prop( 'multisite', true ); /** * acf_get_field_group * * Retrieves a field group for the given identifier. * * @date 30/09/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param (int|string) $id The field group ID, key or name. * @return (array|false) The field group array. */ function acf_get_field_group( $id = 0 ) { // Allow WP_Post to be passed. if ( is_object( $id ) ) { $id = $id->ID; } // Check store. $store = acf_get_store( 'field-groups' ); if ( $store->has( $id ) ) { return $store->get( $id ); } // Check local fields first. if ( acf_is_local_field_group( $id ) ) { $field_group = acf_get_local_field_group( $id ); // Then check database. } else { $field_group = acf_get_raw_field_group( $id ); } // Bail early if no field group. if ( ! $field_group ) { return false; } // Validate field group. $field_group = acf_validate_field_group( $field_group ); /** * Filters the $field_group array after it has been loaded. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array The field_group array. */ $field_group = apply_filters( 'acf/load_field_group', $field_group ); // Store field group using aliasses to also find via key, ID and name. $store->set( $field_group['key'], $field_group ); $store->alias( $field_group['key'], $field_group['ID'] ); // Return. return $field_group; } /** * acf_get_raw_field_group * * Retrieves raw field group data for the given identifier. * * @date 18/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param (int|string) $id The field ID, key or name. * @return (array|false) The field group array. */ function acf_get_raw_field_group( $id = 0 ) { // Get raw field group from database. $post = acf_get_field_group_post( $id ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } // Bail early if incorrect post type. if ( $post->post_type !== 'acf-field-group' ) { return false; } // Unserialize post_content. $field_group = (array) maybe_unserialize( $post->post_content ); // update attributes $field_group['ID'] = $post->ID; $field_group['title'] = $post->post_title; $field_group['key'] = $post->post_name; $field_group['menu_order'] = $post->menu_order; $field_group['active'] = in_array( $post->post_status, array( 'publish', 'auto-draft' ) ); // Return field. return $field_group; } /** * acf_get_field_group_post * * Retrieves the field group's WP_Post object. * * @date 18/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param (int|string) $id The field group's ID, key or name. * @return (array|false) The field group's array. */ function acf_get_field_group_post( $id = 0 ) { // Get post if numeric. if ( is_numeric( $id ) ) { return get_post( $id ); // Search posts if is string. } elseif ( is_string( $id ) ) { // Try cache. $cache_key = acf_cache_key( "acf_get_field_group_post:key:$id" ); $post_id = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'acf' ); if ( $post_id === false ) { // Query posts. $posts = get_posts( array( 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_type' => 'acf-field-group', 'post_status' => array( 'publish', 'acf-disabled', 'trash' ), 'orderby' => 'menu_order title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'suppress_filters' => false, 'cache_results' => true, 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'acf_group_key' => $id, ) ); // Update $post_id with a non false value. $post_id = $posts ? $posts[0]->ID : 0; // Update cache. wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $post_id, 'acf' ); } // Check $post_id and return the post when possible. if ( $post_id ) { return get_post( $post_id ); } } // Return false by default. return false; } /** * acf_is_field_group_key * * Returns true if the given identifier is a field group key. * * @date 6/12/2013 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param string $id The identifier. * @return bool */ function acf_is_field_group_key( $id = '' ) { // Check if $id is a string starting with "group_". if ( is_string( $id ) && substr( $id, 0, 6 ) === 'group_' ) { return true; } /** * Filters whether the $id is a field group key. * * @date 23/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param bool $bool The result. * @param string $id The identifier. */ return apply_filters( 'acf/is_field_group_key', false, $id ); } /** * acf_validate_field_group * * Ensures the given field group is valid. * * @date 18/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param array $field The field group array. * @return array */ function acf_validate_field_group( $field_group = array() ) { // Bail early if already valid. if ( is_array( $field_group ) && ! empty( $field_group['_valid'] ) ) { return $field_group; } // Apply defaults. $field_group = wp_parse_args( $field_group, array( 'ID' => 0, 'key' => '', 'title' => '', 'fields' => array(), 'location' => array(), 'menu_order' => 0, 'position' => 'normal', 'style' => 'default', 'label_placement' => 'top', 'instruction_placement' => 'label', 'hide_on_screen' => array(), 'active' => true, 'description' => '', 'show_in_rest' => false, ) ); // Convert types. $field_group['ID'] = (int) $field_group['ID']; $field_group['menu_order'] = (int) $field_group['menu_order']; $field_group['active'] = (bool) $field_group['active']; // Field group is now valid. $field_group['_valid'] = true; /** * Filters the $field_group array to validate settings. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. */ $field_group = apply_filters( 'acf/validate_field_group', $field_group ); // return return $field_group; } /** * acf_get_valid_field_group * * Ensures the given field group is valid. * * @date 28/09/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return array */ function acf_get_valid_field_group( $field_group = false ) { return acf_validate_field_group( $field_group ); } /** * acf_translate_field_group * * Translates a field group's settings. * * @date 8/03/2016 * @since 5.3.2 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return array */ function acf_translate_field_group( $field_group = array() ) { // Get settings. $l10n = acf_get_setting( 'l10n' ); $l10n_textdomain = acf_get_setting( 'l10n_textdomain' ); // Translate field settings if textdomain is set. if ( $l10n && $l10n_textdomain ) { $field_group['title'] = acf_translate( $field_group['title'] ); /** * Filters the $field group array to translate strings. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. */ $field_group = apply_filters( 'acf/translate_field_group', $field_group ); } // Return field. return $field_group; } // Translate field groups passing through validation. add_action( 'acf/validate_field_group', 'acf_translate_field_group' ); /** * acf_get_field_groups * * Returns and array of field_groups for the given $filter. * * @date 30/09/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $filter An array of args to filter results by. * @return array */ function acf_get_field_groups( $filter = array() ) { // Vars. $field_groups = array(); // Check database. $raw_field_groups = acf_get_raw_field_groups(); if ( $raw_field_groups ) { foreach ( $raw_field_groups as $raw_field_group ) { $field_groups[] = acf_get_field_group( $raw_field_group['ID'] ); } } /** * Filters the $field_groups array. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_groups The array of field_groups. */ $field_groups = apply_filters( 'acf/load_field_groups', $field_groups ); // Filter results. if ( $filter ) { return acf_filter_field_groups( $field_groups, $filter ); } // Return field groups. return $field_groups; } /** * acf_get_raw_field_groups * * Returns and array of raw field_group data. * * @date 18/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param void * @return array */ function acf_get_raw_field_groups() { // Try cache. $cache_key = acf_cache_key( 'acf_get_field_group_posts' ); $post_ids = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'acf' ); if ( $post_ids === false ) { // Query posts. $posts = get_posts( array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'acf-field-group', 'orderby' => 'menu_order title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'suppress_filters' => false, // Allow WPML to modify the query 'cache_results' => true, 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'post_status' => array( 'publish', 'acf-disabled' ), ) ); // Update $post_ids with a non false value. $post_ids = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $post_ids[] = $post->ID; } // Update cache. wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $post_ids, 'acf' ); } // Loop over ids and populate array of field groups. $field_groups = array(); foreach ( $post_ids as $post_id ) { $field_groups[] = acf_get_raw_field_group( $post_id ); } // Return field groups. return $field_groups; } /** * acf_filter_field_groups * * Returns a filtered aray of field groups based on the given $args. * * @date 29/11/2013 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_groups An array of field groups. * @param array $args An array of location args. * @return array */ function acf_filter_field_groups( $field_groups, $args = array() ) { // Loop over field groups and check visibility. $filtered = array(); if ( $field_groups ) { foreach ( $field_groups as $field_group ) { if ( acf_get_field_group_visibility( $field_group, $args ) ) { $filtered[] = $field_group; } } } // Return filtered. return $filtered; } /** * acf_get_field_group_visibility * * Returns true if the given field group's location rules match the given $args. * * @date 7/10/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_groups An array of field groups. * @param array $args An array of location args. * @return bool */ function acf_get_field_group_visibility( $field_group, $args = array() ) { // Check if active. if ( ! $field_group['active'] ) { return false; } // Check if location rules exist if ( $field_group['location'] ) { // Get the current screen. $screen = acf_get_location_screen( $args ); // Loop through location groups. foreach ( $field_group['location'] as $group ) { // ignore group if no rules. if ( empty( $group ) ) { continue; } // Loop over rules and determine if all rules match. $match_group = true; foreach ( $group as $rule ) { if ( ! acf_match_location_rule( $rule, $screen, $field_group ) ) { $match_group = false; break; } } // If this group matches, show the field group. if ( $match_group ) { return