'', '_seopress_robots_archive' => 'robots_noarchive', '_seopress_robots_canonical' => 'canonical_url', '_seopress_robots_follow' => 'robots_nofollow', '_seopress_robots_imageindex' => 'robots_noimageindex', '_seopress_robots_index' => 'robots_noindex', '_seopress_robots_odp' => 'robots_noodp', '_seopress_robots_snippet' => 'robots_nosnippet', '_seopress_social_twitter_desc' => 'twitter_description', '_seopress_social_twitter_img' => 'twitter_image_custom_url', '_seopress_social_twitter_title' => 'twitter_title', '_seopress_social_fb_desc' => 'og_description', '_seopress_social_fb_img' => 'og_image_custom_url', '_seopress_social_fb_title' => 'og_title', '_seopress_titles_desc' => 'description', '_seopress_titles_title' => 'title', ]; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 4.1.4 */ public function scheduleImport() { if ( aioseo()->helpers->scheduleSingleAction( aioseo()->importExport->seoPress->postActionName, 0 ) ) { if ( ! aioseo()->cache->get( 'import_post_meta_seopress' ) ) { aioseo()->cache->update( 'import_post_meta_seopress', time(), WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); } } } /** * Imports the post meta. * * @since 4.1.4 * * @return void */ public function importPostMeta() { $postsPerAction = 100; $publicPostTypes = implode( "', '", aioseo()->helpers->getPublicPostTypes( true ) ); $timeStarted = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', aioseo()->cache->get( 'import_post_meta_seopress' ) ); $posts = aioseo()->db ->start( 'posts as p' ) ->select( 'p.ID, p.post_type' ) ->join( 'postmeta as pm', '`p`.`ID` = `pm`.`post_id`' ) ->leftJoin( 'aioseo_posts as ap', '`p`.`ID` = `ap`.`post_id`' ) ->whereRaw( "pm.meta_key LIKE '_seopress_%'" ) ->whereRaw( "( p.post_type IN ( '$publicPostTypes' ) )" ) ->whereRaw( "( ap.post_id IS NULL OR ap.updated < '$timeStarted' )" ) ->orderBy( 'p.ID DESC' ) ->limit( $postsPerAction ) ->run() ->result(); if ( ! $posts || ! count( $posts ) ) { aioseo()->cache->delete( 'import_post_meta_seopress' ); return; } foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $postMeta = aioseo()->db ->start( 'postmeta' . ' as pm' ) ->select( 'pm.meta_key, pm.meta_value' ) ->where( 'pm.post_id', $post->ID ) ->whereRaw( "`pm`.`meta_key` LIKE '_seopress_%'" ) ->run() ->result(); if ( ! $postMeta || ! count( $postMeta ) ) { continue; } $meta = array_merge( [ 'post_id' => (int) $post->ID, ], $this->getMetaData( $postMeta, $post->ID ) ); $aioseoPost = Models\Post::getPost( (int) $post->ID ); $aioseoPost->set( $meta ); $aioseoPost->save(); } if ( count( $posts ) === $postsPerAction ) { aioseo()->helpers->scheduleSingleAction( aioseo()->importExport->seoPress->postActionName, 5 ); } else { aioseo()->cache->delete( 'import_post_meta_seopress' ); } } /** * Get the meta data by post meta. * * @since 4.1.4 * * @param object $postMeta The post meta from database. * @return array The meta data. */ public function getMetaData( $postMeta, $post_id ) { $meta = []; foreach ( $postMeta as $record ) { $name = $record->meta_key; $value = $record->meta_value; if ( ! in_array( $name, array_keys( $this->mappedMeta ), true ) ) { continue; } switch ( $name ) { case '_seopress_analysis_target_kw': $keyphrase = [ 'focus' => [ 'keyphrase' => aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $value ) ], 'additional' => [] ]; $meta['keyphrases'] = wp_json_encode( $keyphrase ); break; case '_seopress_robots_snippet': case '_seopress_robots_archive': case '_seopress_robots_imageindex': case '_seopress_robots_odp': case '_seopress_robots_follow': case '_seopress_robots_index': if ( 'yes' === $value ) { $meta['robots_default'] = false; $meta[ $this->mappedMeta[ $name ] ] = true; } break; case '_seopress_social_twitter_img': $meta['twitter_use_og'] = false; $meta['twitter_image_type'] = 'custom_image'; $meta[ $this->mappedMeta[ $name ] ] = esc_url( $value ); break; case '_seopress_social_fb_img': $meta['og_image_type'] = 'custom_image'; $meta[ $this->mappedMeta[ $name ] ] = esc_url( $value ); break; case '_seopress_titles_title': case '_seopress_titles_desc': $value = aioseo()->importExport->seoPress->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $value ); default: $meta[ $this->mappedMeta[ $name ] ] = esc_html( wp_strip_all_tags( strval( $value ) ) ); break; } } return $meta; } }