array( 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '', 'expires' => 0, 'token_type' => '', ), 'user_app' => array( 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '', 'expires' => 0, 'token_type' => '', ), 'ad_units' => array(), 'details' => array(), 'alerts' => array(), ); /** * Instance constructor */ private function __construct() { add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads_gadsense_mapi_confirm_code', array( $this, 'ajax_confirm_code' ) ); //add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads_gadsense_mapi_get_adUnits', array( $this, 'ajax_get_adUnits' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads_gadsense_mapi_get_details', array( $this, 'ajax_get_account_details' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads_gadsense_mapi_select_account', array( $this, 'ajax_account_selected' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads_mapi_get_adCode', array( $this, 'ajax_get_adCode' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads-mapi-reconstructed-code', array( $this, 'ajax_save_reconstructed_code' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads-mapi-save-manual-code', array( $this, 'ajax_save_manual_code' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads-mapi-revoke-token', array( $this, 'ajax_revoke_tokken' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads-mapi-get-alerts', array( $this, 'ajax_get_account_alerts' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads-mapi-dismiss-alert', array( $this, 'ajax_dismiss_alert' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads-mapi-dismiss-connect-error', array( $this, 'ajax_dismiss_connect_error' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_advads_adsense_report_refresh', array( 'Advanced_Ads_Overview_Widgets_Callbacks', 'ajax_gadsense_dashboard' ) ); add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'admin_footer' ) ); self::$default_options = array( 'accounts' => array(), 'ad_codes' => array(), 'unsupported_units' => array(), 'quota' => array( 'count' => self::CALL_PER_24H, 'ts' => 0, ), 'connect_error' => array(), ); add_filter( 'advanced-ads-support-messages', array( 'Advanced_Ads_AdSense_MAPI', 'adsense_warnings_check' ) ); add_action( 'wp_loaded', array( $this, 'update_ad_health_notices' ) ); } /** * Update all MAPI related notices. */ public function update_ad_health_notices() { $mapi_options = self::get_option(); $connection_error_messages = self::get_connect_error_messages(); $health_class = Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance(); // Last connection failed. if ( isset ( $mapi_options['connect_error'] ) && ! empty( $mapi_options['connect_error'] ) ) { if ( isset( $connection_error_messages[ $mapi_options['connect_error']['reason'] ] ) ) { $health_class->add( 'adsense_connect_' . $mapi_options['connect_error']['reason'] ); } else { $health_class->add( 'adsense_connect_' . $mapi_options['connect_error']['reason'], array( 'text' => esc_html__( 'Last AdSense account connection attempt failed.', 'advanced-ads' ) . ' ' . $mapi_options['connect_error']['message'], 'type' => 'problem', ) ); } foreach( $health_class->notices as $key => $value ) { // There was already a connection error but the user tried again and obtained another error. if ( false !== stripos( $key, 'adsense_connect_' ) && 'adsense_connect_' . $mapi_options['connect_error']['reason'] !== $key ) { $health_class->remove( $key ); } } } else { // Once a connection has been established (or a the warning has been discarded on the AA settings page), remove connection related notices. foreach( $health_class->notices as $key => $value ) { if ( false !== stripos( $key, 'adsense_connect_' ) ) { $health_class->remove( $key ); } } } $gadsense_data = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $adsense_id = $gadsense_data->get_adsense_id(); $alerts = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_MAPI::get_stored_account_alerts( $adsense_id ); // AdSense account alerts (can not happens simultaneously with the connection error). if ( is_array( $alerts ) && isset( $alerts['items'] ) && is_array( $alerts['items'] ) && $alerts['items'] ) { $alerts_advads_messages = Advanced_Ads_Adsense_MAPI::get_adsense_alert_messages(); $item_ids = array(); foreach ( $alerts['items'] as $internal_id => $item ) { $item_id = isset( $item['id'] ) ? $item['id'] : str_replace( '-', '_', strtoupper( $item['type'] ) ); $item_ids[] = $item_id; if ( isset( $alerts_advads_messages[ $item_id ] ) ) { $health_class->add( 'adsense_alert_' . $item_id ); } else { $health_class->add( 'adsense_alert_' . $item_id, array( 'text' => $item['message'] . ' ' . self::get_adsense_error_link( $item_id ), 'type' => 'problem', ) ); } } // Remove notices that no more exist in the AdSense account (or have been dismissed). $_remove_ids = array(); foreach( $health_class->notices as $key => $value ) { if ( false !== stripos( $key, 'adsense_alert_' ) ) { $alert_id = substr( $key, strlen( 'adsense_alert_' ) ); if ( ! in_array( $alert_id, $item_ids, true ) ) { $_remove_ids[] = $key; } } } foreach( $_remove_ids as $id ) { $health_class->remove( $id ); } } else { // No more alerts. foreach( $health_class->notices as $key => $value ) { if ( false !