $ip_data->country ) ? $ip_data->country : 'NOT SET'; } } $body['plugin_slug'] = $this->plugin_name; $body['url'] = $site_url; $body['item_id'] = $this->item_id; $request = $this->remote_post( $body ); if( ! is_wp_error( $request ) && $request['response']['code'] == 200 ) { $retrieved_body = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ), true ); if( is_array( $retrieved_body ) && isset( $retrieved_body['siteId'] ) ) { update_option( $site_id_key, $retrieved_body['siteId'] ); update_option( "wpins_{$this->plugin_name}_original_url", $site_url ); update_option( "wpins_{$this->plugin_name}_{$retrieved_body['siteId']}", $body ); } } else { $failed_data = $body; } } $site_id_data_key = "wpins_{$this->plugin_name}_{$site_id}"; $site_id_data_failed_key = "wpins_{$this->plugin_name}_{$site_id}_send_failed"; if( $site_id != false ) { $old_sent_data = get_option( $site_id_data_key, [] ); $diff_data = $this->diff( $body, $old_sent_data ); $failed_data = get_option( $site_id_data_failed_key, [] ); if( ! empty( $failed_data ) && $diff_data != $failed_data ) { $failed_data = array_merge( $failed_data, $diff_data ); } } if( ! empty( $failed_data ) && $site_id != false ) { $failed_data['plugin_slug'] = $this->plugin_name; $failed_data['url'] = $site_url; $failed_data['site_id'] = $site_id; if( $original_site_url != false ) { $failed_data['original_url'] = $original_site_url; } $request = $this->remote_post( $failed_data ); if( ! is_wp_error( $request ) ) { delete_option( $site_id_data_failed_key ); $replaced_data = array_merge( $old_sent_data, $failed_data ); update_option( $site_id_data_key, $replaced_data ); } } if( ! empty( $diff_data ) && $site_id != false && empty( $failed_data ) ) { $diff_data['plugin_slug'] = $this->plugin_name; $diff_data['url'] = $site_url; $diff_data['site_id'] = $site_id; if( $original_site_url != false ) { $diff_data['original_url'] = $original_site_url; } $request = $this->remote_post( $diff_data ); if( is_wp_error( $request ) ) { update_option( $site_id_data_failed_key, $diff_data ); } else { $replaced_data = array_merge( $old_sent_data, $diff_data ); update_option( $site_id_data_key, $replaced_data ); } } $this->set_track_time(); if( isset( $request ) && is_wp_error( $request ) ) { return $request; } if( isset( $request ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * WP_REMOTE_POST method responsible for send data to the API_URL * * @param array $data * @param array $args * @return void */ protected function remote_post( $data = array(), $args = array() ){ if( empty( $data ) ) { return; } $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 30, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, 'body' => $data, 'user-agent' => 'PUT/1.0.0; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) )); $request = wp_remote_post( esc_url( self::API_URL ), $args ); if( is_wp_error( $request ) || ( isset( $request['response'], $request['response']['code'] ) && $request['response']['code'] != 200 ) ) { return new WP_Error( 500, 'Something went wrong.' ); } return $request; } /** * Difference between old and new data * * @param array $new_data * @param array $old_data * @return void */ protected function diff( $new_data, $old_data ){ $data = []; if( ! empty( $new_data ) ) { foreach( $new_data as $key => $value ) { if( isset( $old_data[ $key ] ) ) { if( $old_data[ $key ] == $value ) { continue; } } $data[ $key ] = $value; } } return $data; } /** * Display the admin notice to users to allow them to opt in * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function notice() { /** * Return if notice is not set. */ if( ! isset( $this->notice_options['notice'] ) ) { return; } /** * Check is allowed or blocked for notice. */ $block_notice = get_option( 'wpins_block_notice' ); if( isset( $block_notice[$this->plugin_name] ) ) { return; } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $url_yes = add_query_arg( [ 'plugin' => $this->plugin_name, 'plugin_action' => 'yes', ] ); $url_no = add_query_arg( array( 'plugin' => $this->plugin_name, 'plugin_action' => 'no' ) ); // Decide on notice text $notice_text = $this->notice_options['notice'] . ' '. $this->notice_options['consent_button_text'] .''; $extra_notice_text = $this->notice_options['extra_notice']; $output = ''; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= ''; $output .= '

'. $notice_text .'