true; } } } // Return default. return false; } /** * acf_update_field_group * * Updates a field group in the database. * * @date 21/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return array */ function acf_update_field_group( $field_group ) { // Validate field group. $field_group = acf_get_valid_field_group( $field_group ); // May have been posted. Remove slashes. $field_group = wp_unslash( $field_group ); // Parse types (converts string '0' to int 0). $field_group = acf_parse_types( $field_group ); // Clean up location keys. if ( $field_group['location'] ) { // Remove empty values and convert to associated array. $field_group['location'] = array_filter( $field_group['location'] ); $field_group['location'] = array_values( $field_group['location'] ); $field_group['location'] = array_map( 'array_filter', $field_group['location'] ); $field_group['location'] = array_map( 'array_values', $field_group['location'] ); } // Make a backup of field group data and remove some args. $_field_group = $field_group; acf_extract_vars( $_field_group, array( 'ID', 'key', 'title', 'menu_order', 'fields', 'active', '_valid' ) ); // Create array of data to save. $save = array( 'ID' => $field_group['ID'], 'post_status' => $field_group['active'] ? 'publish' : 'acf-disabled', 'post_type' => 'acf-field-group', 'post_title' => $field_group['title'], 'post_name' => $field_group['key'], 'post_excerpt' => sanitize_title( $field_group['title'] ), 'post_content' => maybe_serialize( $_field_group ), 'menu_order' => $field_group['menu_order'], 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', ); // Unhook wp_targeted_link_rel() filter from WP 5.1 corrupting serialized data. remove_filter( 'content_save_pre', 'wp_targeted_link_rel' ); // Slash data. // WP expects all data to be slashed and will unslash it (fixes '\' character issues). $save = wp_slash( $save ); // Update or Insert. if ( $field_group['ID'] ) { wp_update_post( $save ); } else { $field_group['ID'] = wp_insert_post( $save ); } // Flush field group cache. acf_flush_field_group_cache( $field_group ); /** * Fires immediately after a field group has been updated. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. */ do_action( 'acf/update_field_group', $field_group ); // Return field group. return $field_group; } /** * _acf_apply_unique_field_group_slug * * Allows full control over 'acf-field-group' slugs. * * @date 21/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param string $slug The post slug. * @param int $post_ID Post ID. * @param string $post_status The post status. * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param int $post_parent Post parent ID * @param string $original_slug The original post slug. */ function _acf_apply_unique_field_group_slug( $slug, $post_ID, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent, $original_slug ) { // Check post type and reset to original value. if ( $post_type === 'acf-field-group' ) { return $original_slug; } // Return slug. return $slug; } // Hook into filter. add_filter( 'wp_unique_post_slug', '_acf_apply_unique_field_group_slug', 999, 6 ); /** * acf_flush_field_group_cache * * Deletes all caches for this field group. * * @date 22/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return void */ function acf_flush_field_group_cache( $field_group ) { // Delete stored data. acf_get_store( 'field-groups' )->remove( $field_group['key'] ); // Flush cached post_id for this field group's key. wp_cache_delete( acf_cache_key( "acf_get_field_group_post:key:{$field_group['key']}" ), 'acf' ); // Flush cached array of post_ids for collection of field groups. wp_cache_delete( acf_cache_key( 'acf_get_field_group_posts' ), 'acf' ); } /** * acf_delete_field_group * * Deletes a field group from the database. * * @date 21/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param (int|string) $id The field group ID, key or name. * @return bool True if field group was deleted. */ function acf_delete_field_group( $id = 0 ) { // Disable filters to ensure ACF loads data from DB. acf_disable_filters(); // Get the field_group. $field_group = acf_get_field_group( $id ); // Bail early if field group was not found. if ( ! $field_group || ! $field_group['ID'] ) { return false; } // Delete fields. $fields = acf_get_fields( $field_group ); if ( $fields ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { acf_delete_field( $field['ID'] ); } } // Delete post. wp_delete_post( $field_group['ID'], true ); // Flush field group cache. acf_flush_field_group_cache( $field_group ); /** * Fires immediately after a field group has been deleted. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. */ do_action( 'acf/delete_field_group', $field_group ); // Return true. return true; } /** * acf_trash_field_group * * Trashes a field group from the database. * * @date 2/10/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param (int|string) $id The field group ID, key or name. * @return bool True if field group was trashed. */ function acf_trash_field_group( $id = 0 ) { // Disable filters to ensure ACF loads data from DB. acf_disable_filters(); // Get the field_group. $field_group = acf_get_field_group( $id ); // Bail early if field_group was not found. if ( ! $field_group || ! $field_group['ID'] ) { return false; } // Trash fields. $fields = acf_get_fields( $field_group ); if ( $fields ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { acf_trash_field( $field['ID'] ); } } // Trash post. wp_trash_post( $field_group['ID'], true ); // Flush field group cache. acf_flush_field_group_cache( $field_group ); /** * Fires immediately after a field_group has been trashed. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field_group array. */ do_action( 'acf/trash_field_group', $field_group ); // Return true. return true; } /** * acf_untrash_field_group * * Restores a field_group from the trash. * * @date 2/10/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param (int|string) $id The field_group ID, key or name. * @return bool True if field_group was trashed. */ function acf_untrash_field_group( $id = 0 ) { // Disable filters to ensure ACF loads data from DB. acf_disable_filters(); // Get the field_group. $field_group = acf_get_field_group( $id ); // Bail early if field_group was not found. if ( ! $field_group || ! $field_group['ID'] ) { return false; } // Untrash fields. $fields = acf_get_fields( $field_group ); if ( $fields ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { acf_untrash_field( $field['ID'] ); } } // Untrash post. wp_untrash_post( $field_group['ID'], true ); // Flush field group cache. acf_flush_field_group_cache( $field_group ); /** * Fires immediately after a field_group has been trashed. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field_group array. */ do_action( 'acf/untrash_field_group', $field_group ); // Return true. return true; } /** * Filter callback which returns the previous post_status instead of "draft" for the "acf-field-group" post type. * * Prior to WordPress 5.6.0, this filter was not needed as restored posts were always assigned their original status. * * @since 5.9.5 * * @param string $new_status The new status of the post being restored. * @param int $post_id The ID of the post being restored. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. * @return string. */ function _acf_untrash_field_group_post_status( $new_status, $post_id, $previous_status ) { return ( get_post_type( $post_id ) === 'acf-field-group' ) ? $previous_status : $new_status; } add_action( 'wp_untrash_post_status', '_acf_untrash_field_group_post_status', 10, 3 ); /** * acf_is_field_group * * Returns true if the given params match a field group. * * @date 21/1/19 * @since 5.7.10 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @param mixed $id An optional identifier to search for. * @return bool */ function acf_is_field_group( $field_group = false ) { return ( is_array( $field_group ) && isset( $field_group['key'] ) && isset( $field_group['title'] ) ); } /** * acf_duplicate_field_group * * Duplicates a field group. * * @date 16/06/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param (int|string) $id The field_group ID, key or name. * @param int $new_post_id Optional post ID to override. * @return array The new field group. */ function acf_duplicate_field_group( $id = 0, $new_post_id = 0 ) { // Disable filters to ensure ACF loads data from DB. acf_disable_filters(); // Get the field_group. $field_group = acf_get_field_group( $id ); // Bail early if field_group was not found. if ( ! $field_group || ! $field_group['ID'] ) { return false; } // Get fields. $fields = acf_get_fields( $field_group ); // Update attributes. $field_group['ID'] = $new_post_id; $field_group['key'] = uniqid( 'group_' ); // Add (copy) to title when apropriate. if ( ! $new_post_id ) { $field_group['title'] .= ' (' . __( 'copy', 'acf' ) . ')'; } // When importing a new field group, insert a temporary post and set the field group's ID. // This allows fields to be updated before the field group (field group ID is needed for field parent setting). if ( ! $field_group['ID'] ) { $field_group['ID'] = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_title' => $field_group['key'] ) ); } // Duplicate fields. $duplicates = acf_duplicate_fields( $fields, $field_group['ID'] ); // Save field group. $field_group = acf_update_field_group( $field_group ); /** * Fires immediately after a field_group has been duplicated. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field_group array. */ do_action( 'acf/duplicate_field_group', $field_group ); // return return $field_group; } /** * acf_get_field_group_style * * Returns the CSS styles generated from field group settings. * * @date 20/10/13 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return string. */ function acf_get_field_group_style( $field_group ) { // Vars. $style = ''; $elements = array( 'permalink' => '#edit-slug-box', 'the_content' => '#postdivrich', 'excerpt' => '#postexcerpt', 'custom_fields' => '#postcustom', 'discussion' => '#commentstatusdiv', 'comments' => '#commentsdiv', 'slug' => '#slugdiv', 'author' => '#authordiv', 'format' => '#formatdiv', 'page_attributes' => '#pageparentdiv', 'featured_image' => '#postimagediv', 'revisions' => '#revisionsdiv', 'categories' => '#categorydiv', 'tags' => '#tagsdiv-post_tag', 'send-trackbacks' => '#trackbacksdiv', ); // Loop over field group settings and generate list of selectors to hide. if ( is_array( $field_group['hide_on_screen'] ) ) { $hide = array(); foreach ( $field_group['hide_on_screen'] as $k ) { if ( isset( $elements[ $k ] ) ) { $id = $elements[ $k ]; $hide[] = $id; $hide[] = '#screen-meta label[for=' . substr( $id, 1 ) . '-hide]'; } } $style = implode( ', ', $hide ) . ' {display: none;}'; } /** * Filters the generated CSS styles. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param string $style The CSS styles. * @param array $field_group The field group array. */ return apply_filters( 'acf/get_field_group_style', $style, $field_group ); } /** * acf_get_field_group_edit_link * * Checks if the current user can edit the field group and returns the edit url. * * @date 23/9/18 * @since 5.7.7 * * @param int $post_id The field group ID. * @return string */ function acf_get_field_group_edit_link( $post_id ) { if ( $post_id && acf_current_user_can_admin() ) { return admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $post_id . '&action=edit' ); } return ''; } /** * acf_prepare_field_group_for_export * * Returns a modified field group ready for export. * * @date 11/03/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return array */ function acf_prepare_field_group_for_export( $field_group = array() ) { // Remove args. acf_extract_vars( $field_group, array( 'ID', 'local', '_valid' ) ); // Prepare fields. $field_group['fields'] = acf_prepare_fields_for_export( $field_group['fields'] ); /** * Filters the $field_group array before being returned to the export tool. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The $field group array. */ return apply_filters( 'acf/prepare_field_group_for_export', $field_group ); } /** * acf_prepare_field_group_for_import * * Prepares a field group for the import process. * * @date 21/11/19 * @since 5.8.8 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return array */ function acf_prepare_field_group_for_import( $field_group ) { // Update parent and menu_order properties for all fields. if ( $field_group['fields'] ) { foreach ( $field_group['fields'] as $i => &$field ) { $field['parent'] = $field_group['key']; $field['menu_order'] = $i; } } /** * Filters the $field_group array before being returned to the import tool. * * @date 21/11/19 * @since 5.8.8 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. */ return apply_filters( 'acf/prepare_field_group_for_import', $field_group ); } /** * acf_import_field_group * * Imports a field group into the databse. * * @date 11/03/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field group array. * @return array The new field group. */ function acf_import_field_group( $field_group ) { // Disable filters to ensure data is not modified by local, clone, etc. $filters = acf_disable_filters(); // Validate field group (ensures all settings exist). $field_group = acf_get_valid_field_group( $field_group ); // Prepare group for import (modifies settings). $field_group = acf_prepare_field_group_for_import( $field_group ); // Prepare fields for import (modifies settings). $fields = acf_prepare_fields_for_import( $field_group['fields'] ); // Stores a map of field "key" => "ID". $ids = array(); // If the field group has an ID, review and delete stale fields in the database. if ( $field_group['ID'] ) { // Load database fields. $db_fields = acf_prepare_fields_for_import( acf_get_fields( $field_group ) ); // Generate map of "index" => "key" data. $keys = wp_list_pluck( $fields, 'key' ); // Loop over db fields and delete those who don't exist in $new_fields. foreach ( $db_fields as $field ) { // Add field data to $ids map. $ids[ $field['key'] ] = $field['ID']; // Delete field if not in $keys. if ( ! in_array( $field['key'], $keys ) ) { acf_delete_field( $field['ID'] ); } } } // When importing a new field group, insert a temporary post and set the field group's ID. // This allows fields to be updated before the field group (field group ID is needed for field parent setting). if ( ! $field_group['ID'] ) { $field_group['ID'] = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_title' => $field_group['key'] ) ); } // Add field group data to $ids map. $ids[ $field_group['key'] ] = $field_group['ID']; // Loop over and add fields. if ( $fields ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { // Replace any "key" references with "ID". if ( isset( $ids[ $field['key'] ] ) ) { $field['ID'] = $ids[ $field['key'] ]; } if ( isset( $ids[ $field['parent'] ] ) ) { $field['parent'] = $ids[ $field['parent'] ]; } // Save field. $field = acf_update_field( $field ); // Add field data to $ids map for children. $ids[ $field['key'] ] = $field['ID']; } } // Save field group. $field_group = acf_update_field_group( $field_group ); // Enable filters again. acf_enable_filters( $filters ); /** * Fires immediately after a field_group has been imported. * * @date 12/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param array $field_group The field_group array. */ do_action( 'acf/import_field_group', $field_group ); // return new field group. return $field_group; }