== stripos( $key, 'adsense_alert_' ) ) { $health_class->remove( $key ); } } } } /** * Discard account connection error */ public function ajax_dismiss_connect_error() { $nonce = isset( $_GET['nonce'] ) ? $_GET['nonce'] : ''; if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ) ) ) { die; } if ( false !== wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'advads-mapi' ) ) { $options = self::get_option(); $options['connect_error'] = array(); update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); echo 1; } die; } /** * Get available quota and eventual message about remaining call */ public function get_quota() { $options = $this->get_option(); $now = time(); if ( self::use_user_app() ) { return array( 'count' => PHP_INT_MAX ); } else { if ( $now > $options['quota']['ts'] + ( 24 * 3600 ) ) { return array( 'count' => self::CALL_PER_24H, ); } else { $msg = $this->get_quota_msg(); return array( 'count' => $options['quota']['count'], 'msg' => $msg, ); } } } /** * Get the readable quota */ public function get_quota_msg() { $options = $this->get_option(); $now = time(); $secs = $options['quota']['ts'] + ( 24 * 3600 ) - $now; $hours = floor( $secs / 3600 ); $mins = ceil( ( $secs - ( $hours * 3600 ) ) / 60 ); if ( 60 == $mins ) { $hours += 1; $mins = 0; } if ( 0 == $options['quota']['count'] ) { $msg = sprintf( /* commented out so that these unused strings don’t show up for translators; using fixed strings instead in case we forget this when we might add the check again later _x( 'No API call left before %1$s %2$s.', 'No call left for the next X hours Y minutes.', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( _n( '%s hour', '%s hours', $hours, 'advanced-ads' ), $hours ), sprintf( _n( '%s minute', '%s minutes', $mins, 'advanced-ads' ), $mins ) */ 'No API call left before %1$s %2$s.', sprintf( '%s hours', $hours ), sprintf( '%s minutes', $mins ) ); if ( 0 == $hours ) { /* commented out so that these unused strings don’t show up for translators; using fixed strings instead in case we forget this when we might add the check again later $msg = sprintf( _x( 'No API call left before %s.', 'No call left for the next X time.', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( _n( '%s minute', '%s minutes', $mins, 'advanced-ads' ), $mins ) ); */ $msg = 'No API call left before.'; } if ( 0 == $mins ) { /* commented out so that these unused strings don’t show up for translators; using fixed strings instead in case we forget this when we might add the check again later $msg = sprintf( _x( 'No API call left before %s.', 'No call left for the next X time.', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( _n( '%s hour', '%s hours', $hours, 'advanced-ads' ), $hours ) ); */ $msg = 'No API call left.'; } } else { $msg = sprintf( /* commented out so that these unused strings don’t show up for translators; using fixed strings instead in case we forget this when we might add the check again later _x( '%1$s for the next %2$s %3$s.', 'Calls remaining for the next X hours Y minutes.', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( _n( '%s API call remaining.', '%s API calls remaining.', $options['quota']['count'], 'advanced-ads' ), $options['quota']['count'] ), sprintf( _n( '%s hour', '%s hours', $hours, 'advanced-ads' ), $hours ), sprintf( _n( '%s minute', '%s minutes', $mins, 'advanced-ads' ), $mins ) */ '%1$s for the next %2$s %3$s', sprintf( '%s API calls remaining', $options['quota']['count'] ), sprintf( '%s hours', $hours ), sprintf( '%s minutes', $mins ) ); if ( 0 == $hours ) { /* commented out so that these unused strings don’t show up for translators; using fixed strings instead in case we forget this when we might add the check again later $msg = sprintf( _x( '%1$s for the next %2$s', 'Calls remaining for the next X time.', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( _n( '%s API call remaining.', '%s API calls remaining.', $options['quota']['count'], 'advanced-ads' ), $options['quota']['count'] ), sprintf( _n( '%s minute', '%s minutes', $mins, 'advanced-ads' ), $mins ) ); */ $msg = sprintf( '%s API calls remaining.', $options['quota']['count'] ); } if ( 0 == $mins ) { /* commented out so that these unused strings don’t show up for translators; using fixed strings instead in case we forget this when we might add the check again later $msg = sprintf( _x( '%1$s for the next %2$s', 'calls remaining for the next X time', 'advanced-ads' ), sprintf( _n( '%s API call remaining', '%s API calls remaining', $options['quota']['count'], 'advanced-ads' ), $options['quota']['count'] ), sprintf( _n( '%s hour', '%s hours', $hours, 'advanced-ads' ), $hours ) ); */ $msg = sprintf( '%1$s for the next %2$s', sprintf( '%s API calls remaining', $options['quota']['count'] ), sprintf( '%s hours', $hours ) ); } } return $msg; } /** * Decrement quota by 1, and return message about remaining call */ public function decrement_quota() { $options = $this->get_option(); if ( 0 < $options['quota']['count'] ) { $options['quota']['count']--; $now = time(); if ( $now > $options['quota']['ts'] + ( 24 * 3600 ) ) { $options['quota']['ts'] = $now; } update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return $this->get_quota_msg(); } } /** * Get ad code from Google fpr a given ad unit * * @param string $ad_unit the ad unit to get the ad code for. * * @return array response to send back