'; $output .= ''; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= ''. $this->notice_options['yes'] .' '; $output .= ''. $this->notice_options['no'] .''; $output .= '
'; $output .= ""; $output .= '
'; echo $output; } /** * Set all notice options to customized notice. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param array $options * @return void */ public function set_notice_options( $options = [] ){ $default_options = [ 'consent_button_text' => __( 'What we collect.', 'disable-comments' ), 'yes' => __( 'Sure, I\'d like to help', 'disable-comments' ), 'no' => __( 'No Thanks.', 'disable-comments' ), ]; $options = wp_parse_args( $options, $default_options ); $this->notice_options = $options; } /** * Responsible for track the click from Notice. * @return void */ public function clicked(){ if( isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) && trim($_GET['plugin']) === $this->plugin_name && isset( $_GET['plugin_action'] ) ) { if( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && $_GET['tab'] === 'plugin-information' ) { return; } $plugin = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['plugin'] ); $action = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['plugin_action'] ); if( $action == 'yes' ) { $this->schedule_tracking(); $this->set_is_tracking_allowed( true, $plugin ); if( $this->do_tracking( true ) ) { $this->update_block_notice( $plugin ); } /** * Redirect User To the Current URL, but without set query arguments. */ wp_safe_redirect( $this->redirect_to() ); } else { $this->set_is_tracking_allowed( false, $plugin ); $this->update_block_notice( $plugin ); } } } /** * Set if we should block the opt-in notice for this plugin * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function update_block_notice( $plugin = null ) { if( empty( $plugin ) ) { $plugin = $this->plugin_name; } $block_notice = get_option( 'wpins_block_notice' ); if( empty( $block_notice ) || ! is_array( $block_notice ) ) { $block_notice = array( $plugin => $plugin ); } else { $block_notice[$plugin] = $plugin; } update_option( 'wpins_block_notice', $block_notice ); } /** * AJAX callback when the deactivated form is submitted. * @since 3.0.0 */ public function deactivate_reasons_form_submit() { check_ajax_referer( 'wpins_deactivation_nonce', 'security' ); if( isset( $_POST['values'] ) ) { $values = $_POST['values']; update_option( 'wpins_deactivation_reason_' . $this->plugin_name, $values ); } if( isset( $_POST['details'] ) ) { $details = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['details'] ); update_option( 'wpins_deactivation_details_' . $this->plugin_name, $details ); } echo 'success'; wp_die(); } /** * Filter the deactivation link to allow us to present a form when the user deactivates the plugin * @since 3.0.0 */ public function deactivate_action_links( $links ) { /** * Check is tracking allowed or not. */ if( ! $this->is_tracking_allowed() ) { return $links; } if( isset( $links['deactivate'] ) && $this->include_goodbye_form ) { $deactivation_link = $links['deactivate']; /** * Change the default deactivate button link. */ $deactivation_link = str_replace( '
__( 'I found a better plugin', 'disable-comments' ), 'extra_field' => __( 'Please share which plugin', 'disable-comments' ) ], __( "I couldn't get the plugin to work", 'disable-comments' ), __( 'It\'s a temporary deactivation', 'disable-comments' ), [ 'label' => __( 'Other', 'disable-comments' ), 'extra_field' => __( 'Please share the reason', 'disable-comments' ), 'type' => 'textarea' ] ); return apply_filters( 'wpins_form_text_' . $this->plugin_name, $form ); } /** * Deactivate Reasons Form. * This form will appears when user wants to deactivate the plugin to send you deactivated reasons. * * @since 3.0.0 */ public function deactivate_reasons_form() { $form = $this->deactivation_reasons(); $class_plugin_name = esc_attr( $this->plugin_name ); $html = '
' . esc_html( $form['heading'] ) . '
'; $html .= '

' . esc_html( $form['body'] ) . '

'; if( is_array( $form['options'] ) ) { $html .= '
    '; foreach( $form['options'] as $option ) { if( is_array( $option ) ) { $id = strtolower( str_replace( " ", "_", esc_attr( $option['label'] ) ) ); $id = $id . '_' . $class_plugin_name; $html .= '
  • '; $html .= ''; $html .= '
    '; if( isset( $option[ 'extra_field' ] ) && ! isset( $option['type'] )) { $html .= ''; } if( isset( $option[ 'extra_field' ] ) && isset( $option['type'] )) { $html .= '<'. $option['type'] .' style="display: none" type="text" name="'. $id .'" id="' . str_replace( " ", "", esc_attr( $option['extra_field'] ) ) . '" placeholder="' . esc_attr( $option['extra_field'] ) . '">'; } $html .= '
  • '; } else { $id = strtolower( str_replace( " ", "_", esc_attr( $option ) ) ); $id = $id . '_' . $class_plugin_name; $html .= '
  • '; } } $html .= '
'; } $html .= '
'; $html .= '

' . __( 'Submitting form', 'disable-comments' ) . '

'; $wrapper_class = '.wpinsights-goodbye-form-wrapper-'. $class_plugin_name; $styles = ''; $styles .= ''; $styles .= ''; echo $styles; ?>