to the browser. */ public function get_ad_code( $ad_unit ) { $options = self::get_option(); $gadsense_data = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $adsense_id = $gadsense_data->get_adsense_id(); $unit_id = explode( ':', $ad_unit )[1]; $url = '' . $adsense_id . '/adclients/ca-' . $adsense_id . '/adunits/' . $unit_id . '/adcode'; $access_token = self::get_access_token( $adsense_id ); foreach ( Advanced_Ads_Network_Adsense::get_instance()->get_external_ad_units() as $unit ) { if ( isset( $unit->raw ) && in_array( $unit->raw['contentAdsSettings']['type'], array( 'ARTICLE', 'FEED', 'MATCHED_CONTENT' ), true ) && $ad_unit === $unit->id && ! array_key_exists( $ad_unit, $options['ad_codes'] ) ) { $options['unsupported_units'][ $ad_unit ] = 1; update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => 'doesNotSupportAdUnitType', ); } } if ( ! isset( $access_token['msg'] ) ) { $headers = array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $access_token, ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'headers' => $headers ) ); self::log( 'Get ad code for ad Unit [' . $ad_unit . ']' ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return array( 'status' => false, // translators: %s: ad unit ID. 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Error while retrieving ad code for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $ad_unit ), 'raw' => $response->get_error_message(), ); } $ad_code = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( $ad_code === null || ! isset( $ad_code['adCode'] ) ) { if ( $ad_code['error'] && $ad_code['error']['errors'] && isset( $ad_code['error']['errors'][0]['reason'] ) && $ad_code['error']['errors'][0]['reason'] === 'doesNotSupportAdUnitType' ) { if ( array_key_exists( $ad_unit, $options['ad_codes'] ) && array_key_exists( $ad_unit, $options['unsupported_units'] ) ) { unset( $options['unsupported_units'][ $ad_unit ] ); } else { $options['unsupported_units'][ $ad_unit ] = 1; } update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => 'doesNotSupportAdUnitType', ); } return array( 'status' => false, // translators: %s: ad unit ID. 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Invalid response while retrieving ad code for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $ad_unit ), 'raw' => $response['body'], ); } $options['ad_codes'][ $ad_unit ] = $ad_code['adCode']; if ( isset( $options['unsupported_units'][ $ad_unit ] ) ) { unset( $options['unsupported_units'][ $ad_unit ] ); } update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return $ad_code['adCode']; } // return the original error info return $access_token; } /** * Convert ad unit data to v1.4 format to match the current UI and logics * * @param array $ad_unit ad unit in MAPI v2 format. * * @return array the ad unit in MAPI v1.4 format. */ public static function convert_ad_unit_format( $ad_unit ) { $chunks = explode( '/', $ad_unit['name'] ); return array( 'name' => $ad_unit['displayName'], 'nameV2' => $ad_unit['name'], 'id' => $ad_unit['reportingDimensionId'], 'code' => $chunks[ count( $chunks ) - 1 ], 'status' => $ad_unit['state'], 'contentAdsSettings' => $ad_unit['contentAdsSettings'], 'reportingDimensionId' => $ad_unit['reportingDimensionId'], ); } /** * Get/Update ad unit list for a given client * * @param [string] $account The publisher ID. */ public static function get_ad_units( $account ) { $url = '' . $account . '/adclients/ca-' . $account . '/adunits?pageSize=350'; $access_token = self::get_access_token( $account ); $options = self::get_option(); $page = 1; if ( ! isset( $access_token['msg'] ) ) { $headers = array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $access_token, ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'headers' => $headers ) ); self::log( 'Get ad units list for ca-' . $account ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Error while retrieving adUnits list for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $account ), 'raw' => $response->get_error_message(), ); } else { $resp_body = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( $resp_body === null || ! isset( $resp_body['adUnits'] ) ) { // translators: %s is the publisher ID. $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Invalid response while retrieving adUnits list for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $account ); // check the response for errors and display them for better problem solving. if ( $resp_body && isset( $resp_body['error'] ) && isset( $resp_body['error']['errors'] ) && count( $resp_body['error']['errors'] ) ) { foreach ( $resp_body['error']['errors'] as $err ) { $hint = self::get_adsense_error_hint( $err['reason'] ); if ( $hint ) { $error_message .= "


"; } $error_message .= '

' . __( 'Reason:', 'advanced-ads' ) . ' "' . $err['reason'] . '"
'; $error_message .= __( 'Message:', 'advanced-ads' ) . ' "' . $err['message'] . '"

'; } } return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => $error_message, 'raw' => $response['body'], ); } else { if ( empty( $resp_body['adUnits'] ) ) { return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => sprintf( // translators: %1$s is the AdSense publisher ID; %2$s a starting a tag to the AdSense ad unit list and %3$s the closing link. esc_html__( 'The account "%1$s" does not seem to have any ad units. Please create some %2$shere%3$s.', 'advanced-ads' ), $account, '', '' ), 'raw' => $response['body'], ); } else { // There are more than 350 items in the account. if ( isset( $resp_body['nextPageToken'] ) ) { $page_token = $resp_body['nextPageToken']; $new_ad_units = array(); foreach ( $resp_body['adUnits'] as $item ) { $item = self::convert_ad_unit_format( $item ); $new_ad_units[ $item['id'] ] = $item; } // While there is a next page of results do . . . while ( $page_token ) { $access_token = self::get_access_token( $account ); if ( isset( $access_token['msg'] ) ) { // return the original error info. return $access_token; } $next_url = $url . '&pageToken=' . urlencode( $page_token ); $headers = array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $access_token, ); $response = wp_remote_get( $next_url, array( 'headers' => $headers ) ); self::log( 'Get ad units list for ca-' . $account . ' page ' . $page ); $page++; if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { // An error occurred. Abort. return array( 'status' => false, // translators: the publisher ID. 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Error while retrieving adUnits list for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $account ), 'raw' => $response->get_error_message(), ); } else { $resp_body = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); // Update page token if there are ad units left. $page_token = isset( $resp_body['nextPageToken'] ) ? $resp_body['nextPageToken'] : false; // Add items from this page into the final result. foreach ( $resp_body['adUnits'] as $item ) { $item = self::convert_ad_unit_format( $item ); $new_ad_units[ $item['id'] ] = $item; } } } $options['accounts'][ $account ]['ad_units'] = $new_ad_units; update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return true; } else { // Results fit into a single page (of 350 items). $new_ad_units = array(); foreach ( $resp_body['adUnits'] as $item ) { $item = self::convert_ad_unit_format( $item ); $new_ad_units[ $item['id'] ] = $item; } $options['accounts'][ $account ]['ad_units'] = $new_ad_units; update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return true; } } } } } // return the original error info return $access_token; } /** * Get the appropriate access token (default one or from user's Google app). Update it if needed. * * @return [str]|[array] the token on success, error info (as array) if an error occurred. */ public static function get_access_token( $account ) { $options = self::get_option(); if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $account ] ) ) { if ( self::use_user_app() ) { if ( time() > $options['accounts'][ $account ]['user_app']['expires'] ) { $new_tokens = self::renew_access_token( $account ); if ( $new_tokens['status'] ) { return $new_tokens['access_token']; } else { // return all error info [arr] return $new_tokens; } } else { return $options['accounts'][ $account ]['user_app']['access_token']; } } else { if ( time() > $options['accounts'][ $account ]['default_app']['expires'] ) { $new_tokens = self::renew_access_token( $account ); if ( $new_tokens['status'] ) { return $new_tokens['access_token']; } else { // return all error info [arr] return $new_tokens; } } else { return $options['accounts'][ $account ]['default_app']['access_token']; } } } else { // Account does not exists. if ( ! empty( $options['accounts'] ) ) { // There is another account connected. return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => esc_html__( 'It seems that some changes have been made in the Advanced Ads settings. Please refresh this page.', 'advanced-ads' ), 'reload' => true, ); } else { // No account at all. return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => wp_kses( sprintf( __( 'Advanced Ads does not have access to your account (%s) anymore.', 'advanced-ads' ), $account ), array( 'code' => true ) ), 'reload' => true, ); } } } /** * Renew the current access token. * * @param array $account AdSense account ID. */ public static function renew_access_token( $account ) { $cid = self::CID; $cs = self::CS; $options = self::get_option(); $access_token = $options['accounts'][ $account ]['default_app']['access_token']; $refresh_token = $options['accounts'][ $account ]['default_app']['refresh_token']; if ( self::use_user_app() ) { $gadsense_data = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $_options = $gadsense_data->get_options(); $cid = ADVANCED_ADS_MAPI_CID; $cs = ADVANCED_ADS_MAPI_CIS; $access_token = $options['accounts'][ $account ]['user_app']['access_token']; $refresh_token = $options['accounts'][ $account ]['user_app']['refresh_token']; } $url = ''; $args = array( 'body' => array( 'refresh_token' => $refresh_token, 'client_id' => $cid, 'client_secret' => $cs, 'grant_type' => 'refresh_token', ), ); $response = wp_remote_post( $url, $args ); self::log( 'Refresh access token' ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'error while renewing access token for "%s"', 'advanced-ads' ), $account ), 'raw' => $response->get_error_message(), ); } else { $tokens = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); // checking for the $tokens is not enough. it can be empty. // monitored this, when the access token is revoked from the outside // this can happen, when the user connects from another domain. if ( null !== $tokens && isset($tokens['expires_in']) ) { $expires = time() + absint( $tokens['expires_in'] ); if ( self::use_user_app() ) { $options['accounts'][ $account ]['user_app']['access_token'] = $tokens['access_token']; $options['accounts'][ $account ]['user_app']['expires'] = $expires; } else { $options['accounts'][ $account ]['default_app']['access_token'] = $tokens['access_token']; $options['accounts'][ $account ]['default_app']['expires'] = $expires; } update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); return array( 'status' => true, 'access_token' => $tokens['access_token'], ); } else { return array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => sprintf( // translators: %s AdSense account ID esc_html__( 'invalid response received while renewing access token for "%s"', 'advanced-ads' ), $account ) . ' ' . __( 'You could try to connect again under Advanced Ads > Settings > AdSense.', 'advanced-ads' ), 'raw' => $response['body'], ); } } } /** * Recoke a refresh token */ public function ajax_revoke_tokken() { $nonce = isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) ? $_POST['nonce'] : ''; if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ) ) ) { die; } if ( false !== wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'advads-mapi' ) ) { $adsense_id = stripslashes( $_POST['adsenseId'] ); $options = self::get_option(); if ( self::use_user_app() ) { $token = $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['user_app']['refresh_token']; } else { $token = $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['default_app']['refresh_token']; } $url = '' . $token; $args = array( 'timeout' => 5, 'header' => array( 'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ), ); $response = wp_remote_post( $url, $args ); self::log( 'Revoke API access for ca-' . $adsense_id ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { echo json_encode( array( 'status' => false ) ); } else { // remove all the adsense stats global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'advanced_ads_adsense_report_%';" ); delete_option("advanced-ads-adsense-dashboard-filter"); header( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); unset( $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ] ); update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); echo json_encode( array( 'status' => true ) ); } } die; } /** * When a user manually adds an ad code, save it */ public function ajax_save_manual_code() { if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) ) ) { die(); } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) ? $_REQUEST['nonce'] : '', 'advads-mapi' ) ) { die(); } $publisher_id = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( isset( $_POST['parsed_code']['pubId'] ) ? $_POST['parsed_code']['pubId'] : '' ) ); if ( ! $this->check_valid_publisher( $publisher_id ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'This ad code is from a different AdSense Account', 'advanced-ads' ), ), 400 ); } if ( empty( $_POST['parsed_code']['slotId'] ) || empty( $_POST['raw_code'] ) ) { die(); } static $options; if ( is_null( $options ) ) { $options = self::get_option(); } $slot_id = 'ca-' . $publisher_id . ':' . sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['parsed_code']['slotId'] ) ); // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security $options['ad_codes'][ $slot_id ] = urldecode( $_POST['raw_code'] ); // phpcs:enable if ( array_key_exists( $slot_id, $options['unsupported_units'] ) ) { unset( $options['unsupported_units'][ $slot_id ] ); } wp_send_json_success( array( 'updated' => update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ) ) ); } /** * Check if the provided AdSense Publisher ID matches the saved ID * * @param string $pub AdSense Publisher ID. * * @return bool */ protected function check_valid_publisher( $pub ) { return Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance()->get_adsense_id() === $pub; } /** * Save ad code reconstructed from ad parameters */ public function ajax_save_reconstructed_code() { $nonce = isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) ? $_POST['nonce'] : ''; if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) ) ) { die; } if ( false !== wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'advads-mapi' ) ) { $code = stripslashes( $_POST['code'] ); $slot = stripslashes( $_POST['slot'] ); $gadsense_data = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $adsense_id = $gadsense_data->get_adsense_id(); $options = self::get_option(); $options['ad_codes'][ 'ca-' . $adsense_id . ':' . $slot ] = $code; update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); header( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); echo json_encode( array( 'status' => true ) ); } die; } /** * Get ad code for a given unit */ public function ajax_get_adCode() { if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) ) ) { wp_send_json_error( 'Unauthorized', 401 ); } $post_data = wp_unslash( $_POST ); $nonce = isset( $post_data['nonce'] ) ? $post_data['nonce'] : ''; if ( false !== wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'advads-mapi' ) ) { $unit = stripslashes( $post_data['unit'] ); if ( ! self::use_user_app() ) { $quota = $this->get_quota(); // No more quota left if ( $quota['count'] < 1 ) { $quota_msg = $this->get_quota_msg(); header( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); $quota_msg = $this->get_quota_msg(); echo wp_json_encode( array( 'quota' => 0, 'quotaMsg' => $quota_msg, ) ); die; } } $code = $this->get_ad_code( $unit ); /** * Ad code is returned as string. Otherwise it's an error */ if ( is_string( $code ) ) { $ad_units = array_filter( Advanced_Ads_Network_Adsense::get_instance()->get_external_ad_units(), function ( Advanced_Ads_Ad_Network_Ad_Unit $ad_unit ) use ( $unit ) { return $ad_unit->id === $unit; } ); $ad_unit = reset( $ad_units ); $response = array( 'code' => $code, 'type' => self::format_ad_data( $ad_unit, 'type' ), ); /** * Add quota info for default API creds */ if ( ! self::use_user_app() ) { $quota = $this->get_quota(); $quota_msg = $this->get_quota_msg(); $response['quota'] = $quota['count']; $response['quotaMsg'] = $quota_msg; } header( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); echo wp_json_encode( $response ); } else { // return info about the error header( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); echo wp_json_encode( $code ); } } die; } /** * Dismiss an account alert */ public function ajax_dismiss_alert() { if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ) ) ) { die; } $nonce = isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) ? $_POST['nonce'] : ''; if ( false !== wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'advads-mapi' ) ) { $account = stripslashes( $_POST['account'] ); $id = stripslashes( $_POST['id'] ); $options = self::get_option(); $items = array(); // the account exists. if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $account ] ) ) { // the alert exists. if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts']['items'][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts']['items'][ $id ] ); update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); $items = $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts']['items']; } } header( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); echo json_encode( array( 'status' => true, 'alerts' => $items, 'length' => count( $items ), ) ); } die; } /** * Get / Update the list of alerts on an AdSense account. */ public function ajax_get_account_alerts() { if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_manage_options' ) ) ) { die; } $nonce = isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) ? $_POST['nonce'] : ''; if ( false !== wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'mapi-alerts' ) ) { $account = stripslashes( $_POST['account'] ); $options = self::get_option(); // the account exists. if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $account ] ) && self::has_token( $account ) ) { $access_token = self::get_access_token( $account ); $url = str_replace( 'PUBID', $account, self::ALERTS_URL ); if ( isset( $_POST['inlineAttempt'] ) ) { if ( ! is_array( $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts'] ) ) { $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts'] = array(); } $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts']['inlineAttempt'] = time(); update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); } // the token is valid. if ( ! isset( $access_token['msg'] ) ) { $headers = array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $access_token, ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'headers' => $headers ) ); $this->log( 'Get AdSense alerts for ' . $account ); // the HTTP response is not an error. if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $alerts = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); // the response body is valid. if ( is_array( $alerts ) && isset( $alerts['alerts'] ) ) { $items = array(); foreach ( $alerts['alerts'] as $item ) { // Do not store alerts of type "INFO". if ( strcasecmp( $item['severity'], 'INFO' ) !== 0 ) { $items[ wp_generate_password( 6, false ) ] = $item; } } // filter alerts that are not relevant to the user $items = self::filter_account_alerts( $items ); $alerts_array = array( 'items' => $items , 'lastCheck' => time(), ); $options['accounts'][ $account ]['alerts'] = $alerts_array; update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); $results = array( 'status' => true, 'alerts' => $items, 'length' => count( $items ), ); header( 'Content-Type:application/json' ); echo wp_json_encode( $results ); } else { $results = array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => esc_html__( 'Invalid response body while retrieving account alerts', 'advanced-ads' ), ); header( 'Content-Type:application/json' ); echo wp_json_encode( $results ); } } else { $results = array( 'status' => false, 'msg' => esc_html__( 'error while retrieving account alerts', 'advanced-ads' ), 'raw' => $response->get_error_message(), ); header( 'Content-Type:application/json' ); echo wp_json_encode( $results ); } } else { // return the original error info return $access_token; } } else { header( 'Content-Type:application/json' ); echo wp_json_encode( array( 'status' => false ) ); } } die; } /** * Get / Update the ad unit list for a given ad client. The corresponding $name ) { $results[ $name ] = $units_by_id[ $id ]; } return $results; } /** * Format ad type and size strings from Google for display * * @param Advanced_Ads_Ad_Network_Ad_Unit $ad_unit the ad unit for which to format the details. * @param string $format takes either type or size. * * @return string */ public static function format_ad_data( Advanced_Ads_Ad_Network_Ad_Unit $ad_unit, $format = 'type' ) { if ( 'type' === $format ) { $str = $ad_unit->display_type; $options = self::get_option(); if ( array_key_exists( $ad_unit->id, $options['ad_codes'] ) ) { preg_match_all( '/data-ad-format="(?.+?)"|data-ad-layout="(?.+?)"/', $options['ad_codes'][ $ad_unit->id ], $matches ); $format = array_filter( $matches['format'] ); $layout = array_filter( $matches['layout'] ); $format = reset( $format ); $layout = reset( $layout ); if ( empty( $format ) ) { $format = ''; } if ( empty( $layout ) ) { $layout = ''; } if ( 'autorelaxed' === $format ) { $str = _x( 'Matched Content', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); } elseif ( 'fluid' === $format ) { if ( 'in-article' === $layout ) { $str = _x( 'In-article', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); } else { $str = _x( 'In-feed', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); } } } switch ( $str ) { case 'DISPLAY': $str = _x( 'Display', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); break; case 'LINK': $str = _x( 'Link', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); break; case 'MATCHED_CONTENT': $str = _x( 'Matched Content', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); break; case 'ARTICLE': $str = _x( 'In-article', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); break; case 'FEED': $str = _x( 'In-feed', 'AdSense ad type', 'advanced-ads' ); break; case 'TYPE_UNSPECIFIED': default: } } elseif ( 'size' === $format ) { // size. $str = $ad_unit->display_size === '1x3' ? 'Responsive' : $ad_unit->display_size; if ( strpos( $str, 'SIZE_' ) === 0 ) { $str = str_replace( '_', 'x', substr( $str, 5 ) ); } $str = ucfirst( strtolower( $str ) ); } else { $str = ''; } return $str; } /** * Check if the credential are the default ones or from user's app */ public static function use_user_app() { if ( ( defined( 'ADVANCED_ADS_MAPI_CID' ) && '' != ADVANCED_ADS_MAPI_CID ) && ( defined( 'ADVANCED_ADS_MAPI_CIS' ) && '' != ADVANCED_ADS_MAPI_CIS ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static function has_token( $adsense_id = '' ) { if ( empty( $adsense_id ) ) { return false; } $has_token = false; $options = self::get_option(); if ( self::use_user_app() ) { if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ] ) && ! empty( $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['user_app']['refresh_token'] ) ) { $has_token = true; } } else { if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ] ) && ! empty( $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['default_app']['refresh_token'] ) ) { $has_token = true; } } return $has_token; } /** * Save token obtained from confirmation code * * @param string $token access token data. * @param array $details selected account details. */ public static function save_token_from_data( $token, $details ) { $options = self::get_option(); $adsense_id = isset( $details['id'] ) ? $details['id'] : explode( '/', $details['name'] )[1]; if ( ! isset( $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ] ) ) { $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ] = self::$empty_account_data; } if ( self::use_user_app() ) { $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['user_app'] = array( 'access_token' => $token['access_token'], 'refresh_token' => $token['refresh_token'], 'expires' => $token['expires'], 'token_type' => $token['token_type'], ); } else { $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['default_app'] = array( 'access_token' => $token['access_token'], 'refresh_token' => $token['refresh_token'], 'expires' => $token['expires'], 'token_type' => $token['token_type'], ); } $options['accounts'][ $adsense_id ]['details'] = array( 'id' => $adsense_id, 'name' => isset( $details['displayName'] ) ? $details['displayName'] : $details['name'], ); update_option( self::OPTNAME, $options ); $gadsense_data = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $gadsense_options = $gadsense_data->get_options(); $gadsense_options['adsense-id'] = $adsense_id; update_option( GADSENSE_OPT_NAME, $gadsense_options ); } /** * Get a list of stored alerts for a given AdSense account. * * @param string $pub_id the publisher account. * @return array $alerts */ public static function get_stored_account_alerts( $pub_id = '' ) { if ( empty( $pub_id ) ) { return false; } $options = self::get_option(); if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $pub_id ] ) ) { if ( isset( $options['accounts'][ $pub_id ]['alerts'] ) && is_array( $options['accounts'][ $pub_id ]['alerts'] ) ) { $alerts = $options['accounts'][ $pub_id ]['alerts']; return self::filter_stored_account_alerts( $alerts ); } else { return array(); } } return false; } /** * We filter out specific alerts from the AdSense account when they are * - duplicates * - irrelevant when placing ads in the frontend * * @param array $alert_items alerts. * @param null|array $disabled_alerts additional disabled alerts. * @return array filtered alert items. */ public static function filter_account_alerts( array $alert_items, $disabled_alerts = null ) { if ( empty( $alert_items ) || ! is_array( $alert_items ) ) { return $alert_items; } // the message IDs we don’t even import from AdSense $disabled_adsense_alerts = array( 'SELLERS_JSON_CONSENT', // AdSense message: We encourage you to publish your seller information in the Google sellers.json file. Visit the account settings page to review your current visibility status. 'REPORTING_HORIZON_LEGACY_DATA_NOTICE', // AdSense message: Data older than three years is no longer available in Reporting. This data can be downloaded for a limited time. ); // additional messages to disable. Useful if the function is used in different situations if ( ! empty( $disabled_alerts ) && is_array( $disabled_alerts ) ) { $disabled_adsense_alerts = array_merge( $disabled_adsense_alerts, $disabled_alerts ); } // remove alerts based on specific IDs foreach ( $alert_items as $internal_id => $item ) { if ( ( isset( $item['id'] ) && in_array( $item['id'], $disabled_adsense_alerts, true ) ) || ( isset( $item['type'] ) && in_array( str_replace( '-', '_', strtoupper( $item['type'] ) ), $disabled_adsense_alerts, true ) ) ) { unset( $alert_items[ $internal_id ] ); } } return $alert_items; } /** * Remove alerts dynamically when showing them. * only applies to stored alerts and not when they are loaded directly from AdSense * * @param array $alerts Alert options. * @return array $alerts Modified alert options. */ public static function filter_stored_account_alerts( array $alerts ) { if ( empty( $alerts['items'] ) || ! is_array( $alerts['items'] ) ) { return $alerts; } $disabled_alerts = array(); /** * Asside from the basic filter, we also filter out some messages only from showing up while we still import them * This allows us to show them only under related conditions */ // Remove `ads.txt` related alerts if the file is displayed to visitors. if ( Advanced_Ads_Ads_Txt_Admin::is_displayed() ) { $disabled_alerts = array( 'ALERT_TYPE_ADS_TXT_UNAUTHORIZED', 'ADS_TXT_MISSING', 'ADS_TXT_ISSUES' ); } // filter alerts $alerts['items'] = self::filter_account_alerts( $alerts['items'], $disabled_alerts ); return $alerts; } /** * Checks if there is any AdSense warning for the currently connected AdSense account. * * @param array $messages The array of messages. * * @return array The modified array. */ public static function adsense_warnings_check( $messages ) { $data = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance(); $adsense_id = $data->get_adsense_id(); $alerts = self::get_stored_account_alerts( $adsense_id ); if ( !is_array( $messages ) ) { $messages = array(); } if ( !empty( $alerts ) && !empty( $alerts['items'] ) ) { $messages[] = sprintf( wp_kses( __( 'There are one or more warnings about the currently linked AdSense account. You can view them here', 'advanced-ads' ), array( 'a' => array( 'href' => true ) ) ), esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings#top#adsense' ) ) ); } return $messages; } /** * Get the class's option */ public static function get_option() { $options = get_option( self::OPTNAME, array() ); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $options = array(); } return $options + self::$default_options; } /** * Get the URL to the AdSense error page * * @param string $code Add the error code to the URL. * * @return string The entire text with the url. */ public static function get_adsense_error_link( $code = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $code ) ) { $code = '-' . $code; } $link = sprintf( // translators: %1$s is an anchor (link) opening tag, %2$s is the closing tag. esc_attr__( 'Learn more about AdSense account issues %1$shere%2$s.', 'advanced-ads' ), '', '' ); return $link; } /** * Get custom account connection error message list. */ public static function get_connect_error_messages() { $health_class = Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance(); $messages = array(); foreach( $health_class->default_notices as $key => $value ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'adsense_connect_' ) ) { $messages[ substr( $key, strlen( 'adsense_connect_' ) ) ] = $value['text']; } } return $messages; } /** * Get custom messages for AdSense alerts. */ public static function get_adsense_alert_messages() { $health_class = Advanced_Ads_Ad_Health_Notices::get_instance(); $messages = array(); foreach( $health_class->default_notices as $key => $value ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'adsense_alert_' ) ) { $messages[ substr( $key, strlen( 'adsense_alert_' ) ) ] = $value['text']; } } return $messages; } public static function get_instance() { if ( null == self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Get a hint for an error object that was received from AdSense * @param $reason string the reason from the response's error * @return string|void if there is a hint for this reason, a string containing the hint will be returned. */ public static final function get_adsense_error_hint($reason){ switch($reason){ case "authError": /* translators: 1:A link to the settings page translators: 2:The name of an ad network */ return sprintf(__( 'Please try to reconnect to your %2$s account.', 'advanced-ads' ), admin_url( 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings#top#adsense' ), 'AdSense'); } } }